Destructive Silence (The Destructive Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Destructive Silence (The Destructive Series)
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Fuck that.
“Yes, Julie. The baby is his. For your information, Caine has been the one and only man I have ever slept with,” I retort, hoping she hears the underlying message.

“Lacey, I think it’s time for us to go.” Caine stands
, bringing me to my feet. He nods to his stepdad and Edward before grabbing my hand to lead me to the car. “Maybe we’ll see you guys tomorrow,” he says over his shoulder as we walk out.

“Caine! Wait Caine,” his mom pleads.

“No mom. I won’t have you talking that way to Lacey. I don’t know what stunt you are trying to pull, but she isn’t like that. Lacey has never once been unfaithful. If you want to know what is going on between us, I’m the one to blame. I was stupid and cheated on her. She never did anything wrong. I am doing everything I can to help save our relationship,” he shouts.
I guess he sensed it, too.

, if you cheated on her, maybe there is a reason why you did such a thing, sweetie,” she says innocently.

I have had my fill of this lady and something snaps inside me. “Julie, I’m doing everything I can to be respectful of you in your home, but I refuse to let you compare me with yourself. I’m not you. I didn’t whore around from guy to guy.” I bring one finger to my mouth and tap as if I’m trying to think. “Let’s see, what number marriage are you on?” Julie takes a long stride towards me and slaps me across the face.
Fuck, that stings!
Caine rushes to stand between us. I cannot believe she just slapped me.

“Mom, we’re going. Let’s all cool off and maybe talk tomorrow.” Caine ushers me into the car with his mother muttering something. I’m trying my hardest to ignore it. Caine's mother is an alcoholic. She spends most days coping with a bottle in her hand. She wasn't the best mother to Caine or his brother and sister. I pray I'm nothing like her. I don’t think I will be because
the mom who raised me is nothing like Julie. Oh no, my mom is going to flip if she finds out that Julie slapped me. And then it dawns on me. Caine didn’t really stick up for me when we were inside. Is he mad with the way I spoke to his mom?

I can hear Caine say something to his mom as he walks around the back of the car. I can’t make out what
his words from the muffled sounds, but honestly, I don’t care, because I’m so ready to go home now. He slides in his seat, starts the car, and looks over at me with sad eyes. “Lacey, I’m sorry my mom did that. I wish you wouldn’t have egged her on like that though. Did you really have to say those things?” he asks.
Seriously Caine?
This entire trip is becoming more of a clusterfuck by the moment and I’m already wishing it were over.

I look at him in shock, thinking he couldn’t have just spoken those words. “Caine, I’m sorry if you aren’t happy with the way I spoke to your mom, but she needed to be put in her place. You had already told her I don’t sleep around and she continued to press the issue. I’m sorry if it hurt your feelings, but I’m not sorry for what I said to her. The way she treated me tonight was uncalled for. My parents would never treat you that way,” I rant, turning my head to look out the window. We are driving along a stretch of beach. I miss walking along the shoreline.
Having grown up near the beach, I always enjoyed listening to the tide bringing the water to greet and tickle my feet, only to pull away as if playing a game. It’s very soothing, and at the moment, I am missing how it allows me the opportunity to think without the chaos of others thoughts, pressures, and expectations.

About ten minutes
later, we are pulling up to an apartment complex. “This is where Sam lives,” he tells me. “If you’re hungry, we can walk over to the strip and get something to eat after I put our bags away.”

“Sure, that’s fine,” I answer, emotionally exhausted.

“Lacey, please baby.” He turns to me. “I’m sorry about my mom. I love you. Let me try to make you feel better,” he begs and I nod, too tired to do anything else. Caine steps out of the car and grabs our bags. I follow him up the stairs to Sam’s third floor apartment. We knock, and within seconds, Sam opens the door pulling Caine and me into a hug. Well, at least one family member doesn’t mind being around me.

“I’m so glad you guys are here!” she screeches.
Oh my, it’s a mini Becca.
I wish she were here with us. She would have hit Julie with her verbal Becc-lish language, slapping her into next year. The thought makes me smile.
I’m going to hell.

