Demonic Angel (A Touch Of Magic) (20 page)

BOOK: Demonic Angel (A Touch Of Magic)
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              “I know it is hard Titch, you are doing so well though. If you didn't become this, you and I would still be neighbours that pretended to hate one another.” I wasn't pretending. I don't say that though.

“You know, you and I never finished our conversation last night.” He places an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close to him, his leathery wings feel weird against my feathered ones as they brush against each other. I look up at his face.

              “Oh I know and I hit Tessa for interrupting us.” I giggle and he smirks.

“Let us finish what we started.”

He lowers his mouth to mine and fireworks fly off in the back of my head. My heart is singing whilst the butterflies in my stomach are dancing the tango. He cups my face with one hand while the other pulls me closer. The bare skin on my legs brush against his and I mentally thank Mother Nature for letting it be warm enough for my sun dress today. My body is on fire and tingling all over. I wrap an arm around his neck and try to get him as close to me as I can. He starts to lower me to the flat-roof and I take that as my cue to tuck my wings away, the second they are away, he practically slams me to the floor. His lips devour mine and I cannot get enough. I need more even when his tongue brushes against mine.

I tugged at his top and he lifts slightly to pull it off, our lips coming apart only briefly when he pulls the top over his head. One of his hands rest on my bare thigh and travel slowly upwards, my skin on fire underneath his touch. He removes his lips from mine causing me to whimper but only to place his lips to my neck, causing me to groan and my eyes to flutter closed. His kisses up the sensitive part of my flesh and moves lower to kiss my collar bone, earning him yet another moan from my mouth. I feel him smile against my hot skin. My breaths come out shallow and when his mouth moves down to my chest, my eyes spring open. His hand on my thigh slides upwards and his hand finally reaches the top of my leg near my underwear.

This is escalating way too fast, I should stop him before we get ahead of ourselves but I think I am in way too deep. He shifts his body so that he is completely over me as his mouth moves back up my chest and comes back to my waiting lips. I open my mouth, allowing him access again and he takes it. Oh God. I have never felt this feeling before. I am losing control. My body is tingling in places I didn't even know could tingle. Fire ignites my entire body. I can't even think right now. I just feel like I need more. I graze my nails over the smooth skin of his back and he freezes. What did I do? He pulls away and scrambles away from me. I am panting when I look over at him. He looks pained. Distraught. Confused.

              “Our- our powers work on each other.” He rasps out. Then he gets to his feet and dives off the roof leaving me reeling on what just happened.




Jaxon avoids me like the plague for the rest of the day. When I emerge back from the roof, he is nowhere in sight and neither is Edward or Aeron. Tessa told me that they went back to Jaxon's house and would be back this evening when we are due to leave.

I am kind of relieved yet hurt that Jaxon left so abruptly without so much as a goodbye or full explanation. He said our powers work on each other. How is that possible? I didn't even notice if it did happen. I wasn't feeling drained or weak or hazy. Yes I was tingling all over, but isn't that how you are supposed to feel when you are in an intimate situation? I suppose it was a good thing he stopped us considering I am a virgin and all.

Not exactly ideal, getting that close to someone while on a roof.

Not my idea of romance, or the way I want to go about doing the deed.

Tessa must know something is wrong with me but she doesn't comment. I want to be alone right now and she respects that.

I want to ask my mum if this is normal? If her and Edward (shiver) felt the same when they, um, (shiver) had sex. (Shiver). I don't know if I really want to bring that up again though. I still haven't gotten over it.

              I have lunch in my room, ignoring my mothers protests, and lock my door when I am inside. I used to eat at my desk all the time while doing homework or coursework anyway. So I am kind of used to it. When lunch is finished, I don't bother returning my empty bowl from my soup back downstairs myself. I manifest it away. I don't want to see anyone. I feel humiliated that I let myself get close to someone like that. It would have went further. I wanted it to go further. My body needed it to go further.

I turn on my stereo and play some loud music, while doing some yoga. I put on one of my
albums. Not exactly calming yoga music but right at this precise moment, I don't care.

I am currently in a down facing dog pose (one handed), with my back to the bedroom door when I hear someone clear their throat. I look between my legs and see an upside down Tessa looking at me with such sympathetic eyes, it makes me want to hurl.             

“How did you get in?”

              “Witch remember?” She takes a deep breath. “Talk to me Cally. You've shut yourself away for four hours now. What happened?” I sigh and release myself from the pose and turn the right way up.

“Why don't you just listen in on my mind and find out yourself?” I snap. Her brows dip in confusion at my harsh outburst.

              “I can't, you're blocking me out.” She replies quietly as she goes to sit on my bed. Blocking her out? Oh that makes me feel so much better. Not. It means I have to tell her myself now. I think. “I am guessing this is about Jaxon and the reason he run out of here like a dog with its tail between its legs earlier today?” I nod and pinch the bridge of my nose between my finger and thumb.

