Detecting Lust: An Erotic Detective Novel (Sin Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Detecting Lust: An Erotic Detective Novel (Sin Book 1)
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Chapter Twenty

eth drove
home on autopilot and pulled up into the drive way at his house. While taking the key out of the ignition he noticed the clock on the dash.
Fuck balls… its 7:00 am already.
He looked at his watch, like his watch was going to magically tell him a different time. It didn’t. He got out of the car, arching his neck back to see the bedroom windows, hoping to catch a glimpse of Zee.

Just inside the front door, Seth shed off the suit jacket and draped it over the stairs banister. He tossed his head side to side, cracking his neck, and then tilted his head to the direction of a noise coming from upstairs. The faint sound of the shower seeped out of the master bathroom. Taking each step upstairs, he felt like he’d been on a stairmaster for hours.
God damn it… I don’t know how many more of these 30 hour days I can take.
He loosened his tie and untucked his shirt on the way to the bedroom.

“Honey… I’m home.” Seth announced as he unlatched the top two buttons on his shirt with two fingers.

“Hey baby… good morning!” Zee yelled back from the shower. God, the fact that she was always so damn chipper in the morning was not helping him right now. He
surprised she heard him as their bathroom was one of those where you could hear someone speaking while they were in the bathroom if you were in the bedroom, but it rarely worked the other way around.

Seth couldn’t go another minute without seeing her. He walked into the bathroom and caught a glimpse of Zee’s body in the shower from the mirror. He was immediately thankful for the inventor of clear glass sliding shower doors. It may be the greatest fucking invention ever. He turned around and leaned up against the wall next to the shower, putting one hand in his pocket, secretly grabbing his cock.

“What a fuckin’ day, baby.”

The silk pocket lining wrapped around his cotton boxers swaddling his growing package. Zee stood in the shower with her head tilted back, eyes closed, rinsing the shampoo out of her hair. Soap bubbles coated her ass, and slid down her back with the water, flowing onto her legs, just to whirlpool on the shower floor at the drain. Seth stroked his dick. The silk lining caressed and glided over his throbbing veins.

Zee still had her eyes closed and ran her hand across the top of her hair. Her hair was as silky as the pocket lining, and it was hard for Seth to distinguish from the two.

“Whatcha lookin’ at mister?” Her eyes had opened and she gave him a wink and a seductive smile.

“I’m just checkin out your beautiful seat meat.” Seth said matching her smile.

“My seat meat?” A mood killing laugh burst out of Zee. “I prefer to call it my man bait. Thank you very much.” She said while wiggling her butt. That instantly brought the mood back.

Zee spun around in the water, giving herself one final rinse and before turning it off. “Towel me… you sexy specimen of a man.” Zee said, poking a hip to one side.

Seth stood up from his lean against the wall and passed the towel to Zee.

“Look at you, getting all excited.” Zee noticed the massive bulge trying to break through his pants. “I now know where the phrase pitching a tent comes from. I love that I can do that you just by taking a shower.”

“Can you blame me? Your perfect little tits were staring me down.” Seth adjusted his cock upward, so he didn’t pass out from the pressure of a monster boner being bent to the side. Even worse, downward.
There’s nothing more painful then a massive boner facing my feet.

“I know you really don’t like talking about work… but you got the guy, huh?” Zee said drying her hair with the towel.

“Good ol’ Zee… Zee giveth thy boner… Zee taketh away… geez honey.” Seth stepped back to the vanity counter, leaning against it.

Zee laughed. Hard.

“Yeah, I got him. You know what? Speaking of… I don’t know how you do it. But, I really want to thank you. I was able to catch this guy fast because of your help.”

“My help?” Zee wrapped her hair in the towel and tossed it on the top of her head. “How did I help?”

“Oh you know, in the basement the other day. Some of the ideas you gave me. And mostly because of your support and love. You’re kind of like my swiss-army-wife. You’re my everything all in one.” Seth rubbed his eyes, feeling the sleep coming on. “I just wanted you to know how much I love you and appreciate you. And also, I wanted you know that I reaaaaalllyy appreciated the basement sexathon.”

“Aww, honey, I love you too.” Zee had her head to the side q-tipping her ears. “Yeah, in the basement, that was hot as hell, huh? I enjoyed it as well… God, you got really deep.”

“Anyway… whatcha got going on today?” Seth said, too tired to unbutton the rest of his shirt. He loosened his tie just enough to slip it over his head and tossed it out of the bathroom aiming for the corner of the bed.

