Defying Eternity (An Obscure Magic Book 5) (10 page)

Read Defying Eternity (An Obscure Magic Book 5) Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Adult, #erotic Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampire

BOOK: Defying Eternity (An Obscure Magic Book 5)
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Olvadi raised his brows. “You are not pleased with your status?”

“I do not truly enjoy surprises.” She didn’t add that her normal response to surprises was violence. He didn’t need to know that.

He got to his feet and walked toward her. He extended his hand to her, and protocol meant she had to put her hand in his.

The cool touch of his fingers was distasteful. Still, he closed his fingers over hers and pulled her hand to his lips. When his tongue flicked out to taste her skin, it was a touch so light she should not have felt it, but she did.

“I have events planned for your entertainment, Ambassador. Come this way.”

He kept hold of her hand and walked her through the crowd and into a wide ballroom that had a dais at one end and a whole lot of cushions stacked against the walls. This boded ill.

He settled her in one of the seats, and she could feel the velvet rubbing against her thigh through the slit and laces.

Olvadi took the seat next to her, and he clapped. “Now, Ambassador, I know that you have only been amongst our people for a bit over a week, which means you are unaware of our ways. I thought to help Matthias with your training by demonstrating some of the perks of the vampire life.”

It sounded ominous, so she held in her emotional response as music started and gyrating dancers took the floor.

Leo watched the naked men and women move rhythmically and predictably into energetic sex in a staggering variety of positions.

Despite the display, she felt cold. This was designed to shock or arouse her, and she would give Olvadi neither reaction.

When the music faded, Leo applauded politely. “Very nicely done.”

The dancers bowed and looked to Olvadi. He glared at Leo and then clapped for the next group of dancers.

Blood and fire was the theme for this dance. Blades were used to cut themselves until the coppery scent thickened the air. Torches were brought in, and the dancers burned each other in ritual fashion. The smell of burned flesh wasn’t pleasant. Leo blinked at the acrid scent and continued to watch the highly choreographed performance.

It could have been worse, but there was no screaming. The dancers performed as blandly as Leo felt.

It was a relief when the dance was done.

Olvadi got to his feet, and he came around to stare at her. “You aren’t enjoying this?”

“I am. It is lovely to watch. I am very impressed at the limber motions of the vampires as a people.”

“Perhaps this will gain your favour.”

Behind him, she could see a dozen people scrubbing the floors to remove the blood and ash.

“My favour doesn’t matter. It is Matthias’s good will that you gain by my entertainment.”

“I do not wish to impress another vampire king. I want to impress you. You are pure and untouched and yet have an ancient soul. It is a perplexing mix. What does it take to make your blood rise?”

The cleaners scuttled away, and he backed onto the floor, clapping his hands one final time.

Women in clothing so minimal it was hardly even there mixed with men wearing tiny pouches over their groins. They walked to Olvadi and ran their hands over him, stripping him down with methodical care.

Olvadi remained on his feet and watched her the whole time as one of the women sucked his cock, another man and woman bit at his nipples and the rest of them sucked and licked at whatever body part was free.

It seemed that the final entertainment was an Olvadi-central orgy. She sat back and watched.

At a silent command, his companions shifted and two sets of two stacked up to become a table for a fifth woman to be draped across. Olvadi plunged into her while making disturbing eye contact with Leo.

She remained bland and motionless.

After four hours of cavorting, he finally lay down with his companions, covered in substances she didn’t want to think about.

Coren came over from his post by the door. “Ambassador, we have been summoned home.”

He said it loud enough for Olvadi to hear.

The vampire lifted his head from the breast of one of his creatures, and he scowled. “Go. Tell Matthias that he picked an icy bitch for his ambassador. Well done.”

She inclined her head and rose to her feet. “Thank you for your hospitality, King Olvadi.”

Coren wrapped her in the cloak and helped her cross the slippery floor.

It was difficult to keep a stately pace when she wanted to run all the way back to Redbird City.

When they made it to the SUV and Leo was settled in the back, Lima hugged her. “You did incredibly well, Ms. Wicks.”

