Diamond Dust (14 page)

Read Diamond Dust Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Werecats, #Shifters, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Werewolves, #Adult, #Werebears

BOOK: Diamond Dust
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No. She wasn’t about to become some kind of
political advantage
and hand over sexual treats on the side. Not if Tyler didn’t man up and admit he wanted both her and her help.

Why couldn’t someone want her for

She kept her woe-is-me sighing to a minimum, but the truth remained. After spending so long around shifters, after knowing how she had to act to impress them, she was tired of being taken for granted.

Evan suggested she trust her gut instincts. Right now her instincts told her there was a big
game about to go down, and she wasn’t sure she was up for more playing.

The realization should have scared her out of her mind.

They were still about ten minutes from their destination when Justin broke the silence. “Tyler updated you on all the clans you’ll see tonight?”

Caroline twisted to stare at Tyler. “Gee, no. Was he supposed to?”

Tyler’s gaze narrowed in warning. The rampant who-gives-a-shit rising inside made her glare back.

Justin cleared his throat. “Well, yes. But—”

“Tell her,” Tyler cut in.

Justin held up his hands, eight fingers raised. “The vote today was between eight clans. Four go on to the next round, and it’s almost a given which they will be when the count is completed tonight.”

He dropped one hand and flicked fingertips as he named names. “Harrison, Ainsworth, Nakusp and Halcyon. Each time we vote, the clans who are eliminated become a bigger factor. It makes a difference who they rally behind. Tyler has his supporters, but unfortunately so does Ainsworth.”

“Makes sense. Who will be here tonight?”

“All eight clans from today’s vote.”

Caroline tossed her mad away and focused on Tyler. “You hope to convince some of Ainsworth’s followers to switch sides?”

Tyler shook his head. “Unlikely. Even if they wanted to, he’s got a tight-fisted grip on most of their lives. No one will attempt to rock his boat from the inside.”

She wasn’t getting this. “We are talking Canadian shifters, right? You make it sound as if he’s got his clan in slavery.”

“You think people have to live in foreign countries to be cruel tyrants?” Tyler snapped, and Caroline blanched.

“Gently, Tyler,” Justin admonished. “She’s used to dealing with wolves.”

Wolves who, it appeared, were some of the best controlled in the land. Evan had been doing a wonderful job—she had to remember to let him know that.

Caroline’s doubts rose, yet there was no time to turn the boat around and retreat as the car passed through enormous rock-hewn gates. “Top three people we want to impress?”

Tyler spoke softer than a moment ago. “Definitely Nakusp. He’ll be part of the final four, but chances are high we’ll end up going for a final two, and we’ll need Nakusp on our side. Talk to his wife, get close to her, and see what topics she’s heard him mention as key interests.”

“Liard is a loose cannon—they tend to switch votes in every round and play games until even they don’t know what they’ll do next.” Justin touched the fading bruise on his temple. “They can get rough while playing, so be extra careful around them.”

Tyler nodded. “Also, Halcyon already mentioned he’d support me. I’d like confirmation the offer is still in place.”

The limo pulled to a stop as Caroline tucked the names into her brain. Justin slipped out the door, but when she would have followed Tyler held her back.

“I hope we avoid any wild antics tonight, but in case things go wrong, retreat to a safe corner and I’ll be there as fast as I can to help you. Understand?”

Goodie. They would keep this totally on the professional level. Her disappointment was complete. “Yes, sir.”

Tyler caught her fingers in his, stroking her knuckles with his free hand. “Caroline, I’m sorry for upsetting you.”

Whoa. A guy who apologized? Hope rose slightly that the evening wouldn’t end up a total fail in the personal department. “Really?”

He nodded. “I should have explained ahead of time what was going on. You need to know who to talk to. Who to gather information from.”


Well, yes, that was another place where he’d gone wrong, but the shadow of sadness inside her grew as she stomped her attraction into a tiny little box and duct-taped the lid shut. “I might have good instincts, but information helps.”

She wiggled, heading for the door. He refused to release her fingers.

“Wait.” Tyler paused until she faced him again.

Damn, why did his eyes have to have that mesmerizing quality to them? “What?”

There was no smile on his face, just full-out commanding concentration. “I expect you will behave properly in public.”

Oh no. He did not go there. “Excuse me?”

“As far as any of the clans know, you are here as my date. As such, I expect you to remain by my side when appropriate. If I take you by the hand or embrace you, there will be no negative responses on your part.”

His words rattled in her brain as she attempted to line this up with his earlier comments. The ones he’d pantingly got out about Political Necessity etc. etc. “Are you serious? You do realize I got invitations from damn near every one of the other clans to join them. Are you telling me they expected me to be their dates?”

“I have no idea what their intentions were. These are mine. You will be introduced as my date.”

Caroline caught herself growling. “You didn’t think this was important to tell me back when you were ogling me at the lingerie shop? When you specifically told me this was business?”

“I was…distracted.”

“You were an asshole,” she snapped.

He frowned. “That’s exactly what cannot happen. Do not speak disrespectfully to me while in clan presence.”

“How about I get it out of my system, then?” Temper flaring, she yanked her hand free then poked him in the chest, once for each word. “Make. Up. Your. Bloody. Mind. We’re not dating, but you expect me to, what? Fawn over you like I’m some kind of arm candy for you to show off? You say you want my help and then you basically insult me with your warnings? You’re a jerk, Tyler Harrison.”

He folded his arms and stared her down.

“Justin is waiting outside.” She pointed out. “We should go.”

“You’re deliberately misunderstanding me…” he pulled a box off the back window ledge, “…and we don’t have time for more discussion. Put these on.”

She jerked open the slim case to discover a set of dazzling diamond jewelry. “What in the world?”

