Devotion (The Seductors Series Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Devotion (The Seductors Series Book 3)
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I loved spending time in Macon with Oliver and his family, but I was glad once we got back to New York. I had him all to myself, and as selfish as it sounded, I loved it when we were alone. New York held the most memories for me with him.

“I think your uncle is warming to me,” I mused as we sat eating the dinner that Mrs. Davis had prepared for us. “He actually wished me a safe trip when we left this morning.”

“It’s definitely progress,” Oliver chuckled.

“Now that we’re back in New York, you need to tell me what you want to do for your birthday. It’s only a few weeks away.”

“Well, we are fucking on my desk at work for sure. You promised,” he winked, licking his lips. Damn him! He was too sexy for words.  

“You’re sex crazed,” I giggled, shaking my head. “What about going out to dinner somewhere? We could go away for a weekend, too.”

“A dirty weekend away?” I threw my napkin at him. “What?”

“Stop thinking about sex!”

“That’s difficult. I happen to have an incredibly sexy girlfriend that I want to fuck
the time.”


“If you think about it, you’re the reason I’m sex crazed. This is
your fault, Jade.”

“Oh, that’s right—blame it all on me,” I laughed, taking a sip of wine.

“Do you have any idea how happy you make me?”

“No, but I know how happy you make me.”

“I’m not hungry anymore.” Oliver suddenly had that look in his eyes again. The ‘
I’m going to rip the clothes from your body and fuck you
’ look. Instantly, I had to hold my legs together. It looked like he was going to try and prove a point.  

“You’ve hardly eaten. I hope you’re not coming down with anything,” I replied, innocently.

“I’m not
coming down
with anything, but I certainly will be
going down
on something tonight.”

“Oh, God,” I whimpered, choking on my sip of wine.

“All this sex talk is making me horny. I’m going to give you a thirty second head start, then I’m planning on making you cum as many times as I can on my staircase. There are thirty-four steps total. I’m thinking that’s at least ten orgasms I’ll be able to give you, maybe more, until I throw you on my bed and slide my cock inside you.” I couldn’t move. I sat there gawking at him.
Ten orgasms.
I couldn’t handle that! “Run, Jade, I mean it. I’ll start on this table if I have to.” I stood up and ran. My heart was pounding hard in my chest. Why was I running anyway? I wanted Oliver to catch me.

I managed five steps on the staircase before he caught me from behind. “That was a feeble attempt to try and get away. Anyone would think you wanted me to catch you,” he whispered into my ear, sucking on my earlobe as his hands moved to undo the buttons on my jeans. “I’m going to drive you crazy, Beautiful. I hope you’re ready.” I couldn’t answer; his hands had already slipped inside my jeans and I was lost. Oliver began to put pressure on my sex through my panties. Why didn’t he just push my panties to the side? It was so frustrating. “Do you like that, Beautiful? I can feel your panties getting damper. How many pairs have I ruined now?”

“Too many to count,” I panted, gripping the banister for support as he sped up the movement of his hand. “W…What about Mrs. Davis?”

“She’s staying with a friend tonight. We’re all alone.” I could hear his smirk as he planted kisses down my neck. Starting to climb already, I knew my first orgasm was quickly approaching. “That’s it, Jade, give it up. I want to hear you let it all out.”
I came, groaning out a string of nonsensical words, trying to hold myself up as I came undone. “I’ll give you a minute this time to compose yourself and run.”

“Are you being serious?” I gasped, still clutching the stairs. “I can hardly stand!”

“A minute and a half then,” he smirked, tilting his head. “You can manage a few more steps, Jade.” I wasn’t sure I could. “Just put one foot in front of the other.”

“Alright, Mr. Cocky.”

“Interesting choice of words.” I rolled my eyes and began to take a few unsteady steps, but it was difficult when I was still in a state of bliss. “You’re making this too easy,” he chuckled, pulling me so I was facing him. He backed me against the railing, gazing down at my chest. With one swift tug, he pulled my top over my head. “I’ll never get enough of undressing you,” he mused, running his fingertips across the top of my breasts and then into my bra, stroking my aching nipples. While his one hand continued to tease my sensitive skin, his other went south and slid right inside my panties. “Fuck, I got you well and truly worked up, didn’t I?” He ran his fingers through my slick folds, and I had to bite my lip to fight the pleasure. I had no control over myself when it came this man. “Shit, I can’t wait to fuck you. I can feel my cock already leaking at the thought.”

“Ugh, Oliver, you can’t say stuff like that to me!”

