Read Destined for Time Online

Authors: Stacie Simpson

Destined for Time (7 page)

BOOK: Destined for Time
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Chapter Seven

The call from Angela surprised me and I was curious to know
why she wanted to meet somewhere outside the resort. I was leaning back with my
elbows on the bar and a bottle of beer in my hand waiting for her to arrive.
Not that she was late, I was just being impatient.

The bar was a little crowded but not too bad and the band on
stage was playing all my favorite classic rock songs. I’d chosen this bar
because it was frequented by locals and a lot of supernaturals from the area.
It was a place I came to unwind when I needed a change of scenery. The resort
had plenty of variety with three night clubs and various other amenities but
sometimes I just needed to get away. Mike’s had a friendly atmosphere, good
music, and the thirty minute ride of mostly scenic highway to get here didn’t
hurt either.

Just when the guy on stage started singing that old Cheap
Trick song, Angela came through the front doors. In the background I heard
want you to want me. I need you to need me. I’d love you to love me...”
all I saw in front of me was her. It was like one of those slow motion movie
moments that are so popular these days, only it was really happening to me.
Everything had slowed down including Angela, and I realized I’d triggered my
powers without meaning to.

I’d never been able to do anything like this before and the
possibilities were incredible. The new powers were tied to Angela, and for now
were only accessible when she was close by. They seemed to be instinctual, like
I could just think of what I wanted to happen, consciously or subconsciously,
and it happened. When I released my hold on time Angela shivered like something
just crawled up her spine and I knew I was responsible. She was reacting to the
power I’d let slip my control. I shook myself. I had to get a grip or this
would only get worse the more time I spent around her.

Putting a tight leash on my powers I focused on the
beautiful woman closing the distance between us. Since I’d only seen her off
duty that one time at Dragon’s get together, I was a little stunned by her
appearance now. Tonight her white blonde hair flowed around her shoulders and
down her back. It was longer than I remembered and my hands ached to touch the
silken strands, to feel my fingers combing through it or my hand fisting in it
while I drove myself into her body.

I really had to get a grip....

Taking a deep breath I let my eyes skim over her face and
the rest of her athletic body. Her makeup was a little darker than normal and
it brought out the amazing pale blue color of her eyes. She had on a pair of
snug-fitting, faded blue jeans and her bright, medium blue shirt was left open
enough to showcase the cleavage between her pert breasts. They may be slightly
on the small side but with that bra pushing them up like an irresistible
offering, they looked absolutely perfect. She was five-foot-ten but tonight she’d
chosen boots with heels so high she was a couple inches over six feet. I loved
the fact that I didn’t have to bend in half just to kiss her.

All eyes were glued to her as she strolled through the bar
with her hips swaying enticingly. I kind of wished she was walking away from me
so I could see this from the other side. One man started to rise like he wanted
to make a move on her but I stopped time for everyone but us long enough for
her to pass him by. Tonight she was mine. If any other man even spoke to her,
heads were going to roll - literally, and I didn’t think Angela would
appreciate that.

When she stopped in front of me she let her gaze travel from
my head to my toes then met my eyes. The heated look she gave me had my cock
rising in interest.

“This is a new look for you,” she commented as she hopped up
on the barstool beside me. “I’ve never seen you in anything but leather pants
and those form fitting, long sleeved shirts you wear. I’m impressed, jeans look
good on you, and your shirt actually has a collar and buttons.” She gave me a
small smile. “But why did you braid your hair? I think I prefer it down.”

I took a swig of my beer wondering why I had alarms going
off inside my head. Something was off, I could sense it, but I couldn’t quite
put my finger on it. “We both look a little different off duty I suppose,” I
said, letting my gaze linger on her breasts for a moment. I could just imagine
sucking her nipples between my lips and flicking my tongue over the hard tips.
How was I ever going to get through this date without ripping her clothes off
right here in this bar?