We step out for a bite to eat, catching up with Sam. I like her; she has a great personality and speaks animatedly. “So, big brother, how’s life going in Maryland?” she asks, taking a large bite of her burger. Oh how I wish I could eat like that and keep my figure. Shit, she doesn’t know I’m pregnant. I am praying she doesn’t react the same way as her mother.
Oh my God,
I still cannot believe that woman slapped me!

“It’s been good.” He looks over at me as if asking permission. I give him a slight smile. What the hell are we going to do
? Wait for his mother to inform the universe that I’m pregnant and did it on purpose? Oh, and it might not be his child.
“Lacey and I would like to tell you something.”

, are you guys getting married?” she asked a little too excited for my mood.

“Um, well, not exactly, at least not yet.” He turns to me again as if placing the blame on me for us not getting married.
Watch it buddy!
“We’re pregnant and I’m trying to talk Lacey into marrying me so that I can take care of her and our baby,” he tells her, never returning his gaze to his sister.

Sam whistles. “Did you tell mom?” I nod.

Caine says, “Yeah, she didn’t take it that well.”

“She can be such a bitch sometimes. Lacey
, don’t worry, honey. She was probably drunk and wasn’t thinking clearly.” Sam tries to comfort me. Drunk... thinking clearly... OH. MY. GOD! Isn’t that what Caine did to me?
Please God, do not let him be like his mother!

I give Sam a small smile. “I don’t know if she was drunk or not, but she did slap me because I wouldn’t let her keep talking down to me. Caine didn’t seem to be able put an end to it.”

“Bro, you need to cut the crap. You cannot fix mom; she’s been like this for as long as you’ve been alive. She’s going to continue to drink and do the stupidest ass things. Stop being a mama’s boy, Caine. Look after Lacey and forget mom. Edward and I are here and will keep an eye on things,” Sam shouts at Caine and her admission stuns me. Caine, a mama’s boy?

“Sam!” Caine shouts cutting her off from saying more; and then shakes his head as if in defeat. Sam moves on to talk about the bridal shower and the details with the wedding. We talk for about thirty more minutes and walk back to the apartment. I say goodnight to both of them, thinking Caine wants to catch up some more with Sam. Grabbing my sleepwear and toiletries bag, I walk into the adjoining bathroom. Setting my things on the counter, I start going over Julie’s reaction. I make a silent pact with myself to never allow that woman to slap me again.

I’m in the middle of changing into my pajamas and feeling a little uneasy about the sleeping arrangements. I brush my teeth, clean my face, and pick up the clothes I tossed on the floor. Placing my hand on the doorknob, I take a deep breath hoping I’ll have the strength to resist Caine if he tries anything.

I walk into the bedroom and
Fuck me!
Caine has removed his shirt, revealing the gorgeous abs that I once enjoyed running my fingers over. He looks up. “Here, you can take the bed. I’ll sleep on the floor.” Caine moves to give me room, never taking his eyes off me in my sleepwear.

“Oh okay. Thanks,” I reply, telling my heartbeat to slow down. I pull the covers back and climb in the bed. Caine helps grab the edge of the sheet to assist
in tucking me in. The gesture is nice. Our fingers brush, sending flames through my body.

“Oh, sorry,” he says embarrassed. “Good night Lacey.” Leaning in
, he kisses my cheek, but lingers, and it is in this moment that I turn my head seeking his lips. Caine eagerly caresses my lips before taking my mouth prisoner. Bringing his hand to my hair, he shifts his weight so that he’s over me. His other hand rests on the bed above my head while we kiss ourselves into oblivion. His hand trails down my cheek, neck, and the top of my shoulder before moving to my back, giving him the opportunity to pull our bodies together. My arms move with a mind of their own, rubbing the smooth flesh of his back. Caine settles me on the bed, pushing his excitement into me and begins to rock. He takes his other hand to slide the strap of my nightgown down, exposing my shoulder, and raining kisses along the way.
Oh God
, I’ve missed his touch, his lips, and the way he loves my body. He pulls away and looks me in the eyes, “I’m sorry, Lacey. I promised I wouldn’t pressure you and here I am getting carried away. I just love you so much, baby.”