He turned around and looked into his own eyes in the mirror. They were bloodshot and a little swollen with dark circles underneath. Zee ran her hair through the towel, patting her hair dry. “I’m going to go hit up the studio this morning...” She paused. Seth summoned the energy to take his nicely starched button down shirt off like an old polo. His undershirt lifted up exposing his abs. Zee’s eyes were fixated on the sliver of exposed skin. His abs were fucking delicious. Never mind the six pack, Seth’s fuck-me-lines did her in every single day. Those carved muscles formed a V-shape and pointed like arrows down to his cock. Zee managed to get herself back under control. Seth was exhausted. She knew nothing exciting was going to happen right now. “Then… I think I might go shopping.” Zee continued.

Seth had his hands over his head still holding his shirt, and stretched, arching his back, reaching for the ceiling. His triceps burned and the deltoids in his shoulders curved in with perfect dimples. Zee tried to look away but couldn’t. All she could think about was biting down on every ripple of his body. Seth’s lungs released a long satisfying moan.

“That sounds like fun, baby.” Seth yawned, “Whatcha going to buy?”

“Some baby oil and a water proof camera.” Zee whispered.

“A what?” Seth looked at her through the mirror.

“Joking, joking… I was just checking out your body. I was going to get something for dinner. Do have a hankering for anything?” Zee smiled and rolled her eyes.

“Nah, whatever you make for dinner I’m sure will be fine. Aren’t you working to night?” Seth yawned again.

“Yeah, but that’s not until way later tonight.” Zee said picking up the blow dryer, “What about you? What are you going to do today?”

“Fucking sleep. And sleep some more. But, I’ll probably get up and work out a bit.” Seth said.

“How about you go get some sleep and I’ll wake you up when I get back from shopping.” Zee said, cranking the blower dryer on high.

“Sounds good to me, I’m going to go crash baby.” Seth leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Have fun shopping.”

* * *

ater that evening
, Seth was still passed out when Zee came back from shopping. Zee came upstairs and slowly opened the bedroom door. “Wakey wakey, honey bunches… I’ve let you sleep long enough.”

Seth didn’t budge. She walked up to the bed and watched Seth, laying on his back. He had one arm under the pillow and the other arm draped over his face. She pulled the sheets off of his body. It may be sort of cruel, but if he didn’t get up now his entire sleep schedule would be messed up all week. “Honey bunches of oats, its time to wake up…” She was answered with no response at all. She looked down at his chest. He was still breathing, so that was a good thing.
Zee started to eye fuck him, looking his body up and down. Her eyes stopped in the middle of his body. Holy shit, his cock was huge right now.

Chapter Twenty-One

ee cracked a smile
He hasn’t shaved in a couple of days… he’s got five-o’clock shadow pubes.
Her grin widened. Reaching down, she ran her nails across the stubble, she could hear the soft sound of his dick whiskers crackling under her nails. She grabbed ahold of his cock and began to stroke. She softly scratched his balls, all the way up the shaft and the skin on his sack started to tense up and shrink in tight. She bent down and licked his ball sack, gently cupping a nut in her mouth before carefully sliding her tongue across his sack, leaving a wet trail all the way up his shaft. Using her lips, she braced his cock down on his stomach, and kissed her way down to the base and underside of his cock. She stopped in between the balls and shaft and flicked her tongue back and forth while her left hand went to work stroking him up and down. Twisting her wrist left and right as she stroked up and down, his foreskin glided under her soft, gentle, silky fingers.

She took a glance at Seth’s face and his eyes were still shut but she could feel him stirring—not only in her hand. Zee looked back down, the slit on the top of Seth’s penis winked at her. She leaned down further and kissed the tip softly, swirling her tongue around the top of his cock. She wrapped her lips around his dick, and took the whole head in her mouth. Seth was getting harder with every beat of his heart and Zee could feel his pulse in her mouth. She was still stroking his cock with her hand, and her mouth followed. The tip of his penis hit the back of her throat and she sucked hard. The force of suction popped her cheeks open with every upward stroke and her tongue added pressure as she flattened it against the bottom of his shaft and it glided up and down his cock.
He tastes so fucking good,
Zee thought to herself.
So warm, so soft, clean… I could suck on this for hours.
The salty pre-cum leaked out and her tongue soaked it up fast.

Seth wasn’t fully aware what was going on but he started to wake up. “Mmmm.” He moaned. “Mmmmm-Aaaahhhhh.” Another moan, this time half from the wake-up-stretch and half from waking up to a blowjob.

