Defying Eternity (An Obscure Magic Book 5) (16 page)

Read Defying Eternity (An Obscure Magic Book 5) Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Adult, #erotic Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampire

BOOK: Defying Eternity (An Obscure Magic Book 5)
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“I am thinking that your time with Matthias has cracked you. That sounds insane.”

Leo looked around and found her little purse with her phone inside it. Dorn was good about keeping it in her room when she left it around the manor.

Leo thumbed up the picture and showed it to Minny. Her sister turned grey.

“Fortunately for my sanity, after I got that, you sent me a late-night toe-nibbling-session photo.” Leo turned the image to Minny. “So I knew you were fine.”

Minny was sitting there, stunned. “Leela mentioned that you would be awake and I should start sending you stuff to get you through your work day.”

“She knows her stuff. She is descended from someone in my job. Her great grandfather was an apprentice.”

Minny looked at the bed. “
was an apprentice?”


“You don’t mind?”

Leo smirked. “Then was then, now is now. After me, there will be another. I am not very concerned by this.”

Minny frowned. “I
very concerned by this.”

“Why? You have spent your life seeking a man to complete you, and they have always fallen short. I was already good the way I was, and I will be fine if Matthias and I part ways, though, at this point, that is a few decades off.”


“I am on contract until Melody is out of school. Neither he nor I can back out of it.”


“I promised you two would be safe and that costs money in this world. Limross and Timorn aren’t nearly as cheap as they act. Even Antony can’t live on acorns.”

Minny’s cheeks warmed.

“Oh, seriously? All three of them?”

Minny swallowed her coffee. “Nothing has happened, but they are interesting and interested.”

“Have your stitches healed?”

Minny’s shoulders sank. “Not yet. A few more days and then I have to wait until things get back to normal.”

“Yeah, one would think you just had a baby.”

They giggled, and the bathroom door opened, disgorging a column of steam. “Leo, could you come in here and get my back for me?”

Leo patted Minny on the shoulder. “Sorry. Work is calling.”

Leo got up, kissed her sister on the forehead and headed into the bathroom. “Work, work, work.”

Minny’s laughter as the door closed kept the grin on Leo’s face far longer than was appropriate when Matthias pinned her to the wall and slid into her, hot and wet.

She bit her lip in case Minny was still outside, but when she tried to claw her way through the glass wall of the shower, Matthias held her against him until the last shiver and shake dissipated.

Leo gasped for air, the tang of her own blood on her lips.

Matthias threaded his hand through her hair and tilted her head so that he could taste that blood. He purred happily against her lips, slid out of her and turned her around. “Good morning, Leonora.”

“Good morning, Matthias. My sister knows everything.”

“Good. She shouldn’t be kept unaware of why you are here and what you are doing for her and hers.”

“So, when I am done being your apprentice, will I get an amazing pension and be matched up with one of your allies?”

He ran his hands over her slippery back. “No. After you are ready to no longer be my apprentice, I will share everything with you. I have told you that.”

“I thought you were trying to keep me calm.”

“I was, but in the interest of full disclosure, you are not leaving me.” He opened his mouth, and his fangs were exposed.

He leaned toward her, and she shot her hand up and held him by the nose. “I am not food.”

His jaw closed with a snap. His smile was slow. “Now, you are getting it.”

“If you want my blood, there is only one place you are taking it from.”

His eyes brightened. “In that case...”

He lifted her and removed her from the shower, carrying her across the room and setting her on the marble counter. He knelt in front of her, parted her thighs and he bit down.

Her hands touched and held the wet silk of his hair as he sucked on her inner thigh. The sharp pain mixed with the suction, and she gasped as her body broke out in a rush of heat and a slow contraction of muscles began in time to the pull of his mouth.

She squeaked when her control broke and her mind shattered into tiny sprinkles of glitter. She slumped over him and braced herself on his shoulders.

His tongue was moving slowly against her inner thigh, closing her wound. He looked up at her and smiled. “I think we are both ready for the rest of the day now.”

Matthias stood, and there was a flush to his cheeks. He wrapped a towel around his hips and winked. “I will see you this evening. We are expected at an event at the Ganger home.”