I take a large breath as anticipation roars our feelings to life and my vision blurs from unshed tears. “Caine,” I pause, praying I’m making the right decision. “Please don’t stop.”

His eyes are searching mine, being careful to take his time. He knows how fragile my emotions are right now. He whispers, “I love you so much, Lacey,” again before he claims my mouth. He pulls me up to peel my top off, before gently laying me back down on the bed, leaving me in only my panties. He is straddling my body, staring at it. He slowly descends to my mouth, tenderly kissing me, before he moves his lips to my jaw, and then delicately nipping down my neck to attend to my breasts. He covers one, sucking, while his hand works the other that’s feeling neglected. Attentively moving to the other breast, he fulfills its need, thereby increasing the desire in the pit of my stomach. He continues to move south, gently sliding my panties down.
Caine cautiously pushes my legs apart and I’m instantly defenseless. His licks are slow, with his fingers searching for the spot in a ‘come hither’ motion. “God dammit Lacey, you are fucking soaked.” His words send me over the edge, and he licks and sucks my spasms. He puts his hand over my mouth, trying to silence my cries. I’m not aware of the noises that I’m making in the throes of passion, and pray that his sister doesn’t hear us. I cannot deny this man because I love him and need this connection with him after all we’ve gone through the past two weeks.

He plants kisses on the inside of my thighs and begins to make his way up my body
, fully aware of how it’s responding to his touch. He takes my mouth, allowing me to taste myself, where it ignites a new wave of passion. My hands reach down to remove the threads separating our final union only to find they’re gone. When did he remove his boxers? Caine slowly guides himself inside as if savoring every inch. He kisses me hard and begins to rock in and out, replicating the movement with his tongue. I am barely holding on as I unexpectedly explode into ecstasy. Caine increases his speed, slamming as deep as he can until he finally explodes, heating my core with our juices dancing together. He stays inside of me as he continues to kiss me passionately for a while until we are both panting, not just from our movements, but also from the emotions between us. He rolls over, bringing me with him, to cuddle and embrace the love we have for each other. We are both quiet as sleep overtakes us.

Chapter Twelve


Yesterday I helped Sam and her best friend Bridgette, who is hosting the bridal shower, around the house getting favors, games
, and such ready for today. It was fun sharing stories about Caine with her. I learned a lot of things about his childhood and all of the places they lived growing up.

had just finished setting out the last of the refreshments and snacks when the guests start arriving. Caine sticks close to me throughout the party and introduces me to so many people that I’ll never remember their names. I just reply with ‘yes ma’am or no ma’am’; that way I don’t offend anyone. My favorite guest of the day is Grandma Pain, as she is referred to. She is a firecracker and does not act her age one bit. I really like her and she seemed to keep me preoccupied from Julie’s wrath. Grandma Pain is Julie’s mother and apparently doesn’t care too much for her daughter.

I was laughing with a group of girls
that Sam went to high school with when I accidentally looked over at Julie. She was sneering with hate pouring out of her eyes while drinking a glass of orange juice. I don’t understand why she hates me and I wonder what else is in that glass. Grandma Pain taps my arm, pulling me away from my thoughts. “Lacey dear, you need to just ignore that old geezer. She’s not going to be nice no matter how hard you try. Trust me; I gave up decades ago. I don’t know what the hell her problem is. I didn’t raise her to act this way. I like you and I’m usually correct about my first impressions of people. By the way, I want to congratulate you on the little bundle in there.” She glances down at my stomach. “I can’t wait to meet my great-grandchild. Promise me one thing; that no matter what your relationship is with Mrs. Bitch over there, I can still be a part of my baby in there.”
Her baby?
I see her snicker and realize she’s pulling my leg.

“Of course you will. I wouldn’t dream of keeping him or her from you.” She pulls me into a bear hug. Holy cow, she’s squeezing all of the oxygen out of me.

She pulls back, looking me square in the eyes and says, “Best if you keep that little munchkin away from her too. She’ll turn it to stone when you’re not looking!” I stared at Grandma Pain in shock, while she fixes a plate full of desserts. For heaven’s sake, she is sampling everything. How does she keep a figure like that? She turns towards me, and I realize that I forgot I was staring. “What? That woman is all kinds of evil.” She shrugs her shoulders. I’m too perplexed to speak so I just smile. Yes, Grandma Pain is a good lady. We’re going to get along just fine. When we were hugging goodbye, she whispered, “If it’s a girl, can we name her Grandma Pain?” We laugh together.