“It gets you excited. I know you love it when I talk dirty.” He slid his fingers inside me and began another excruciating pace. “Do you know what I’m going to do after this?” he whispered, biting down on my left nipple through my bra. I couldn’t help but cry out—it felt amazing. “I’m going to strip you naked and taste you. You know I love eating you out.” I wasn’t going to survive the night, but if this was how it ended, death by an Oliver orgasm was the way to go. He began to attack my nipples with his mouth while continuing to move his fingers in and out of me. My hips began to rock against his hand, and I could feel another climax ripple to the surface. Oliver captured my cries with his mouth, darting his tongue urgently in to meet mine. I felt a loss when he removed his fingers from inside me. My sex was still burning for his touch.    

Oliver pulled back to gaze at me. “Do you want to taste yourself, Beautiful?” I nodded, smiling seductively at him. He made me so wanton. I sucked his finger into my mouth, groaning as I tasted myself. “You taste even better from the source,” he cooed, stroking my face. I grazed my teeth against his finger, running my tongue along it and making my intentions clear.
Yes, Oliver, I want your cock in my mouth.

“You’re not as innocent as you pretend to be, are you?” I released his finger, shocked. Was the real me taking over too much? “I like your wild side, Jade. Don’t worry,” he winked. “Even if I have to work a little harder to make her appear.” He turned me around, pulling my jeans down my legs. I was relieved he didn’t want to take the conversation further. “Step,” he ordered when they touched the floor. I did as I was told, then felt him unclasp my bra and remove it before pulling my panties down my legs. I was naked, standing on the middle of his staircase. “Okay, brace yourself on the steps in front of you.” Oliver guided me down so I was arched across the steps. He spread my legs wider before moving so he was underneath me.
Oh God!
He was going to sit on the step and give me oral while I was arched over him. “Now
a sight,” he mused, gazing in between my legs. Grabbing my butt, he moved me down a little lower, then I felt his warm tongue begin to lap at my entrance. He started slowly, humming in satisfaction, then he began suck and nibble like he hadn’t eaten for weeks. I tried to keep myself steady, balancing on the steps in front of me, but his tongue was making me lose my mind.

“Ugh…Ol…Oliver…I can’t hold…Ugh…I can’t take it!” I pleaded with him, grinding my sex against his face.

“You can take it, Jade, because I’m not stopping,” he purred, biting down on my inner thigh before turning back to my sex. His strong arms were holding me up as he continued his attack; I’d lost every bit the strength in my arms. All that consumed me was his tongue caressing every inch of my center. Nothing else mattered. Time could have stood still and I wouldn’t have noticed.

When I did climax, it was in a cry of pure pleasure. I was done for—I couldn’t take any
more orgasms of that magnitude tonight.

“O…Oliver, I…I can’t take anymore…it’s too much,” I pleaded as he scooped me up into his arms.

“Just one more, Baby. I need my cock inside you. I promise I’ll let you rest after that.” I nodded. I could never turn down the offer of his cock inside me. It felt too good. “You are so beautiful, Jade,” he whispered, lowering me down onto his bed. I had just enough energy to lean on my elbows so I could watch him strip. “I’ll be gentle this time, I promise. Sorry, I got a little carried away on the staircase.”

“You don’t have to hold back. I like it when you lose control.” I licked my lips, watching his cock spring free.

“Do you now?” he questioned, stroking himself in his hand.
Oh, he was teasing me.  

“I like what you have in your hands right now, too.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“You know what I want,” I purred, sitting up and scooting to the edge of the bed.

“I don’t want to cum in your mouth, though,” he cautioned, taking a step closer toward me.

“I just want a taste,” I pouted. Oliver gave in, standing in front of me. I took no time in licking along his glorious cock, sucking the tip, and swirling my tongue around it, all while gazing up at him with devoted eyes.

“Oh…shit…fuck. That’s enough. I won’t last much longer.” He pulled his cock out of my mouth and pushed me back down onto the bed. Lifting my hips up, he slid inside me with ease. “Fuck, yes!” he groaned, slamming in and out of me, crashing his lips against mine. It didn’t take either of us long to fall, and when we did, it was almost as one.

“I love you, Jade,” I heard him whisper before I felt my eyelids close. I welcomed the rest. Seductor or not, I couldn’t take any more climaxes tonight.

Chapter Four


“I’m still waiting on that progress report, Jade,” Sonia fumed. “You must have

“I’m getting there, but I can’t pinpoint an actual location yet,” I lied. “It’s not an easy subject to bring up without giving the mission away.”