“Is that like Benny Ganger?”

“Yes. It is a celebration that she has been accepted for XIA training. Little Benny has always been a tempest in a teacup. This is the first moment that folks are getting to see it. Oh, I believe that Regick and Zora will be there.”

Leo hopped off the counter and tested to see if her legs would hold her. “Has Dorn picked my outfit?”

He grinned. “Probably. See you later, Leonora.”

She wrapped herself in a towel and walked into the bedroom where Minny was reading a magazine.

“Is the butler a giant?”

“Dorn? Probably. I don’t ask. He has a lovely eye for style.”


“Where do you think I got all of the clothes that I have been seen in? You know my own taste runs to the simple and basic... and washable.”

“Can I see the new stuff?”

Leo checked her towel and nodded. “Sure. After this, did you want to go for brunch?”

“Leela is watching Melody, so sure. I have an hour or so.”

“Great. Help me pick an outfit.”

She led the way into the closet, and her sister squealed, “No way!”

Minny was lost, and Leo was thankful that they weren’t the same size or her clothing would be sneaking across the yard and through the gate.

Since Minny was lost in a sea of silk and designer labels, Leo went hunting for clothes that she could wear out.

Jeans, a glossy t-shirt and some underwear left with her, while Minny was holding one of the evening gowns up to herself. Out of the line of sight, Leo shimmied the panties on, dropped the towel and then slid on the bra. Her shirt and jeans rubbed against sensitive skin that had been grazed by teeth and stroked by rough hands.

She tiptoed back into her closet, and she found her sister staring at the gown Leo had worn the night before.

“This cost more than my house.”

“Oh, speaking of your house, Matthias arranged for it to be sold, and the money is in your bank account. The zombies who are in there really like the neighbourhood. Oh, but your furniture has been totalled.”

Minny frowned. “How?”

“Robert wrecked it.” Leo smiled. “Come on; let’s go for brunch before Dorn has something prepared for us.”

“Ms. Wicks? Lima has prepared something for you and your guest. It will be served on the patio near the Night Garden.”

Leo scowled and stamped her foot, but she said sweetly, “Thank you, Dorn.”

Minny grinned at her. “Sorry. Even your purse is worth more than my car.”

She slipped on her shoes and sighed. “It is Matthias’s rule. I represent him when I am out, so Dorn does my shopping and Nathaniel drives me. He doesn’t want me to get a ticket or into a fender bender. Plus, this way, I can alter the schedule while I travel.”

“Okay, I need to know about what you actually do for him, aside from what I walked in on.” Minny snickered.

Leo grabbed her hand and hauled her out of the closet. “Come on, I will explain what I do for a living, and you can explain how you use a breast pump.”

They walked through the halls with Leo pulling and Minny stopping to look at the artwork and pictures of the mayor and deputy mayor respectively.

“Come on. We are nearly to the gardens. I promise that Lima has made something fabulous.”

“Who is Lima?”

Leo explained about the cook or chef of the manor as they came out to the patio where an elegantly small dining set had been arranged for them.

“Does this happen often?”

“That stuff appears so I don’t have to leave? Yeah. I am guessing that Matthias can keep better track of me if I am nearby.”

Minny settled and pulled her napkin into her lap. “Sounds like a hard life.”

While they ate the scones, eggs benedict, fruit salad and whipped cream and strawberry-covered waffles, Leo explained her first mission to meet with Olvadi.

When she was done explaining the correspondence and the appointments that she had around the city to partake in a number of events on behalf of the mayor, Minny wasn’t thinking that it was the easy way to make a living.

“So, why is this place called the Night Garden?”

“Oh, the plants glow at night. There are different flowers that bloom in the dark. It is really quite lovely.” Leo got up. “I will be right back.”

She walked into the manor and found the kitchen. Lima was sitting and reading a magazine that featured Leo and Matthias on the cover. Leo shook that off.


“Yes, Ms. Wicks?”

“Thank you so much for lunch. May I hug you?”

Lima hopped down and grinned. “I would love that.”