When I looked back up her breath caught and I guessed my
eyes had silver sparks in them again. Since the night of the bombing several
people had told me they noticed it happening. Whenever my emotions went into
overdrive or I felt the least bit of desire the silver sparks appeared. The
hotter my emotions ran the more the silver sparks filled my eyes until the
black disappeared altogether.

Forcing myself to focus on the conversation, I added, “And I
always braid my hair when I ride my bike. Otherwise it gets so tangled I’d have
to brush it for a week to get the knots out. Would you like something to drink?”

“Um. Sure, I’ll take a beer.” She tucked her hair behind her
ear, a nervous action that intensified the bad feeling crawling up my spine. “What
kind of bike do you ride?”

Shaking off the sense of foreboding I ordered her beer then
flashed her a wicked grin. “It’s a Ducati Supersport. Fast and red, just like
that vintage Mustang Fastback I’ve seen you driving a time or two.”

She smiled when I teased her and I enjoyed the way her
cheeks turned red until her eyes darted to the corner of the room and her smile
became a little forced. Casually I shifted so I had a better view of the dance
floor and the tables surrounding it and found not one, but two human cops
sticking out like sore thumbs amongst the mostly supernatural crowd. I hadn’t
been sure why she’d asked me out, but this wasn’t what I’d expected.

I turned back to her and finished my beer. I was trying not
to let my anger become too obvious to the cops watching my every move. “What
are we doing here Angela? Because it’s pretty obvious you haven’t decided you’re
ready to date me.”

She wouldn’t look me in the eyes. “It’s complicated,” she
murmured so low I barely heard her over the music.

“You know what I think? I think you make your life far more
complicated than it needs to be,” I told her through gritted teeth then turned
towards the bartender, a longtime friend of mine. “Hey Adam, will you do me a
favor and make sure the two human cops don’t follow us out of here?” I slapped
some money on the bar for our drinks and a nice big tip for the extra help.

“You can’t do that,” Angela sputtered and we both ignored

Adam scooped up the money. “Sure Rook, no problem.” He
called the bouncer, Seamus, over and they had a chat before Seamus moved to
intercept the cops.

“Come on, we’re getting out of here.” I grabbed her hand and
pulled her towards the door. She didn’t exactly come along easily, but she didn’t
dig her heels in and stop me either. I supposed that was the best I could hope
for in that moment.

When we were outside heading around the building to my bike
I let go of her hand and told her, “You should start braiding your hair.” Then
I handed her a hair band from my pocket.

“I don’t think I’ve ever met a man that keeps hair ties in
his back pocket before,” she said tartly as she threw a quick braid in her

I turned on her and got right in her face. If she wanted to
play games, I’d be more than happy to play. “That’s because all the men you
know are so afraid of stepping outside the boundaries human society has set for
them, that they wouldn’t dream of growing their hair long enough to need one.
Is that what you want Angela? A man who fits into your neat little world or do
you want a man who can make you feel like this.”

I backed her against the wall and trapped her with the
weight of my body resting against her long, lean form. She brought her hands up
to push me away but I pinned them near her head, holding her in place firmly
but not hurting her. If she had struggled I would have let her go, but she didn’t.

Leaning in I brushed my cheek along hers then whispered in
her ear, “Do you feel that Angela? Do you feel your heart beating that hard,
fast, erratic rhythm?”

“That’s because you’re holding me down and I’m afraid of
what you’re going to do.” It sounded like she was trying to convince herself
more than me.

“Oh no Angela, that’s not it,” I murmured as I ran the tip
of my nose gently up and down the sensitive flesh on her neck, she shivered and
I inhaled deeply as I caught the damp, musky scent of her arousal in the air.

“You’re wondering what I’m going to do, but fear is not what
makes your heart race whenever I’m near. It’s anticipation Angela.” I ground my
erection against her lower abdomen and a quiet whimper escaped her.

I placed a trail of light kisses along her neck then asked
quietly, “Do you remember what it felt like to have me inside you Angela?” My
voice was rough as my own memories washed over me. “We didn’t have much time
that night but I remember what it felt like to have your wet heat gripping me
as I pushed us both over the edge of ecstasy. Do you know how long I dreamed of
that moment?”

