Defiant Dragon (13 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Defiant Dragon
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Blue tinted his vision. Gases built in his stomach and surged up his esophagus, igniting when he opened his mouth and sucked in oxygen. Flames blew through his lips and he whipped his head to the sides. The paper partition caught fire and blazed up into the air surrounding the jade statues. The dark wood stands they rested on started to burn. Mermaids backed away from the flames.

Jax watched River kick Bali in the gut and crawl to the cushions. She got to her feet, met his gaze and winked. He took a step and was tackled by Batak. He hit the floor with
and slid a few feet on his back. The Dragonlord straddled his waist and swung at his body, hitting him in the chest and ribs. Jax gripped his attacker by the hair and yanked, cracking Batak’s head against the squat rounded leg of the table.

A piercing scream split the air.

On the floor Jax couldn’t see past the furniture. The ache at the back of his mind exploded into sharp pain, stabbing various points in his brain. Batak crumpled to the side, grabbing his ears. Jax struggled to his knees and took in his surroundings. He wiped his nose and blood smeared the back of his hand. River stood in the doorway, her mouth open wide. The banners above them burned and the waves of her tone distorted the flames.

The dragon guards lay on the floor, writhing, and the Makos were nowhere to be seen. He raised his arm to get her attention. She glanced his way and snapped her jaws shut. Other than the hiss and pop of the fire, quiet filled the space. Jax looked back at his foe. Orange-and-yellow flames were reflected in the gold piece implanted in his torso.

Jax looked up and River was by his side, slipping an arm around his torso. He shook his head and pulled away from her to drop down next to Batak. Talons sprouted from Jax’s fingertips and large scales covered the back of his hand. He plunged his hand into the man’s chest, ramming past skin and muscle, breaking bone to clutch the soft metal. Batak grunted and rolled to the side as Jax ripped the melted pendant from his form. Blood seeped from the gaping hole, pooling under him as Jax removed his hand. He straightened and wobbled on his feet.

River slid under his arm and placed her figure against his. “Can we get out of here now?” Sweat rolled down her temple.

“Yeah. One thing.” Jax reared back and kicked the dragon in the belly. He leaned on River and shoved the piece into his pocket

“Seriously, I would like to leave. Now.” She helped Jax toward the door.

“I wasn’t leaving empty-handed, babe.” He used her as a crutch as they moved. “You cut the scream thing a little close, didn’t you?”

She snorted as they sidestepped a stack of blazing pillows.

Smoldering embers floated in the air as the signs disintegrated. Dense smoke filled the space. River started to cough and Jax eased behind her, covering her back with his body. He urged her forward, following her lead. A billowing haze trailed them, drifting up as the entered the bathing area. Jax straightened and searched the area for their enemies. Most of the Sumatra dragons were down, but he hadn’t seen any of the Makos on the floor. He moved to take the lead, twining his fingers between hers and sliding in front of her. They dashed down the path between the tubs, bursting through the front door into the cool night air.

River wheezed as she sucked in air. He rubbed her back as she grabbed her knees and heaved, expelling everything from her stomach. Jax gripped her hair in a fist and held it back while scoping their surroundings.

She straightened and wiped her arm across her mouth. “Too much smoke.”

He nodded. “I know, but we need to move. I didn’t see Bali or any of her people in the anteroom.”

“That bitch wouldn’t dare attack us now. I will liquefy her fucking organs,” River hacked.

“Mine, too, in the process,” Jax muttered.

“Invest in ear plugs.”

He dragged her toward the steps that led toward the beach. “Move a little faster,

“Why the hurry? Those dragons are dead.” River resisted his pull.

“You have a lot to learn, mate. We are born of fire. You knocked them out, but they won’t be down for long, and they won’t be happy a little mermaid took them out.” He looked behind him and saw the flames had breached the building, reaching up into the sky. “Plus, humans are nosy. People are bound to come and check things out.” He yanked her into the shadowed depths of the covered stairwell.

Sirens pierced the air and Jax pressed his firmly together as he glanced at her and shook his head. She shrugged. They rushed down the treads. He stopped short when they stepped on the sand and she plowed into his back, driving him forward. His dragon’s vision replaced his human sight in the blink of an eye.

“We’ll have to swim.” He held her hand and guided her to where he’d buried their bag.

“I’ll race you to the buoy.”

“Woman, you have the strangest sense of humor and the worst timing.” Jax bent and snatched the duffel from its hiding place.

“You handle stress your way, and I’ll handle it my way.” She slipped the sundress over her head and toed off her sandals. River grabbed the pack from his hands and stuffed her clothes into it.

He yanked off the shirt and dropped it in the carrier. Lifting one foot, he snatched off one shoe, then the other. He popped the button on his jeans, unzipped, and shoved the denim down his legs. She dropped the bag, picked up his clothes, and tossed them in the bag with everything else. River pressed her arm through the strap and over her head to rest across her torso. She started to run toward the surf.

Jax admired the way her ass jiggled as she moved. He sighed and ran to catch up, diving into the water behind her. Her tail brushed his legs and he swiveled to catch sight of her. She rushed him from below, sliding up against him and curling her arms around his waist. Her hair floated around his head. He cupped her face and stared at her. The water distorted her features and tiny air bubbles from the gills behind her ears tickled his fingers as they coasted past his digits. Water buffeted his calves as she swished her tail and motioned for them to rise with her hand.

He broke the surface of the water and spun around. The currents had carried them farther than he expected. In the distance the wharf was outlined by an orange glow. He felt faint splashing and her smooth palms sliding along his back. She circled him, tangling her tail between his legs. The duffel’s zipper scraped his side.

Her lips brushed his earlobe. “See, we made it. How far can you swim?”

