Detecting Lust: An Erotic Detective Novel (Sin Book 1) (6 page)

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Chapter Nine

ase file in hand
, Seth opened to his notes. Reviewing through the names of the people Jen had listed off, he glanced down at the clock in the car.
Hmm…this should be perfect timing to catch the Marine from Jen’s class.

Rushing to the school, Seth got there before the class ended. As he stood out in the hallway peeking in the classroom from across the hall, it was easy to see which one was Shawn. Simple enough, looking for a Marine in a college classroom was like looking for a pro basketball player in China. All he needed to do was look for the high-and-tight haircut. With time to spare, Seth glanced at his notes again.
Lets see, the description: typical white guy, five-nine to six feet tall, no scars or scratches on his hands or forearms… wonderful, Jen, you just described every white guy at your school…thanks a lot.
The sound of rustling book bags and chairs moving came from the room. Seth pulled his badge off his belt and held it down by his side. Students began leaving the classroom, but Seth knew that Shawn would be the last one out the door.
Fucking typical Marine…first in, last out…some fucking habits never change.
Shawn walked out of the classroom and looked right at Seth, his eyes going straight to the eagle, globe and anchor on Seth’s belt buckle.

“Hey, Simper Fi.” Shawn nodded at Seth, as he started to walk past.

“Shawn?” Seth said.

Stopping, Shawn looked back, “Do I know you?”

Seth flashed his badge, “Hi, my name is Detective Lane, I’m in the middle of an investigation, and I think you can help me.” Seth said with a smile.

Oh, that smile worked every time. That smile could stop a heard of chicks in their tracks and drop some panties, or for a guy, it screamed I’m your instant friend…let’s grab a beer. For the police work, that smile really helped to get people to open up and talk freely.

“Sure, sure, what can I do for you, sir?” Shawn said a bit confused.

Noticing the professor left the classroom, Seth motioned for them to step inside, “Do you have time to chat with me?” Seth gestured back to the classroom. “This isn’t going to take very long at all.”

“Yeah, no, I have time…I was just going to hang out in the library anyway.”

Seth sat down at one of the desks and motioned for Shawn to do the same, “Well, I’m not going to take up too much time, I’ll get to the point. I’m investigating a rape that took place with one of your classmates, Jen. I’m sorry, a Ms. Jennifer Jewels…”

“Oh wow! And my name came up?” Shawn placed his down on the desk and leaned in.

Seth looked down, eyeing up his arm and hands. “Well…” He smiled and chuckled, “Not like you think… from one fellow Marine to another, I was wondering if you may have seen and/or knew something that Jen hasn’t noticed.” Seth mentally crossed Shawn off the list. Based off the description Jen gave him, there was no way Shawn was the guy. His hands and arms were all kinds of torn up.

“To be honest sir, I kinda keep to myself in this place, I don’t really have anything in common with all these younger kids. Plus, I live about 2 hours away from here, and my classes are spread out so long. In between classes I just go to the library and study.” Shawn explained. “My wife’s at home with our newborn, and when I’m not studying or in class I’m taking care of them most days.”

“Yeah, now that’s something I did hear about you. You’re getting some awesome grades I hear.” Seth said.

“I’m doing the best I can, yeah.” Shawn cracked a smile.

Seth looked down at Shawn’s arm again, “Man, what happened to your arm and hand?”

“Oh that, yeah, while I was deployed in Iraq…I had a run-away gun in the ring mount.” Shawn shrugged.

“Damn, brotha… say no more.” Seth nodded at him, “Well, listen… I don’t want to waste your time. What I’m looking for is someone, some guy who may have taken some extra interest in Ms. Jewels, kinda out of the norm… you know what I mean?

“Here’s my card. I was hoping I could get a fellow Marine’s help.” Seth said.

“I gottcha devil dog.” Shawn replied. “I’ll keep watch on this end.”

* * *

ack in the car
, Seth scrolled through the case file. Again.
What else? I’ve got the two guys from the gym and pool.
Seth breathed a huge sigh. He was
already on campus, he might as well see what they were all about. Always aware of his surroundings, Seth parked right in front of the campus map sign and looked for the gym.
Nice, it’s actually right behind this building. God I love convenience. Let’s go check out what these dingle berries have to say.