“Hi baby, what time is it?” Seth asked.

She took a pause with her mouth but not with her hand, and replied, “It’s about time for me to go to teach my class at the studio.” She went back to give the tip one more lick and kiss. “And, its time for you to wake up…”

“Oh wow, I slept that long?” Seth finally opened his eyes.

He stretched his legs and they both watched as his cock grew tighter, harder, and bigger in her hand.

“I was going to wake you up when I got home from shopping, but you looked so peaceful and cute sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you…you were so adorable.” Zee briefly stopped stroking.

Seth looked down at her. Still standing next to the bed, she was leaning over with one arm on each side of his hips. He grabbed her arms and pulled her face up to his. He kissed her. Their lips locked together, and he tilted his head slightly and slowly parted her lips with his tongue.

“You have time for this before work?” Seth whispered against her mouth.

Her nose crinkled and Seth could feel her grinning dimples on his cheeks. “I’ll make time baby, no worries.” He broke out in a huge grin, reminded of the conversation they had a few days ago in the shower.

Seth laughed, “Now those are some words I’m glad to hear to come back and bite me in the ass.”

Seth grabbed Zee, wrapping her up in a bear hug and rolled her over onto the bed. She laid there on her back while Seth’s body covered hers. Seth placed small kisses on her neck, and then bit her sensually on her shoulder. He buried his face in her hair, the smell of her went in one nostril while the smell of her perfume penetrated the other. Pure seduction engulfed his sense of smell. The soft, smooth skin on her neck and lobes overwhelmed his sense of taste. Goose bumps fired down the back of her body like a line of lite gun powder.

“Aaaahhhh, the goofy bumps…” Zee said.

“Goofy bumps? What the hell are goofy bumps? You mean ‘goose’…” Seth paused from nibbling on her neck.

“No… goofy bumps. When you touch me and kiss me like the way you are right now… it makes me goofy.” Zee giggled.

“Well hold that thought… I might just have to fuck you goofy as well.” Seth announced his intentions.

“Oh are you now…ohhhh…” Zee moaned as Seth returned to her ear lobes.

Reaching out blindly, Seth located Zee’s hand. He interlocked their fingers together, and raised her hand above her head as he lifted himself off of her. Up on all fours, they locked eyes while Seth took her other arm up above her head and held them there with his left hand. His right hand caressed down her arm onto her chest. He trailed his palm over the yoga studio’s logo on her tee shirt, before cupping and gently squeezing her breast. Seth looked down at the logo.
She’s got a ton of these shirts… I know because I bought them.
His hand moved to the center of her tits and he pulled the shirt up to his mouth. Biting down on the fabric around the neck hole, he used his teeth and right hand to rip the shirt down the center, exposing her delicious chest and and silky stomach.

“Really...” Zee started to say, but was interrupted by Seth’s tongue in her mouth. “Mmmm.” She finished her statement. She wasn’t actually mad. She was, however, extremely turned on.

Seth started licking down her body. He starting with her chin, before moving on to her neck and collarbone.

“You better not rip this sports bra… mister.” She moaned.

By the time he reached her chest, Seth could feel the goose bumps tickling the tip of his tongue. Zee’s hips began to quiver, and she wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her heels into Seth’s ass cheeks, driving his cock against her pussy. With his cock in place, he moved against her clit. Her slick silky yoga pants parted her pussy lips, and Seth could feel the heat rubbing against the back side of his cock, making him even harder.

Seth cupped her knee with his palm, and slid his fingers up her leg to her ass. The softness of the yoga pants and the firmness of Zee’s ass made one hell of a combination.
My squishy, this is my squishy…
Seth mentally laughed while squeezing her ass. His fingers continued their journey past her ass, up to her waist line, and he hooked his fingers in the side of her pants and yanked them down below her round cheeks.

“I want you so bad, baby.” Seth’s appetite for her was growing as big as his cock.

“Yes…give me your cock, I want it.” Zee confessed.

Adjusting his knees and legs, Seth released his binding grip of Zee’s hands. With one hand he held her ass in place and with his other hand he rubbed the tip of his dick up and down her slick pussy looking for his mark. Finding the entry point, he thrusted in. Grasping her hips on both sides, Seth thrust his hips in and at the same time he pulled her back onto his cock. He plunged deeper and deeper with every push of his hips, causing Zee to scream.

“Oh! Fuck!” Her eyes slammed shut and she tilted and arched her back trying to reduce the depth, “Baby, ahhhh, you’re really deep.”

