Destroyed by the Bad Boy (2 page)

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Authors: Madison Collins

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Destroyed by the Bad Boy
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Chapter Three



It is fucking freezing!  I sit in the Jeep and try to ignore the fact that I’m slowly losing feeling in my numb fingers. Blasting the music from my iPod has helped distract me slightly, but the longer I wait here the more it seems that Bentley isn’t going to be coming to his senses anytime soon.  He may think he can just survive out here in this snow storm, but he’s no boy scout, and I never liked camping as a kid. Quite a pair we make. Besides we need to get to the wedding in Vermont.  Our parents wedding is only going to happen once and I don’t want to miss it.

Just as I am in the middle of my musings the battery on my iPod dies.  Well there goes my chance at trying to stick this out.  The cold I had been able to mostly ignore returns with a fury.  In no time I’m shivering like crazy.  Looking for anything that might be a distraction to the bitter cold I glance out the window to the thick layer of snow.  It seems higher than the last time I looked at it.  

With a deep sigh I have to admit defeat on this one.  Perhaps it really is worse than I thought it was.  The situation is bad.  I can’t deny that any longer.  The two plus feet of snow on the ground has started to blur the landscape to the point that I can’t tell the difference between the forest floor and the road we drove in on.

The fact that the snow is so high coupled with the closed shops in a county where they’re clearly used to such storms is a clear indication that this storm is pretty bad.  I can feel my stomach drop to my feet, and dread starts to creep in.  The realization that I’m going to be stuck with Bentley for the night makes my stomach clench.  Just as the thought pervades my mind I see a figure moving out in the snow storm.  My heart does a little flip and my stomach drops even farther down, because it’s Bentley coming towards me.  He opens the Jeep door, and the wind whips me in the face hard enough to take my breath away.

“Come on, I’ve got a fire going.  Come warm up.”  He grabs my hand and helps me out of the Jeep and through the thick layer of snow back to the cabin.  I don’t say a word, a tiny piece of me appreciating his kind gesture. I can see a warm red glow emanating from the windows and I can’t help but get excited to defrost. 

Once inside I can see that the cabin is small.  There’s only one room and no bathroom.  The living room slash bedroom combination has a pull out futon, a wood burning fire stove, while the other side of the room there is a small counter with a sink.  That’s it, real rustic.  There’s a pile of wood stacked near the stove as well as a pile of thread bare blankets folded on the futon.  In that moment I can really see how dire how our situation really is.  I can feel the panic try to bubble up inside me but I quash the feeling.  This no time to panic.  We need a plan.

“Okay, we have several hours’ worth of wood to burn if we can make it last that long.  Oh, I still have half my sub from earlier when we stopped for lunch, plus a couple of bottles of water.”  I can feel myself start to ramble and that’s when Bentley stops me.

“Relax. Stop worrying so much.  I won’t let anything happen to you.”  He pauses just long enough for me to get my wits back and to let his words sink in a little. I can feel the slightest hint of heat hit my face, surely making me turn a light shade of pink.

“Do you have any other clothes with you?”  he asks, snapping me out of my stupor.

“Uh yeah,” I respond.

“Good, you need to go put them all on, right now.”  I nod and start putting my jeans on over my leggings and adding another sweatshirt under my fleece.

“Good, one thing at a time, okay?  That’s how we are going to deal with this.”  His voice is sure, and steady, and I decide I like it. I’ve never seen this sweet side of Bentley.  He’s calming me and acting nice.  Normally he would be riling me up until I’m fighting mad.  It’s a nice change of pace for me. Even in our crappy situation, I feel calm and safe.

“What about you? What supplies do you have?”  I search the small space for his bag.  Maybe he packed smart and brought some food or blankets or something.

He nods toward his bag. “See for yourself.”

I unzip the bag and see his stash of liquor, beef jerky and condoms, size extra-large.  There isn’t anything else packed. Not even an spare pair of clothing, let alone anything useful for our impromptu camping experience.

Oh fuck.  

“This is all you brought?”  I can feel myself getting angry and the last few moments of his kindness shatter away like they never even happened.

“Just the essentials.” His cocky smile returns.

I roll my eyes.

God, give me strength.

Chapter Four



“It’s so damn cold in here.  I thought with the fire it would be warmer, but honestly it doesn’t feel much different from that stupid Jeep.”  Sierra is driving me fucking nuts with her whining about how cold it is.  I’m about to lose my patience altogether.

“I can barely feel my fingers,” she groans. 

Finally I just snap.  I can’t handle anymore of her complaining. “Come here, Sierra.”  Even if she is my annoying little stepsister I know I have a responsibility to take care of her.

She slowly comes closer, and I reach out my hand and tug at her to pull her the rest of the way to my body. “What are you doing?” she asks, pulling away slightly.  I can feel her resistance to being so close to me.

“Calm down,” I order, all my patience gone.  I drag her back towards me and wrap her in my arms.

