Defiance (New Adult Romance) (Isaac & Maya) (6 page)

BOOK: Defiance (New Adult Romance) (Isaac & Maya)
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“You do?”

“Yeah, I’m not very happy about it, either,” he grumbles.

“Can I see it?”

“Of course.” He starts unbuttoning his shirt from the bottom and I start from the top, our fingers tickling each other when they meet in the middle. Taking a deep breath, Isaac pulls his shirt apart. For a moment, I’m in awe of how cute his self-conscious face is until I glance down at his stunning chest and abdomen. My entire body gets swept away in its primal response, my breath catching in my throat as my clit starts to throb. This sensation is also impossible to recreate from memory when I’m alone at night.

But Isaac needs assurance before my lust can be satisfied. I don’t see a scar, so I scoot back on his lap and look further down. It’s not big, but I can see why it worries him because it’s right by his chiseled hip bone on that belt of muscle he knows I love so much.

“If I didn’t know what it was from, I’d tell you that I like it,” I murmur.


“Yeah,” I assure him, running my fingers over the raised line. “It’s sexy. I can’t wait to feel it under my tongue.”

Isaac groans as I lean forward and kiss him. “Let me see you,” he whispers, but he doesn’t pull my dress down past my shoulders. “Here.” Reaching into the bag beside us, he pulls out a sheet and wraps it around my shoulders. “I thought you might need this.”

“You brought a sex tent!” I squeal. We used to do this in the car all the time.

“I did.” Slowly, he pulls the straps of my dress down. The air in here is warm, but I still get goose bumps when it hits my breasts and I can’t open my eyes. But Isaac’s breathing tells me that his arousal just shot up and I feel him get bigger against my thigh, so I peek at him through one eye. “Maya, you are so adorable. Crazy, but completely adorable. You look exactly the same as you did when we met, when I first realized that I’d never get enough of you and I’d never touch anyone else ever again. Absolutely fucking beautiful.”


“Yes. Come here.” His hands stay with my face when he first starts kissing me, but before long they’re on my breasts, rolling my nipples in his fingers as his tongue pushes deeper into my mouth. I moan loudly as the energy surges through my body. I need to feel him inside me, I can’t wait any longer and neither can he.

“Take your shirt off,” I whine, making him laugh into our kiss. Eyeing me, he does what I ask as I slip my dress over my head, quickly replacing the sheet around my shoulders. The car stops again at a busy intersection. There are so many people everywhere.

“They can’t see us through the tinting, Rookie. I promise,” he says, his hands sliding up my thighs as my heart pounds. That’s not the reason my breathing is shallow and rapid, but he doesn’t have to know about that just yet. “You got your shot last month, right? I brought condoms just in case.”

“I got it.”

I move to climb off him so I can take my panties off, but he pulls me back down. “You aren’t going anywhere.” Isaac rips the flimsy fabric apart above my hip.


“I want you closer, not farther away. Not even for a second,” he insists, tearing the other side and pulling the remnants from between my legs. “I’ll buy you new ones, not that you’ll be needing them for a while.” His fingers waste no time finding my arousal and toying with it until I make another one of those little noises that please him.

“What if I squirt on your pants?”

“You certainly will. And I’ll never get them dry cleaned again.” There’s just something about seeing Isaac’s sinewy hands undoing that button and unzipping that zipper. He frees himself and I rise up on my knees immediately, eager to feel him, but he grips my ass first and stops me.

My heart slams into my ribs as his lips meet mine. Slowly, he pushes inside me as we groan, my body trembling against his.
Our eyes lock as I gasp and shudder. I’m finally complete because he’s here and he feels it too. “I love you,” we say in unison, both tearing up a little.

Isaac doesn’t start thrusting, he just lingers inside me motionless as he wraps his hands into my hair. It’s one of those kisses where the outside world disappears and the only thing left is heat and light as our breathing synchs up perfectly. He bucks up, filling me and chokes out a groan as his tongue dances with mine.

“I can’t believe you’re really here,” I murmur when his lips break from mine to worship every part of my face. My lips mimic his, brushing across his brow, pecking his nose, dragging across his jaw.

