Destiny of Three (5 page)

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Authors: Bryce Evans

BOOK: Destiny of Three
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“Why the hell anyone drinks this shit is beyond me.”  Star blew out her breath, ran to the bathroom and pushed her head under the faucet.  Drinking down the cold liquid, Star felt guilty again. 
Why do I do this to myself

I feel like the biggest fuck-up there is,
she thought. 

“Maybe they’re right.  You do exaggerate, you can’t take a compliment, you’re not fun to be around, and you’re boring.  You’re not meant to be around others, it seems.”  Feeling sluggish from all the alcohol she’d drunk, she closed her eyes. 


Chapter 5


Sky bent over the sink and let the water flow over his face.  It felt good, but soon he would have to go back out there and socialize with everyone.  True, these were his friends, but his sister had just asked if he was gay in front of everyone.  How could she do that?  The women in his life just have to say exactly what they are thinking.

He heard someone enter the restroom as he let the cool water run over his face.  “Does that help?” the voice asked.

He looked up to find the man from earlier leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, watching. “You think it would help me if I put my head under the water too?”

“I don’t know.  What kind of problems do you have?”  Sky asked as he dried his face with a towel. 

The man looked him up and down and then smiled at him. “Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.” 

Sky looked away.  He could feel the blush trail up his neck to his face. 

“How old are you?” the man asked.

“I’m not supposed to talk to strangers,” Sky joked. 

Chuckling, the man walked closer and stuck out his hand.  “My name is Sullivan Grayson, and now we’re not strangers, Sky Johnson.” 

Sky smiled back and shook the man’s hand.  He felt an odd sense of possessiveness once they connected. 
How odd,
he thought.  He had to look away from the intimacy of Sullivan’s gaze.

“You’re here with Mary?” Sky asked.

“Yes, we met in the elevator today and she invited me to your party in return for helping her with her bags.  I hope you don’t mind me crashing it,” Sullivan responded, leaning back against the wall.  “Once she told me it was your birthday party, I had to come.” 

“Why?  You don’t even know me,” Sky asked, confused.

“I saw you today when we were getting on the elevator.  I wanted to get to know you,” Sullivan replied.

“Really?”  His eyes registered surprise at Sullivan’s comment.

“Does that bother you?” Sullivan asked, moving closer.

“No,” he admitted.

“Are you attracted to me?”  Sullivan put his hand on his shoulder.  His gaze was hooded, his voice husky as he stared into his eyes.  Sky wanted to swallow his tongue.  Of course, he was attracted to him.  He was the most attractive man he’d ever seen. But what would people say? 

“I was hoping we could maybe talk later and get to know each other.  I’m not usually this brash, but I felt that I needed to tell you that,” Sullivan added.

Doubt crushed his wild thoughts as the door opened before he had a chance to tell him that, yes, he wanted to get to know him too. 

“Sky, are you okay in here?”  Jansen walked inside the bathroom with Banks. 

He could see the shocked look on his friends’ faces when they saw Sullivan’s hand on his shoulder.  Quickly he moved away, tripping over his own feet.

“Be careful,” Sullivan mumbled, grabbing his arm before he hit the ground. 

His eyes widened at how quickly Sullivan caught him.  He nodded sharply and pulled away, walking over to Banks and Jansen, who were already glaring at Sullivan.

“I’m fine.  Just surprised about the party.”  Sky cleared his throat, then pushed past his two friends toward the door. 

Sky wanted to leave, but once he walked out every female at the party swarmed around him.  Mary was first, kissing him on the cheek and then hugging him.  He didn’t mind it so much, because he really liked her.  She was his sister’s surrogate mother and she’d become a grandmother-type figure for him as well. 

She always called to check on him, and if she was in town shopping she’d stop by and bring him cookies.  He wanted to talk to her about Sullivan, but now wasn’t the time; his sister and her mates had already grabbed ahold of him, pulling him into a bear hug.

“Happy Birthday, sweet brother of mine.  Do you know how complete my life has been since you came into it?”  Sky smiled at River’s comments.  She was wiping a tear from her eye when he looked down at her. 

“Thank you, and I feel the same way.”  Sky looked around but didn’t see Star.  “Where’s Star?”

“She left about fifteen minutes ago.”  Jess, the front desk receptionist, answered.  “She asked me earlier to give you this.”  Jess set a box on the table in front of him.  It was wrapped in brown paper with hearts drawn all over it.  He smiled at seeing his sister’s artwork. 

