Design for Love ((Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men) (13 page)

BOOK: Design for Love ((Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men)
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Her private teacher was full of praise about her learning capabilities. She couldn’t believe how easily Toni picked up on things.

London was happier than she ever thought possible she, and Gabe were doing well and Toni seemed to be blossoming into a confident young woman. And tonight was the debut of Designs by London as well as Design for Love by London. Everyone was extremely excited and could hardly wait to see the premiere of both lines.

Toni had planned an elegant upscale event inviting the media, local business and boutique owners as well as a few high end buyers. It was meant to be a black-tie affair and was by invitation only. The countdown had begun, and the event was scheduled to start in eleven hours. They would all be wearing London originals she’d designed and made each of their outfits personally. Thanks to all of Toni’s help she’d had plenty of time to get it done.

Gabe joined London on the balcony as they enjoyed the crisp early-morning air. It looked as if it was going to be a beautiful day. Gabe moved behind London and slipped his arms around her waist while nuzzling her neck. She lifted her hand over her shoulder and placed it on the back of his head smiling at the overwhelming joy she felt for him and the contentment of the life together.

So tonight is your big night, are you nervous?” He asked softly.

A little, but I’m also very excited.” She replied.

As you should be, you’ve worked really hard, and it’s going to be a great success.” He said to reassure her as well as to calm her nerves.

I sure hope your right because if it’s a big flop I’ll be looking for a new job.” She said only half joking.

You already have a new job remember you’re going to be my wife, and my mother seems to think that’s going to be quite a task. However, I don’t think you have anything to worry about I promise you everyone is going to love your designs.” He said.

You shouldn't make promises you can’t keep lover.” She said with a slight smile.

Hey, you should know by now that Fabrizio men never make promises that we can’t keep. It’s in our blood to live up to what we say.” Gabe said as he applied tiny kisses along her neck.

Oh my gosh, the two of you are at it again. It must be nice to be in love?” Toni said as she came out onto the balcony carrying a tray with three mugs of coffee and fresh baked cinnamon rolls.

Well good morning to you too, bambina. And to answer your question yes it is nice to be in love. However, you’ll find out all about that one-day kiddo.” Gabe said bumping her gently with his shoulder as he walked over to get the cup of coffee she’d brought out for him. Toni used her shoulder to bump him back she’d become a lot more comfortable around Gabe and the Fabrizio men. Gabe had started calling Toni bambina
meaning little girl
shortly after she’d arrived since he thought of her as a little sister. London was happy that Toni thought of him and the other Fabrizio men as family just as she did with her and her sisters.

Yeah, yeah good morning you guys. And as for finding love, I won’t hold my breath big brother.” She said as she picked up a cinnamon roll, but before she could take a bite Gabe reached over and grabbed it quickly taking a big bite.

Thanks for breakfast bambino.” He said as he took a seat at the patio table.

Hey, that was mine.” Toni said taking the seat across from him leaving the chair next to him for London.

Thanks, Toni.” London said as she handed her a mug and a roll.

No problem, so how are you this morning? Are you nervous?” Toni asked.

I am, just a little.” London replied as she took a sip of her coffee.

Well don’t be. Everything is going to be just fine. Your show is going to be a really big hit, I can feel it.” Toni said excitedly.

See I told you even Toni knows that you’ll be a hit, after tonight you’ll be the talk of the town.” Gabe said with a smile as he ate his cinnamon roll.

I certainly hope so, anyway I’m supposed to go over to the house this morning. There was some problem with the cabinets in the kitchen, so on top of everything else I need to do I have to deal with this.” London said in frustration.

Dolcezza, I’ll take care of the problem with the house you just do what you need to do to get ready for your show.” Gabe said as he stood up from the table.

Really are you sure, because that would be great.” She replied in relief.

Sure I’d do anything to make things easier for you my sweet.” He said as he bent over to kiss her gently on the lips.

I’m going to stay here and help London, so I won’t be in the office today.” Toni said.

Well would you listen to you okay boss you take the day off, I think I can handle things without you for one day.” Gabe said as he reached over and tapped her on the nose with his finger.

If you say so, and stay away from my desk, because the last time I left you alone for a day you had my well-organized work space in complete disarray.” Toni yelled as he headed for the door.

I was looking for a file I’d asked you for before you left.” Gabe said defensively stopping just inside the door.

Yeah, the file that I’d put on your desk before I left.” She said sarcastically.

I didn’t know that at the time bambina.” He replied.

Yeah, I heard that excuse the first time big brother.” Toni said teasingly.

You certainly have become a true Landry woman with that smart mouth of yours kid.” He teased back as he walked away to get ready for the office.

Thanks I’ll take that as a compliment." She yelled to his back.

You would.” He yelled back laughing.

You seem to be doing quite well here, are you happy?” London asked.

London, before I met you, I never thought I’d be safe or happy again. You not only save my life you changed it. I have never been so happy in my entire life. You've given me a home, a job and I have my own private teacher, but most of all I have a real family for the first time since my mother died.” Toni said joyfully.

I’m just happy that you’re doing so well. I’m really proud of you sweetie.” London said with a wide smile.

Thanks, but we need to get a move on, we have a lot to do before the show tonight.” Toni said with excitement.


When London and Toni got to the Inn, they headed for the café to check on the preparations for tonight’s event. The two were laughing and joking as Gio and Luc approached them looking like doom and gloom.