“I’m really here. I missed you so bad. I’m never letting you go.” I gasp as one of his hands slides down my spine to hold me steady as he thrusts into me. It feels so good to have him inside me again. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and squeeze, sucking on his neck as he fucks me. “Okay, Rookie,” he whispers, picking up speed. “We don’t have all day. We can cuddle for hours when we get to the hotel,” he laughs, pulling out of me. I let out a bratty groan that I can tell drives him crazy. “Lean back,” he orders softly, positioning my body the way he wants it.

“Isaac…” I moan, squirming and fulfilling his prophesy of defiling his expensive trousers as he lets out a cocky laugh.

“You are so fucking hot.” He supports my weight on one arm across my back, using his other hand to squeeze my ass as he thrusts upwards against my clit. I wiggle to his delight as he teases me like that until my head starts spinning. My back arches and he lifts me a little bit higher so he can dip down to kiss and suckle my nipples, grinding against my slit the whole time. He’s made me come like this before, but that’s not how I want it. I need to feel him inside me again.

“Please,” I beg, spreading my legs further.

Isaac lifts his face from my breasts, eyes rolling back as his jaw squares. Oh. I get it. He’s
horny, he won’t last that long and he wants me to be close before he gets back inside me. As soon as I realize what he wants, I go lax, sinking back in his grasp and letting my head rest in his hand. He watches me with eager eyes until I’m so excited that it’s impossible to hold still, stopping right before I reach the point of no return and releasing his grip on my ass to guide himself in.

He doesn’t want our bodies to be so far apart anymore, the lust overtaken by a neediness that widens his eyes as he pulls me toward him until our chests press together. I squeal as he drives upwards, throwing my arms around his neck and holding on tightly. I flash on our first time when his forearm flexes against the small of my back, his fingers digging into the flesh on my waist. I completely fall apart inside when he holds me
so close like this, but it’s never meant more than it does right now. I kiss that faded bite mark on his shoulder and call out his name, bucking wildly around him as I scatter.

He comes with me, breathing raggedly against my jaw as he tries to tell me that he loves me, but the words get lost and jumbled in his groaning. I hear them anyway and whisper it back
into his ear as he finishes, tickling the nape of his neck as he clutches me so tightly I can’t get any air.

A strange white haze forms in my peripheral vision and I get so lightheaded it feels like I’m floating away. Isaac releases his suffocating hold, his lips kissing the crook of my neck as he recovers, but I can barely feel it. My pulse throbs in my head and I start to get scared, but I can’t thrash. I can hardly move at all, every muscle in my body is limp and useless.

“Maya?” he says, his voice filled with concern. I can’t answer him, my eyelids fluttering as it gets darker. “Maya?” He starts to panic, shaking me. “Can you hear me?”

I squeak out as much of an affirmation as I can manage, tracing a circle with my finger across whatever bit of skin it’s touching. That’s when I realize that I must have blacked out for at least a few seconds because I was upright against his chest with my arms around his shoulders and now my hand is at his hip and I’m leaned back in his arms. Isaac’s vivid eyes are huge and filled with fear, his jaw trembling slightly.

“I’m okay,” I whisper unconvincingly, but he sighs in relief.

He brings me upwards again and cups the back of my head as it rest on his shoulder, rocking me back and forth. “Did you pass out?” he asks after a few moments

“I think so.” I have enough strength to sit up, so I do, just to reassure him.

“It had nothing to do with the mind blowing orgasm, did it?” he presses me, kissing my nose. “Your breathing seemed off the whole time, obviously I wasn’t just imagining it. Jace said you were sick.”

“I’m fine,” I protest, smiling and skimming my fingers across his jawline.

“You’re a terrible liar,” he chuckles. “How sick are you?”

“I… um… sort of probably have walking pneumonia.”


“That’s what the premed major in my class said, anyway. But she’s not a
doctor, so her diagnosis doesn’t count.”

“You—” he sputters. “Oh my fucking God, you have no idea how lucky you are that you can’t get in trouble.”

“Does that mean you wish you could call out a strike?” I tease.

“A little bit, yeah. You should have told me right away.”