River was standing next to him when he pointed to the hearts.  The room got quiet as they watched the two siblings.  “When Star first got me out of the orphanage we didn’t have a lot of money, but the one thing she did do was always make my birthday special for me.  I had never received a present in my life until Star.  We didn’t have much money but she made it the best day ever.  She’d wrap my present in brown paper like this and draw hearts all over it.  I loved it.  No matter what, I knew she loved me and tried to make it the best birthday ever.” 

Sky didn’t want to look up because he knew everyone had gathered around as he told the story.  He didn’t dare look at River while he spoke.  He knew she already felt guilty enough for how he was treated in the orphanage.  He could hear everyone around him crying. 

“Star would never let me keep the paper.  She said the paper wasn’t meant to be kept, but ripped open to find the surprise waiting for me.  After each present she’d draw more hearts on some paper for me. That way I could keep it.”  Sky shrugged.  “I don’t know why I wanted to keep the paper; I guess it was because she took the time to make it special for me.  I still have those papers packed up. Anyway, here goes.”

Sky ripped the paper off and stared at the wooden box underneath.  She’d engraved hearts into the wood.  Tears moistened his eyes as he looked at the beautiful artwork.

His finger traced the hearts as he inspected the box.  He chuckled when he turned it over and found a piece of the brown paper taped to the bottom of the box.  It had hearts drawn all over it. 

“She loves you.”  River sniffed and wiped her eyes.

“Yes, she does, but so do you.”  Sky answered then nudged her arm with his.

“Yes I do, brother. Both of you.”  Tears fell down her cheeks as she pointed to the latch.  “It opens, too.”

Sky turned the lock until it clicked.  When he opened it, he took a deep breath.  Inside were wood carving tools.  He knew how expensive they were; that’s why he hadn’t purchased them yet.

“We went in together to get those.  I picked them out, but Star made the box out of an old log Reece had on his land.  She worked on that box for months.  I think she did a great job,” River announced.

“Yes, yes she did.”  Sky nodded; his emotions were getting to him.  “I know how much these cost.  You shouldn’t have done that, but Thank you.” 

“You’re welcome, brother.” River hugged him and whispered in his ear, “I think Star needed some time alone.  She hasn’t been sleeping well.  Don’t be mad that she left early.” 

Sky shook his head, then looked over at Banks and Jansen who were walking out the door.  He knew they were going to check on her.  He felt better knowing that she had two of the best men he knew keeping tabs on her.  No matter how much they argued, he knew that Banks and Jansen would always watch out for her.




“Where’s he at?”  Regis Yulson yelled at his guard.

“We lost him somewhere in the Colorado mountains, master.  I have the men looking for him now.  He couldn’t have gotten far, sir.”  The guard’s answer sounded unsure.

“What about the tracker on his truck?” Regis hissed.

“Apparently, he found it and threw it off a cliff.  That’s how we lost him, sir.”  The guard inched further back when he saw his master’s eyes turn red as fire. 

Regis was losing it.  Without giving away what he was going to do, he flew forward, hitting the guard and slamming him into the wall.  A cracking sound could be heard as plaster fell to the ground.  The guard gasped for breath. 

He so enjoyed causing pain on those that disappointed him.  All he had to do was twist his hand a little and crack his neck.  That’s what he wanted to do, Jed was the best man he had. Regis needed him, but he also needed to make him understand that he never wanted to be disappointed again. 

“You find him, and don’t you dare come back until you do,” Regis ordered. His voice was hard, and his eyes glowed hot with intensity.  He released Jed, dropping him to the floor. 

He watched as the man grabbed his, throat rubbing the spot his hand had squeezed. 

“Yes, master.  I won’t let you down.”  Pain flashed across Jed’s face as he tried to speak.  He walked quickly through the doors, leaving to find the tracker. 

He needed Sullivan Grayson and planned to never let him go.  Regis had his blood flowing through his veins now, and if he wanted to, he could find him.  He figured the man was held up with some hooker, wasting his money.  It didn’t matter — he could have his little break — but Regis wouldn’t be kept waiting for long.  He needed the three siblings if his plan was going to work.


Chapter 6



Banks and Jansen opened the door to the house.  All the lights were off as they walked inside.  “Her car is in the driveway, so she has to be here,” Banks said as he turned them on.

“Let’s check her bedroom.”  Jansen put his head against the door and frowned.  “I hear her breathing.  She’s asleep.” 

Banks pulled out a pocketknife, put it in the keyhole and wiggled it around until he heard the lock click, then pushed the door opened.  The moon was shining through the window on her face as they stepped inside. 

“She’s beautiful. But she’s been drinking again.”  Jansen held up the bottle. 

