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Authors: S.K. Lessly

Desired Too (16 page)

BOOK: Desired Too
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I was getting extremely agitated as I talked to him. I couldn’t believe everything was turning out this way. I started pacing not really talking
him but damn near

“It’s like you’re stuck on Fantasy Island or something, for real. For you to think that I would ever respond to your brazen, controlling ways has me really thinking you need to be fucking admitted to someone’s psych ward. I hadn’t heard from you since the day I left, Leo. And now that you’ve so called
claimed me
, you think I’m supposed to just fall in line? Well, you have mistaken me for someone else.” I went for my purse and said for added measure, “This is a big damn nightmare, and you’re fucking Freddy. And you’ve been smoking more than just cigars if you think that for one second I want…”

Okay… so if you haven’t noticed, the remaining part of my sentence fell from my lips into the abyss. I didn’t do that on purpose. The remainder of my sentence was actually robbed from me. Yes, robbed.

Before I knew it, I was grabbed tightly by the arm. He snatched my purse from my hands and threw it across the room. I was then abruptly pushed up against the wall and trapped by a very mad, very red-faced Angel.

Well, it seemed that I had poked the bear yet again!



Chapter Eleven

The look of defiance in her eyes was making my dick hard.

Did I tell you that she’s my worse fucking nightmare?

She floored me with the shit that she was saying and was pissing me off with every syllable that came out of her mouth.

Three fucking years
. That’s all I kept saying to myself and that wasn’t helping my mood.

So just when she thought she had the last word, I grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. I kept my body close to her so she didn’t get any ideas of kneeing me. I knew she was bating me, testing me and pushing me. It was her M.O. Well, two can play this game, and I was better at playing it.

I kept my voice as calm as I could as I explained, “Let’s get something straight. I’ve wanted you since the first day I saw you. I held back because of how sweet and innocent you were back then, and you had no clue who I was. You used to look at me as if I was this nice person, and I’m far from that. I’m dark. I’m dangerous. I’m the motherfucker that your father warned you about in your bedtime stories. I didn’t feel like you could handle that, handle me. Everything changed the night you came looking for me at the bar.”

I concentrated on the rise and fall of my chest, again just trying to remain calm. I felt my control teetering on faltering, so I needed to say this shit quickly. “That night when you came looking for me at my bar, those nights we were together, I thought just for a second that maybe you could handle me, handle my life. However, you left.
You fucking left
. Just like that. Like you didn’t give a shit about what we had just shared and the fact that I opened myself to you.”

She scoffed. “Opened yourself?”

“Yes, that’s right. I opened myself to you. Do you think I have ever opened myself up to another woman? You think that if I didn’t give a shit about you that I would have kept you in my bed the whole weekend, fucking you and claiming you? If all I wanted was pussy from you, I would’ve fucked you in my car and sent you on your way. I didn’t do that. I brought you here to my home. I catered to you, to every part of you, and you spit in my face. As if you didn’t give two shits, you grabbed your purse and left. So when I saw you with that motherfucker in California, smiling and shit, looking like you were in fucking love, I did not approach you because I figured he was the reason why.”

She folded her arms across her chest. “Ah, so I guess I should thank my lucky stars then since you still want me?”

I growled and moved closer to her. “Shit, woman, you’re insufferable.”

“And, God, you are so infuriating and so dense. How in the hell was I supposed to know how you felt about me? Why didn’t you say anything?” she claimed through gritted teeth.

“Why didn’t you? You had plenty of time to tell me exactly how you felt, but you ran. You left and expected me to come chasing after you!”

She squinted at me. “I didn’t expect you to do shit. In fact, I still don’t. You and I will never be. Do you understand me?”

She pushed me back from her and I let her, knowing that I needed to give us space. My anger was spilling over, but I wasn’t done with her, that was for damn sure.

“You got damn right we won’t,” I snarled. “You can’t handle me anyway. ‘Grown ass woman’ my ass,” I spat.

Raquel narrowed her eyes and started toward me enraged.
This is what I’m talking about. Bring it on, baby.

“You know what? I
a grown ass woman. And you can kiss my beautiful ‘grown woman ass,’ you son of a bitch. I can take everything and anything you can dish out.”

