Destiny of the Heart (Viking Destiny) (19 page)

BOOK: Destiny of the Heart (Viking Destiny)
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Kristen quickly scrambled to her feet and rushed to the
locked door of the cage to await Derrick's arrival. The
footsteps she heard pounding toward her were presumably
Derrick's men. She recognized the one he had called Jack,
and Peevely, but she wasn't sure about the others. They
handled the spectators and the guards while Derrick made his
way to her. Just as he reached the door and blew the lock off,
the man in the cage grabbed Kristen around the throat and
used her to shield his body. Kristen gasped as his slimy, wet
hand clamped down hard. Derrick trained the pistol on him,
and his eyes flashed a dangerous color.

"Let her go. Now."
"I don't think so. Me orders were to kill her. That's what

I plan to do."
"I warn you, I'm an excellent shot. I can hit you between
the eyes just as easy as not."
The man laughed. "Not with her in front of me, ye won't.
Ye might be a good shot, but odds are I can duck faster than
that pistol shoots. You might hit yer lady friend, here."
Derrick gave nothing away, but Kristen could tell the
man was right. Derrick might hit her and he wouldn't do that.
The man in the cage backed up away from the door a couple
of steps.
"Tha's right, nabob. Just stay where ye are."
He took another step back, and Kristen felt his breath
suddenly exhale in a whoosh, and his hand involuntarily
released from her neck. She dashed back across the ring to
Derrick. He checked behind him, then pulled her to his back.
Kristen peeked around to see what had happened, and the
man in the ring had backed up far enough to the other side
that Jack was able to get a sword through and stab him. He
fell to the ground as Jack pulled his sword and saluted
Peevely and another man came around the corner
carrying the hired muscle. He was struggling and not ready to
admit defeat. Kristen growled low and darted forward,
grabbing Peeveley's knife before anyone knew what was
happening. She didn't think twice, just shoved the knife into
the shoulder of his arm.
"That's for touching me, you loathsome, vile creature!
You're lucky I don't slit your goddamn throat!" She spit in his
face for good measure.
He lunged for her, but being the fearless woman she
was, she didn't move. Derrick moved in front of her and
instructed his men.
"Take him to Scotland Yard. They will be very
interested in knowing who was responsible for kidnapping the
lady." His men bowed and Peeveley slammed his fist into the
hired muscle's temple, knocking him unconscious.
As they left, Derrick turned to look at her. Her face was
bruised and dirty with dried blood and black smudges, her hair
was matted, and her clothes ripped. All in all, she looked like
she was in pretty poor shape, but not surprisingly to him, she
stood there calm and aloof as ever. He took her face between
his hands and brushed her hair from her face as tenderly as
he could.
"Are you alright?" He asked gently.
No, she bloody well wasn't alright. Someone wanted
her dead, and she had no idea why. She had spent the last
week fending for her life in death-match tournaments, and she
had almost lost that day. But, none of that was Derrick's fault,
and hysterics would accomplish nothing. She bit back her
smart reply and simply nodded instead. Derrick seemed to
sense her reluctance to speak on the matter, though, so he
nodded and rubbed her arms.
"Let's get you out of here, shall we?"
Kristen nodded again. Derrick removed his coat and
wrapped it around her. She couldn't help thinking she had
never felt anything so lovely. It was warm and smelled of
sandalwood and a hint of vanilla, two scents she was growing
to love because they reminded her of Derrick. She curled up
inside his jacket and gave him a small smile.
"Thank you."
Derrick didn't know if he should offer to carry her or not,
but he thought that might offend her. By the looks of her, she
was just lucky to be alive. He had no idea what kind of hell
she'd gone through the last few days, but he was certain it
wasn't good. Anger twisted his insides, and he made a silent
vow that he would track down the monster responsible for this
and make them pay. He knew the man his crew had
apprehended was just a pawn. But, Derrick would find the
bigger fish, and when he did, that person would be
exceedingly sorry. With his thoughts still worrying over Kristen,
he led her through the back door and away from that place.
Alice watched from her vantage point far above the
crowd, and was seething in anger herself. He had assured her
there was nothing to the marriage contract, yet there he was,
showing up to be her knight in shining armor. The very idea
that he was the one to thwart her plans on this was enough
to send her after him in a rage. She took a deep breath and
reminded herself that she still had a little time. Until Sander
sent a messenger, she could wait.
Chapter 21

It wasn't long before the warehouse that Kristen was
held prisoner in was crawling with inspectors from Scotland
Yard. Derrick had escorted Kristen home, where Mel
immediately took her in and put her straight to bed, then he
returned to meet the inspector who had interrogated him.

"Lord Shane." The inspector greeted.
"We've found nothing to indicate whom the other party

in the kidnapping was, but this might be of interest to you." He
handed Derrick some papers.

Derrick quickly read through them, and the frown that
he started with turned into a dark scowl. It seemed that Lord
Bentley, or Ashton as Derrick's sources had uncovered, wasn't
a lord at all. His real name was Jason Monroe, and he was
wanted in connection with several scams involving wealthy
women. That he went to the lengths he did to create a second
identity as a deserter meant that he was smart, and he knew
how to play to a woman's sympathy.