Hi guys, what’s wrong did something happen?” London asked.

Yeah, where is Gabe?” Gio asked.

He went to the house for me to check on a problem with the tile. Why what’s going on?” London asked getting a little worried.

Who asked him to come to the house?” Luc asked looking uneasy.

No one, I was supposed to go to the house, but he wanted to go so that I can get ready for tonight. Now tell me what’s going on you two.” London said franticly.

I just heard from my contact in New York Toni’s stepfather has a brother.” Gio said as he removed a folded piece of paper from his jacket pocket and held it up. “Does he look familiar to you?”

London gasped as she dropped her purse and turned to run out the door, by the time she’d made it outside, she’d run right out of her shoes. She didn’t slow down as she hit the path leading to the house. Picking up speed she continued to close the distance between her and the house where Gabe was walking into a trap.

Luc and Gio were usually pretty fast, but even they had a hard time keeping up with London as adrenaline powered her steps.


Gabe decided to go to the house before going into the office for a few hours. When he arrived, he had a bad feeling that something wasn’t right. He cautiously entered the house and made his way to the kitchen. The minute he rounded the corner someone attempted to grab him, but luckily, he was a little quicker than the person trying to attack him. He smoothly stepped out of the persons reach before turning to face his attacker.

What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Gabe yelled at the man as his temper grew.

You weren’t supposed to be here I was expecting London.” The man said nervously.

Really so you're telling me that you were planning to attack my soon to be wife, do you think that’s going to make you safe or sorry?” Gabe asked the man as anger began to pump through his veins.

Look I just wanted to pay her back for what she did to my brother.” He said.

And who in the hell is your brother? Not that I give a flip but hell I’d like to know who to notify about your sudden demise when I’m done with you.” Gabe said as he cracked his neck from side to side.

He’s Toni’s stepfather.” The man said in a shaky voice.

You would have done better keeping that to yourself. You’re here waiting to ambush my woman for defending a young girl from being beaten to death.” Gabe said getting angrier by the minute.

That still didn’t give her the right to do what she did to my brother.” The man said in a nasty tone.

Okay you know what I’ve had enough of you. I’m about to whip your ass.” Gabe said removing his jacket letting it fall to the floor.

I’m not afraid of you, boss man.” He said nervously.

And that is your third mistake. The first one was coming after my woman. The second one was attempting to defend that low-life scum sucking brother of yours. I’m going to teach you that no man should ever put his hands on a woman in order to cause her harm.” Gabe said as a mask of pure rage covered his face, he slowly walked towards the man.

The man stupidly took a swing a Gabe as fear moved him to act without thinking. Gabe ducked to the side as his reflexes took over and his body automatically went into a boxer’s stance. He bounced back when the man once again threw a swing, but this time when he moved forward Gabe threw an upper cut through the middle punching under his chin rocking the man backward.

Gabe didn’t wait for him to take another swing he moved forward and punched him hard in the face then jumped back when blood spurted from his nose. The man covered his face with both his hands as he went to his knees. As his knees hit the floor London burst through the door.

Gabe baby are you alright?” She asked loudly placing a hand gently on his cheek.

Dolcezza, I’m fine. How did you know it was a trap?” He asked just as his brothers came running through the door.

Damn girl you sure can run fast.” Luc said as he paused to catch his breath.

I got a fax from the New York police department just a little while ago.” Gio said breathing hard.

When he showed me the picture of Justin, I ran all the way here.” London said.

Why would you do that?” He asked.

Because I was worried about you, I wanted to make sure nothing happened to you before our wedding. That's why.” She said teasingly before turning to glance at Justin, who was holding his face as blood ran past his fingers and onto his new kitchen floor. “You are just as stupid as your ignorant ass brother, both of you or cowards.”

This isn’t over one day either me or my brother will get you just wait and see.” He yelled stupidly as glared up at her from his position on the floor.

That’s never going to happen.” Gabe said. “You really are a moron, why would you threaten her in front of us like that it makes no sense. Unless you have a death wish are you that tired of living?”

You’re lucky that you have these guys to protect you bitc…” His statement was interrupted by Gabe’s foot kicking him in the mouth, laying him flat on his back.

London’s eyes widened as she watched Gabe kick Justin in the mouth. Gabe towered over the man as he angrily gazed down at him.

Watch it crème-puff that’s my woman you’re talking about.” He said.

That’s alright baby, neither he nor his brother has any manners. That's why I shattered his brother’s jaw like a wine glass.” London said as she laughed at him when she saw how mad he was getting. “You don’t like hearing what I did to that good-for-nothing-woman-beating-piece-of-shit brother of yours huh? Then you definitely aren’t going to like it when I tell you how he went down like a ton of brick when I broke him down like a fraction.” London said with a smile.

I know you think this is over, but I’ll be back I told my brother that I’d take care of you, and I plan to do just that.” Justin said.

That’s cute he actually thinks that he’ll be leaving here.” London said with a grin as she glanced at Gabe, Gio and Luc as they too stared laughing.

Yeah, he’s real cute, uh baby, where did you put the duct tape?” Gabe asked glancing around the kitchen.

There should be some in the drawer behind you.” London replied. “And don’t forget to tape his mouth first we don’t need him screaming and attracting unwanted attention.” London added.

Wait a minute are you people crazy? You can’t kill me.” Justin yelled just before Gabe handed Luc the duct tape.

BOOK: Design for Love ((Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men)
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