Then she pushed me in my chest, or tried to anyway, and I grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer to me.

“Prove it then, baby, because as far as I can see, you can’t handle shit,” I said to her just as I pulled her even closer.

Her body crashed into mine, and I pinned her arms behind her. She struggled and I gripped her tighter. She wasn’t going anywhere.

To further piss her off, I said to her, “You know what? Maybe it’s good that you’re leaving. You’re used to running away and hiding. So go do what you’re good at.”

“God, I fucking hate you!” she growled.

My response? I licked her face. She growled at me again and started fighting me again. Amusement spent from my features. I was growing tired of this shit, so I let go of her wrist. She tried to push me away as I wrapped my arm tight around her waist. I tangled my fingers through her hair and gripped her tight. We stared into each other’s eyes, mine drifting to her beautiful pouty lips and hers defiantly trying not to look at mine.

I could feel her weakening. She didn’t want to. I could see it in her eyes, but her body, the way it started melting into mine, revealed her secret.

Still trying to resist, she said to me, bluster in her voice almost gone, “Let me go.”

“Not on your fucking life!” I told her and slammed my lips against hers, ending her game.

I didn’t care that she resisted at first, her back becoming straight as a nail when my lips touched hers. You know just as much as I do, with the right force, a nail could be bent.

I lifted my other hand to the side of her face, letting her know who was in charge. I purposefully pushed my tongue into her mouth and moaned just as pleasures traveled right to my dick. By the time my tongue touched hers, she had her own hands in my hair, pulling and moving my head the way she wanted, as I fucked her mouth with a hunger I had no clue I had.

Sei mio
, baby,” I said to her, voice low, lips just above hers. She had no clue what I said to her, but the matching hunger in her eyes told me that she had an idea.

I gripped the bottom of her shirt, pushed it up and off her body before she could protest, and brought my lips down on hers again. Tasting every bit of her was a need that I was going to fulfill that night and every fucking night I drew breath. I was to be damned if I was going to let her go. It was high time she understood that.

I walked her backward, pushing my body into her, pinning her against the wall as my hands explored the softness of her body. The feel of the goose bumps along her skin made me feel like a king.

I pulled back from her lips and started slowly kissing down her neck as my hands went straight to her breasts and sensitive nipples. I massaged her and squeezed her nipples just the way I knew she liked, the way that instantly made her soaked with insurmountable need. I knew from the first time I touched her that only I could fulfill her. Only I could make her lose her mind.

“Ah… yes…Angel, yes…” she whispered low and so fucking sexy that it was causing me to waver on control. She inhaled and whispered my name again. That brought me over the edge. I moved my lips back to hers and kissed her some more, deeper even, as I slid my hands down the side of her body. She felt incredible. Her skin was soft as silk, despite the added goose bumps her body produced. It was a mistake when I let her leave back then. I’d admit that. However, only to myself. But that night, I planned to rectify my mistake so that she knew I’d never make it again.

I moved my hand around to the front of her shorts and unclasped the button, never moving my lips from hers. I slowly slid the zipper down, never moving my lips from hers. I tickled my thumb along her hipbone, bringing it under the elastic of her panties. Just as I had a good grip, I finally moved my lips from hers and traveled down her chest, as I slowly went to my knees. I brought her shorts and panties with me as I went, kissing her chest, her stomach, and then her mound as I passed.

I tugged lightly, signaling for her to lift her leg and the moment she obeyed, I wasted no time. I threw her leg over my shoulder, shorts and panties still fucking attached, and swiped my tongue between her folds.

She stiffened and instantly brought her hands to my hair.

That’s right, baby.

I moved my tongue over her delicate, sensitive bud again, and her grip on my hair grew tighter.

Yes, she knows exactly what I like, how I fucking love it.

Sei mio,
” I said again and pushed my face deeper in her folds, moving her leg higher up, practically pinning her leg against the wall. Her core was open and available, and as I saw the gleam from her lips, I knew she was mine.

“Fuck, I miss my pussy, baby… Mine!” I growled and made myself fucking comfortable.