Walking into the gym, the smell of chlorine hit Seth’s nose.

“Good afternoon, sir. Is there anything I can help you with?” A muscular kid standing behind the front desk spoke up.

“Hey, good afternoon to you. I’m Detective Lane,” Seth flashed his badge, “Yes, as a matter a fact, there is something you can help me with.”

Seth eyed up the kid. He definitely fit the build of the suspect.
Nice fit kid, clean cut, had his polo tucked into his track pants.
Hmmm… ok.

“Yes sir. Anything you need, whatcha looking for?” The kid stood up straight.

“Well, first of all, let me ask you, are you the only one that works here?” Seth pulled up his case file from his side.

“No sir, just me and my boyfriend. He’s in the back grabbing towels from the dryer for the pool area.” The kid said with a bit of pride, while pointing to the back room.

Your boyfriend? Fuck me…Seriously?! This kid is gay…Goddamnit.
Not to say that he still couldn’t be the suspect, but it was less likely.

“So, other than the two of you, there’s no one else that works here?” Seth said.

“No, sir. We’re on the work-study program…the gym is basically open to use, at your own risk. We’re just here to clean up the equipment and the floors and stuff.” The kid sat down on the stool behind the desk counter. “What’s going on, if I may ask?”

“One of the students that goes here to this school was attacked, and I’m investigating the incident.” Seth said quietly. “Do you know her? Her name is Jen Jewels.”

“Hmmm… Oh yeah, I know of her, don’t really know, know her. She comes in here from time to time and swims a couple of laps then leaves…Is she ok?”

“She had mentioned that you and your…boyfriend talk about her behind her back when she comes in here. What do you two say?” Seth leaned against the desk counter.

“Oh, not much…my boyfriend is just a bit jealous of her body.” The kid flicked his wrist. “He called her a bitch for having an ass like she does. I told him that his ass is just fine the way it is.”

“That’s it?” Seth glared at him.

“Yeah… I mean, yes sir.” The kid said.

He drilled down on some more questions but didn’t get anywhere with the two of them. Seth was at a loss.
This is going fucking nowhere.
The Marine from class is definitely out. His hands and arms were tore the fuck up. Jen would have noticed something like that for sure. And the boyfriends were out of the question. Mr. towel boy is too damn small…Jen could easily have kicked the shit out him. And desk fairy here, he’s not getting hard for anything that doesn’t have a pair of balls attached to them…

“Thank you for your time guys.” Seth said and turned around and walked out.

While walking back to the car his phone rang. He pulled it out of his inside jacket pocket.

“Lane,” Seth answered.

“Sir, its Ashley, I’ve got the results of the rape kit from the hospital.” She was pretty excited to inform Seth of this news.

“Out-fuckin-standing, about time something is going our way. Take those results and make a copy of them. Take the copy to the lab boys and have them run a check with the FBI database for the suspect. And leave the original on my desk for me Ashley…great work.”
Seth hung up with a bit more motivation.

Seth looked up and in the distance, roughly a block away, he could see Jen’s apartment building. He was still baffled about the damn fingerprints.
I’m fucking missing something. What the fuck? No fingerprints, no fucking leads from these guys.
Seth jumped in the car and started heading back over to the apartment.
I am going to fucking find this guy.

He stepped out of the car and stormed to the apartment building. Standing now in front of the building, Seth’s brain was racing.
There’s never nothing.
He could hear the Captain’s voice in his head.
There’s always something left behind at the crime scene. You just have to find it.

Where are you? You fucker.

Chapter Ten

’m making
this entirely way too difficult, this is stupid… I’m thinking way to hard about this.
Seth stared at the dryers, and gave himself a mental pep talk to just calm himself down and think. He closed his eyes, trying to imagine Jen, trying to imagine the attack as it took place.