“What happened Cal?” I don't know how, but I think to myself that I want her to know and she gasps when she sees inside of my head. “It works?” I shrug and pull my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them and resting my head on the tops of my knees.

              “He just stopped and ran off like I was last last thing he wanted to be around. He's never going to want to be near me again Tess. If our powers do actually work on each other then we will never work because we will never know which is real or not.” Tears prick at my eyes and I turn my head away so that Tessa can't see them.

“Are you sure it was your powers? Are you sure that feelings weren't just intensified because of your powers? That isn't a bad thing. You weren't harming each other were you?” I shake my head. “Then maybe, just because you two are what you are, intimate moments will be, better than what it would be for us normies.” I raise an eyebrow at her choice of words. I would most definitely not put her in the same category as normal people. Maybe she is right though. Maybe Jaxon took it wrong and thought my succubus powers were making him lose control and get too sucked into the moment and that his incubus powers were doing the same to me. Maybe that isn't the case and Tessa is right. Or maybe they are both right? Oh I don't know. I need to speak to Jaxon. I look at my alarm clock. Nearly six pm. We have to head out on our mission soon. I am half dreading spending the time with Jaxon. I hope he doesn't act differently around me though I already know this is wishful thinking.


An hour later, Tessa and I have showered and are dressed ready for mission. I am wearing my repaired leather jacket, black jeans and a tight purple top that zips up the front with my beloved black boots. Tessa is wearing a tight dark pink elasticated top and a pair of dark blue jeans with her black ankle boots. We both have our long hair pulled up into high pony-tails and are wearing dark make-up though it is minimal. I place my leather gloves over my fingers, you know, just in case and we are ready.

We are now sitting in the kitchen, eating a plate of Betty's sausage
casserole when Edward walks in holding a very happy, smiling Aeron. Betty takes Aeron from Edward when asked and then heads up to the attic with him. Edward turns to me.

              “Ready?” He asks.

“As I'll ever be.” I finish the last mouthful of my food and we wait for Tessa to do the same. When she is finished, we say goodbye to our mothers who both have tears in their eyes and are so reluctant to let us go, they practically squeeze us to death. We struggle out of their arms, give them a kiss each and leave the house.

Rhys was a bit pissed off that he wasn't invited to join us on the updated mission and said he needed to '
' so didn't say goodbye to Tessa, much to her dismay. I know she doesn't want to talk about it, she didn't say anything but you don't need to be a mind reader to know that she is upset, it's written all over her grumpy face.

              We get into the back of Jaxon's Jeep and I am surprised that it isn't Jaxon that is driving for once. He seemed like the type of person that would treasure his car as if his life depended on it and not let anyone else touch that car either. Well, wasn't I wrong then because Jaxon is sat in the passenger seat up front and you know what?

He doesn't even look at me or say hi back to Tessa when she greets him. That hurts. Tessa squeezes my hand the entire way to the closest harbour. Apparently we need to take a boat a mile out away from shore and dive down. I didn't dress for diving.

              “I wish you would have told us that we would be swimming. I would have brought a wetsuit or something.” I mutter when Edward drops this bombshell. He chuckles.

“No need for any of that little angel. You can just go in naked.” I cough on the air whilst Tessa visibly tenses up and cringes. I look over at Jaxon and he is giving his father the look of death. Well, at least he still cares, I suppose. “I am joking. There is a type of submarine hidden about a mile away from shore.
is where we are headed to. I promise you that you won't get wet. Unless you fall from the boat.” He shrugs and laughs but doesn't take his eyes off the road.

The sun is slowly setting in the horizon so no doubt will it be completely gone down by the time we get on the submarine. I have never been on a submarine before, I wonder what they are like.

The road is surprisingly clear for this time of day. Usually it is filled with people returning from work and heading home to their normal lives. I bet none of them are half angel, half demon. I bet a mass majority of them are human. I wonder if they have complicated lives or if they are easy going.

I am not a jealous person usually but lately, I want what other people have. Whether it's being selfish and wanting more abilities or a normal, supernatural-free life. But mainly, a boyfriend that won't freak out if we get too close. Not that Jaxon is my boyfriend or anything but you know what I mean.

              Right, ladies, out you get.” Edward's voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I blink a few times to remove the negative thoughts from my mind. I pull off my seatbelt and climb out of the monster of a car. Jaxon still doesn't look at me as I stand beside him and wait for Tessa to come out of the car and Edward to gather whatever he has in a black leather duffle bag from the boot.

We walk in silence to a large speed boat with cream interior where a woman waits, with hair so white it blends with the rest of the boat. She doesn't say anything as we all climb aboard and take a seat each. Jaxon sits beside me. I am unsure if that is because he wants to do so or so that his father doesn't sit there instead. I'm leaning against the latter.

