Devoted to Him (5 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Dragon

BOOK: Devoted to Him
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“You’re not okay.” Martha entered.

The subs all scattered or knelt. Fiona actually liked the straightforward Domme who worked as admin for her now husband. “I’m fine, thank you. The dungeon looks amazing. I appreciate all your work.”

“Leave us,” Martha said to the other subs.

They went without complaint. The Domme adjusted the subtle crown of green gems woven into Fi’s loose hair. “What is wrong?”

She shook her head. “Tradition versus kink. Maybe I’m not enough? Maybe he needs a traditional wife and subs?”

“That works for some. Everything works for some people.”

“You know him as well as I do.” Fi needed advice and this wasn’t an area she could ask her mother about.

“Not that well.” She chuckled.

“True, but you’ve known him longer. You keep his business world in line and he respects you.” Fiona smiled. “Do I make him happy?”

“He’s never been happy until you. I don’t think he could juggle more than one woman. Not in his heart or his bed.”

“Then he may need more time.” Fiona touched up her lipstick. If she had to wait, she’d wait until he was sure how it could work.

A knock on the door sent the butterflies raging in her body again.

“You’re not to see her before,” the Domme scolded Jason.

“If you want a ceremony, you need to let me speak to her.” Jason walked in.

Fiona liked him in a tuxedo. A suit was nice too. But stripped to the waist was her favourite vision of him, next to naked. “It’s okay.” Fiona nodded.

The Domme left and Fi felt the change in the room. Alone with Jason always felt safe but now it felt like Judgement Day. She needed to stay positive. Turning on the stool so that she faced him, she couldn’t find the strength to stand or even to kneel.

“You came,” she said.

“I did. You’re right. Sixty years is a long time.” He folded his arms.

“We can undo it if you want. Annul it.” She looked down.

“Not a chance in hell. You gave me a lot to think about and I should’ve had that conversation with you earlier. I didn’t mean to ruin the day.” He sighed.

“You didn’t ruin anything. I know your family history made you nervous. So did mine. My not having a father makes me more clingy or needy at times but I’m secure with you. I don’t want my children to go through what I did. If I pushed you to marriage too fast, I’m sorry.” She believed they were ready and it was right.

“It’s not the marriage we need to sort out. It’s the kink. I love it, but I want kids too.” He slid his fingers under her chin and lifted.

She looked him in the eye and smiled. “Three sounds good to me. We can start trying. The pills take a little time to get out of my system but not that long.”

“But I can’t take the chance. Not while trying or when you’re pregnant.” His expression went hard and almost angry…like when a Dom slipped or went too far.

“You’d never be too hard on me. That’s an added medical situation. I know you’d be extra gentle.” She trusted him. Didn’t he know that?

Then she saw the conflict and remembered her father’s own doubts. The one time she’d tracked him down, he’d denied her. Without a DNA test, the word of the mother was all a man had. “Oh. Is that all?”

“I trust you. It’s just…” He turned away.

“Well, this is something easy to fix.” She laughed and hugged him from behind.

“It is?” he asked.

“During the times when we’re trying and when I am pregnant, no sharing. No Teddy or any other Doms. No Doms-in-training practising on me because they could slip. None of that. I don’t want anyone else’s child either. I just want yours. So no chances will be taken. I refuse and you won’t have the option to share me then. But once the kids are here and things settle down, I can get an IUD so there’s no chance I’d forget the pill. Then when you get the urge to watch, we may both be in need of a little shakeup by then.” She kissed his strong back. “We are on the same page and can sort it out. You can even have a DNA test if you want.”

He turned, kissed her hard and pressed a hand over her stomach. “Never. I don’t want to have an only child. At least two.”

She agreed with that as well. “It’s so lonely when you only have one parent around who has to work and no siblings. I’ll be able to work from the greenhouse at home. The kids can make a huge mess.”

“Yes. You were right.” He kissed her neck and bare shoulders.

“Of course I was. If you never want to share me again, that’s fine. But I don’t want you denying what you love because you think it’s wrong. We make our own rules. Some tradition is good, but we’ll adapt as we go. One other thing, once the kids arrive, no sharing in the house. Only here. I don’t want them walking in on anything by accident.” She stroked his shoulders.