Angela squirmed, searching for relief from the desire I was
causing in her while I continued rubbing my throbbing erection against her, the
friction making me crazy with the need to rip her clothes off and bury myself
inside her. “The next time I take you, I’m going to savor every moment, and
before we’re finished I’m going to taste every inch of your luscious body.”

She groaned, a frustrated sound of desperate need and I
released her hands as I reached down to grip her ass wedging my thigh between
her legs, dragging her denim covered center over the tense muscle. Her arms
came around me and I claimed her mouth, her lips parting when my tongue demanded
entrance, tangling with hers. The taste of her was intoxicating, clouding my
mind with visions of our naked flesh slick and heated, sliding together with
erotic frenzy.

Had it only been a month since I’d last felt her in my arms,
since I’d last felt this awakening in my cells? It felt like a lifetime ago.
Every time I touched her something inside of me lit up. It was like an
explosion of energy was ticking closer to detonation with every slide of her
tongue along mine, with every moan she couldn’t hold back as her body ground
against mine. My heart was racing as I tried to rein in the lust, the need
threatening to consume me. Now was not the time or the place but I couldn’t get
enough of her.

Angela tensed as she cried out, the blissful sound swallowed
by our hungry kiss. My grip tightened on her ass, the need to be inside her, to
feel her inner muscles contracting around my erection was almost unbearable.

From the parking lot out front we heard a male voice say, “Her
car is still here, maybe she went this way.”

Her hands that had been pulling me closer started pushing me
away and she broke the kiss to say breathlessly, “I can’t let them see me like
this Rook, please.”

There was desperation in her eyes that I couldn’t deny. I
swore and spun away from her. Deep breaths, I just needed to take deep breaths.

After a few moments I regained enough control to set time
back just as the other two cops rounded the corner. I took us back to the point
when she was braiding her hair. She hesitated for a moment then continued
braiding as she said, “You know that’s a little disconcerting when you do that.”

“You’ll get used to it.” The comment came out harsher than I
meant it, desire still making my heart pound, my blood rush through my veins. I
scrubbed my hands over my face then said, “Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it
like that. Let’s get out of here before your friends interrupt us again.”

“Rook, I’m sorry, for everything I’ve put you through and
for tonight, but I don’t think I should go with you,” she said with tears
shining in her eyes.

I moved in front of her and ran my fingers down the side of
her face. It took every ounce of restraint I had left in me to be gentle with
her. I was angry and frustrated, but she was so beautiful, and I hated seeing
the pain in her eyes. I wanted to take all the pain away.

“Maybe it’s time you did what you want to do, not what you
think you should do,” I told her quietly. “You don’t have to make me any
promises, just come with me and we’ll find somewhere to talk.”

She nodded hesitantly biting the inside of her lip and I led
her to where I’d parked. After strapping on the helmets we climbed on the bike
and I told her to hold on. Then I shot forward like we’d been fired from a
cannon. Angela’s surprised scream faded into the night as I rode fast and hard
putting distance between us and her backup. When I was sure they wouldn’t be
able to follow, I slowed down enough to enjoy the scenery. Moonlight lit up the
beaches with their rolling surf as we passed by. Angela molded herself along
the back of my body and held on tight, and for those few moments everything was
right in my world.


I pulled into one of my favorite diners and parked where my
bike wouldn’t be obvious from the road. It was a small hole in the wall with a
1950s feel that was owned and operated by an older married couple.

When we came through the front door a bell rang and a short
round female with medium blonde hair and wrinkles around her eyes called out, “Hey
Rook, it’s been a while. Do you want the usual?”

“I’m just having pie tonight Rosy, apple with lots of ice
cream,” I called back.

Angela and I sat in a booth near the back. There were only
two other couples in the diner, one seated at the counter and the other in a
corner booth by the jukebox which was playing an old Elvis Presley tune. Rosy
had once told me that she just couldn’t take today’s music so she kept the
jukebox filled with her favorite oldies.

BOOK: Destined for Time
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