Defiant Spirits (66 page)

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Authors: Ross King

Tags: #Art / CanadianBiography & Autobiography / Artists

BOOK: Defiant Spirits
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Toronto Art Students' League, 5, 21, 45, 47

Toronto Daily Star
: reviews, 91–92, 106–8,
124, 159, 180, 193–96, 199–200; war coverage, 144, 145, 197

Toronto Eighteen, 38, 135–36

Toronto Guild of Civic Art, 47, 321

Toronto Theosophical Society, 322

Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 14, 158

Tracks and Traffic
, 39–40, 49, 50

Traill, Catharine Parr, 43, 95, 234

Trainor, Hugh, 169

Trainor, Margaret, 247

Trainor, Winnifred, 169–70, 234–37,
, 238, 245–46, 247, 248

The Transfiguration
(MacDonald, 1923), 397

Traubel, Horace, 371

Tudor-Hart, Percyval, 334

Turner, J.M.W., 39, 183;
Snowstorm—Steamboat off a Harbour's Mouth
(1842), 207

Twisted Maple
(Thomson, 1914),
, 143

Tyrell, J.W.,
Across the Sub-Arctics
of Canada
, 113

University of Toronto, 27, 274

van Amstel, Jan, 264

, and Emily Carr, 104

Vancouver School of Decorative and
Applied Arts, 412

Van Gogh, Vincent: colour and emotion, 70–71, 101, 147, 190, 370; expelled
from Royal Academy, 62; influence of, 30, 84–85, 264; and Jackson, compared, 295; negative reviews, 104; as Post-Impressionist, 79; rejected literal transcriptions of nature, 217–18; spiritual beliefs, 287, 293;
The Starry Night
, 121, 237;
A Wheatfield with Cypresses
, 121

Varley, Dorothy, 396

Varley, Frederick Horsman (before
), 63–65,
, 145–46

Varley, Frederick Horsman (during
in Algonquin Provincial Park (1914),
145–48; artistic influences on, 148;
exhibitions, 168, 264–65; quarrel with Thomson (1915), 168–69; solo exhibition (1916), 263; in
Toronto, interest in landscapes (1916–18), 262–65; as war artist (1918), 262, 265–67, 271, 273,
289–94, 295, 296, 310–11

Varley, Frederick Horsman (postwar life): Anderson Galleries exhibition (1919), 312; financial difficulties (1923), 393–96;
Group of Seven exhibitions, 327–29,
, 338, 340–41, 384; as illustrator (1923), 393–96,
; in London (1919), 311; marriage and family, 379–80, 396, 412; murals in St. Anne's Church (1923), 396–97, 398; as portrait painter, 364,
379, 380; promoted by Fairley (1920), 336; in Rockies (1924), 409; in
Toronto (1919), 311; at Vancouver School of Decorative
and Applied Arts (1926), 412

Varley, Frederick Horsman (titles of works):
, 168;
(1912), 146;
Evening in Camp
(1923), 396;
For What?
, 292–93, 296;
Gas Chamber at Seaford
(1918), 289;
German Prisoners
(1919), 311;
Gypsy Blood
, 379, 396;
Gypsy Head
, 396;
Indian Summer
(1914), 148, 296, 311;
Night Before a Barrage
(1919), 310–11;
Portrait of Vincent Massey
, 340–41, 403;
Some Day the People Will Return
, 293–94, 296;
Squally Weather, Georgian Bay
(1916), 263, 264, 296, 451n33;
Stormy Weather, Georgian Bay
(1916), 365, 366, 379, 403;
Sunken Road
(1919), 311, 338

Varley, Maud, 63, 65, 148, 168, 265, 311,
379–80, 396, 412

Varley, Peter, 396

Vauxcelles, Louis, 217, 218

Victoria Memorial Museum.
National Gallery of Canada

Victoria School of Art and Design (Halifax), 210, 211–13, 310

View from Split Rock, Sunlit Water
(MacDonald), 59

Vlaminck, Maurice de, 84, 191–92

Voaden, Herman, 420–21

Voltaire, 166

Vorticism, 267, 268, 312, 334

Vuillard, Jean-Édouard, 147

Wadsworth, Edward, 312

Walker, Edmund:
Algoma Sketches and Pictures
exhibition (1919), 308; British Empire Exhibition controversy, 392; character and appearance, 133–34,
; city beautification, 322; on
exhibition, 313; death of, 399; Group of Seven controversy, 387; ignored David Milne, 316–17; on MacDonald, 211; Mackenzie King on, 388, 389; Murphy's criticism
of, 364; on National Gallery board, 134–36; on patriotic memorials, 184; purchases from Group of Seven exhibition, 364–65; supported Johnston, 353; supported
war artists, 257, 286

