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Authors: S.K. Lessly

Desired Too (35 page)

BOOK: Desired Too
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I never dreamed this would happen. I mean, I dreamed Angel would propose to me all the time. What I didn’t dream about was him proposing to me with his hard penis inside me as we sat on the side of 95 in a sex-steamed truck.

Angel, taking my silence to mean something else entirely, gripped my hair in one hand and pulled me closer to him.

I brought my hands in his hair and started moving my hips against him. I lifted my hips from his, then slid back down his shaft, feeling him grow with each movement I made.

“Be with me always, Raquel.”

The heat between us intensified as we moved our hips. I took a deep breath, as if I was coming to grips with reality. There was no way I could live without him. There was no place I’d rather be than with him.

My decision made, I kissed him to seal the deal, then whispered just above his lips. “I’m yours always and forever.”

Chapter Twenty



We finally pulled up to Raquel’s father’s house, after risking yet another bump and grind fest, this time in the back of the truck with the seats down. I threw the truck in park and looked up at the two-story, four thousand square foot home. I’d been thinking about turning us around for the last fifteen minutes. I just didn’t feel confident in her security here. What happened at my apartment was a rare occurrence. I thought no one in their right mind would attack me at my home or double cross me. Yet, it happened, twice.

I looked over at a sleeping Raquel and just watched her.

I had meant every word I said to her. She was everything to me, and I would stop at nothing to make sure she stayed safe. I hoped she understood that, but I knew she wouldn’t understand the depths in which I would take in order to keep my word.

I could feel all the anger and rage that I put aside earlier starting to awake in me. I could feel myself getting ready. Tonight would be a busy night for me. I felt a grin climb on the side of my face with the anticipation of what was to come. I could actually feel the goose bumps!

I searched the darkness around the house, sensing something unsteady in the air, when I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out and looked at the screen. I didn’t recognize the number, but I answered anyway.

“Who is this?”

There was a pause on the other end, then I heard a somewhat familiar voice.

“This is Mason West. Are you familiar with the name?”

I looked over at Raquel before I answered. “Yes, I am. How did you get this number, and what do you want?”

“We both want the same thing, to keep Raquel safe from your shit.”

I started to frown as I felt that rage of mine coming through. “No, you must be mistaken.”

“Calm down, Leonetti. I’m happily married with a wife of my own and four kids.”

“So why are you in my business then?”

I heard him sigh, then he said, “I’m in your business because Raquel is my wife’s business, and I’m sure you can relate to being with a woman who is stubborn and bullheaded as all hell.”

I snorted. “Sounds like you can’t control your woman.”

Mason ignored the comment and added, “She told me, under no uncertain terms, if anything were to happen to her friend I would pay dearly. Now, I don’t make it a habit going against that woman, so I’m doing what I’m told. Look, let’s cut the shit; your brother is planning on pinning you against Ducci.”

I snickered. “Tell me some shit I don’t know.”

“Oh okay. How about this then? Ducci thinks you assaulted his daughter the other night.”

“What?” I blurted too loudly as Raquel stirred and her eyes fell on me.

“Yeah, from what I found out, he got a picture from your brother showing his only daughter with red welts around her neck. Eddie told him that you did it in a fit of rage when she broke it off with you. Ducci has taken this act as a direct and personal hit on himself and he’s waging war against you. That hit earlier today is supposed to only be the beginning.”

I closed my eyes, feeling the anger in me grow more and more.

“When did this happen?”


“And how do you know this?”

“I have my sources. Take a look out of the front of your truck.”

I did and I saw high beams from a car across the street flash on and off.

“That’s me and a couple of my guys. Raquel will be safe for as long as you need to go and handle your family dispute.”

I looked back at Raquel, who was wide awake now and looking pensive. She was probably getting a bad vibe from me as I know there was no mistaking how I was feeling right now. On the other hand, it could’ve been when I reached in the console for my Glock 17s and a SIG P228. She started looking around when I placed it on her lap.

I took her hand in mine and brought it to my lips to calm her slightly.

“What assurances do I have that you will keep your word?” I asked Mason.

“Get out of the car and meet me half way. I’ll give you all the assurances you need.”

I nodded imperceptibly and hung up my phone.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

I kissed her hand again. “I’ll be right back. Stay in the car until I say it’s okay to come out.”

Before she could protest, I was out of the car and heading across the street. I saw the car door where the high beams came from open and out came a tall man, built with blonde hair. I recognized him from some of the MMA fights I caught on television, and from the bar Raquel liked to go to. Two men followed close behind him.

Mason stretched his hand out to me when he got close and I took it.

“I figured this would go easier if we were face to face, so you could see my eyes.”

He was right of course, but I didn’t let on.

I asked him. “How did you know we would come here?”

He shrugged. “It was either here or your parent’s home, and I have some guys of mine there too just in case.

I narrowed my eyes. “Raquel never mentioned what you did for a living. Well, she said you were a fighter and a businessman, but what kind of business has hired security helping you to this extent?”

“Let’s just say I’m not the average fighter and businessman. I’m sure I don’t have to give you my resume and bio. If you are anything like me, you have already done your homework on me.”

Again, I didn’t reply. He was right, of course. I knew a lot about the man. It didn’t matter, though. I would not jeopardize Raquel to anyone that I didn’t know.

“Mace, what are you doing here?” I closed my eyes and groaned as I heard her voice behind me.

I turned. “What part of stay in the car don’t you understand?”

Raquel put her hands on her hips. “I’m not a dog, Leo. You can’t just tell me to sit and stay. Besides, I want to know what’s going on.”

