Destructive Silence (The Destructive Series) (7 page)

BOOK: Destructive Silence (The Destructive Series)
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He moves his head down to kiss me. “You’re welcome babe.” Caine ordered the same dish as I did. Lucas ordered surf and turf and Becca ordered some kind of seafood salad.
I look bad gorging on the ungodly amount of calories sitting in front of me.
Oh well.

We finish our meal and file out of the restaurant, coupled and holding hands. I am full, but not uncomfortably stuffed. The night air surprisingly is warmer than it’s been. We stroll along the shops stepping in to warm up a bit every so often. There are a number of specialty
stores offering a variety of novelty items. We walk into one that has funny signs and figures comically depicting Baltimore. Caine and Lucas enjoy finding the funniest things to show off.

Lucas holds up a mug that states, ‘Maryland, we’ve got crabs!’

Caine finds another mug, ‘I want to get crabby with Maryland crabs.’ Becca and I roll our eyes.

“Now this is a bang piece!” Becca points to a sign. “‘Always give 100% at work: 12% on Monday, 23% on Tuesday, 40% on Wednesday, 20% on
Thursday, and 5% on Friday.’” We all chuckle wondering if we could actually get away with that low of a performance. After a while, we realize the sales clerk is getting a little annoyed, so we moved on. Walking over to the aquarium, we watch the seals in their outdoor playpen. Caine stands behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist with his chin on my shoulder as we watch these entertaining creatures. It’s a wonderful moment and I couldn’t be happier in his arms. I could stand here forever if the cold wasn’t beginning to set into my bones.

Caine must feel me shaking as he squeezes me tighter. “You’re cold baby, how about we get out of here?” He suggests.

“Okay. What do you want to do now?”

“Would you like to come back to the barracks and I’ll show you my room?” he asks.

I look down at my feet, not fully understanding the feelings that suddenly came over me. “Um, okay.”

Caine takes his fingers to pull my chin up to meet my gaze. “Lacey, we don’t have to do anything. I told you I would go slowly. Please don’t be afraid of me
, or what could happen between us. I will not force you to do anything you aren’t comfortable with. I just want to show you my room and some things that represent me. I want us to get to know each other.” I smile at him.

Lucas asked Becca to go back to his room as well; which is five doors down from Caine’s. Caine parks the car and before we start walking to the door, he says, “We aren’t allowed to have guests after eleven, so we have to sneak you in.”

“Um, what? How exactly are you planning on sneaking us in?” I ask confused.

“Well, we’ll lift you girls through the window.”

“You’re joking, right?” I ask. He shakes his head and I look over at Becca to gauge her reaction. She smiles. “Fine.”

Walking down the open grassy area separating two buildings both housing military personnel, Caine and Lucas explain how they will sneak us in. “We’ll hoist each of you into our rooms through the window, and then we’ll go through the main entrance to our rooms. It’s a piece of cake and our friends do it all the time. We just have to be careful of the guy standing guard in the barracks across the way. He tends to be an ass and will report us for misconduct if he catches us.”

“Lovely,” I reply and Caine grabs my ass playfully. I scream and everyone gives me the “Shhh,” as if I did it on purpose.

Becca quietly yells at Caine, “If you guys are sneaking us in, there will be no grabbastic
going on here!” Lucas reaches around and squeezes Becca’s rear causing her to swat him away. Caine and I laugh.

“Okay, Lacey you’re first since Caine’s room is
the closest and straight across from the fuckwit over there,” Lucas says motioning to the poor guy standing watch.
Oh my God
, no wonder Lucas and Becca get along so well; he speaks her language!

I walk over to Becca and give her a hug. “I’ll text you in a
little bit, okay?”

“Alrighty, love. Mwah” She loudly kisses my cheek.

Caine went inside and opened his window before returning to push me up with Lucas’ help. The height of the window was not normal for one story; it was taller making it harder to climb in but we managed. I stand in his room waiting for him to help get Becca safely inside. I began looking around his room as I shrug out of my sweater. The walls are cinder blocks painted white. A large Florida Gators flag hangs over one bed and band posters over the other. I’m not exactly sure which bed is Caine’s and which belongs to his roommate. I’ll just wait for that clarification. A guitar sits next to the door and the closet won’t quite shut because of the huge amount of uniforms, civilian clothes, and duffle bags that it holds. It is a typical enlisted man’s closet. Just as my eyes begin to take in another wall, the door flies open. It’s Caine. My face lights up and he saunters over to me, wraps me in his arms, and kisses me so hard that he knocks me off my feet. There is so much to him that it scares me because when I’m near him, I can’t help but fall for him.