“What…” she begins to argue.

“Listen, princess.” I lift her chin toward mine, meeting this gorgeous big blue eyes.  “I’m not sure if you noticed, but we’re stranded together in the middle of fucking nowhere, with only each other to count on.  You can fight me all you want, but there’s one thing you need to understand.  I’m going to protect you.  I’m going to take care of you.  And in case you haven’t noticed, I’m six-foot-four, and probably have a hundred pounds on you.  My body is going to produce a lot more heat than yours.  Now calm the fuck down, and let me get you warm.  Got it, sweetheart?”  Her fighting stops immediately.

She nods, coyly, blinking those baby blues at me, all of her fight disappearing.  “Got it.” Her voice is small, and I suddenly feel like a dick.

“Good. Glad we’re on the same page.” I tug her body closer so we’re pressed tightly together, and I hold her to my chest, wrapping her in my arms. A contented little sigh escapes her lips. The top of her head doesn’t even reach my chin. She packs a lot of sass for such a small thing.  I inhale, and breathe in the scent of her shampoo. The smell of vanilla and lavender fill my nose.  Damn, who knew that combination could be so perfect?  It’s intoxicating and I can feel my body slowly start to react to the smell and the images my mind starts to produce.  The way her slight curves mold to my body serves to warm me up pretty damn quick.

After several moments, we’re both warmer. “There.  Is that better?” I ask, releasing my hold on her before I sport an awkward boner. A few deep breaths are in order; otherwise things are going to get real weird, real fast.

“Yes, thank you.”  She takes a step back, as well, putting some space between us. Thank god, I don’t know if I would have been able to keep that up while hiding my increasing horniness. Who knew snow storms made me horny? I look down and see her nipples straining against her shirt. My cock twitches at the sight.

“Let’s zip you up.” I reach down, and tug up the zipper on her fleece jacket.  It has nothing to do with keeping her warm, and everything to do with covering up her tight little body, because goddamn it, it turns out being stranded in a cabin with my stepsister makes me horny as fuck.  And that won’t do.  I need to be focused on things like survival and building fires, and locating water sources.  Not fucking the brains out of Sierra, and shoving my cock so far down her throat she gags.  God, I love that shit, watching a girl choke on my cock makes me hard and achy. My mind is wandering to places it really shouldn’t and I am having a hell of a time bringing it back.

“What should we do now?” she asks, stuffing her hands in her pockets.

I let my gaze wander over to the booze and condoms.  My cock is taking over my brain.

She slugs me in the stomach. “Gross. Get real, Bentley.”  I need a cool down and I need one quick. Too bad there’s no cold shower. Or other girls to fuck. Just the pretty, and understated Sierra who’s still watching me.

“I’m going to venture outside before the snow gets deeper, and before it gets dark, and see if I can find some more firewood nearby.”  Yes, go outside, freeze for a little bit and get my horniness under control.

She nods.

“And you,” I continue. “Can search the cabin while I’m gone. See what you can find. Canned food, candles, matches, things like that. Okay?”  Separation will be good, for the both of us.

“Okay.” She nods.


I lace up my boots, thankful that I wore them today, and head outside. As soon as I open the door, the cold wind smacks me in the face, and this Alabama boy shivers all the way down to his toes. Fuck me. People live here? Willingly? Why?

But the cold wind is effective in icing the boner that was on the verge of being discovered.  I shiver but I’m thankful in that moment for the cold.  If I had stayed in the cabin any longer with Sierra’s body so close to me I don’t think I would have survived.  Shivering from the cold I step outside and quickly close the door behind me.  I still need to clear my head from all the dirty fantasies I’d been dreaming up. Bending her tight little ass over that table and jamming my cock home. A short jaunt outside should certainly do the trick.

Chapter Five



The door shuts as Bentley heads outside, leaving me alone inside the musty smelling cabin.  I never counted on adding breaking and entering to my resume this weekend.  Guess there’s a first time for everything.  But Bentley was right.  As much as it may pain me to say it, he was right.  Geez, even thinking it irritates me.  As annoying as my soon-to-be stepbrother is, the truth is that the roads were just too dangerous to continue on. 

Perhaps even harder to admit to myself was the fact that Bentley impressed me.  He took charge in an emergency situation, breaking open the lock on the cabin, and now, gathering the wood we’ll need to stay warm.  But most of all with the way it felt with his strong arms around me, warming me, and making me feel safe.

Though we were reduced to the fifties gender roles I’d always despised, I wanted to prove my worth and earn my keep in the cabin.  Who knew how long we would be stuck here, I wanted to make sure I was putting in an equal amount of effort.  Besides, Bentley was being so helpful with making the fire and gathering the wood that it really only left the more domestic tasks to me, like making the bed, and trying to scrounge up something for us to eat.  It worked.  I wasn’t going to overthink it.