“Do I need to bring Alicia back on this job? I think you’re stalling.”

“I’ve confirmed that the
power core exists! I’ve only been on this assignment for three months! Give me a break, Sonia.” It was a good thing I was sitting in a coffee shop after my morning run—my voice was a little loud.

“Don’t let your infatuation with him cloud this mission. You can’t stay with him, not until your contract has ended.”

“I’m aware of that!”

“I’m bringing Alicia back on this case in two weeks. I’m not happy about your progress.”
That would mean less time with Oliver if I wasn’t working with him.


“My mind is made up, Jade. There is too much riding on this steal. I was worried this would happen. It’s the reason I kept you away from the assignment in the first place.”

“If I’m not working for him, it will make it harder to extract the information.”

“He’s already confided in you. I know you’re more than capable of acquiring the information. You’re the best Seductor I have. Remember that, Jade. You are a
Things could end very badly for your target if you don’t gain access to that power source. This isn’t a holiday—it’s a mission.”

“You don’t need to remind me. I’m working on it, believe me.”

“Find that power core, Jade. That’s an order!” Sonia hung up, leaving me breathless.

I couldn’t make a decision about the core until Oliver did. I needed to know what he was going to do. If he decided to destroy the real core, I could use one of the volatile prototypes. That way, my client would leave Oliver alone, thinking the core and machine would never work. If he did go ahead with the
power core, though, I’d have no choice but to hand it over to the people who hired me. I couldn’t risk his life, no matter how much it would destroy me to know I might be the cause of the next world war.  
Please, Oliver, make the right choice.

I walked back into his apartment to find Mrs. Davis placing breakfast on the table.

“Did you have a nice run, Jade?” she smiled warmly. “I’ve left you and Oliver some water in the kitchen. He isn’t back from his workout yet.”

“Thank you, and breakfast looks wonderful. You’re too good to us,
Mrs. Davis.”

“It’s only fresh fruit and yogurt. I can make you something more filling if you want.”

“No, fruit is fine, thank you. I might have a quick shower first, though.” She nodded as I made my way up the staircase.

I’d had my shower and was just finishing getting changed when Oliver joined me in the bedroom. Hot, sweaty Oliver was always a sight to behold.

“Sorry I took so long,” he sighed, looking a little stressed. “I had to take a phone call.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Alicia is coming back in two weeks,” he sighed. “I should be happy about it, but I’m not.” Sonia worked quickly. It made me realize that this must have been her plan all along.

“You knew that me working for you wasn’t going to be permanent.”

“I didn’t think it was going to end in two weeks, though,” he pouted. “What will you do for work?”

“I’ll find something,” I sighed, leaning in to peck his lips.

“You could get rid of your apartment to save on rent. You’re hardly there anyway.”

“Are you asking me to move in?” I gasped, feeling butterflies invade my stomach.

“I think I am,” he replied guarded, watching my reaction.

“But we hardly know each other.”

“We’ve known each other for over a year, Jade, and you’re wrong. We do know each other—in great detail, I might add.” Why did he make everything sound so sexual? “You can say no if you want. It was just an idea.”

“Me move in
?” I gazed around at the splendor of it all.

“I know you’re used to something a little larger,” he teased, pulling his T-shirt over his head. Oh, he was trying to distract me with his nakedness. I wasn’t falling for that. “But I’d give you the space you needed. I could convert one of the rooms downstairs into an office for you. If you’re serious about setting up your own interior design business, you could start from here. I can give you some contacts and a member
of my staff if you need it.”

“Oliver, slow down.” Jeez, one minute he’s asking me to move in with him. Next, he’s talking about my

“Sorry,” he winced, pulling me to him. I couldn’t stop my hand from wandering down his bare chest. He was still sweaty, and I fought the urge to lick his skin.

“I know you want to look after me, but I can find my own way.”

“It’s just an easy solution. I have so much space here, Jade. You don’t need your apartment. If you decide you don’t want to live with me after we’ve tried, I’ll put a deposit down on a place for you. Can’t we at least try? What’s the harm? You’ve spent the last month here anyway.” That was true. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been at my apartment.

“Okay, I’ll try, but you are
putting a deposit down on a apartment for me if it doesn’t work out.”

“We can discuss that later if the time comes,” he beamed, crashing his lips against mine. “Are you going to move in tonight?” I couldn’t help but laugh at his enthusiasm. He looked like a little boy at Christmas.

“Yes, I’ll move in tonight,” I giggled against his mouth. He swung me around, kissing me deeper.