The image of his father with another man, in bed and graphically intimate, haunted her husband. She’d never do that to her children. Even if their father was involved and loving, they didn’t need that confusion while young.

“You know me too damn well.” He smacked her ass. “I love you.”

“Good, because you’re stuck with me forever.” She pulled away. “Now get out there before people start to worry.”

“Maybe we should consummate the first wedding first?” He reached for her.

“No, they’ll tease me out there because I couldn’t wait. It’s always so obvious when a couple is fucking and playing right before. This is a serious deal.” She wasn’t going to settle for anything less than doing it right if they were going through with it.

He slid her unpierced nipple from the corset and kissed it. “Breast feeding will be interesting.”

“Go!” She fixed her corset and pushed him out of the room.

As much as her pussy wanted relief and her mind needed the release, she needed the public commitment first. Marriage could be undone easily—people divorced and married like trading in cars for the newer model. This was deeper and waiting would make it better.

She primped in the mirror and liked what she saw. The rings on her finger felt right but kinky commitment needed a little pain.

Chapter Five




Watching her crawl up this aisle hit him harder than the vanilla wedding. He hadn’t expected it, but it did. She kept her head down and moved with confidence. The crowd watched. Some were standing and some subs knelt at their Dom’s feet.

She reached him and waited. Jason couldn’t do this with her on her knees. He guided her to stand and she kept her head bowed. Everyone in the room knew she was a confident woman who’d never make it as a twenty-four-seven sex slave. Still, she was doing her best to show her submissive side now.

Teddy officiated and had changed to leather pants for the occasion. “Please sit or kneel. We’re here to witness the full commitment of a couple. Some of us were at the grand marriage for the outside world. In this ceremony they can show their darker side and true kink.”

The brief applause made Jason smile. Plenty of the people who shared his dungeon were high-powered and those who worked for them all feared exposure or blackmail. Even some Hollywood stars dared to play here. Safety mattered. Nothing could go wrong here.

“They wrote their own deal.” Teddy nodded.

Jason cleared his throat. “I will keep you safe, guide you sexually and keep you challenged. No burden is solely yours and I will always hear your fears, fantasies, and respect your limits.”

He took her hand and squeezed it.

She licked her lips. “I’m yours and trust you with my mind, my heart and my body. I want nothing but to make you happy.”

“Short and sweet. Just like these two,” Teddy said.

The crowd chuckled and murmured in agreement.

“So we don’t have a collar for you today. Instead a more invasive, if private, display. One piercing was done on the engagement and agreement to take their relationship to the next level. The second happens today.” Teddy waved over the body piercer.

Jason cupped her breasts through the corset possessively. Then he pulled the pierced nipple up. She tugged the corset down so it was easier. He removed her other breast as well. “You’re sure?” he asked.

“Yes, please.” She smiled up at him. He kissed her and turned her so she faced the piercer but her back pressed against his chest. Fi had no problem with blood or needles, but she leant back on him and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Do your work,” Jason said to the piercer.

A member of the dungeon, the woman had ink and piercings all over her half clothed body. But she’d proven herself over and over. After cleaning the area, she looked at the other piercing so they would match its placement as much as possible.

Seconds later, Fi gasped. A stainless steel bar was in his wife’s other nipple and the arching metal piece hung from it. It’d been specially engraved ‘Mrs Jason Abbott’. Old-fashioned, yes, but a very appropriate gift for the kinky sub.

He kissed her neck. “You did great.”

“Well, I think that seals the deal.” Teddy started the applause.

“Actually there is one more thing,” Jason said.

Teddy stepped back looking a little surprised. “It’s your night.”

“It was a last-minute addition. The wedding had this unity candle. I let the bride manage the vanilla affair so it went right for our parents and the public. But the candle caught my eye.” He took it from Martha who’d kept it safe.