Leo hugged the chef and felt better for the contact. “Minny and I loved it.”

“She is welcome anytime.”

“Thanks for all you do. It means a lot that I don’t have to go hunting for food.”

“My pleasure.”

Leo thanked her again and left her, going in search of her sister.

Minny was in the maze. “Damn it, Minny!”

“Uh, Leo, I think I need some help.” Her voice sounded behind the hedges.

Leo went through the maze, grabbed her sister by the hand and hauled her out.

“How did you find me so fast?”

“I could smell you. You smell sort of like me and a bit like milk. Come on, Melly will be getting hungry.”

Leo walked her sister through the manor and out the front door.

“I don’t need a force-march home, Leo.”

“You do need it if you don’t want to lactate all over your shirt. My guess is that you have three minutes until you turn into Niagara Falls.”

Minny may have been perturbed, but she picked up her pace. They made it through the door and over to where the baby had just started wailing.

Leo watched her sister with the baby and Leela in the background getting to the laundry now that Minny was home. It was nice to see everyone out in the light with no fear striking through her.

Leo had taken care of one issue, and Matthias had taken care of the other. If the XIA took care of the demon issue, it would wrap up all the issues begun on her first week as the mayor’s assistant.

Instinct told her that the demands of the job were always going to run neck and neck with the rewards. At least she had a while to work out what she wanted after Melly graduated. She didn’t want to admit that it was Matthias.





Leo raised her glass. “Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to be able to announce the graduation of my niece Melody and her entry into the Mage Guild. Congratulations, Melly, you and your hard work have gotten you this far, I have no doubt that they will take you to limits I can’t imagine. To Melody Wicks!”

The ballroom of the manor was filled with people who raised their glasses and toasted, “Melody Wicks!”

Melody walked over and hugged her. “Aunty Leo. You haven’t aged a day.”

Matthias came up behind them. “That would be my fault. Congratulations, Melody. Consider this a gift from your aunt and myself.”

He extended one of the parchment envelopes that he was known for.

Melody blushed. “You didn’t have to, Uncle Matthias.”

“I am aware of that, but these events need to be celebrated. Life passes quickly if you don’t mark the occasions. Speaking of which, Leonora, would you come with me into the gardens?”

“Of course, Matthias.” She put her hand on his arm, and she wiggled her fingers at a few friendly faces.

They walked out of the room, and Minny was there with her partners. She had left the rest of her six children at home.

Leo looked at her curiously as Matthias led her to the entry to the maze. He knelt and she blushed. It usually was a prelude to something not suitable for public viewing.

“Leonora Wicks, years ago you came to me and asked me for help, promising everything short of your life in exchange for my help. I gave you that help, and now, we are at the end of our contract.”

She inhaled sharply as he pulled out a box that twisted open to reveal another piece of heartstone. She held her breath when he took her hand.

“Leonora, will you marry me and be my bride, my partner and my companion in all things?”

Leo looked over to Minny, who was standing with her thumbs up.

Melody was in the doorway, and she nodded, flapping her hand toward Leo.

Leo frowned. “Can I be your partner without marrying you?”

He blinked. “Of course.”

“Do I still get the ring?”

He laughed. “You do.”

“Then, yes, I will marry you.” She laughed, and he put the ring on her left hand. It fit, and she suspected that Dorn had had something to do with that.

She leaned down and kissed him, bowling him back into the grass. She heard Melody laughing, and Minny snorted as she rolled the Mayor of Redbird City around in the grass until the kiss turned from playful into something far more serious.

When he raised his head so she could breathe, he smiled. “Now, we get to enjoy the engagement party.”

She yelped as he hauled her to her feet and pulled her back in front of their friends and family for the announcement.

She was hugged, congratulated and a portrait of the engaged couple was unveiled.

Leo covered her eyes as she got a load of the image of her bent over Matthias’s arm while the crimson gown was edged as low as it could go without obscenity. Matthias’s fangs were exposed and descending to her breast. They were the cover of a romance novel rendered in oil.

Matthias had amusement dancing in his gaze. “It is going to be the cover of all the gossip magazines tomorrow morning with the announcement of our engagement.”

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