After the shower, I help clean up
, and finally fall onto the sofa in exhaustion. Caine sits next to me. “You okay baby?” he asks.

“Yeah, I’m just tired. By the way, I love Grandma Pain! You’ll have to give me her phone number so I can stay in touch with her. What do you think about flying her up to Maryland after the baby’s born?”

“We’ll see. She is awesome though, and I knew you’d like her. My mom gave her that nickname and from what I hear, Grandma Pain thinks it’s an honor.” He chuckles. “She reminds me a lot of you.” You can see the pride that he holds for his grandmother. It’s something I haven’t seen in his eyes before and is very sweet. “So, do you think you’ll be up to the waterpark tomorrow?”

“They have a lazy river, right?” I smile.

“Oh yes, and I will gladly lie next to you as we drift throughout the park,” he tells me, kissing my nose. I’m so content right now. No, I think the word is happy.

Two days
later, we sit on the beach watching the sunset in a secluded area. We are packed and ready to leave early in the morning, as our flight takes off at ten. Caine and I snuggle on a blanket with no one around. It’s absolutely breathtaking. I miss watching the sunsets on the gulf. The sun is huge at the moment, and it begins to tickle the water’s edge over the horizon. There are a few puffy clouds with light peeking around them as the sun’s glow creates this magnificent calming view. As it descends, it reminds me of a grand orchestra gently ending an intense song that quietly sings chords of hope for the next day. Caine turns and kisses me on my cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I reply, turning to face him. In the same moment, he moves to kneel in front of me on the sand. The scene before me is a masterpiece to witness; the golden glow of the sunset filling the sky and the reflection on the water magnifies his silhouette.

“Lacey, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our baby. I think getting pregnant was a sign from God that we are meant to be together. Maybe it’s not the ideal time for us to have a child because we are so young, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love you so much. Will you marry me?” Caine pulls out a ring from his pocket and I gasp. I was not expecting this. The thought never occurred to me that he would propose. He runs his thumb along my cheek to wipe away the tears escaping my filled eyes. “I hope those are happy tears.”

“Yes, Caine.” I nod. “Yes, they are happy tears; and yes
, I will marry you.” Now it’s my turn to wipe my cheeks. Caine grabs my left hand and slips the ring on. Wow, it fits. “How did you know?”

He shrugs. “I have my ways.” And then he smirks, before moving towards me to seal his lips on mine. He gently pushes us back so that he is lying on top of me as we continue to kiss. Caine pulls his lips away from mine to look into my eyes. The soft gentle breeze has little wisps of my hair sweeping across my face. He takes the strands and puts them behind my ear. His thumb traces my forehead down the side of my face, jaw and down my neck. Caine’s eyes twinkle as the sun bids its farewell, and then they find mine. We stare at each other engrossed in this intimate moment. “I love you Lacey. I love you so fucking much.” And then his lips are on mine again.

We made love on the beach and it was incredible. He wrapped us in the blanket afterwards, and we just stared up at the night sky as we thought about our future. It was gorgeous, and I wish now that we didn’t have to leave tomorrow. We cuddled for a long time before we decided it was time to get dressed and go back to Sam’s.


A few days later, we are back in Maryland sitting in the hallway of the county Courthouse waiting to apply for a marriage license. Caine is taking his lunch break to come with me. “Caine, remember my parents want you to come over tonight to talk.”

“I know and I’ll be there around seven-thirty. I need to tie up a couple things after work and then I’ll be over.”

“Okay.” He puts his arm around me and kisses my forehead.

Caine and I left the
courthouse after they told us we could come back in five days to tie the knot. He kisses me goodbye on the cheek before getting in his car to drive back to work. That was weird; he didn’t open the door to my car as he’s always done in the past. Not that he has to open my door every time, but he’s just always been a gentleman. I shrug it off and return to the store in Elkridge. Mom and dad do not know Caine proposed to me the other night. I wanted to wait until we talk tonight and I think I’m also a little scared about the whole thing. So much has happened in the past month. I called Becca the day we returned and told her. Let’s just say, I don’t want to relive that conversation.