"So, he was using her for her money." Derrick stated
"It certainly seems that way. I became curious about his
reaction to her disappearance when he had only just met her,
and the fact that he was so freely willing to disparage you. I've
worked with the nobility long enough to know how it works. His
mannerisms didn't fit."
"Thank you."
"Just doing my job. In the meantime, you should go
home and rest. You look like hell." The man smiled kindly.
Derrick laughed and clapped the inspector on the
shoulder. The man was a decent sort of fellow, and Derrick
was beginning to like him. So, it was with easy feelings he left
the inspectors to do their work and he went to visit Kristen. He
felt she had a right to know about the man she was
considering as a possibility for marriage. It certainly wasn't
because he was jealous or anything, that would be absurd.
But, he couldn't help the quickening of his steps all the same.
When Kristen arrived at Mel's home a few days before,
she was a battered mess. She was starving, in desperate
need of a bath, and beat to within an inch of her life. Mel
stayed by her side the whole time to attend to her wounds.
Kristen always thought she was a rather gifted healer, but Mel
said it was nothing, just something her mother had taught her
long ago. Either way, with Mel's help, Kristen was beginning to
feel a little more like herself. On the third day, Mel asked what
"Ashby is the one who came for me. He said I was
worth more dead than alive, so he didn't want to marry me
"Well, that is somewhat good news in that you don't
have to rush to get married now."
"True. But, someone is very obviously trying to kill me.
They killed him, and I was locked in a dog cage, Mel. Only
brought out to fight. Whoever this is wants it to look like an
accident, or rather, something I caused myself."
"And you still think my theory is incorrect?" Mel asked,
more convinced now than ever that the Vikings responsible for
Kristen's family leaving Norway are the same Vikings
responsible for the mysterious deaths.
"I think there could be something to it."
"Then what good will it do to get married? Your mother
was married."
"Yes, but she was unhappily married for my sake. If I
were happy - "
"I don't think it would matter." Mel said gently.
Kristen sighed. She was sitting on her bed while Mel
brushed out her hair. The cuts and bruises on her face were
fading a little, though she still had a swollen eye. With Ashby
dead, she had no real reason to marry and could disappear if
she wished.
"Do you think I should just disappear? Leave and never
come back?"
Mel's hand stopped in the middle of the stroke. It was
on the tip of her tongue to say no, but in truth, it might be the
only way to keep her safe.
"Perhaps. Though I wish it weren't so."
"Well, then I guess that is the new plan. When I am well
enough, I'll make arrangements. For your own safety, I think it
best that you know nothing of where I'm going."
Tears slid down Mel's cheeks, and her hands fell to her
lap. Kristen turned and saw her friend's anguished look and
her own heart broke all the more. Kristen twisted all the way
around so she was facing Mel, and leaned over to hug her.
"I'm sorry Mel. I wish my life wasn't so complicated."
Mel nodded, but didn't trust herself to speak. Kristen
had always been her rock and life would not be the same
without her. Mel didn't want to think of not being able to share
a silly story with her, or not be able to talk to her about her
fears or concerns, or the fact that Kristen wouldn't be present
for her child's birth.
As the girls hugged, there was a knock on the door and
Chester opened it, bowing formally as he always did, despite
Kristen repeatedly requesting they dispense with the formality
"My apologies for disturbing you ladies, but Lord
Derrick Shane has arrived and is rather insistent he be
admitted." Chester said dryly, and with a touch of annoyance.
"You let me up these stairs to see her Meloney, or so
help me God, I will bug you every day all day when Guy
arrives home!" Derrick shouted from the entryway.
Kristen looked at Mel for an explanation. Mel chuckled.
"I wasn't allowing you any visitors. You needed to rest."
Kristen nodded and kissed Mel on the forehead. "Thank
you. You are a dear, sweet friend. Chester, please let him in."
"As you wish, m'lady." He bowed again and left the
door open.
Mel stayed where she was, and moments later Derrick
was bounding up the stairs. When he got to the room, he
stopped in the doorway. Suddenly he was terribly nervous.
Mel chuckled and stood up.
"I'll give you two a few moments to catch up. Call if you
need anything, love." She left Kristen's side and went to the
door, then patted Derrick's arm as she passed by him.
Derrick looked at Kristen.
"Well, do come in Derrick." She prompted.
He walked in and stood at the foot of the bed. "How are
you feeling?"
"Better." She admitted. "I didn't get a chance to thank
you for helping me, so thank you." Kristen smiled.
"I'm glad I found you in time. I was beginning to worry -"
"But, you did find me."
"Yes." Derrick twisted his gloves in his hands, unsure of
what to say.
He knew what he wanted to say, but it was definitely
harder than he thought to get the words out. With Kristen
missing, he realized that he wanted her in a more permanent
way, and the thought of her marrying anyone else was
"Is something the matter, Derrick?"
"What? No. I mean, I wanted you to know about this.
I'm sorry." He handed Kristen the documents the inspector
had given him.
Kristen read through them. It seemed that Lord Bentley,
or Jason Monroe to be more accurate, was quite the bounder,
having been involved in no less than three other scams to
steal from wealthy women. She supposed the way she was