“Family workmanship. You will, of course, wear a sample of our craft any time we are in public.” She was still staring at the earrings and ring even as Tyler pulled the necklace free. “Turn your back so I can put this on you.”

Whoa. “Diamonds?”

“I’m the head of Dzinsen Diamonds. I assumed you knew.”

“You assume a lot of things.” Migrating moose on a pogo stick. She couldn’t even begin to estimate the value of what he’d so casually tossed her direction.

The cool weight of the stones landed on her chest, and again Caroline was caught off guard. She ignored the warnings, and the words of frustration she wanted to speak, instead removing her plain pearl earrings and replacing them with the dangling falls of diamonds, long enough they brushed her neck when she twisted her head.

Tyler had her hand, and before she could protest, he slipped on the immense ring that was part of the set. The motion made her uncomfortable for so many reasons.

Tyler’s face was unreadable. When he brushed her cheek she twitched before deliberately relaxing with a long exhale. He nodded in approval, his finger continuing down the side of her neck then along the cluster of shimmering diamonds. The end of the cascade nestled between her breasts, and she skipped a breath as his touch lingered there.

Why did she have to be so attracted to the damn beast when it was obvious he wasn’t a good match for her future?

He lifted his gaze to meet hers, and for a moment, just a moment, there was something there other than professionalism. Then a shadow rolled in, like he’d lowered a curtain, and the cool, collected man without a trace of humour was back.

Caroline pushed her questions aside and exited the limo. The only thing she was sure about was this evening was more complicated than she’d expected, and they were only starting.

Chapter Ten


He’d dealt with Caroline all wrong, but there was no changing the past few hours. No time to thrash himself for being an ass instead of allowing the fascination between them to run its course naturally.

Knowing why he’d been an idiot was one matter. Fixing his mistake was another, and in the middle of escorting her into the presence of his enemies wasn’t the time for self-flagellation.

The cool of the evening settled around them with the warning that even now winter was on its way. Caroline held his arm, but all her focus was on her feet as he guided her up stairs formed from vast chunks of granite.

Tyler tucked his elbow in, trapping her fingers between his arm and his warm torso. Her fingers rubbed the fine fabric of his suit, and he bit back his hum of approval. She was enjoying the intimacy of their position. There was no denying her body’s response. Even though she’d fussed and told him no, she was still interested.

He wouldn’t act on it immediately, but knowing the attraction was still there made him hopeful he hadn’t mucked up beyond all repair. Once they were in a better position to do something about their mutual fascination.

White-suited attendants opened doors and took her wrap. Justin crowded close as they were led out of the grand foyer toward open doors at least ten feet tall.

If an attendant had banged a mallet on the floor and announced their names
a la
royalty, he wouldn’t have been surprised. Their hosts for the evening had pulled out all the stops to make an impression.

The magnificent hall they entered was filled with delicate music, a four-piece ensemble tucked into the corner providing a live performance. The sparkle and shine of jewels twinkled everywhere. He bet Caroline had never seen a setting like this outside of a movie.

He was right. She whistled softly before muttering, “We’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto.”

“What’s that?” Tyler leaned toward her, eager for a closer touch.

Caroline placed her lips an inch from his ear. “This is more elaborate than I expected.”

Tyler rested his fingers on her hand and squeezed reassuringly. “You can handle it. I know you can.”

She was tense, though. He regretted more than ever his screw-up during the planning portion of the evening. His bear snorted, pointing out that so far she hadn’t seemed to fail when it came to going completely on impulse.

“Tyler. There you are.”

Tyler turned them both to face the young man stepping closer, an impeccably dressed redhead on his arm. He spoke softly before the couple could reach them. “Jim and Lillie Halcyon. Our hosts.”

“Got it.” Caroline nodded, her face lighting up with an incredible smile.

Hosts, and his promised supporter. From Jim’s enthusiastic approach, it appeared the positive sentiment was still there. The men shook hands before Tyler introduced her. “Jim, Lillie. I don’t know if you’ve met Caroline Bradley before. She’s also local to Whitehorse.”

Jim lifted Caroline’s hand and kissed her fingers, his gaze pinned to her face. “I haven’t had the pleasure.”

Caroline remained polite, but her gaze darted between Jim’s wife and Tyler to see their reaction to what must have felt like an over-the-top greeting.

Lillie didn’t seem the least bit concerned, and Tyler made sure his own response remained neutral. Old-world charm was another built-in response bears used to stay in control.

In fact, their hostess clapped her hands in delight. “It’s lovely to finally meet you. I have heard your name. You spend time with the local wolves, correct?”

Caroline’s smile now contained a hint of amusement. “The Takhini pack and I go way back.”

Lillie threaded her arm around Caroline. “Let’s go find somewhere to chat, so the guys can do the political wrangling they are longing to get into.”

“They only just got here,” Jim admonished. “We can’t monopolize them this quickly.”

Lillie sighed dramatically as she released Caroline, and Caroline laughed.

Even as he corrected her, Jim made his words softer by pulling Lillie close and kissing her cheek. The honest affection between them confirmed what Tyler had heard. It also made him slip against Caroline, sliding a hand around her waist.

She tensed for a second before adjusting her stance to press closer. One palm skimmed his chest in plain view of their hosts as she adjusted his tie with familiarity. Warmth spread from where her breast nudged his open dinner jacket.

He wasn’t sure he liked how good she was at picking up clues, or if her astute moves would kill him by the end of the evening.

Caroline turned to Lillie. “Tell you what. After we’ve made our rounds, I’d love to join you.”

Lillie smiled. “I’ll be here.”

Jim motioned to the door. “Here, or somewhere close to here. We have more guests. Tyler”—he nodded briskly—“I look forward to visiting later as well. When you have time for a serious discussion.”

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