Destine (The Watcher's Trilogy) (36 page)

Read Destine (The Watcher's Trilogy) Online

Authors: Katherine Polillo

BOOK: Destine (The Watcher's Trilogy)
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He managed to open the front door and then close and relock it once we were inside
I should have felt foolish being carried like a baby into his house, when there was nothing wrong with me, but I couldn’t seem to muster the energy to care
He climbed the stairs with me, and walked into a bedroom I had never seen
He laid me on the bed and pulled my shoes and jacket off of me
He pulled back the covers and paused
He was about to help me under the cover
, but he seemed to step back and reconsider

“Do you want to sleep in your jeans?

he asked.

At first the questio
n didn’t make any sense and then
slowly my brain processed the meaning to the words
I looked down at the muddy knees of my jeans and shook my head
I reached down and unbuttoned the top of my jeans and slid the zipper down as well
Gabriel reach
down and hooked his fingers into my belt loops and then began working the jeans down over my hip, thighs, and then finally the jeans h
it the ground
next to the bed
I lay there in my underwear and t-shirt
Gabriel then pulled the soft bedspread back up over me and securely tucked me in
I watched in the faint glow of the streetlights through the window as he pulled off his shirt and began unzipping his jeans as well
Even given my current state of grief, I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the sight of him
He was beautiful and he was mine
He pulled the covers back on the other side of the bed and climbed in next to me
He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me close, so our bodies touched from shoulder to toes, and he cradled me


safe now, Michelle
I’m here,” he whispered into my ear, and it was like the walls came down
I started to cry
so hard
I sobbed, and then finally somewhere in the wee hours of the morning my grief gave
way to exhaustion and I
I wanted nothing more then to stay in that deep, unconscious state of sleep
Where the troubles of my life couldn’t get to me, but to every night there comes a dawn


Chapter 19

Ephesians 4:2-3 “With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”


Somewhere in the early hours, just before dawn
I felt Gabriel slip out of bed
I didn’t know where he went or why, but I was to
exhausted to really care
I don’t know how long he was gone, but I la
ter felt him slip back into bed
and reach over and pull me towards him
The warm buzz that always jumped along our
kin when we touched vibrated up and down my back and legs, and I again fell back into a peaceful st
te of unconsciousness

I finally regain
consciousness and glanced at the digital cloc
k along side the bed, it read ten
I sat straight up in bed, it was Thursday and we had school
I glanced over my shoulder and out the
rain ran down the
in thick rivers
It was pouring outside and the sky was dark with rain clouds, no wonder I had been able to sleep so late
The realization that I had slept in Gabriel’s bed, next to him, in nothing but my t-shirt and underwear
slowly registered in my sleep-clouded brain;
I reached over and pulled the sheet over my lap
As I sa
t on the edge of
the bed I felt Gabriel reach over
from his side
of the bed.

“Come back to bed,” he

This was all too strange, it all felt so domestic
We hadn’t even slept together, but we had slept in the same bed
“We have school
Why didn’t you wake me?” I asked with an edge of annoyance to my voice

“Given the day you had yesterday, no one is going to question why you’re not at school
Lay back down
and relax,” he pleaded.

And just like that all the events of yesterday came rushing back into my mind
My f
ather was dead
My m
other and Cami were hopefully well on their way to Colorado
I would never cook family dinner again
My life had changed forever
I was suddenly overwhelmed all over again
I looked back at Gabriel; he really was all I had left
It was the two
of us versus the greatest evil h
had to offer
I let out a long, deep sigh

I crawled back into bed, pulling the warm blankets back up to my chin
Gabriel slid his arms back around me, pulling me close
I immediately felt my skin begin to buzz
He leaned down and k
issed me gently on the lips, it
was swee
t and gentle, and it held comfort and
I relaxed into his arms;
I still had to defeat Alex and ensure the survival of the human race, but fo
r right now all I had to focus o
n was this
I suddenly had the urge to reaffirm that I was alive; I needed to act and live
I reached up and pulled Gabriel’s lips back towards mine
I kissed him hard, trying to communicate how I felt and what I needed into that one kiss
He kissed me back, just as fiercely

We were all here for such a short
day could be our last
I wanted to feel, not think
I wanted to live, not worry
I quickly got lost in the kiss; all thoughts of yesterday had become cloudy and fuzzy and were fading away
Gabriel pulled back from the kiss with a gasp; his clear gray eyes
now the color of rolling storm clouds
I reached up and locked my hand
s in the dark curls of his hair
and pulled his face back towards me
He pulled back and attempted to put space between us, but my body had a mind of its own, logical thought no longer had an impact
My body arched of
the bed towards him, desperate to maintain the connection, to keep the warm buzzing feeling between us
I heard Gabriel groan deep in his throat, and
the fight in his eyes
He wanted this as much as I did, but
something was stopping him
Without warning he threw the blankets back and abruptly stood, leaving me alone and cold in the bed

“We can’t do this, Michelle,” he hissed through his teeth
I could physically see the restraint in his jaw, h
is fists clenched at his side. H
e stood statue still
muscles tense
with rigidity

I slid
sitting position and let the covers fall into my lap
I was still wearing my gizmo t-shirt, not ideal for seduction
“Why can’t we
Who’s going to stop us?

I questioned coyly

“I am,” he breathed
“I can’t take advantage of the situation
I don’t want it to be like this.

“What about what I want
If yesterday taught me anything it

s that you have to live everyday like
your last
I don’t want to regret not doing this,” I pleaded

Gabriel let out a long sigh and I watched his muscles relax
Him standing there in only his boxers was not helping my self-control
He slowly walked to the bed, and pulled the covers back up around me
He then sat on the corner of the mattress
keeping the covers and far to
much space between us
“That’s just it, Michelle, you shouldn’t be making a decision like this based on the thought that
this is your only chance
We will have plenty of chances and plenty of time
I don’t want to rush this.

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks
as my face started to burn
I had literally thrown myself at a teenage boy, and he had shot me down
Must be the first time in history that’s happened
I was embarrassed and angry
I deserved a little fun
, d
t I
I threw
the sheets back and stomped off towards the bathroom
The thought that I was still only in a t-shirt and panties barely registered
I slammed the door behind me
and without turning to look in the mirror I started the shower
If I looked at myself in all my disheveled morning glory; crazy hair, morning breath, puffy eyes, I
was sur
e to be even more humiliated tha
n I was right now
Instead I stripped and stepped into a gloriously warm and steamy shower and let the warm
rinse away as much
embarrassment as possible
Showers were also the best places to cry, since no one co
ld hear you or tell you were crying, but after last night all my tears were gone

It was amazing how the steam and warm water cleared my mind
My embarrassment and anger slowly washed down the drain, and reality began pressing in on my consciousness
I shouldn’t be
, I should be thankful
Gabriel had brought me to his house, taken care of me, and was just trying to protect me from myself
I was behaving rashly an
d worse yet I hadn’t said thank
you for
everything he had done
Along with this realization came another realization, my father was dead and my mother and best friend were fleeing for their lives
There were a lot of loose ends that needed to be tied up
I had to bury my father, I could rather easily make my mother disappear, but making Cami disappear was going to be difficult
I took a deep breath, inhaling the warm steam into my lungs
and shut the water off
I stepped from the shower and wrapped a large, fluffy white towel around my body
I wiped the steam from the mirror with my hand and stared at my reflection
I barely recognized the woman staring
her skin was pale
making her green eyes shine with a determination that I had never seen before
I looked older, stronger
I could do this, no I would do this,
and I
would succeed because there was no other option

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