“But then you wouldn’t have fucked me.”

” Isaac is so cute when he gets flustered. “Take a deep breath, Maya,” he demands. I draw in as much air as I can. “That’s it?”

“Yeah,” I peep.

“Holy shit,” he gasps. “You are going to the doctor right away.”

“No!” I’m not sure why the idea of it is so upsetting, but a strange panic hits me out nowhere and I squirm as close to him as I can, hiding under his chin.

His body straightens in surprise. “Calm down. It’s okay, I won’t leave you alone.”

“Isaac…” I whimper before I start sobbing into his chest.

“Hey… Maya, it’s alright,” he says, stroking my hair as he holds me. “Shhhh. You’re safe. We’re almost there.”









bright eyes narrow and lock with mine, his jaw squaring in frustration as he steps inside from the balcony. “And what do you think you’re doing out of bed?” Isaac chastises me, arms crossed with his head cocked to the side. If he actually wants me to listen to him, then he needs to stop being so hot when I don’t.

“I was just in the bathroom,” I reply, trying to pretend that his over protectiveness annoys me. “I’m feeling better, you know.”

“You’ve only been on antibiotics for four days, that’s not long enough.” Trying to keep that stern look on his face, he strolls across the room and scoops me into his arms.

“You can’t just look something up on WebMD and make claims like that.”

“Excuse me? WebMD?”

“I know, I know,” I grumble. “You overreacted and flew in a specialist from New York.”

“Overreacted,” he says dismissively, trying not to laugh. “You are such a little brat. A little brat that officially has pneumonia. Back. To. Bed.”

“I’m not sleepy,” I whine, nuzzling into his neck as he carries me to the bedroom.

“And I’m not falling for this.” Isaac typically declares that he ‘isn’t falling for it’ right before he does, which makes that one of my top ten favorite sentences to come out of his mouth, so I start teasing him with mine, dragging my lips across the warm skin on his throat. This trick doesn’t appear to be working as well as it usually does. “I cannot believe you took your socks off again,” he huffs when I’m safely in bed. He picks them up off the floor and motions for me to put my feet up.

“I was hot.”

“That’s because you have a fever.” His fingers tickle my ankle bone as he puts my socks back on. “What the hell?” he mutters when he spots my nearly full water bottle on the nightstand. “You didn’t drink your water, either?”

“I didn’t want any,” I take a tiny sip as his eyes widen in frustration and decide to drink a little more for his benefit. “I know I’m a pain in the ass when I’m sick,” I admit. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be. It’s really fucking cute,” he says, grinning at me. “Infuriating, but cute.”

Cute. That’s often Isaac code for ‘you’re seriously turning me on,’ especially when he hasn’t gotten any for a while. I let out a frustrated groan and pout at him as he tucks me in.

“You’re staying in here, right?” I ask.

“You sleep better when I don’t.”

“I sleep best after I come,” I remind him seductively.

“You are not ready for sexual activity yet,” he says. That’s recently become my least favorite sentence, though it’s kind of hot when he says it like this, more to himself than to me. I’d like to think that he doesn’t have a chance if he gets in the bed right now, but his unparalleled self-control is back.

“Don’t leave me alone. I’m not even tired,” I lie, biting my lip. Of course, I yawn a few seconds later and it turns into a hacking cough. Great. I’m sure that’s almost as sexy as the faded black eye.

“Nice try, Rookie.”

“Okay, I am a little tired. But stay. Just for a few minutes until I fall asleep.

“Fine,” he concedes like he usually does, shaking his head. I’ve woken up with him beside me anyway every time he’s let me fall asleep alone. “Don’t you dare pull back those covers,” he orders. “You know the drill.”

I roll my eyes as he climbs in next to me on top of the blankets. I don’t understand why he even tries, we both know he’ll be under them with me in less than two minutes. Isaac turns on his side, his arm draped across my belly. Even through five frustrating layers of fabric, his touch overwhelms every one of my senses, especially when he scoots a little closer to stroke my hair and kiss my temple like this. There’s something desperate about the way he’s caressing my face that reminds me of the way his forehead was scrunched when he came in from the balcony. He’s upset. He’s doing a good job at hiding it by distracting himself with me, but not good enough.