Banks came closer and sat on the side of the bed.  He pushed the hair from her face.  “She’s been crying, too.” 

“You shouldn’t have said that to her,” Jansen cautioned as he kneeled down beside the bed.

“I know, but I want her so bad that she drives me insane.  I didn’t mean it the way she took it,” Banks explained.  “She fights me tooth and nail.  I’ve never met anyone like her.  She’s so pig-headed and strong-willed.”  He growled.  “But I love her.”

“I wonder who else is like that?”  Jansen chuckled as he skimmed his finger down her cheek.

“Why are you two in my bedroom?  I’m trying to sleep,” Star muttered.  Her voice was low and sluggish.  They could tell that she’d fallen back to sleep.

Jansen stood up and took off his clothes. 

“What are you doing?”  Banks asked.

“What does it look like?  I told her earlier that she was our mate; now I’m getting in bed with my mate.  When she wakes up tomorrow I can expect a fist to my jaw, but it’ll be worth it to cuddle with her.”  Jansen looked over at Banks. “What are you waiting for?”

Banks immediately stripped.  He needed to leave his boxers on or he’d be sporting a huge hard-on once he got next to her.  What was he talking about?  He was hard as a brick already.  All he had to do was look at the woman or inhale her scent and there it went popping straight up and hard as a damn rock.

Once he got in the bed, he could feel his body being pulled toward her, like magic.  His bear wanted her as much as the man.  Christ, her body was so soft and warm as he lay on his side stroking her arm up and down.  He knew Jansen would allow him to pull her toward him until she was flush against his stomach, but right now it was Jansen’s time and Banks enjoyed staring into her face, watching how relaxed and quiet she was.

He wanted to laugh at how unguarded she was right now, because if she woke up, she’d probably punch him in the face if she knew they were in bed with her.  Banks decided to enjoy the time he had while it lasted.





Jansen jerked awake, hearing Star in distress.  Immediately, he looked over at her and could see she was having a terrible nightmare.  Banks was already awake and pushing her hair away from her face. 

“No, no please don’t hurt him.  Please don’t.  I will.  I’ll do it,” Star cried in her sleep. 

“Wake up, baby.  Wake up.”  Jansen shook her until her eyes popped open.  He could see the fear in his mate’s eyes.  She was shaking as she looked around her room.  “Star, you’re okay, baby.  You’re safe and at home.” 

Her eyes widened.  She nodded in understanding as tears fell down her cheeks.  It was heartbreaking to watch her body tremble.

“Lay back down.  We’ll never let anyone take you or Sky.  I promise we’ll protect you.”  Jansen assured.

Star nodded then laid back down as Banks pulled her body closer to his.  She snuggled against him and then grabbed Jansen’s hands and pulled him closer.  He wanted to fist-bump Banks, but he could still feel her trembling and her heart beating faster.  He wiped the tears off her face as she closed her eyes and went back to sleep. 

He glanced over at Banks and knew he was thinking the same thing.  Something was coming.  They’d talked about it before.  They’d heard Star crying in her sleep for over two months now, saying the same thing.  She was trying to protect Sky from someone.  Whoever it was put a tremendous amount of fear in her to make her dream about it every night.  Jansen’s grandmother had told him stories about the Powerful Three and how other paranormals would try to take them and use their powers to rule the world. 

It scared him to think about how powerful Star and her siblings were.  Tonight was only one example of one of the many things they’d be able to do: when they hugged, they’d glowed like the sun.  He’d never seen anything like it before.  Everyone saw it, but nobody had a clue what else they could do, or how to use that power.  He knew that Star would run so nobody could get them all together, and nobody was taking his mate away from him and Banks and that included her.  Running was not an option.  They needed information, and he only knew one person who could give that to him.  He would have to leave her to find it out, but if it helped them protect her then he was going to do it.

This had to be the reason the fates chose a shifter and wizard to be her mates.  She needed them as much as they needed her.  He needed to get with Reece and Jonas tomorrow and inform them of Star’s nightmares.  He would bet anything that all three of them had been having them and never said anything, not even to each other. 

Jansen closed his eyes, knowing they had a lot to do in the morning.  They needed a plan.  He couldn’t call the Twister’s Council and ask them for help; nobody could know about the Powerful Three, including the Council.  He didn’t know who he could trust, even among his own people except one.  Their power would attract all kinds of supernaturals who would want nothing more than to use them for their own gain. 

Tonight was going to be a long night.  He couldn’t sleep for fear of wondering what tomorrow would bring.


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