Instead of Jen, the image of Zee popped into his head. Zee in that outfit while in the basement. The way she bent over those boxes. The way he took her hard and fast. He suddenly realized that those boxes were set up just like these dryers.
He was initially just getting aroused by the thought of Zee bent over, wearing that thong, but now every time his dick twitched it rubbed up against his boxers and made him hard. Seth reached down and adjusted his cock in his pants. He took a deep breath, attempting to relax the massive chub from growing in his boxers, and yet all he could smell was Zee’s pussy.

Seth put his hand in his pocket and through the fabric grabbed ahold of his cock.
Down boy, down boy…
He thought. Feeling the temperature rising, he licked his lips. Expecting to taste the grungy old laundry room, instead all he could taste was the sweet pussy juices from Zee. Not able to make out the difference of the feeling of his own tongue on his lips and the softness of Zee pussy lips against his own, his cock went from twitching to out right throbbing. He briefly acknowledged that this may be inappropriate. This might not be right, this was—after all—the scene of a pretty brutal attack. But he wasn’t fantasizing about hurting anyone. It was Zee.

He remembered Zee’s ass, the way she arched her back and stuck that ass up higher. The little dimples on her lower back smiled at him, with such inviting winks. As Seth grabbed ahold of her waist, he swiped his thumb across those dimples.
My god, there’s nothing sexier.
Seth’s knees buckled a bit, the sensation of Zee’s pussy wrapping around, hugging his cock trickled up his spine. As if his knees weren’t weak enough, Zee started to thrust back onto him, making him lose his balance. A sexy, smirking grin raced across his face.
I couldn’t grab that box fast enough to keep my balance and thrust harder and faster into Zee.

Seth’s eyes shot open and his hard-on shrank like a bucket of ice water was dumped on his head.

The balance. Jen would have been struggling as well. I grabbed a hold of the back of the boxes to help me…
Seth looked at the dryers. Could it really be this fucking simple? Seth opened the dryer door and grabbed the inside rim. With one swift yank, he slid the middle dryer across the floor. Taking a deep breath, he leaned over and looked behind. Right there, in the mist of all the lint and dust from years of never cleaning behind the dryers, on the top of the machine in the back was a perfect silhouette of all four fingers.
I fucking got you! You motherfucker.

A sigh of relief rushed out of Seth’s lungs. Seth patted his suit jacket pocket, hoping to feel the finger printing kit, but felt nothing.
Fuck, it’s in the car.
In a full sprint, he ran out of the laundry room and took the steps in only three leaps. Out the front door and across the park to the car, he flung open the trunk lid, grabbed the finger printing kit and raced back down to the laundry room.

Carefully blowing away the dust and lint surrounding the finger impressions, he coated the area with the magnetic dust. Perfect fingerprints appeared.
Zee, you’re an out-right fucking genius! An out-right sexy fuckin’ genius.

* * *

hile walking back out
to car, with his chest pumped up and the prints in his pocket, he took his phone out and called the precinct.

“Ashley, I got some prints. I’ve found him.” Seth said with excitement. “Go tell the lab boys, I want these results back quick. I’m on the way in now.”

Before Ashley can even respond Seth hung up. Back at the car he opened the trunk to put away the finger printing kit, and noticed that old receipt. Seth looked up, over the trunk lid and stared at Jen’s apartment. It was a long shot, but he bet this fucker was sitting right here in this parking spot and watched and waited for the perfect time. Seth gazed at Jen’s living room window. He could see the front door. The unsub would have been able to see Jen carrying her laundry basket and walking out of her apartment from here. Seth picked up the receipt and took a second look. Sweet. He used a credit card.

* * *

eth walked into the precinct

“Ashley,” Seth reached into his pocket. “You see this receipt? I need you to track down the owner of this credit card.”

“How in the hell do I track down whose credit card this is?” Ashley asked.

“Really?” Seth paused and remembered that she was still a rookie. “Ok… here, you see that credit card number? It starts with a four?”

“Yeah, what’s that mean?”