“I am so happy. Just one stop I would like to make before we go home. Well, two. I would like a burger for the flight home, but I need to see Octavia. I think I can wake her up early.”

Coren picked up his phone and made a call. “Yes to the burger, and we will be taken straight to Octavia.”

“Okay. I need a pin and some bathroom tissue.”

Coren frowned but didn’t mention his confusion if he felt any. “Not a problem.”

Leo pulled out her phone and smiled at the image of Melody’s baby face looking out at her from behind the display. It was definitely the highlight of her evening.

The short trip to Regick’s home let her get her emotions back under control, and when she exited the vehicle with Lima and Coren at her side, she felt the cool expression wash over her features again.

Zora and Leah met them next to the elevators and rode up with them. Octavia was ensconced in one of the apartments on the upper floors.

Leo sat next to her and followed an impulse that had been nagging at her. She touched Octavia’s forehead and closed her eyes.

Centuries of pain and fear were working in Octavia’s mind. Enchanted and sacred objects had been used to defile her body, and while Zora had offered cosmetic changes, the original scars were still there.

Leo gave her calm. She gave her the sense of the future, and she whispered of freedom to move, travel and see the sun once again. Octavia’s hungry mind latched onto the thoughts eagerly.

Leo smiled and rose to her feet. When she was out in the living room again, she asked Leah, “Did you bring the pin and the tissue?”

Zora produced the objects. “What are they for?”

“When I am gone, wait an hour and then press this against her tongue. It will speed her healing.” Leo stabbed her fingertip with the pin and pressed the tissue to the single drop welling there.

Leah scowled. “Will that do it?”

Leonora shrugged. “It should. I am new at this, but it should be enough to bring her around.”

Zora cocked her head. “Why wait?”

“I am not a mother duck. When she looks for another vampire to bond to and doesn’t find one, she will begin to become self-sufficient again. If I was here, she would follow me back to Matthias.”

She handed the tissue to Zora, who carefully held it to dry the blood drop.

Leo stuck her finger in her mouth and sucked until she closed the wound. When she was done, she smiled. “This has been most interesting, but I am eager to be getting home.”

Zora nodded. “Of course. Just one thing.”

Leo was caught in a hug, and she returned it, careful not to accidentally stain Zora’s dress with blood. “It was nice meeting you, too, Zora. Daughter of dragons.”

Zora grinned. “I suspected you would see that. Well, come along. Your helicopter is waiting.”

With a sense of relief, she followed her hostess up to the top floor, and she shook Regick’s hand again before entering the aircraft. When the blades whirred and Lima handed her her cheeseburger, everything was right with the world.

They cruised across the sky and headed home, losing the hour they had gained on the way.

When they approached the manor and settled down, Leo fought the urge to sob with relief. The last two days had been the most terrifying in her life.

She left the helicopter with the blades still whirring and headed for the manor.

Leo entered the entryway when Dorn opened the door.

He scowled. “Ms. Wicks, you look—”

She held up a hand. “Not in the mood for it, Dorn. Matthias picked this outfit so I wouldn’t be out of place at a vampire orgy, and I want to know why he didn’t warn me. Is he in his office?”

“His quarters.” Dorn shocked her by giving her a slight smile. “Give him hell.”

Leo nodded, checked his schedule on her phone and noted that he wasn’t in conference with anyone. She straightened her shoulders and stalked through the house until she reached his door.

Three brisk knocks brought an answering, “Come in.”

Leo opened the door and stepped inside, looking for her tormentor.

“Ah, Leonora. Come in and tell me about your journey.”

He was sitting on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table, a position so blissfully casual that she nearly forgot he was an ancient being.

She stalked in and dropped to the far edge of the couch and glared at him.

He flicked his gaze toward her. “Was there something you wanted to tell me?”

“Why didn’t you warn me that Olvadi was a pervert?”

She unclasped her cloak but left it in place while she crossed her arms and glared at him.

He looked up from the tablet he was reading, and he sighed. “I didn’t want to frighten you.”

