Diamond Dust (10 page)

Read Diamond Dust Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Werecats, #Shifters, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Werewolves, #Adult, #Werebears

BOOK: Diamond Dust
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She curled against him, and he held her tight, her warmth settling on his chest like a cuddly kitten, without the sneeze-inducing allergies. Having her there only increased his confusion, though, as he fought the urge to blurt out the questions flooding his brain.

Instead, he soaked in the companionship she offered, the deep comfort of holding someone who cared for him, who was part of his family. Turning it into a pack issue saved his butt and put things into perspective. He could ache for her without the feelings turning sexual.

Which made it easier to cradle her until she finally sighed, far more relaxed than when she’d basically thrown herself into his arms.

“Better?” he asked.

“Yes.” She leaned back and smiled. “Oh, what a tangled mess I’ve gotten myself into.”

“Really.” Evan considered the dozen emails sitting on the computer and wondered if she already knew, or if they were in addition to her troubles. One thing he had to ask. “Does the tangle involve bears? I mean, at least one male bear?”

She laughed, backing out of his arms. “I had a shower last night, and this morning. I used shampoo, conditioner and body wash, and you can still smell him?”

“That’s not an answer. An answer would involve name and clan affiliation. And a detailed list of why you smell like him after the scrub down. Or don’t I want to know?” He leered.

Damn if she didn’t flush. “Nothing happened.”

?” He brushed a fingertip over what he would have sworn was a hickey on her neck.

“Nothing much, at least.” Caroline collapsed back into her computer chair and stared at the ceiling. “I swear you guys are so damn complicated. I’m doing a Google search for a part of the world where there are no shifters and holidaying there, first chance I get.”

“New York City is shifter free.”

She snapped halfway upright. “You’re shitting me.”

He grinned. “Yeah, I am. Sorry, Caro, you’re stuck as one of the most shifter-educated humans in the world. You get to enjoy our glory no matter where you go.”


He pulled a chair up beside her. “Want to talk about it?”

“Not really.”

“I think we should.”

She stared him down. “Did you get an email this morning naming you master of the universe concerning my life?”

“You were expecting emails?” Because if she was expecting them, that changed everything.

Only she frowned. “Emails—no, one email. From…” She spun toward the computer and shifted the mouse to wake the screen. “Holy shit, what are all those?”

“Emails to the hotel-slash-Takhini pack with the subject line
Regarding Caroline Bradley
Urgent request for C. Bradley
and my personal fav…” He leaned over and clicked open one of the messages.

Caroline leapt back as a GIF flashed across the screen showing a nearly naked male, hips pulsing in what he must consider a sexy move with the words
make my day, baby
pasted across the bottom of the picture.

“That one is from Clan Miette. Classy.”

“Oh my God, what is going on, Evan?”

“You seem to have done something last night that impressed or freaked out, I’m not sure which, all of the visiting bear clans. You’ve now been asked to join…” Evan slid his finger down the computer face and counted, “…wow, it’s up to fourteen different clans as an ‘interested party to the proceedings’. You want to tell me what this
tangled mess
you mentioned involves? Because it looks as if you’ve hauled the Takhini pack full force into the bear conclave, whether that was your intention or not.”

“I didn’t do anything…” he gave her a look, “…out of the ordinary. Stop that. You know I don’t make trouble for trouble’s sake. That’s Shaun’s job.”

“True.” He moved toward the coffee machine.

“I interrupted a rumble during dinner. Lance and Toby are on the shitlist, by the way.”

“That’s not unusual news either. I take it the fight involved bears?”

“Yes. I was out with Frank at the time.”

His hands jerked, and Evan slopped coffee over the edge of the cup. “Whoa. Really? You and Frank?”

He didn’t want to picture it. Not the big, rustic, half-wild visitor.

She snatched the cup from him and gave him a glare. “No, you dirty-minded shifter. I was not fooling around with Frank. Good grief.”

“Well, that makes it so much better. Which bear were you fooling around with?” Not that he was jealous or anything.


She sighed. “Frank’s brother kissed me. He’s rather exasperating, in this sexy, overbearing, luggish way.”

“You do like them luggish.”

“Ha!” She lost her pout. “You should know. Neanderthal.”

He nodded slowly. “Okay, this makes more sense. You did something hugely unexpected and out of character for a human, followed by showing a marked interest in one of the powerhouses involved in conclave. Now all the clans are taking a shot at you in the hopes of neutralizing whatever advantage you bring forward, if nothing else.”

She stared at him. “You’re joking. It was a public dinner with Tyler, his bodyguard and his brother, and one bloody kiss—that no one saw, I might add.”

“I’m not so sure. Check the fifth email.”

She scrambled for the mouse, swearing as that particular email turned out to have an attachment link to a newsletter.
Be Bear Aware
. “This is some kind of joke.”

“Well, they don’t have great skills as paparazzi, but I think that grainy JPEG is you and him sharing a memorable first date on the park bench. Once again—classy. You should have told me I needed to wine and dine you more.”

“Asshole.” She pointed at the screen. “We weren’t doing anything but sitting. The kiss happened…elsewhere.”

“Doesn’t matter where, it happened and word got out. So the question becomes, what are you going to do about it?”


So much for her nice, simple life. Every hour that passed seemed to bring more twists to the program instead of less. “I need to brainstorm with you. I need your perspective, okay?”

Evan lowered himself into his favourite leather chair, draping a leg over the arm. “Storm away.”

“I could say no to them all. Remain neutral.” She pressed back into her computer chair, rocking it slowly. “That’s one solution.”

“Remaining out of the picture is one choice.” He eyed her. “Is that really an option, though?”

“What do you mean?”

He took a long obvious sniff.