Isaac said no more secrets, but that was before he knew I was this sick and now I ‘don’t need to worry about’ what’s going on until I’m better. That excuse is getting old fast. I might not be allowed in his pants yet, but I refuse to be cut off from the rest of him.

“Who were you talking to, Isaac?” I ask quietly. “Please don’t tell me not to worry about it.”

Isaac is rendered basically helpless when I use the word please. “I was…
,” he chuckles. “That was clever.”

“Maybe I’m not well enough for sex, but I think it’s time you stop using that as an excuse and tell me what’s going on.”

“That’s not what I’m doing,” he says. I flip on my side to face him so he knows I’m not convinced. “Okay, that is totally what I’m doing. I can’t help it. It’s a fucked up, stressful situation. Stress over me is how you got like this to begin with, you know it is.”

“You’re right, but this is stressing me out too.”

“Goddammit,” he exhales, excavating the covers beneath him so he can crawl under them with me. 

My heart rate spikes as soon as his body is next to mine, which is exactly why Isaac is so strict about keeping the sexual tension in check. He scoots even closer and I pick my head up until he caves and threads his arm beneath my neck. Our foreheads press together and we each take a deep breath, both to cool off a bit and savor the reality that we’re together and we have been for five days. Sex or not, it’s been absolutely amazing even though I’ve been asleep for a lot of it.

Isaac is so fucking horny it’s almost funny to look at his face. But he won’t budge, which makes pushing him that much more enjoyable because it’s hot when he gets all domineering and bossy from the frustration. But the smile he’s wearing right now is even better and I need to feel it against mine, so I brush my lips against his, tempting him. As usual, he takes over, letting out a soft groan as he draws nearer until I can feel his excitement against my stomach. Kissing is dangerous territory, but it’s just too good to pass up so we don’t even try. In the middle of it, his hand pulls away from mine and finds my breast, a first since I was formally put on the bench by that doctor I will find and strangle one day. I don’t think Isaac realizes what he’s doing, so I stay still and let him grope me. It works for a while until he rolls my nipple between his fingers and I gasp, arching my spine towards him as my body screams for more.

His eyes fly open and he curses himself, laughing at my protesting moans as he pulls back a bit. “I can’t wait until you feel better,” he says, kissing the tip of my nose.

“Me too,” I reply, licking my lips and batting my eyelashes to test his resolve. It holds up as I’m expecting, and I know it’s pointless to keep trying, so I let out the yawn I’ve been trying to repress, suddenly remembering why he’s here in the first place. “Oh yeah. Who were you talking to?”

“I was hoping you’d forget and fall asleep,”
he laughs.

“No luck. This is on one of the few times in our lives when you won’t be able to seduce your way out of my questions and I’m taking advantage of it. So spill. Who was it?” I feel a little guilty for asking because he’s not so carefree and unworried as he was a few seconds ago.

“Jace,” he answers quietly.

“Oh.” That’s
the first time he’s admitted they know each other. “I’m not mad about that. At all,” I assure him. “You know that, right?”

“I guess I do now.”

“So what did Jace say and why did it stress you out so much?”

“He wanted to know if you’d talked to Piper. He hasn’t.”

“I’m a little surprised that he didn’t just go to our house and wait for her.”

“Jace had to move out,” Isaac confesses. “He’s gone and he can’t go over there anymore.”

“What?” Oh God. Poor Piper.

“We can’t risk Piper’s dad finding out about him and the surveillance. You should call her, Maya.”

“And what do I say? You keep telling me to call, but what the hell do I tell her? Her father is the one that pushed for me to go to that party where we ran off, how am I going to explain that? I don’t understand it myself. So if you want me to call her, you should probably fill me in on what I’m missing.”

Isaac inhales deeply, closing his eyes and running his hand through his hair. “I went to see Carl. Okay, more specifically, Gloria took me to see Carl and I kind of blackmailed him a little bit to get to you.”

“You what?”

“Glory told me the story and… I threatened to tell Piper and her mother.”