Walker, Horatio, 19, 45, 111, 304, 356, 392, 403;
Oxen Drinking
, 135

Wallace, Henry A., 377

Walton, Izaak, 55, 165

War Paintings and Drawings
exhibition (Leicester Galleries, 1918), 269

Watson, David, 320

Watson, Homer, 19, 350, 388, 390,
A Hillside Gorge
, 135

Watson, James, 244

Wattie, Tom, 181, 208–9

Waugh, Evelyn, 259

Way, C.J., 346

Weaver, Lawrence, 402

Went, Ada, 158, 170

The West Wind
(Thomson, c. 1917),
, 216–17, 218, 219, 221, 263, 349, 403, 406, 415

West Wind Island (Island 158),
58–59, 93, 97–98

Whistler, James McNeill, 67, 108, 193, 296

, 214

Whitman, Walt, 371; “By Blue Ontario's Shore,” 346;
Civilisation: Its Cause and Cure
, 96; influence of, 95, 176, 287–88, 368–69, 371–73;
Leaves of Grass
, 96, 371, 372–73;
Specimen Days
, 345, 346, 373

Wilde, Oscar, 19, 159–60, 195

The Wild River
(MacDonald, 1918),
288, 309, 339

, Emperor, 29

Wilkie, Daniel, 102

Wilkinson, Norman, 297

Wille, Fritz von, 32

Williamson, Curtis, 59, 115, 126, 304

Willumsen, J.F., 70

Wilson, Daniel, 390;
Chaudière Falls
Lake Champlain
, 389;
of the Kaministiquia
, 389

Wilson, Woodrow, 98, 263

Winnipeg General Strike, 319

Winnipeg School of Art, 379

Winter Afternoon
(Jackson), 166

Winter Evening
(Carmichael), 166

Winter Landscapes in the Laurentians
(Gagnon solo exhibition, 1913), 167

Winter Thaw
(Thomson), 415

Wood, Francis Derwent, 295;
Canada's Golgotha
, 295

Wood, William J., 382–83

Woodsworth, J.S., 424n17

Woodworth, Marie,

Worcester Art Museum, 348–50

Works of the Italian Futurist Painters and Sculptors
(Doré Gallery, 1914), 268

World War
, 260–61; artists' attitudes towards, 148–50, 155–56; Battle of Artois, 185; Battle of Hill 70, 260–61, 261n;
Battle of Loos, 185; Battle of Passchendaele, 261–62, 269–70, 292, 318; Battle of the Somme, 219–21, 260; Battle of Verdun, 186; Battle of Vimy Ridge, 227–28, 229, 255, 318; Battles of Ypres, 172–73, 174–75, 202–5, 261, 295, 318, 441n4; Canada in, 144–45, 229–30; Canada's Hundred Days, 290–91, 320; Canadian identity forged by, 144–45, 220, 229–30, 318–21; casualties, 196–97, 318, 333–34; conscription, 229–31, 320; Kaiserschlacht, 266; last fatality, 318; memorials, 251; Mount Sorrel, 203; psychological trauma of, 225–27, 339; recruitment and propaganda, 196–99,
, 292–93; Sanctuary Wood, 220, 225, 229; Vimy Ridge, 227–28; war artists, 255–59, 268–69.
See also
Canadian Expeditionary Force; Canadian War Memorials Fund (
); Canadian War Records Office (
specific war artists

Wright, C.H.C., 58

Wright, Joseph,
Landscape with Rainbow
, 121

Wyer, Raymond, 348–49, 406

Wyle, Florence, 392

Wyly Grier, E., 76, 106, 304, 387, 392–93, 403

Wyndham Lewis, Percy, 256–57, 268, 312, 313, 334, 349, 417, 451n45

The Yellow Tree
(Jackson, 1913), 91

Yoon, Jin-me,
A Group of Sixty-Seven
, 419

Young, Alexander, 260n

Zimmermann, Arthur, 240

Zorn, Anders, 365

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