It’s seven forty-five when the doorbell rings. “I’ll get it,” I yell, knowing its Caine.

“Hey baby,” He drawls out as he pulls me into a hug. Oh, this feels nice. “Sorry I’m a little late.” He gives me a quick kiss and then whispers in my ear. “I was thinking on my way over here that we should start looking at apartments as soon as possible. I don’t like having to spend the night away from the future Mrs. Caine Rogers.”

“Shh, we still need to tell my parents. It sucks to hide the ring you gave me. But after your little chat with them, there will be no more secrets.” Caine chuckles as he walks into the kitchen to greet my parents.

“Hi Caine,” Mom says, embracing him in a hug.

“Mrs. Edwards, something smells really good.” Oh, Caine is buttering her up.

Dad walks into the kitchen. “Caine,” he says, nodding his head as a greeting.

“Sir,” Caine replies. This is their standard introduction.

“Go have a seat; everything is about ready,” Mom tells us, motioning over to the dinner table. Caine grabs my hand and leads me over, pulling my chair out for me. Oh, my gentleman is back. I smile to myself.

Mom begins to bring dishes out and I feel awkward not helping her, but dad seems to be assisting her this evening. They sit
, and after we bow our heads saying grace, we begin to pass the food around. “Caine, I want to thank you for taking the time to meet with us tonight. We are fortunate that Lane was available to cover the store this evening for us. Alexa, I mean Mrs. Edwards, and I both feel it’s important that we discuss your intent with our daughter and the baby.” Dad pauses, allowing Caine to chime in.

“Mr. Edwards, I would be more than happy to share with you the fact that I proposed to Lacey the other night and she accepted my proposal. We went to the Courthouse this afternoon and applied for a marriage license
, and we can get married as early as five days from now.” Mom claps her hands together excitedly. I knew she would be an easy sell. Dad eyes Caine.

“Caine, it would have been nice for you to ask me for Lacey’s hand before you proposed. I understand this situation is not conventional
, and I will allow it to slide, but in the future you are to respect our family values,” Dad chastised him. “But, I will also congratulate both of you, and I appreciate you stepping up to the plate to care for Lacey and the baby.”

“Yes sir, thank you. I will take very good care of her and the baby. Once we have our marriage license, I want to get her a military ID card and do whatever is needed to get her in to see a doctor.”

Well that freaking settles it. I can see the content in dad’s eyes. “Thank you, Caine.”

We finish supper talking about our trip
, and about how Caine proposed. Mom was almost in tears. I know she misses the beaches as much as I do and possibly even more. Mom grew up on the gulf and her love for the water flows through her veins. I know she couldn’t think of a better place for him to propose. We usually travel at least once a year to visit family, but with her neck pain and now migraines, we weren’t able to go this year. I know she is looking forward to her surgery in the fall.

The next few days
go by fast. Becca is on her way over to help me find a dress for the marriage ceremony. I walk out into the family room to wait when the front door opens and Becca steps in. “Hello, love. Are you ready to go find this dress you want?” Becca asks, bothered that she has to participate. She is still not happy with me marrying Caine. She’s skeptical of his character, since the whole cheating thing blew up. Becca says she’ll try for my sake though. Maybe her coming along dress shopping is her way of trying. God help me if it is.

“Yeah let’s go now, because I need to get back for work tonight. I’m looking for something simple that I might be able to wear again,” I tell her

“Okay then, I think we should get you a black dress.”

“Becca!” I shout at her.

“What? You know plenty of women who aren’t married and have babies. You don’t have a ‘wed-by-date’ on you. I don’t see the rush, that’s all,” Becca confesses.

“I get it, honestly I do. But I don’t know what other options I have out there. My head
feels cluttered with everything going on and I have no idea what to do, other than marry Caine so that I can see a doctor. I just don’t know what else to do Becca; everything is happening so fast. I love him and I would love for us to live happily ever after and I pray that will happen.” I try to convey how scared I am.

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