I can’t fucking believe this. “That is
secret, Isaac.” It’s bad enough that he knows. “You shouldn’t have done that. And if you
tell Piper—”

“I won’t. Never. But I was losing my fucking mind and it was the quickest and cleanest way, considering Piper and her mother essentially had you in a fortress. I didn’t just bust in there and threaten him. I tried to be nice, I tried to be reasonable, but he knows what I am and he immediately fucking hated me,” Isaac spits, his thigh twitching nervously against mine. “So I sort of held him down and made him watch some videos of us.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“Not sex, that wouldn’t prove anything. Just us. The mushy, extremely embarrassing stuff. Just cuddling and kissing. And that one of me and Piper cooking together. I just wanted to prove that I wouldn’t hurt you.” Isaac looks so guilty and insecure, speaking in that little kid voice that makes it impossible to stay mad at him. “I was out of options. He started to come around, I think, but I couldn’t take a chance that he was bullshitting me. The threat was just for insurance.”

“It’s okay, baby.” I can’t let him spiral into self-hatred right now, so I take his face in my hands and slowly press my lips to his, stroking his hairline softly as he exhales.

“We agreed to leave it up to you. He’d make sure you came to that party and if you wanted to leave with me, then you could. He told Piper and your mother that you were meeting with an attorney that specializes in this type of situation and he also confronted Luke privately to tell him the same thing and get him to back off. So that’s what Piper thinks happened, but I doubt she believes it at this point because it’s been so long.”

“How am I going to explain what really happened?”

“I guess you could just tell her the truth,” he murmurs. The truth. Whatever that is spikes his anxiety noticeably. “Carl’s working with an investigator that’s building a case against my father. So is Glory. And I guess I am, too. Maybe. I haven’t met with him yet.

“You’re… holy shit,” I breathe, my heart rate spiking. “Why is he being investigated?”

“I don’t know all the details. I’m pretty sure there’s a few things involving shady business doings. Carl and Glory might be in trouble themselves, they’re worried. And, uh… well human trafficking was mentioned, so there’s that. Like I said, I’m not really sure yet. It’s fucked up. And I don’t know what I’m going to do about it, so I can’t really tell you how it’s going to work out.”

“Does this mean that… Isaac, you said it was over and we could be together now. You seemed so sure,” I say, starting to panic a little myself. I just got him back.

“Hey,” he whispers, pulling me closer and kissing the top of my head. “I would never lie to you about that. My father’s going away for a long time and hopefully Luke is, too. We just have to wait it out.”

“Why do they want to talk to you?”

“They just want to know what I do, which isn’t much.”

“When?” I peep.

“Probably in a
week or two. Glory and Carl want some time to further cover their asses. You are not allowed to worry about this, Rookie. That’s an order.”

“Are you in trouble?”

“No,” he replies emphatically. “I’m finally out of trouble. This is good for me, for us. I promise.” That’s the first time Isaac has ever promised me something when he wasn’t really sure about it.

“I can’t lose you again,” I moan into his chest as his fingers soothe the nape of my neck. “I can’t. Maybe we should run away, just in case. Your father will be too distracted with this, or maybe he’ll understand that you were just trying to save yourself and he won’t go after us and—”

,” Isaac says sternly. “Stop it.” He scoots down until we’re face to face. “I’m handling this. And yeah, that’s an option, that might be how it goes down. But I’m not worried and neither are you.”

“You’re taking me with,” I demand.

“Yes, I am.”

“No matter what. And at the same time you go, or I swear I’ll drop out of school. I don’t care if I’m only a week away. You can punish me for it later.”

“Okay,” he chuckles. “Thanks for the heads up. But you need to stop looking so frightened right now. There’s nothing to be scared of. You should be happy. I am. And now you know what I know, you’re all caught up. It’s time to relax and get better so I can fuck you sooner rather than later.”

“Oh, it’ll be sooner. Like right fucking now.”

“No, you’re going—”

I cut him off by clamping my mouth onto his. I can’t believe I let him stall me for four days, everything suddenly seems so much more pressing now. That is not at all what I expected him to say. I figured that he’d continue to keep playing house with Gloria as cover or something and that’s why he didn’t want to tell me.

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