throwing her money around was going to attract unwanted
attention eventually, and she had already guessed there was
something decidedly off about the man. He talked too much of
himself, but it always sounded rehearsed. Of course, at the
time she had just written it off as the fellow not quite
measuring up to Derrick.
"Where did you get this information?" Kristen asked
"The inspector from Scotland Yard gave it to me."
"Well, that is rather interesting."
"What is?"
"That he gave the information to you. I should think he
would just arrest the man."
"It seems he has disappeared."
"I see. Nevertheless, I thank you for the information."
"You don't seem terribly upset. I thought you would be
yelling at me by now."
"Whatever for?"
"For ruining your chances with the fellow, of course."
"I knew long before this conversation that he was not
the one for me. In this case, you did not ruin anything."
Derrick came around the bed and sat down. He took
her hands into his and sucked in a deep, steadying breath.
"Kristen, I don't know what is going on with you, but I don't
want you to marry someone else."
Kristen smiled. "Well, to be honest, with Ashby dead,
there's no rush for me to get married anymore."
"Really?" Derrick cleared his throat and tried to sound
less excited by the news.
"Well, I don't have any family, so it will have to happen
at some point, but there's no longer a rush on the matter. I
think I might travel a bit first."
"I've always wanted to see France this time of year. Or
perhaps the Americas. I think that would be lovely."
"But...but, you're just going to go in the middle of your
season?" The knot in his chest was returning, stronger than
"Well, I don't see why I should stay. I believe I've had
enough excitement for one season, don't you? Besides, my
face is rather bruised and by the time it heals properly, the
season will be almost complete."
Kristen repeated the lie easily enough, having become
rather adept at telling them. Her face would heal in plenty of
time to finish out the season, but Kristen wasn't planning on
sticking around that long. Of course, she hadn't expected her
goodbyes to Derrick to be so emotional. She had the devil's
own time keeping the lump in her throat from choking her up,
and when he looked at her with those amber eyes softly
glowing, she wanted to rethink her strategy and throw herself
in his arms. But, her presence was putting Mel in danger, and
if Derrick stayed around her, he was liable to get hurt, as well.
She wouldn't have it.
"I see." Derrick stood up and pulled his gloves on with
"Is something the matter?" Kristen noticed the change
in his behavior, though she had no idea what had caused it.
"Nothing at all." He barked.
She leaned back in surprise at the angry tone in his
voice. He couldn't possibly be upset that she was leaving,
could he?
"Why are you upset?" She asked cautiously.
"Listen, enjoy your travels. As it happens, I'm leaving
town as well. I only meant to stop by and see how you were
feeling. I'll take my leave and wish you well." He bowed stiffly
and left the room.
Kristen could do nothing but stare after him, and even
then, her mouth fell open in surprise. One minute they were
friendly and discussing her travel plans rationally, the next he
was barging out. She had a sinking feeling it was the last time
she was going to see him, and the thought simply broke her
Mel wasn't long after Derrick. "What's the matter with
him? Did you two argue again?"
"It seems that is all we ever do." Kristen replied quietly.
Not that she would change a single minute of it as she
was rather fond of their verbal skirmishes. But, she didn't like
to leave things unsettled either. She was leaving, and she
would damn well like to leave on good terms. Though, why
that should be relevant to her to begin with, she wasn't sure.
"Well, perhaps it's best with you leaving and all."
Kristen looked at Mel sourly. "That doesn't mean I'd like
to leave things between us in a bad state."
Mel quirked her brows upward. "Good heavens, do you
mean to say that you are beginning to like him?"
"Certainly not." Kristen sniffed, but then grinned. She
knew better than to try and hide her feelings from Mel, and
really, why should she? "Well, maybe just a little."
"I knew it!" Mel pounced.
"Alright, alright. You're very smart. Happy?" Kristen
grouched, but only just a little.
"Well, I think Derrick is a right side better at protecting
what's his than your stepfather. Perhaps if you told him - "
"No, I don't want him involved."
"You're the most stubborn person I know, do you know
that?" Mel crossed her arms over her chest irritably.
"So you've told me, once or twice." Kristen stood up
from the bed and stretched. As she did, several joints popped
rather loudly. She looked at Mel and lifted a brow. "Mel, the
last thing I need to worry about is someone coming after
Derrick because of me. He is better off without me."
Mel didn't think so, but Kristen always had this
misguided notion that she needed to protect people from life.
Mel thought it was because she wished she could do more to
help her people, despite Kristen's assurances that she wasn't
the least bit interested in reclaiming her throne. But, whatever
it was, Kristen would suffer any misery she had to keep the
people she loved from suffering. It was a noble quality to be
sure, but Mel wanted to see her friend happy, too.
"Well, I'll leave you to your rest for now. I must go see
Mrs. Sterling about the menu for tonight." She smiled warmly
at Kristen and then rushed out of the room.
Kristen got the impression that Mel was up to
something, though she couldn't quite figure out what that
something might be.
Chapter 22

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