Tessa, who is sat opposite me, eyes Jaxon with such intent, it looks like her head is going to explode. She is bright red. I wave my hand in front of her face to get her attention, it is no use.

              “Tess.” I say over the sound of the loud motor that has just started yet she still doesn't hear me. The boat rocks on the choppy water and I crash into Jaxon's side. I look up at him and he obviously didn't notice because he is looking out into the horizon where the sun is setting.

If he wasn't avoiding me and his father, my best friend and some creepy woman with white hair weren't here, then this would be kind of romantic. Sea at sunset. Aww.
Not now Cally. Pay attention.
Right, of course. I try to get Tessa's attention by clicking my fingers in her face but when nothing works, I take off a glove and touch her bare arm. She gasps and then her eyes snap to me and I release my demonic hand and give her a smile. “Tess, what ya doing?” I say, faking a cheery, sing-song voice and place the glove back on my hand.

              “Cal, I was just thinking.” She mimics my voice and pulls a face that clearly says 'I was mind reading and you just interrupted it'. I ignore the look and flutter my eyelashes at her. Before thinking over to her:

“I wish you could think your thoughts into my mind so I knew what you were listening to Tess.” She frowns as if she has never thought of trying that before and then grits her teeth as, I am guessing, she attempts to just as I asked.

              “Tessa, what are you doing?” Jaxon's voice brings both of our heads up to look at him. It is the first time he has said a single thing in the half hour we have been around each other. “You look like a bulldog.”

“Um, I was trying to see if I could control water, nope, can't, worth a shot though. Darn.” She punches the air and then laughs an extremely fake laugh that sounds a lot like a dying horse and Jaxon looks at her like she is weird. So do I even though I am pinching my lips together to stop myself laughing. I can feel it building up to the point I have to squeeze my nose shut to stop from snorting. That doesn't work. My body shakes with laughter and I snort like a pig before turning away from Jaxon when I see him turn to look at me. I don't
him looking at me now. I am embarrassed yet can't stop the squeak from my laughter. Tears roll down my cheeks and I take a peek at Tessa who is holding onto her side from laughing too. We must look like right psychos.

“You two have lost it.” He mumbles and turns away. I look at Tessa and she shrugs, tears dripping down her face too. It feels so good to laugh even if it's for a stupid reason.

The speedboat slows to a stop just as our laughter does too.

              “Right, here we are.” Edward looks over the edge of the boat and my fingers twitch at the need to push him over. That would be funny. Tessa snorts and then turns a bright shade of red when Jaxon and Edward look at her as well as me. She mutters a sorry and sinks down in her seat. “The submarine will be here any second. Get ready.” Tessa and I stand up and grab on to each other to stop from falling over on the rocky boat. Jaxon stands gracefully and doesn't even wobble in the slightest.
Show off.

I hold on to the railing of the boat and look over the edge just as a black object floats to the surface. The top opens slightly and a man so thin he could pass for a skeleton, pops out. He doesn't say anything as he disappears back inside the submarine. “In you get then.” Edward says. How the hell does he expect me to get down there? I watch as he jumps down easily and Jaxon follows, both landing directly inside the sub. Tessa and I look at each other and grimace. Neither of us can do that without landing in the water.

              “I could fly down.” I whisper to her. The white haired woman taps me on the shoulder and I turn to face her.

“A bit of warning. Do
fly. Do not let anyone down
know what you are unless necessary. Jump down, I will guide you.” She gives me a kind but creepy smile. I step up onto the ledge and look back at the woman. She nods and I jump. I don't fall like I should, it feels like someone is holding me and lowering me down. I am going to take a wild guess and say that this woman is a witch. I enter the submarine, thanks to the witch and am now standing beside Jaxon who is looking at me confused. Tessa follows me in and I see her waving to the woman before the top closes behind her.

Inside the submarine is dark and full of buttons. The child in me is dying to burst out and touch the buttons but the adult in me, stays calm and collected. Kind of. I follow Jaxon to where Edward is sat amongst a few armchairs and I take a seat next to Tessa when Jaxon sits beside his father. They start engaging in some chit chat and Tessa taps me on my arm to get my attention.

              “Wanna know what I heard?” She lifts her eyebrows in question. I nod in anticipation. She looks over at the men and when happy that they aren't paying attention to us she speaks. “He was thinking that he is an idiot for getting as close to you as he did. A fool for pursuing you and a monster for falling in love with you.” Ouch. “I heard him think about what happened, and wow that was kind of saucy but, then he was thinking how wonderful you smelt and incredible you look and no matter what, he will always love you because you hold something no-one else does,” she places a hand over her heart. “His heart.” Aww. “Then he was thinking about being a normal human and eating bacon sandwiches.” I smile at her in a way that says thank you. I look over at Jaxon who is looking at me and just like what happens in school, he turns away as I didn't notice. I roll my eyes.

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