Temptation’s Edge

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Authors: Eve Berlin

BOOK: Temptation’s Edge
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Desire’s Edge

“Berlin’s got a knack for tight plotting and hot sex. A truly erotic romance that will keep readers squirming as they race toward the pitch-perfect climax.”

RT Book Reviews

“Part of the allure of a dominant hero is the delicious intensity he lavishes on the heroine, and Dante is outstanding…Eve Berlin is one of my new favorite authors for mega-steamy romance.”

TwoLips Reviews

“Emotional, intense, sexy and sensual…
Desire’s Edge
was all that and more…I was totally enthralled.”

The Romance Reviews

Desire’s Edge
[is] a home run! I’m performing a standing O for Eve Berlin!”

Scorching Book Reviews

“This book was fantastic…I will definitely be reading more of Eve Berlin.”

Under the Covers Book Blog

Pleasure’s Edge

“This debut from Eve Berlin is full of heat and sizzle. Fans of romance will be extremely satisfied with the emotional content as well as the intense chemistry between the lead characters…You won’t regret the hours spent with this author.”

—Maya Banks,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Sweet Addiction

“Readers are going to feel the burn just turning the pages in Berlin’s BDSM-heavy story. Her characters are strong, the plot tight, the sex hot and, better than all that, her wrap-up is perfect.”

RT Book Reviews

Pleasure’s Edge
is brilliant, seductive and dangerous. All of my favorite things.”

—R. G. Alexander, author of
Tempt Me

“Rarely do you find an author so adept at creating evocative characters and weaving them into a lush, sensual world. Eve Berlin is a stunning talent!”

—Crystal Jordan, author of
Prowl the Night

“One of the best erotic romances I have ever read…Eve Berlin just knows how to write sensual and lovely erotica.”

About Happy Books

“Very erotic and compelling, this is a step above if you are looking for a book with a little something extra.”

Night Owl Reviews

Pleasure’s Edge
catches your attention on page one with its strong characters and delicious subject matter. A very hot read!”

Fresh Fiction

“Amazing. Eve Berlin is now officially on my must-read list…
Pleasure’s Edge
is a fast-paced, sensual, spicy ride with complex characters that are a joy to get to know…a masterpiece of character development…an absolutely satisfying ride.”

The Romance Reviews

Titles by Eve Berlin




Temptation’s Edge




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Heat trade paperback edition / August 2012

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Berlin, Eve.

Temptation’s edge / Eve Berlin. — Heat trade paperback ed.

p.       cm.

ISBN: 978-1-101-58132-2

I. Title.

PS3602.E7577T46 2012




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I must thank my friend and author K. B. Alan for her thoughtful critique; my assistant, the infamous Kitty Kelly, for beta reading this manuscript; and especially the fabulous R. G. Alexander for doing a rush look at the final chapter in the revision phase of this book when I was wracked with the usual neurotic writerly insecurities. You know I love you girls!

I also have to thank my editor, Kate Seaver, for not only allowing me but encouraging me to write these characters who are somewhat outside the mainstream “romance box.” Tattooed women can find love, too!

Table of Contents


















Mischa Kennon was a perfectionist. In her work as a tattoo artist. As an author of the short erotic stories she’d had published. In the maintenance of her platinum blonde hair, which she wore in long, polished waves around her shoulders, and her red-lacquered nails, which she kept short to accommodate her work. Her San Francisco apartment was as immaculate as the tattoo shop she owned, Thirteen Roses. She worked hard, played harder. And she was never, ever late. Which made the delay in her flight to Seattle for her best friend’s engagement party particularly frustrating.

Finally she was there. The cab pulled up in front of the restaurant—she’d already dropped her luggage at Dylan’s apartment, where she would be staying—and she paid the driver and stepped onto the rainy sidewalk in front of Wild Ginger. She swung open the door and moved into the warm interior. She’d been there before when she’d visited Dylan and met her fiancé,
Alec. It was their favorite restaurant and the perfect place for the party to celebrate their upcoming wedding in only a few weeks. Mischa took in a breath as she nodded at the hostess and moved through the busy Thai fusion restaurant toward the back room, where they held private parties.

She was happy for her friend, although the whole marriage thing wasn’t for her, personally. She was the independent type. Well, so was Dylan, but she and Alec had something special.

“Honey, you made it!” Dylan’s smile was brilliant as she rose from the long table and came to wrap her arms around Mischa in a cloud of the spicy vanilla scent she always wore.

“I’m so sorry I’m late, honey,” Mischa apologized. “The damn weather.”

“I know. It’s our fault for wanting to get married this fall, but we just couldn’t wait, and we really want to be married by Thanksgiving.”

“Look at you—you have that bridal glow,” she told Dylan, holding her friend at arm’s length. It was true. Her gray eyes shone as lustrous as her long, curly red hair. “Or maybe you and Alec had some alone time before the party?” she teased with a wink.

Dylan grinned as her fiancé came up behind them. Alec Walker was a wall of a man, well over six feet tall, with the breadth of a linebacker.

“Maybe we did,” he said, laughing as he leaned in to kiss Mischa’s cheek. “But a gentleman never kisses and tells. How are you?”

“Fine, thanks. Just glad to be here.”

“Dylan mentioned you have a possible business proposal to investigate while you’re here?” Alec helped her off with her rain-spattered coat.

Mischa nodded, patted her hair into place. “Thanks, Alec.
Yes, another tattoo artist I know may want to open a new shop in Seattle and is hoping I’ll be interested in a partnership, so I thought I’d look into it while I’m here to help with the wedding plans.”

Dylan squeezed her hand. “I can’t believe I get to have you for two whole weeks. You’re sure it’s not an inconvenience? Your shop will be all right?”

“I wouldn’t dream of letting you do this whole wedding alone. And Billy is the best shop manager I could ask for. Which is why I can even consider expanding here. I figure I can work half time in both places. Which means I’ll get to see more of you. But we can talk about that later—tonight is all about you two.”

“And we’ve left you standing here after your long trip. Come on and say hi to everyone.”

Dylan grabbed her hand and they moved toward the table where Dylan’s friend Kara, whom Mischa had met on previous visits, was just getting out of her chair. Kara reached to give her a quick hug.

“So nice to see you. Do you remember Dante?”

Kara’s boyfriend shook her hand. Dante was as tall as Alec, but leaner, with dark hair and eyes that were a sparkling golden brown. He hovered over Kara as protectively as Alec did with Dylan.

Mischa wondered if that unusual protective thing was something that was a natural part of the fact that both men were dominants. She’d played with that a bit herself—the domination and submission dynamic. She’d even been to a few BDSM clubs. Not that she required kink. But it was fun when she was with a guy who was into it. She’d never been able to give herself over to it completely, though. Certainly not the way Dylan and Kara must have, to be in relationships with dominant men. Not that
be in a relationship, period. But it was lovely to see people who
were so happy. The glow these two pairs were giving off was almost enough to make her think about it…for a moment or two, anyway.

“Mischa, you have to meet our fabulous baker.”

She turned—and caught herself pulling in a long breath as her eyes met a stunning gaze that was a shimmering sea green shot through with amber. He was looking at her, staring at her from beneath dark brows. He had a rugged face. A generous mouth that looked stern until he smiled at her. Then it was all flawless white teeth and frank sensuality. It took her a moment to realize she had to tilt her head back to really see him—he stood taller than even Alec, had shoulders just as broad. She felt a small stirring in her veins, a fluttering in her stomach.

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