I take the few steps from the ‘bedroom’ to the ‘kitchen’, if they can really be considered separate spaces and that note of the few cabinets that line the walls of the kitchen area.  Might as well start there and see what we have to work with.  Pulling open the little wooden doors with creaky hinges all I see in the first two cabinets is a few spider webs.  Not a great start by any means.  The third cabinet holds a single gallon of water. 
  The fourth and final cabinet I open up to find a couple dusty canned goods.  Turning them so I can read the labels I’ve found beef stew, sweet corn, and a can of peas.  It’s not much, but it is certainly better than nothing.  At least they aren’t expired.

I gather up the three cans of food and set them on the small round dining table.  There’s a canister on the countertop and inside I dig out a box of matches, and a small candle that’s been burned almost to the wick.  Still, I’m satisfied with my finds as I pile them all up together and wait for Bentley for return.  I curl up next to the fire and watch the flames dance back and forth.  In my mind I pretend that I’m watching some sort of caveman TV.  Fire can be rather mesmerizing. 

By the time he returns it’s already dark outside.  I hear him before I see him.  Not only is the snow so thick in the air, but the darkened sky ensures that the visibility is practically nonexistent.  But his steady footsteps calm me. I run over and open the creaky wooden door against a rush of freezing air.  Bentley stumbles inside with his arms full of small timber.

“Nice!  This should last us through tonight,” I say as I help him set the pile down beside the iron stove.  My sour mood towards him has faded.  It’s funny how being stranded together will do that to you.  Whether I like it or not, we only have each other to count on right now.  Best to let bygones be bygones for now.  And if I were to really admit it to myself when Bentley finally did return I’d never been happier to see him in my entire life.  Leave it to being stranded in the middle of blizzard in the middle of nowhere with no real survival skills to give you great perspective.

“It’s not tonight that I’m worried about,” Bentley says, shaking some of the snow from his jacket.  Unwilling to face the direness of our situation just yet I don’t want to ask him what he means by that.  So instead I turn to focus on other things, things we actually do have a more solid grasp of.

“Find anything useful?” he asks, pulling off his boots to let them dry by the fire.  My face lights up and I scurry over to the small pile of treasures I found, eager to show him.

“Yes, a gallon of water, a candle, some matches, and three cans of food.”  I can feel myself beaming, so proud of what I had accomplished and I can see that my positivity is rubbing off on Bentley as he cracks a small smile too.

“Nice,” Bentley’s smile broadens.  It’s a genuine, sweet smile, and it’s directed at me.  My stomach does a little flip and can feel my face start to redden.

What the hell was that?

This is Bentley. Man-whore extraordinaire. Nothing to get excited about.

I quickly get myself under control.  Now is certainly not the time for this.  I need to focus.  Change the subject; get him to stop smiling and getting my insides all flippy floppy. Geez, I’m like a damn fish gasping for air.

“How is it out there?”  I ask, my gaze shifting from his smiling face to the frost covered window.  I can barely see anything through clouded panes.  What I can see is a sea of white, and that makes me feel uneasy.

“Cold as fuck.  The deep snow prevented me from going much further but I gathered up everything I could find near the cabin.  It’s not much, but hopefully we won’t be here too long.”  It finally occurs to me that we might really be stuck here for a while. 

Gathering my courage I ask, “How long do you think we’ll be here?”  My voice is tentative and shakier than I would have liked.

Heading over to the futon couch Bentley flops down and allows himself sink into the worn cushion.  “The blizzard warning is supposed to last for the next three days, so maybe four or five before things are back up and running and the roads are cleared.”  For a brief moment my mind goes blank and I contemplate is whether or not this is all a horrible nightmare that I will soon wake up from.  But I don’t, this is reality.

Four or five days?  With only three cans of food to split between two people?  And a small pile of sticks to keep us from freezing to death?

“We’re fucked,” I say.  There is really no way around it.  We are totally and completely fucked.

“We’ll be alright Sierra.  I promise.  I’ll make sure you’re okay.”  Bentley’s words are somehow reassuring, as though the insurmountable shit storm we are facing is somehow not as bad as I had thought it was.  Somehow, someway I believe him, and his confidence warms me more than it should.  I flop down beside him on the futon and sink deep into the cushions alongside him. If he’s not panicking, then I don’t want to be.

“We’re going to miss the wedding.”  It’s in two days; no way are we making it there in time.

“Yeah,” he agrees.  “Unless there is some sort of miracle between now and then.”  I nod in agreement.  I just wish I had a way to get a message to my mom, but of course there’s no cell service out here.  I’d been trying without luck since we arrived several hours ago.  Add it to the list of why no sane person would want to live out here.

“What should we do now?”  I ask.  We have nothing but time.

“Know any drinking games?”  He grins at me. 

“I went to the University of Alabama, of course I know some drinking games.”  We both smile as Bentley leans over to his bag and digs around for the booze.  No sense in making myself miserable with worry, and besides this sweet side to Bentley is one I don’t get to see very often.  It’s really not half bad.

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