“Well, if the card starts with the number four, then it’s a VISA. If the card starts with a five, then it’s a Mastercard.” Seth started to explain. “Now, on the receipt you’ve got the address and name of the gas station. There’s also the time and date of the purchase. So… whatcha gonna do is call VISA, tell them who you are, and once they have verified who you are, give them the address and time and date, along with the numbers that you do have on the receipt and with that information they’ll be able to tell who that card belongs to. From there use the precinct database to find me an address of the card owner.”

“Got it, sir.” Ashley said excited for her next task.

* * *

ith the fingerprints
still in his jacket pocket, Seth again bypassed his office and rushed downstairs to the lab.

“Wake up, guys!” Seth entered the lab.

The two lab boys sitting at one of the computers were arguing with each other about what program was better than the other.

“Hey Detective, sorry we couldn’t get the actual match on the DNA results yet. But the good news is we’ve got a great sample that will be easy as shit to match and connect with anyone.” One of the boys said. Seth seriously needed to learn their names.

“Oh well, it was a tough break but I’ve got something new for y’all.” Seth said. “I’ve got some fingerprints.”

“Nice, now fingerprints I can do.” The taller lab boy said. “I’ll get the points off of these prints and run them through the IAFIS database, we’ll see what the FBI has on this guy, for you boss-man.”

The IAFIS database was the one that the FBI used to track fingerprints. If this guy was on record it would be in the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System.

“Great guys, about how long do y’all think this will take?” Seth asked while handing over the print tape.

The lab boy gazed at the print tape, “Hmm, these look like really good prints detective.” The tall lab boy said raising his eyebrows, showing excitement. “Not super long, I don’t think. But that all depends on the program system.”

“Ok guys, work your magic for me and let’s find this guy as fast as possible.”

Seth started walking out of the lab and paused.

“Hey guys, one more thing. What happened with the DNA?” Seth asked.

“Oh, the DNA was great. We got an awesome sample from the hospital’s rape kit. But…we ran it through our system as well as the state system and no matches came up.” The taller, younger looking kid said.

“At the same time I ran it through FDDU.” The chubbier kid with glasses said.

“FDDU? What’s that?” Seth asked.

The lab boys chuckled. “FDDU is the FBI’s database on DNA, it stands for Federal DNA Database Unit.” The chubby kid started to explain before Seth cut him off. That’s all he really needed to know.

“Ok ok, yeah yeah great work… thanks guys, and let me know on those fingerprints.” Seth shook his head and walked out of the lab.
Thank god we’ve got those two brainiacs locked up in the basement. And they’re on our side.

* * *

!” A booming voice echoed as Seth walked back to his office.

“Hey, Captain.” Seth responded without even looking up.

“What’s going on with this case of yours?” The Captain asked in a surprised manner, knowing that Seth’s track record hasn’t normally taken this long before. “Why are there no suspects in my interrogation rooms?”

“Cap, give me a couple of minutes and I’ll fill you in. Meet you in your office in five?” Only this response could have come from Seth, and only Seth could have gotten away with talking to the Captain in this fashion.

Perfect, I’m finally making head way on this case and now I have to back track and explain myself like I’m a first time rookie again.

Five minutes to fuckin’ catch my breath… it’s not like I’ve been fucking around…

A smile and a half chuckle popped out of Seth as he walked into his office.

Well actually, I guess I kinda have been…fucking around, thank-you, Zee.

Seth looked around the office, gathering up all the new information that belonged to this case. Everything from the rape kit results from the hospital to the DNA results from the lab boys, and he tossed them into his case file.

All right, let’s go get this done and see what the hell the Captain wants.

Before leaving his office Seth grabbed his desk phone and called Ashley at the front desk.

“Ashley, can you be a doll and grab me some coffee, and bring it to the Captain’s office please?”

As Seth walked to the Captain’s office with his case file in his hand, he skimmed through the file. As he approached the Captain’s office, he stopped at the door and knocked.

Even though Seth had gained a rapport, and is able to respond to the Captain in a certain manner, in front of the other officers there was a line that Seth won’t even cross. The Captain is the Captain, and the Marine in Seth still showed respect where respect was due.
One thing the Marine Corps has taught me, you don’t always have to respect the person, but you damn well still better respect the rank.

“Lane, come in come in, what have you got for me?” The Captain said.

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