I started to say something, but stopped. I turned back to Mason and saw the smirk on his face. I knew it was coming. He didn’t have to say anything at all, but I knew what he was thinking;
Control, huh?

Raquel pushed me out of the way and stood in front of Mason. “What are you doing here, Mason?”

Mason’s smirk left his face and he looked solemnly at Raquel. “I heard what happened, and I know you wouldn’t have called me, so I took it upon myself to lend a hand.”

I scoffed, “I thought you just said your wife sent you.”

Mason gave me an aggravated look, and I just met his with one of my own.

Raquel, probably feeling the thick testosterone in the air, cleared her throat.

“Thanks, Mace. That’s sweet of you to do that.”

She smiled at him and he smiled back, a little too big for my taste.

Getting a strange feeling of something, I didn’t want to say aloud, I pulled Raquel aside. I caressed her arms, trying to soothe her, but actually, I was soothing myself or marking my territory, whichever way you want to look at it.

“Listen, I’m starting to have second thoughts about you being here.”

Raquel rolled her eyes. “Come on. After what we just talked about, you can’t be jealous.”

I shook my head, trying my best to convince her and myself that jealousy had nothing to do with this. “You know for a fact there’s no way I could be jealous of him. I would just feel better if you were at my parents’ home. There’s more bodies there, men that I trust and have known for years.

“Yeah, but you’ve known Stretch and Adriano for years too.”

I started to reply, but I stopped. She was right. There were no assurances. I just felt better for some reason, that’s all.

Raquel, however, sighed deeply. She stretched up and kissed me. “How about I go up there, say hello to my father and brother, talk with them for a few, then head to your father’s house?”

I thought about what she said for a moment, then nodded. I took her hand in mine and headed back to Mason and two of his men.

“West, can you give me a ride back to the city?”

Mason looked quizzically at me first, then he nodded. “Yeah, I can do that.”

“Could you also spare your two men to stay here?” Then I looked at Mason. “Raquel wants to say hello to her father and brother, then she’s going to stay at my father’s house. She needs an escort. They can drive the truck.”

Mason nodded, then looked at his men that stood next to him. They nodded as well.

“No problem, Leonetti. I’m ready when you are. This is Bobby and Jeremy. Both are ex-special forces and know how to handle themselves against any threat.”

We shook hands all around, and I felt somewhat better. I knew at least if shit went wrong, I knew how to find these three.

After the plans had been made to escort Raquel to my father’s house, I walked Raquel up to the front door.

Once there, she quickly wrapped her arms around my neck. “Promise me you’ll be careful.”

“I’m always careful. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

“Leo, I’m so serious. If you mess around and get hurt or…” She took a deep breath. “I will beat your ass!”

I smiled and brought her closer to me. “I promise you that I’ll be careful and try my best not to get hurt.” I leaned down and kissed her. “You just make sure you stay with these guys and go straight to my father’s house. It will put my mind at ease.”

She nodded, kissed me quickly, then walked inside the house.

I stood there a moment, then closed my eyes.

If anything happened to her and I wasn’t there to prevent it…

I took a few deep breaths, turned and headed back to Mason.

Mason watched me approach and it was at that point when I realized what kind of man stood before me. I knew he was ex-Navy, a Seal. However, looking at him and from seeing his fights, I knew he was also just like me, a warrior.

He headed in my direction and once he got close, he said to me, “Your woman is as tough as nails. She knows what to do and how to handle herself.”

I sighed again and nodded. “Yeah, I know.”

Mason studied me for a while, then signaled the two behind him to come forward. “Watch her like a hawk, understand? Do not let her out of your sight.”

Both men nodded, and I took this time to study them. They both were about the same height as I was and equally mean. They had blonde cropped hair and dark eyes with heat on their hip and from the looks of them, they were not afraid to pull it and use it. They seemed capable, but…

Mason appeared to be living in my head and again my confidence in the man grew as he told them, “You treat Ms. Waters as if you are watching my wife. Same rules apply to Raquel’s safety. Are we clear?”

“Got it,” Jeremy confirmed.

I nodded and Bobby stepped up, saying, “We will protect her with our life. You can count on that. What I will point out is we haven’t searched the interior of the house, so keep that in mind.  The exterior is clear. We have a few others fanned out around the house looking for anything and will continue to do so as long as she’s inside.”

Jeremy moved closer and looked from Mason to me. “Is there anything we need to be concerned about pertaining to inside the house?”

I wanted to say, “Hell yeah. She has a pussy for a brother.” But, instead, I shook my head and said, “Not that I’m aware of, but she’s carrying and definitely knows how to use it.”

All three looked at me skeptically and I added, “I just witnessed her double tap a moving target in the chest. It wasn’t an easy shot to make. You or I could make that shot easy. We know what we’re doing. An amateur would not. That should tell you everything you need to know.”

Everyone remained quiet taking in what I said and probably still dismissing her.

Mason broke the silence. “In any event, you hear something in that house that you don’t like, make your presence known.”

They both nodded.

I stood there, not listening to them continue with their mission ready updates. My mind went to a task that I’d been pushing back for months. It was time. Lincoln and I needed to get this shit settled because I needed him. The storm that was brewing around me could have the potential to take me down, and I knew it.

I inhaled deeply at the potential of what could happen. I’d call him on my way, but if he didn’t answer his cell, I’d be making a stop at his apartment.

“You ready?” Mason asked, looking at me expectantly.

As I quickly sent Darrell a text, letting him know that I was heading to Lincoln’s first and then to my fathers, I nodded. “Let’s go.”

BOOK: Desired Too
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