“I was thinking we follow the coastline to a less populated area.” In the cool sea, her touch could induce a rock hard erection. “Have a little fun in the sand. I’ll let you be on top this time.

She splashed water at him. “Very funny.”

“Who was joking?” He wiped a hand over his eyes.

“We don’t have time for that. What about Sumatra?”

“There is always time to make love and I got all I’ll get from that country. I don’t think we’ll be welcome, since I left their dragon lord with a parting gift.”

“What are you talking about?” she rested her chin on his shoulder.

“Didn’t you see? I snatched the gold out his body. It’s in the—” Liquid filled his mouth as he was dragged under water.

The saltwater stung as it rushed up his nose. Jax opened his eye and caught flashes of fin and body parts as the mermaids darted in, hit him, and swam away. Large bubbles appeared at his side. He struck out blindly, connecting with flesh. Several mermaids closed in on him, their hair obstructing their features. They crowded him, grabbing him at the same time and shoving him deeper in the dark depths of the sea. His lungs burned with the need for air. He thrust up his arm to break their hold, frantically kicking to glide up.

Someone yanked at his ankles and he was drawn down again. Hands clawed at his thighs cutting into his skin. He twirled around, looking for River and saw her as she swung her tail fin catching another mermaid across the chin. She arched her back and shot through the water toward him. River held out her arm as she passed and he gripped her palm. Whoever had his legs, jerked him down. He folded his lips between his teeth and resisted the urge to breathe. River stuck out her other arm and he grabbed her hand. He’d become the rope in a tug of war, as River fought to draw him to the surface. He kicked out, catching a mermaid in the chin. His ears popped from the pressure as he was drawn deeper into the darkness. River slid down his form, clutched his face in her palms, and placed her mouth over his. He sucked her breath into his lungs. She pulled away and moved lower, holding on to his waist as she swept her tail. Freed, he swam, supported by River, and burst through the surface gasping for air.

“Can you shift?” An anxious thread colored her tone.

“Yeah, climb on my back.” He twisted in her arms.

“No, with no legs, I won’t be able to stay perched on your body. Change forms and go. I can keep Bali busy.”

“I am not leaving you.” He turned to face her, holding her gaze.

“Jax, you’re more of a hindrance than a help. I can fight and swim away. You can
and I won’t lose my mate.” She pecked his lips and released him. “Become your dragon,” she yelled.

Mermaids rose next to him, wrapping webbed hands around his biceps. “I will find you!”

She blew him a kiss and breached the water. Diving over his head, she dropped on the women closest to him. He shifted, flapping his wings and climbing up into the air. Jax searched below to find only calm waters. No sign of where River had gone or that there had been a scuffle. He moved higher into the sky and tucked his wings, allowing his weight to drag him down, diving into the sea.

Jax twisted in the water, searching for River. He burst free of the water and dove in a different area, pushing deeper into the bay. After a few moments, and no sign of his mate or the mermaids, he erupted from the surface and flew up.

Hovering above the spot where’d he’d last seen River, he threw back his head and roared, pouring all his anguish into the sound.

Chapter Eleven


River hit the tile floor with an
. She peered up at Bali through the swollen eye she could see from and worked her mouth against the tape, trying to loosen it. Her hands were bound behind her and the cord cut into her wrists making them slick with her blood. With a groan, she rolled to her knees. The rice sack she’d been given to wear did nothing to hide her form. She looked down her body, taking in the damage. Large blue-black marks bloomed in huge circles on different parts of her arms and legs and she tasted blood every time she swallowed. After she was bound, Bali hung her arms on a giant hook and used her form as a punching bag. She would pay the bitch back in spades for every fucking blow.

“There is no use trying to remove the tape from your lips. The humans have a fantastic invention called duct tape and that shit can hold everything.” Bali chuckled as she stood over River. “And when that stuff is pulled from your mouth…the idea of you screaming gives me pleasure.

Rising to her knees, she stared at her former friend. Her thigh muscles protested the exertion and hot tears burned behind her lids as she struggled to her feet. She faced her foe, narrowed her eyes, and smiled. The adhesive pulled at the sensitive skin of her mouth.
Yes, be there when someone takes this shit off. I have something special I want to say to you

“Don’t fucking look at me like that.” Bali swept her foot, clipping River.

River’s back hit the floor and pain shot up her sides.

“You think you’re better than us because you have the voice? Doesn’t look like your tones were much help this time. Where’s your dragon, fish?” Bali spat. “You risked everything to help him and gave up your own freedom. You stupid sea cow.” She bent over her. “Your death will serve a purpose, and then I will hunt down your mate and show him why it wasn’t wise to reject me.”

“Bali, get the hell away from River.”

She recognized the sound of the voice. Confusion filled her mind. Assan was her friend, so close he was more like a brother. How the hell did he know Bali? And why the fuck was he there? River scooted to a sitting position and locked her jaws to keep from crying out in pain. She twisted her neck and met the gaze of her old buddy. His lips were turned down at the corners and he crossed his arms over his chest. Disappointment and anger warred within her at the sight of him standing in the doorway. She bent her knees, pulling them close to her chest and wrapped her arms around her calves.

“It’s not personal, River…” Assan started as he ambled her way

“Speak for yourself,” Balli interjected.

“As I was saying,” he stopped in front of River and dropped down to meet her at eye level, “we have an opportunity to be free of dragon rule, but a few of us will have to make sacrifices. Sadly, you and Harper will pay the price for liberating our people.” Assan rose.

“Don’t forget our agreement,” Bali spoke quietly.

Assan turned to face Bali. “Darling, as agreed upon delivery of River, the Makos now have unfettered access to western waters. My contacts are at your disposal. I am a man of my word and if you choose to stay a few days when you visit, I would love to learn more about your tribe.”

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