He lets go
. “I want to play another song for you,” he says, motioning to his bed under the Florida Gators banner. Now I know which is his; I was confused at first because the band pictures fit with his playing the guitar, and I briefly thought that could be his side of the room. I sit on his bed while he pulls his desk chair out and wraps the strap to his guitar around his neck. Clearing his throat, he begins to pick the strings.

He begins the song, but I’m not familiar with it. And then he starts to sing
... oh dear God! My insides melt as he sings Eric Clapton’s ‘Running on Faith’. So many songs can convey the message he wants to tell me. He was hoping and praying I would give him a chance because he had nothing but hope; and it would crush him if I didn’t. Did he just say love?
Oh my God!

I sit
, mesmerized by his words. He sings beautifully and with so much emotion. My eyes glaze over watching him while my entire body relaxes. Am I falling in love with him? Is he falling in love with me? No, you can’t fall in love with someone so quickly. It’s impossible. Isn’t it? He opens his eyes to sing the ‘L’ word again.

Is he telling me? Is he asking me?
, I think I’m falling. Maybe I need to see a doctor. Perhaps I’m only infatuated. But then he looks at me, and fuck me to China... I love him.

He finishes the song, sets his guitar aside
, and walks over to me. My revelation leaves me paralyzed on his bed. I don’t know what to do, but fleeing sounds very appealing right now. Caine places his hands in mine and asks, “What did you think of that song?”

Goosebumps rise up all over my body from the heat of his breath, the scent of his cologne and his handsomeness staring into me. “Um, it was awesome Caine.”
I can’t really say much more. However, if he wants me to show him how much I liked it, I believe I can easily take on that task.

Caine leans in to place his lips on mine after asking, “You think it was just awesome?” I can’t think straight. He’s teasing m

“Yeah, just awesome,” I respond smiling against his mouth.

“Hmm, I wonder if I can change your mind to something more than awesome.”
Oh fuck!
He leans into me, allowing me to fall back onto his bed. His body covers mine and we kiss. We kiss until our mouths are sore. He begins to rock his hips into mine and I start to fall apart from the ache forming inside of me. Our kiss becomes heated and our bodies savagely move against one another. It’s intense. My hands grab his shirt, wanting to feel his flesh. His hand pulls the spaghetti strap off one of my shoulders and his mouth immediately travels there, sucking and nibbling with want. He pulls away so I can remove his shirt. His hand moves to the hem of my skirt, and sliding his fingers up my thigh and around to my rear, he pulls my hips into his. The arousal pressing into me is waiting to find release from the confines of the fabric holding it back. Caine returns his mouth to mine and pulls me up into a sitting position. Grabbing the skirt of my dress, he pulls it slowly up my body until it’s a lonely piece of fabric tossed on the floor. He is pleasantly surprised that I’m not wearing a bra. His fingers brand me as he lays me back on his plush bed, exploring every inch of skin, while dipping his mouth to cover my breast. His hand works my other breast over, pinching and pulling, imitating the movements of his talented mouth. His nibbling on my nipple causes me to gasp and breathe heavier. I wrap my legs around him wanting more. I’m completely lost in the bliss. Caine pulls away and looks me in the eye. “Baby...” he tries to talk, but his erection is taking center stage.

“Please Caine. Pleeease
!” I try to convey what my emotions are keeping me from telling him.

Caine understands, lifting his hips to unbuckle his belt and remov
ing his pants as quickly as possible with my help. I don’t know if we were working against each other or not, but we both try to remove them with the same speed and force. He leans over the bed and I hear the familiar crinkle of the condom wrapper.
Oh, thank heavens.

“Baby, I need you. I don’t want to let you go
. Will you stay with me tonight?” Caine asks desperately.

How can I deny him? “Yes, please. Please Caine.” I can’t say anything else for fear I might tell him I love him. He finishes rolling on the condom and it is one of the sexiest things I’ve seen.

“Let me see how wet you are baby.” He runs a finger along my heat, setting a surge of potent nerves on edge.
Oh my God!
He plunges one finger in, and then another. “Lacey baby, I think you’re ready. Are you okay?” he asks, kissing along my jaw.

“Uh huh, please Caine. I need you.”
, that was close. I can’t tell him how I feel. Concentrate Lacey. Caine grabs his cock, placing it at my opening and gently pushes. “Ahhh.” I pant and his mouth covers mine to drown out my cries. His tongue invades me as does his hardness pushing in, and once he is all the way in, I take a deep breath.