“I wasn’t frightened; I was irritated. He kept looking at me like I was either naked or edible.” She grimaced. “Or both.”

“Did he make any improper advances toward you?”

She thought about being pinned to the wall with Olvadi’s hand heading toward her crotch. “You could definitely say that.”

Matthias sat up and he was vibrating with tension. “What did he do?”

“Pinned me up against the wall and groped me. That was when the bonding kicked in and I was able to take care of myself. The rest of his behaviour I would simply consider to be bad taste.”

“Tell me everything.” He moved closer to her on the couch, and she started talking.

An hour later, she was sitting and sipping the tea that Dorn had brought for her.

“So, back in the helicopter and here I am.” She finished the tea that was laced with herbal sedatives. The valerian was rather distinct.

“Are you calmer now?”

She smiled slightly. “Sedated but calmer. Is Coren still on duty?”

“No, why?”

“I need him to get me out of these clothes. I have no idea how they are stuck together.”

“Take off your cloak and turn your back. I am sure I can figure it out.”

Leo was a little nervous, but she slid the cloak from her shoulders and pivoted so her back was facing him.

“I have no doubt that your skin proved an irritating temptation for Olvadi.” Matthias pressed a cool kiss to her bare shoulder.

She shivered as his fingers trailed over the skin of her back that wasn’t covered by leather or laces.

“Um, why irritating?”

“Because one mark on your skin would have meant war, and he knew it.” He pressed a kiss to the opposite side of her neck.

She had been swimming in much deeper waters than she had thought.

His fingers stroked the laces, and the bodice loosened in a sudden shift. She hung on for her dignity and hoped that she would be able to manage the skirt.

“Thank you.”

“You are not done yet. Your skirt and shoes are tied with the same knot.”

She bit her lip and turned sideways with her hand pressed to her breasts to hold the leather in place. “This is going to get worse before it gets better, won’t it?”

He grinned. “I have something that will help.”

Matthias got to his feet and headed to the bedroom.

Leo slumped over and took a few deep breaths. It was more than she needed to let herself sleep.


Chapter Thirteen



Leo woke wearing Matthias’s shirt and nothing else. The odd part was that she was not in her own room. She clapped her hand over her eyes when she realized she now considered that the
odd part.

Dorn came in with a tray and set it near the bed. “Matthias said you were awake, so Lima got this for you.”

A tray of oatmeal, fruit salad and toast was sitting next to a carafe of coffee. Cream and sugar were on the tray next to the mug.

“That was sweet of her.”

“If you are getting up, I will let the housekeeper know that she can make the bed.”

She waved at him. “I am up; I am up.”

He paused. “You did excellent work in Arbor. You got in and out without causing an incident. Frankly, I didn’t think you had it in you.”

Leo laughed. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Dorn. I look forward to your stern disapproval later.”

“You know you have it, Ms. Wicks.” He gave her a surprising smile, and he left her to her breakfast.

She flipped the sheet back and headed to the small table. First things first. She needed her breakfast.

The coffee was hot and rich. Her toes curled happily as she sipped it before diving headlong into the rest of the meal.

She ate with one hand while she checked the schedule with the other. Her phone had been conveniently near her hand when she got out of bed. Leo glanced back at the bed and saw two distinct dent marks in the pillows. Unless she had travelled from one end of the huge span to the other, Matthias had spent some time with her.

The thought was as intriguing as it was disturbing.

Her agenda was remarkably clear, but she got up and headed to her room for a shower and a change of clothing. She might think she had nothing to do, but until she checked her desk, she wouldn’t know for sure.

Leo stretched in the shower, turning so that every inch of her person was scrubbed. After time in Arbor, she desperately wanted to shed her outer layer of skin.

She wandered through her large closet in her towel and picked a deep-blue work dress for the day.

To her amazement, her phone rang. It was odd to think of it as a phone.


“Leo? The mayor called and told me you had the day off and that you were supposed to come over for a visit. Are you up for it?”

“You are sure it was the mayor?”

“Yes, he said that after your situation yesterday, you might want friendly faces. What is he talking about?”

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