She wished baring her teeth and growling would make an impact on his stupid ass. Instead she threw a pen at him. “Stop that. Yes, even though one of the clan leaders kissed me, we’re not handfasted or something. I could delete all the messages or politely tell them I’m otherwise occupied.”

“Okay, so what’s the advantage of you staying out of it?”

She thought longingly of a sun-scorched beach. “I can keep up with my job here at the hotel and help you find your mate.”

“Hmm. Both worthy tasks. What’s the advantage of you getting involved with the bruins?”

She was trapped. “Damn it, Evan. Being a part of the conclave is like a front-row seat to keeping the pack informed and safe. And last night…”

The information Tyler had shared regarding why conclave was so important had made sense. There were shifters out there she didn’t want in control of anything bigger than a toaster.

Evan’s foot bounced as he scratched his chin. “I see lots of reasons why it’s a good thing, Caro, you accepting an invite. This is bigger than me and my current issue, or the hotel for that matter. If you’re willing to sacrifice some personal time and suffer through political bullshit for a week, I think it’s worthwhile for the pack. But I’m a little biased.”

“Well, yeah you are, but you’re also right. This is big, and I’d be stupid to ignore the opportunity.”

He cleared his throat. “Then you simply need to decide which one of your bear beaus you want to go to the ball with.”

“Shut up.” She tapped the arm of her chair with her fingertips as she considered. “How much do you know about Tyler?”

“Other than you swapped spit?”

Gah. “You are so annoying at times.”

He grinned. “You love me, you know you do.”

In her way, she did. “Tyler shared information last night that made me think he’s one of the good guys. Does what you know line up with my instant appraisal?”

Evan leaned forward, his expression sharpening. “I checked out all the clans before conclave moved. He’s clean from what I could find. Hard working and runs a fair company. Head of his family. No shifter issues in his territory, unlike the reports from a few others. This might be your decision, but you are not getting involved with Clan Ainsworth or Lucerne. I won’t allow it.”

Well. “You won’t allow it. Really.”

He rose to tower over her. “You might not be in my bed anymore, but you’re still mine. I forbid you to get involved with anyone I suspect cares less for your survival than what they can squeeze from you in short-term benefits.”

As a human, his shifter power didn’t hit her the same way it would affect a fellow wolf. Didn’t mean she couldn’t feel the effects, especially when like now, he had his dominance cranked on full blast.

To a human who’d never experienced it before, even a gentle touch could make them uncomfortable. Perhaps have them running from the room as if they’d felt a ghost. Caroline stiffened her spine. She raised an arm to admire the way her hair stood straight on end. “Whoa, you’re like a twelve on the Richter scale with that order.”

“I don’t want you dead.”

again. She laid her hand on his and tried to soothe him. “Hey, this is me. You don’t need to get all growly so I’ll listen to reason. Don’t make the situation bigger and scarier than it has to be for shock value.”

He shook his head. “You’re not getting it. If anything, I’m playing down the dangers. Yes, I’d love to have you as a fly on the wall to keep things safe for Takhini, but these are bears, Caroline. For all my and Shaun’s joking about the ‘wimpy bears voting instead of ripping out throats like us macho wolves’, there’s a reason they moved to this method. It saves a fuck-ton of lives. This won’t be a walk in the park. You will be vulnerable, and if something happened to you, I’d never forgive myself.”

Caroline nodded slowly. She touched his face. “I’ll be careful, and I’ll take this seriously. And if I feel as if it’s getting too much for me at anytime, I’ll step aside, okay?”

“Promise me.”

Evan turned down the Alpha vibes and her body stopped pulsating.

She raised her hand in the air, palm forward. “I solemnly swear I will protect my ass at all times.”

He narrowed his gaze. “Well…maybe that will do.”

She flipped her hand around and turned the vow into one, lone finger.

“Don’t push me, Evan. I’ve had a seriously weird twenty-four hours.” He raised a brow, all Spock-like and she snorted. “Okay, fine, you’re in the same boat, and you don’t even have a paddle.”

He laid his arm around her shoulders and tugged her in, resting his chin on her head. “We’ll get through this, you and I. We’re strong, we’re smart.”

“And we don’t take shit from anyone.” Caroline squeezed him tight. The path had turned the corner, and she was almost at the point she’d be able to spot the coming obstacles.

Because if she’d learned anything, obstacles went with the territory.

Evan pushed her toward the computer. “You’re going to accept Tyler’s offer, I presume.”

She glanced down the list of names, shocked to see them all. “If we eliminate the ones you know are rotters, should I do more research before accepting anyone?”

He paused. “What’s your gut telling you?”

Tyler’s deep rumbled words about instincts flashed through her brain, bringing the smooth slide of sexual anticipation along for the ride. “You don’t want to know my gut right now.”

“I love it,” Evan chortled. “You are such a weird human.”

“Enough.” Caroline dragged her hands through her hair—one of the fidgets of frustration she’d learned from Evan. “Who am I kidding, though? What Tyler said to me last night regarding power seemed completely honourable. The fact he’s attractive isn’t a hardship.” She glanced at Evan. “I’m not trying to replace you. I hope you know that.”

He seemed lost for a moment before his face brightened with comprehension. “Oh, Caro, you don’t have to explain away animal attraction or justify getting involved with another guy. There’s no statute of limitations that wolves adhere to.”

“I don’t need to go through a period of mourning before hopping into another man’s bed?”

He laughed. “I’m not dead, and neither are you. Stop worrying about if you and Mr. Teddybear are going to fuck around. Worry about how to survive whatever weird things bears do.”

His phone went off, and Evan answered it, swearing starting shortly after he lifted it to his ear.

“One second.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I gotta run. Someone mucked up the kitchen orders and the chef is getting spirited.”

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