Jason lit the candle and smiled at his new wife. “Fire isn’t something I play with much. It’s very powerful. One misstep and many lives are in danger. But as Doms we all have that power to harm or to save our subs. My wife likes a little hot wax now and then.” He moved close to her and lifted the back of her skirt. The lace hid nothing

She bent over and held perfectly still.

“I will strive to please, torment and play so my sub is never bored.” He held the candle over two feet from her body and let it tip.

“Thank you, Sir,” she gasped as the wax hit her ass.

He touched it. Not too hot, she’d asked for hotter in the past. He gave her another round and she moaned shamelessly.

Smacking her bottom, he smiled. Then he pushed the lace back down. “Stand up and look at me,” he ordered.

She obeyed with curiosity in her eyes. He blew out the candle.

“I’d rather hurt myself than ever harm you.” He pressed the tip of the candle to his forearm and held it.

“No!” She fell to her knees in front of him, grabbed for his hands and pulled the candle away.

“It’s nothing.” He’d never minded pain. Jason never craved it the way she did but it felt glorious to show her he could take it and would endure anything for her.

“That could be a good burn.” The piercer squirted water over the wound. “Don’t worry, it’s sterile saline.”

“We have to clean this,” Fiona agreed with the piercer’s efforts to wash the wound.

“I’m fine,” Jason laughed.

“It could get infected. You wouldn’t let her do something like that without sanitising things.” The piercer swabbed the burn with some pads with dark liquid on them.

“No, but it’ll heal.” He cupped Fiona’s face with his free hand.

“What a display.” She shook her head at him.

He saw the delight and affection in her eyes. Surprising her was worth it. She hid it well in a crisis but she had received his message loud and clear.

The piercer dried off the wound and applied ointment. Finally she covered it with a bandage. “If that blisters up big, see your doctor.”

“Thank you,” Fiona said to the piercer. Then she stood up and hugged her husband. Clutching the candle in one hand, she kissed him hard. After a few moments focused on a little burn, Jason forced her back to face the crowd.

Despite the surprise stunt, everyone came up in a very orderly line to congratulate them and admire her piercings. Some Doms gave him an extra nod of approval after looking at his bandage. New or selfish Doms didn’t want to look vulnerable or show their subs how they felt except when necessary or during aftercare. A public display on that level was respected by those with true experience.

“You’re crazy,” she whispered in his ear.

“I never understood your love of hot wax. I wanted to see for myself. It’s not that bad.” He shrugged.

“I never put a hot candle tip to my body. Hot wax is how people remove unwanted hair, so no, it’s not dangerous when handled right. It’s big business, but can harm if done wrong. You’re so overprotective.” She leant back on him.

“I’ll make a good father,” he replied.

“Damn right you will.” She watched as the subs cleaned up the ceremony area and the dungeon room lights came up. People would play. Things would go on as before, but he wouldn’t share her tonight. Or even let anyone watch.

She touched the edge of his bandage. “Thank you, but I don’t want to see you in pain.”

“You can fuss over me and take care of it on the honeymoon.” He gently slid her breasts back into the corset.

Her soft moan turned him on. The ceremony had had a kinky undertone, but it was deeper than just sex, and finally he could think about playing with her again. “I think we should go to the hotel room now. Let the others play here. I need you alone.”

She nodded. “I’m ready when you are.”

“Good. I have one more gift waiting for you there.” He flicked the dried wax off her ass.

“Nothing that’ll hurt you, right?” she asked with a pout.

“No, it’s for you, I promise.” He took the candle from her. “We’re keeping this.”

“Yes, Sir.” She laughed and followed him back to the dressing rooms.


* * * *


The hotel room was filled with flower displays of her own design. Jason had gone out of his way and she loved it. A rectangular white box tied with a red ribbon sat on the bed. She pretended not to notice.

They’d changed into regular clothes and she loved the view of him in jeans and a T-shirt. She’d added jeans and a blazer over her corset and got plenty of looks from men in the lobby, but they could’ve come in wearing their wedding outfits. It was

As soon as the door was locked behind them in the massive suite, she ditched the blazer, kicked off the black heels and wiggled out of the jeans. Nothing but the corset now and she felt much better.

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