“You okay?” he asks.


“I’m going to start moving Lacey. Are you ready for that? Are you ready for me to move inside you and make you come?”
Holy fuck!
I can only nod as the overwhelming tingles that flow through engulf me. He rocks in and out, bringing his hand down to play with my clit and making me see sparks.

I cannot believe how much I’m enjoying this. It’s so much different from last week when I couldn’t wait for it to be over. Now, I’m enjoying each
moment, every second. I feel my muscles tighten and I’m familiar with it, knowing I’m about to fall over the edge. “Aaaa... Caine!” I say on the verge of yelling.

Caine senses my orgasm and with three more thrusts, he stills his body, joining me in the blissful ecstasy. Oh God, this is so much better. What the hell was I thinking dissing on the whole sex scene. Damn, I’m on fucking cloud nine. He gently kisses me until we both calm from fevering moves.

“Caine...” My phone buzzes with a new text message. “I should see if that’s Becca.” He nods and lifts himself to discard the condom. I find my phone.

Friday 11:09pm: 
Would u b ok if I stayed here?

Caine looks at
me smiling. “What is it?” he asks.

“Becca wanted to know if I’m okay with her staying with Lucas tonight.”

Caine gives me a mega-watt smile and says, “Fuck yeah!” And I laugh, because that’s exactly what I was thinking.

:  Friday 11:12pm:
Caine says, fuck yeah and so do I! Text me in the am. Luv u!

Caine jumps on the bed next to me
, excited that we get to spend the night together. “Caine, I’m so sorry for last weekend. I promise I won’t walk out on you tonight.” I pause as a tear escapes my blurred eyes. “I promise, I...”
, I can’t finish.

He places a finger on my lips, “Shh...,” He then covers my
mouth, and our tongues dance for a while before settling into a sleepy embrace.

Chapter Five


Six months later...

Caine and I have been dating for six months. I would have never guessed we’d become an item after my first one-night stand. The first time having intercourse, or as Becca calls it, ‘Whacking Willy Wonka into Wonderland’, scared me to death. It shocked me when Caine confessed to wanting more. Maybe it was the electricity between us. I'm not sure. If there is one person made for each of us, I believe Caine is mine. I’m head over heels in love with this man. He makes me feel so worshipped and cherished that all my fears and troubles fade away in his embrace. He is extremely affectionate and doesn’t hide his feelings for me from anyone –
My family has grown to like him and automatically include him in our Sunday family dinners. My only reservation with Caine is his tendency to be a little possessive of me. We’ve talked many times about him trusting me and I feel we are working through it.

I met Caine’s family when he took me home to Florida around Christmas. We were both surprised when we found out Florida is our shared home state. His parents seem nice
, but I'm kind of glad they don't live close. I don't know how his mom would handle seeing him dating me - or anyone for that matter. She didn’t care for the overt affection her son gave me. From what Caine has told me, his mom experienced a rougher life than most. I guess one could understand why she is skeptical of anyone in her children's lives. I did find out she’s an alcoholic and when she’s had a few drinks, she talks way too much. She went into unnecessarily graphic detail about an accident Caine had playing football in high school. Her over the top description was a bit much for me to pay close attention to, and she could have found a more delicate way to tell me he was sterile. I think she uses alcohol to medicate her emotional problems and there is no way I could handle being around her daily.

I handle the visit as well as can be expected. I bit
e my tongue on several occasions and slap on my fake smile, trying to remember the manners my parents taught me. I am respectful and ignore her intense stares. If the worse thing to happen during the visit is putting ketchup on my steak, then I think I’m golden. There is nothing like sitting down for supper with a group of strangers who stare at you because you put ketchup on your plate.
Excuse me; did I commit a freaking crime?
I don't eat any meat without ketchup. It's just one of my quirks. If Caine’s family wants to accept me, then they won’t have a problem with it, right?
Nothing and no one will come between Mr. Heinz and me.

Becca and I both graduated with honors last week and it is so refreshing to have school behind me; at least for now. I’m going to take a year off to help my parents with the stores and plan to attend a local college next year. Becca will be leaving in less than two months for college, but she’ll be close enough to see often.

Caine and I go out about once a week to a club in either Baltimore or DC. Becca joins us as much as possible, as does Lucas when he’s home from his deployments. Becca and I are in the habit of getting ready at my house; it's easier. Not to mention that if Becca's parents ever saw what we wore as we left the house, they would immediately lock us in a room until they could get a priest to arrange a home visit. We don't dress like trash or anything. We like to feel pretty and wear outfits that show off our curves. I'm especially fond of what I'm wearing tonight.