I tickled her clit with my tongue, giving her sensations of unwavering pleasures as she started moving her hips. I knew she was building. Her body quivered with every swipe of my tongue. I pushed into her core as my thumb continued to tease where my tongue had left. She was about to explode on my face, in my mouth. I could feel it.

“That’s it, baby, give me what I’ve been craving for. Give it to me.”

Her hips started to rock against me and her moans grew louder. She tightened against my tongue, and just when I felt she was ready, I gave her exactly what her body needed. I sucked her bud as hard as I could. My name escaped her lips loud and satisfied, but still hungry. With a hunger of my own, I kept attacking her. I didn’t let up, as she gripped the shit out of my hair. I kept sucking and licking and sucking. When she tried to suffocate me between her thighs, I just took my fingers, opened her up, revealing her clit and continued my assault. It didn’t matter how many times she begged me to stop; I wasn’t. Hell, I didn’t care that she buckled and dropped to the ground. I simply changed my position, pushed both of her legs back and wide, and kept going, building, savoring, tasting, fucking her with my face until she exploded, and I drank her dry.

I wanted more of her. I needed more. I rose, picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist. Getting lost in her was what I longed for every second of every day. She was who I wanted. She was who I desired and no one else would ever do or take her place.

Shit, the look of satisfaction and desire on her made her the sexiest woman that I had ever seen in my life, and she belonged to me.

I made it to my bed and gently laid her down. She gripped my shirt, pulling it over my head. I heard her breath catch, seemingly still affected by my tattoo. I moved her focus elsewhere by burying my face in between her thighs again.

I loved making my pussy sing. She sung for me all the time, her taste drove me crazy, her scent was intoxicating and I couldn’t think straight when I was fucking with her.
My soul fed off her, making me lose my mind every second that went by when I couldn’t have her.

“Angel, oh, yes, baby! Please, please! Just like that.”

“That’s it, baby…
Potrai gemere il mio nome per tutta la notte
. You’re going to scream my name all night. Cum for me. Give me what I want.”

“Yes! Please, yes… Angel, make me cum, baby. Make me lose my- Ohhhhh, yesssss! Ahhhh!” she screamed and sat up just as I pulled her bud into my mouth.

That’s what I wanted to hear.

My shorts were gone and my dick was bagged and ready before she came down from her paradise. As I climbed over her body, her legs spread wide for me. I didn’t waste time. I slammed into her hard. Her nails dug into my back as she gasped from the harsh reintroduction of my dick to her insides.

I didn’t move at first. I just watched her. This feeling, this moment, her in my bed, underneath me, felt more than right. From the moment she walked in my apartment, I felt myself relax. She relaxed me. She had no idea how much control she had over me.

I went from being on my hands looking down on her to resting on my forearms, body on top of hers.

Mi sei mancato,
Raquel, so fucking much,” I said to her, voice anxious and full of shit that I couldn’t explain to you. I’ll just tell you that my chest got tight and as I started moving my hips slowly, pulling nearly out of her and back in, I felt the tightness in my chest grow stronger and stronger. I kept my eyes on her. She did the same. I don’t know, it was something that came over us both holding us there, robbing us of words that we both wanted to say.

“Tell me what you said,” she breathed out softly.

I translated it right after I slammed into my pussy, “I’ve missed you so fucking much.”

She moaned, arched her body into mine and closed her eyes. Her legs moved further up my hips, and she tightened them around me, locking at her ankles just above my ass.

“I’ve missed you too, Leo. Oh, baby, I’ve missed you.”

“Yeah? Tell me how much.” I started moving faster, getting into my rhythm. I didn’t let her answer me. Instead, I told her, “I plan to get reacquainted with my pussy, baby. starting tonight. It’s been too fucking long.”

My stroke, long and deep, told her that I didn’t forget how to please her just how she liked it.

“Get used to screaming my name, baby. All night this pussy will feel my wrath. You will pay for keeping me away from
my pussy
. This body is mine.
You are fucking mine

I don’t have to explain to you what I did to her, do I? Do you want to know?

I’m sure you could guess.

Okay, okay, I’ll tell you…

I fucked her until her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she passed the fuck out. Being the selfishly addicted asshole that I was, I woke her up and fucked her some more.

BOOK: Desired Too
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