“You don’t have a lot of stuff,” he mused as he placed the few boxes I’d packed into his car. Here was this billionaire—carrying his girlfriend’s belongings. I loved how down to earth he was. Oliver really didn’t let his money define him.

“Most of it is in storage.”

“Well, you can get it out of storage if you want. You have the space now.” He winked, opening his car door for me.

“It’s nothing, really. Just my car, some furniture, and a few paintings.”

“My apartment is your home now. I want you to treat it as such. You can plaster the walls with your paintings if you want. It won’t bother me at all.”

“I love your apartment just the way it is, but we can look into purchasing a few paintings together if you want—as a compromise.”

“That sounds like a plan.”

“Nothing too ridiculously priced, though.”

“Of course,” Oliver smirked, pulling into traffic. I didn’t trust the tone of his voice even a little.

Once I’d put my belongings away, we had a lazy afternoon watching movies on his huge television.

“Things are getting pretty serious between us now, wouldn’t you agree?” Oliver mused, rhythmically running his fingers through my hair while I lay on his chest on the couch.

“Well, you made me move in, so I guess so,” I giggled, pulling myself closer to him.

“I didn’t think I’d get this.”

“Get what?” I frowned, moving to look at him.

“You,” he beamed, pecking my lips. “My father always said that the most important things in life can’t be bought, and I never really believed him until I met you. I’ve always felt alone, surrounded by my money, yet with you, it’s never been about my wealth. You make me feel
—if that makes sense.”

“It does.” I sat up, sliding onto his lap while wrapping my arms around his neck. “I feel the same way. I’ve stopped running because of you. I’m not afraid of love and depending on someone anymore. Not when I know it’s you.”

“You know you’re not a bad person, right?” I shook my head. Oliver didn’t know everything about me, and hopefully he never would. “Jade, there isn’t a day that I don’t think about my mother and how different things would have been if she hadn’t died while she was giving birth to me. I used to think it was all my fault. That maybe if my mother had lived, my father wouldn’t have gotten sick. Then I realized it’s fate.
Whatever is going to happen, will. There is nothing we can do to prevent it. All we can do is live through it.”  

“But I didn’t just kill my mother, did I?” I whispered. “Fate didn’t kill my sister. My stupidity did.”

“Mina made a choice to protect you that night. If the roles had been reversed, would you have unbuckled your belt? I know you would have, Jade. Mina didn’t know she was going to hit an on coming car, and neither did you. It was an accident. You didn’t kill your sister, so you have to stop blaming yourself.”

“You didn’t know me back then, Oliver. I wasn’t a nice person.”

“What teenager is?”

“I bet you were,” I sighed.

“I had to grow up fast, but I had my moments of rebellion.”

Oliver as a rebel. Now that was something I needed to hear. “Like what? I can’t imagine you could have
been as bad as me.”  

“I broke into my father’s liquor cabinet and got drunk when I was fifteen. He found me passed out in the bathroom the next morning.”

“That isn’t too bad.”

“I got into a fight and knocked a kid out when I was sixteen.”


Oliver looked sheepish before he spoke. “They tried to make a pass at Macy.”

“That still isn’t bad, Oliver. All of that is normal.”

“Jesus, Jade! How bad were you, then?”

“I was expelled from three schools. I was often brought home in the back of a police car,” I admitted, trying to hold in the fact that I slept around, too.

“I used women in college for sex. What about that?” Now we were getting somewhere.

where you got your skills,” I snorted. “I still don’t believe that you’ve only had fifty women.”

“Okay, it might be closer to sixty, but I haven’t really been counting.”

“Yeah, and the rest,” I teased, nudging him.

“It really hasn’t been as many as you think. I had a few experienced women in college after Macy, and it went from there.”

“Have you used these tricks of yours with every woman you’ve slept with? Is that why you’re so good?”

“No, Jade. The dirty side of me is reserved for you only. You bring out the animal in me, and I can’t explain it. It’s like something clicks on when I’m with you—I can’t control myself. Everything I’ve tried to cage inside me explodes the moment we touch.”

“You have such a way with words,” I purred, brushing my lips against his as I straddled him. “Why don’t you take me to
bedroom and unleash that beast again, then?” Within seconds, I was being lifted up in his arms and rushed up the grand staircase.


“I need to speak to Oliver in private!” Macy glared as I stood in his office going over some figures with him.

“Macy, there is nothing Jade doesn’t know. Just close the damn door and say what you want to say,” Oliver spat.

“You’ve told her?” Macy gasped, looking at me. “About the core?”

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