“Lacey honey
, can you get the door?” my mom hollers from the kitchen. "I think its Caine and Lucas."

"Okay mom." I finish putting on my
lip-gloss and give myself one last look in the mirror before heading out to answer the door, with Cinnamon on my heels. Opening the door, I see Caine's face light up and I return the sentiment with a wide grin. I'm very proud of my choice of clothing right now, and from the look on Caine’s face, he definitely approves too. I give myself a mental high five.

"Hey babe. You look hot tonight." Caine reaches behind my neck to pull me into a gentle kiss. He pulls back and I immediately grieve the loss of his lips.

"Miss me?" I ask with a wicked smile.

Caine laughs and brushes his lips against mine again.
A throat clears behind him. Peeking around Caine, it dawns on me that we have company.
"Hi Lucas!” I shout a little louder than I mean to. “Becca's finishing up. She'll be out in a minute." I move aside to allow them to enter. Caine runs his hand softly across my stomach as he walks by, never breaking eye contact, and sending flames throughout my body.

Mom comes out of the kitchen, breaking our stare. I glance at Lucas as he walks by and find him rolling his eyes. Mom stops in her tracks when she sees what I'm wearing. I blush.
"Mom, I'm going with Caine and Lucas. They’ll be with me the whole night. You don't need to worry," I say, trying to reassure her with a quick kiss on the cheek.

My outfit doesn't leave much to the imagination, though it covers all the right places. I’m wearing a
stonewashed jean skirt with frayed edges that stop about mid-thigh. It’s not too restricting so it won’t interfere with dancing. My top is a new favorite that I found in a boutique last week while shopping with Becca. It's white with ties behind my neck and around the waist that hold it in place. The fabric covering my stomach is lace and looks great. I've been exercising a lot lately, as my weight has always been a problem. I’ve sported baby fat up until two years ago when I began working hard for this body. I want to show it off. This outfit does just that and I love it.

I excuse myself to check on Becca. I hear mom welcome the boys as I retreat to my room. "Guess who is here?" I say wiggling my eyebrows.

“Smexy!” she says squealing.

“Oh my God, Becca! Lucas is going to shit his pants when he sees you, love. You are gorgeous!" I exclaim.

Becca smiles while looking herself over in the mirror. She is wearing cut off shorts, and a lace top paired with black, chunky heeled sandals. She looks hot. "Yeah, I think I’m ready to knock ‘em dead on the dance floor tonight!" she says, sashaying across the room.

"I can't wait! Let me get my sandals and we can go," I tell her as I search my room for the other shoe. “Damn, where the hell did I put it?” I mumble mostly to myself as I begin pulling all my shoes out of my closet.

“Where did you put what?” Becca asks.

“My other shoe,” I reply short of breath.

“Great, another domestic blind moment, Lacey?!” Becca scolds me instead of questioning. I roll my eyes and move to look under my bed to search for the missing shoe.

“Ah-ha! I knew it was here,” I cry. Tonight I chose to wear my white strappy sanda
ls. Mom says they are more like heels. I love how they show off my freshly painted ‘beautiful berry’ toenails.

"Hey Becca, are you still planning on moving in with your sister at college?" I ask while putting in my silver hoop earrings.

"Yeah, why?" she asks confused.

"I'm just wondering. You’re leaving in a couple months, and I don't want anything to change," I confess, hoping I would not become tearful.

"Oh my God!” she says turning towards me with a hard stare. “What the hell, bitch? Don't you dare get all sappy and sissy on my ass now!”
Oh dear, she’s annoyed and on a roll.
“You and I will see plenty of each other. Nothing changes. In fact, I’ll become your annoyer-in-chief. You'll only be forty-five minutes away love. How dare you threaten my makeup with the water works by getting all girly on me now!" she says, annoyed.

Shooting her an evil look I reply, "Where the hell do you come up with that shit?"

“Um, hello? Have you ever heard of the fucking Urban Dictionary? I’m simply keeping it 100,” she says with attitude.

“Becca, most people have no idea what the hell you are saying half the time.” I smile and blow her a kiss to keep her from going postal
on me.

"I could care less about what people think. This world is full of annoyertating
people. Now get your ass out there. We have a dance floor to heat up," she manages to say as she shoves me out of my room. “By the way...” She stops, becoming distracted when turning the corner into the family room. Lucas' eyes nearly pop out of his head when he catches sight of her.
Good, that will shut her up for now.