With a good solid thrust in, he sat up, and pulled her pants all the way off, throwing them over his own head. Seth just now noticed that she wasn’t wearing any panties, not even a thong. Zee’s legs started to lower down by his side, but Seth caught the back of her knees with his forearms. His hands reached down, landing on her rib cage. Seth picked her up and pressed her body against the all wooden headboard. She wrapped her arms around his neck, hanging on for dear life. He bounced her body up and down. Flexing her leg muscles, her pussy clenched down around his cock. The sound of Seth’s moan in her ear rang through their bedroom.

Seth could feel the fluttering of her pussy. He knew she was close and he was desperate to get her there. He reached his hand between them and started lightly stroking on her clit. That took her over the top.

“I’m coming…” She took a deep breath, inhaling in, “I’m coming, I’m coming…” She exhaled. White light flashed in front of her as her whole body shook and pleasure shot through her veins.

Her body went limp from head to toe. Seth kept up the pace, feeling her pussy pull his cock back in every time he tried to pull out. Soon the weight on his arms began to exhaust him. He flopped back on the bed, pulling Zee’s body on top of his. Catching her breath, Zee met his eyes, sweat beading up on his forehead, she started to ride him. She thrust her hips forward and back, flickering his cock from one side to the other on the inside of her pussy. Soaking wet from her explosive orgasm, her pussy lubed his cock well.

Seth reached up and tried to unhinge her magnificent tits from underneath her sports bra. As he slid the sports bra up, he caught a glimpse of some under-boob. The sight of her sweat glistening under-boob made him pulsate. The twitch jolted his hips and he stabbed deeper into her. Her nails clawed into his chest, and she bit down on the corner of her bottom lip, burying her chin into her own chest.

They both mimicked each other’s moans.

Zee’s legs started to burn and cramp, and she rolled off of Seth. Crawling to the other side of the bed, still on all fours, she assumed the position: ass up and face down, her head rested on Seth’s pillow, ready to bite down, if needed. Seth saw the unspoken invitation, and quickly jumped to his knees and slapped her on the ass. In a circular motion he rubbed around the spanking then leaned down and kissed her ass cheek then gently bit it.

“OH!” Zee wiggled her ass in the air. “Oh, no… none of that tonight.”

Seth placed his knees on the inside of hers and mounted her doggy style. He pierced her so deep, she screamed. He palmed her butt cheeks, one in each hand. He penetrated her so deeply her soul was about to come. Zee was ready, and she bit down on the pillow muffling her moans, coming again.

Her pussy pulsated and flexed. She got really tight as she convulsed and contracted. This time her moans roared through Seth’s brain. He bit down, flexing his jaw muscles hard, his eyes slammed closed. He let go.

“Ah, baby…” Seth mumbled through his teeth. “Yes!”

Zee’s legs were spent. She flopped down, laying on her stomach, flat down. Seth’s body followed hers down, and they both tried to catch their breath. Zee reached back over her shoulder grabbing Seth’s head.

“I love you baby.” Zee whispered.

“Mmmmmm… I love you.” Seth instantly replied.

“Geez… and all I wanted to do was wake you up and tell you that your dinner was in the oven waiting on you.” Zee leaned back and kissed him. “Now I’ve gotta take another shower before I go to work.”

Seth laughed, “Oh yeah, you still have to work tonight.”

“Oh the girls are going to love the fuck out of you tonight.” Zee said turning on the shower.

“Yeah, why’s that?” Seth asked, sitting up on the edge of the bed.

“Because, every time you fuck the hell out of me, like you just did… I don’t ever have enough energy to really work the girls out at the studio.” Zee said. “So, now its like a joke, whenever I’m taking it easy on them, they all yell out in the middle of class LOVE YOU SETH.”

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I now don’t have the energy to go work out.” Seth said putting on sweat pants.

“So, whatcha gonna do while I’m gone?” Zee asked.

“I don’t know… maybe I’ll rub one out a few times.” Seth snickered.

“Oh god… please don’t.” Zee said. “I don’t want you to accidentally hurt that dick of yours… I need it for later.”

Seth busted out with a laugh, “Accidentally? How in the holy hell does one accidentally hurt their dick while doing the five-knuckle shuffle?”

They both laughed.

“I’ll probably sit around and watch some football. When you get home we can rent a movie and chill-lax if you want.” Seth yelled into the bathroom.

“Now that sounds amazing. I’ll pick up some popcorn on my way home.” Zee yelled back.

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