I turn to Caine, who has already gotten out of his seat to grab my elbows and kiss my forehead. "Hi," he says.

I smile, thinking he’s silly since we've already said our hellos. "Hi there yourself, handsome." I say, with an innocent smile on my lips, which he returns with one of his own. It’s a grin so sexy it would make anyone with a double X chromosome drop their panties.

He sweeps past me, planting a swift kiss on my cheek. “You ready?” he asks. I almost forgot he was talking to me.
My lustful thoughts from the heat of his breath on my ear have immersed me. I try to recover from the goose bumps while I watch him walk into the kitchen to bid his farewell to mom. He looks hot and sexy as hell, from his tight gray shirt and low riding jeans down to his black boots. His meticulously groomed dark, almost black hair gives him the look of a bad boy, the moves of a sex god, and a touch as sweet as a Granny Smith apple pie. Hmm, that boy should be banned from wearing jeans like that. He looks so yummy it could be lethal.

... um, yes, let me go get my purse,” I finally answer. Whew, I need to get myself together or mom will not allow me out of this house.
Quick, think of a distraction!
“Good night, Cinnamon.” I say, picking him up and ruffling the fur on his head. Now that I have my hormones under control, I set Cinnamon down and walk out after giving mom a hug.

Caine’s driving tonight. He opens my door for me and waits, allowing me to settle in before leaning down and placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. He walks around to his side while Becca and Lucas get in the backseats. Caine turns on the car and music immediately warms my ears. I love moments like this. The anticipation of losing myself on the dance floor for hours is exhilarating. It frees me to express my emotions with dancing.

We walk into Hammerjacks, one of the clubs we frequent in Baltimore, and Caine pays my cover fee. Rozella's ‘Everybody's Free’ flowing through the speakers hits me, making my muscles move of their own accord. I think I've turned Becca into a dance junkie. She and I are in heaven. As soon as we are through the line, we pretty much walk away from Caine and Lucas to get our groove on.
Poor boys.
We immediately join others on the dance floor, filling out the techno vibe. It’s a good crowd as usual for a Saturday night. I've almost escaped into my bubble, to my peaceful place, when I feel a hand snake around my waist.
Turning into him, he moves his hips with mine, allowing me to lead the movements. The lyrics flow through my veins. The pounding of the drums jolt my hips to move in sync with the beat. Caine pulls our bodies closer. We lose ourselves in the rhythm. Bending our knees as the music pulsates through us; his hand splays out across my abdomen. My back is to his chest with only moisture and our clothing separating us. This feels so good. Just being in this environment melts away all my worries and problems. I live for the moment as the music takes over my body.

Caine takes control of our movements pressing my hips into his excitement. He takes his other hand and runs it eagerly over my body, staking his claim on me. The song changes and we
carry on, moving together. His hands continue to roam freely without permission. I can feel the sweat beading under my hair. Caine’s hot breath is on my neck sending shivers down my spine. Kissing his way up to my ear, he exhales on the spot that makes me see stars. When I feel his moan arise from deep in his throat, I have to close my eyes. His hands leave their place to twirl me around until I’m facing him. His eyes are hooded, his chest is rising faster, and he brings his hands to the sides of my head for what I thought would be a kiss, but at the last moment, he pushes my head back, exposing my neck. Under his complete control, he peppers kisses down to my collarbone, with his hands spread out on the back of my shoulders. My arms are limp and barely holding onto him. I can hardly keep my eyes open when he pulls me in to nibble the top of one of my exposed shoulders. My legs become weak and butterflies take flight in my stomach with the sensual control he has over me. We are making out on the dance floor in sync with the music as he pushes me closer to the edge with the friction of his leg. Sensing my arousal, he places a hand on the small of my back to increase the pressure. I am breathing hard. The feeling is exquisite when he moves his mouth to slide his tongue slowly up my neck stopping at my jaw, and proceeds to plant wet kisses there, until he reaches my mouth. His kiss becomes hard without warning, making me curl my toes, and he knows I’m close. Pulling his mouth away for a moment while our bodies continue to move in a provocative manner, he looks into my eyes searching for answers to an unspoken question. All of a sudden, his lips are on mine again, the kiss becoming more intense until I find my release. Then he pulls me as close as he can to relish in what just happened. As I begin to come down from my high, he kisses my cheek, up to my forehead, and down to the other cheek. “Come with me,” he says. I nod, feeling as though I need some distance from Caine to clear my head. His presence intoxicates me.

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