Decadent (3 page)

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Authors: Shayla Black

BOOK: Decadent
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He must be from Mars, because that question was definitely from Venus. What about the curiosity he’d expected? Stuff like: Where did the cocks go? How did a woman handle two men at once? Those he could answer. In detail. He’d love clueing her in about the dueling slide of dicks, one in her tight pussy, the other in her untried ass.

Damn, he had to stop thinking like this before his jeans strangled his erection.

“How do you make relationships work without petty jealousy interfering?”

“There’s no relationship. Just sex…any way it can be accomplished in threes.” Shayla Black Decadent

“Oh.” She blinked, then looked away. “I should have realized…you’re not the relationship type.”

“Lust works just fine for me.” Anything more had catastrophic potential. Been there, done that—and he didn’t want to think about the nightmare that had happened next.

“Well, with you, lust works fine for me, too. I—I just want to learn whatever you can teach me.”

“Are you serious?”

Kimber clutched at her purse and squared her feminine little shoulders. “I drove over a hundred miles today to talk to you, a man I haven’t seen in five years. One who’s never liked me much. I swallowed my pride to admit to you why I want this and the fact I’m still a virgin. Would I have bothered if I wasn’t very serious about 20

learning to please Jesse and deciding if this is something I want in my life?”
There was the prick’s name again, right from her mouth. Stupid Backstreet Boys copycat son of a bitch. He and his melodious falsetto constantly topped the charts. Deke couldn’t imagine why any man wanted to sound like a female with the whole world listening.

“I’m not the man for the job, Kimber. I’m not doing it.” Her lips tensed. Her fingers tightened around her purse strap. “Why not?”

“A million reasons. I don’t do virgins. Period.”

“I didn’t ask you to
me. In fact, I want to save my virginity for Jesse. I don’t know why you’d say no to at least some explanations of the…acts involved.” Shayla Black Decadent

“Because explanations aren’t going to cut it, kitten. You won’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into until you’re getting pounded by a pair of hard cocks.”

“Tell me what you mean. Pounded where exactly? In what way? With the intent to create pain?”

His assertion hadn’t shocked her in the least. Her questions stunned the hell out of him. Wasn’t she freaked? He sure the hell was.

“I’m not having this conversation with you. You want to learn about ménages, keep reading.”

“As you pointed out, words aren’t a substitute for real experience.”

“Then let the girl-voiced pretty boy give you the experience. It won’t be me.”

“Fine.” She maneuvered around him. “If you don’t want to help me, let me think…


Who did you hang out with when you worked for my dad? Oh, Adam Catrell. I remember hearing whispers about him. He lives near here, doesn’t he? I’ll just go look him up. And if he’s not interested, wasn’t Justin Wheeler a friend of yours, too?

He might be willing to help me. See you later.” She bolted toward the door.

Deke bristled. Oh, yeah. Both Adam and Justin would be more than happy to help her—right out of her clothes and right onto her back. But neither was known for being gentle. Virginity wouldn’t mean a damn thing to either of them. They’d see fresh, sweet meat and dive in, teeth bared, like hungry dogs.

It’s her choice…her problem.
Deke tried to tell himself that. Yeah, but if he just let her walk out the door now, she’d get mauled by that pair of ravenous rottweilers.

The thought really pissed him off. She’d be overwhelmed in minutes…and for some damn reason, he just couldn’t let that happen. Residual loyalty to the Colonel or something.

Shayla Black Decadent
He was going to have to dissuade her from pursuing this path before he sent her on her way. Grinding his teeth together, he mentally sorted through the ways in which he could do that. They were, unfortunately, limited. And so far, talking hadn’t done jack shit.

Time for action.

Deke grabbed her arm and pulled her against him. Her breasts, sweet and firm, burned his skin as if his shirt didn’t exist. He hissed at the contact.
The girl had always gotten to him. Five years later, her affect was only more pronounced.

Kimber gasped as their bodies brushed. Her gaze skittered up to his. Awareness burned across her face, glowed in those dilated hazel eyes. From her expression, Deke wondered if this was the first time she’d felt something for him beyond annoyance. The possibility wasn’t comforting.

This plan better take three minutes or less…


“Wait.” His fingers tightened on her arm before he forced himself to relax his grip. “I get that you’re serious. I’m reconsidering your request. But it has to be all hands-on demonstration.”

She swallowed. Her pulse jumped. God, she had no idea how perilously close she was to being laid out on the kitchen table for his afternoon snack.

“Okay. Who would, um…join us?”

Luc took that cue to saunter into the kitchen, with a sultry smile and a hard-on that was impossible to miss. So his good ol’ cousin had been listening? Deke turned Kimber to face him.

“Hi, sweetheart,” Luc drawled.

Shayla Black Decadent Deke felt Kimber tremble in his arms as she met his cousin’s stare. He fought an instinct to soothe her. The point was to show her exactly what she was getting into, make it so fast and furious, she’d dismiss the plan on her own. Comforting the girl was the last fucking thing he should do.

“You and Deke share…?” Her voice shook.

“We do.”

Even her exhalation trembled. She was nervous.

Finally, something had gotten to her. Now it was time to ramp up her hesitation into a full-blown
. Deke glanced up at Luc, sent him a warning expression and a nod. His cousin responded with a ghost of a smile, then strolled toward them.


Shayla Black Decadent


Kimber shook, despite Deke’s huge hands on her shoulders, steadying her.

Burning her.

The idea of two men seemed wild, daring—something out of a sexy novel. Now about to become her reality. Could she handle it? Could she accept it as a permanent part of her life?

Luc strode slowly in her direction, wearing a shark’s smile and a hungry stare.

Excitement and erotic fear sucked the air out of her lungs. Deke was right: Words couldn’t possibly prepare her for the reality of these two men. He had barely touched her; Luc was still two feet away. The testosterone oozing in the room was already overloading her senses, making her brain buzz. Her nerves sizzled so hot, she trembled.


Being a virgin, Kimber was a bit intimidated. But not scared. Nervous…yes, but it wasn’t going to stop her. She had to know if she could be the woman Jesse needed, if she could deal with the touch of two men at once. Her calm was probably the result of being raised by mission-minded men. Fear wasn’t an option. Just do it.

But curiosity…yes. Suddenly. What would it be like to have Deke’s raw power and Luc’s playful finesse devoted to her pleasure at the same time? She burned to know that answer. Want churned in her belly, along with curiosity and fascination, to create a potent brew.

She swallowed, remembering why she was here. The answer to her question was irrelevant. It didn’t matter how Deke and Luc made her feel. She was here to learn for Jesse, so he would see her as a woman. Someone he could make
woman when he held her and shared her with… Who did he share with? Band Shayla Black Decadent members? Other fans? Jesse had refused to give her details about the sex life the tabloids all called lurid and beyond shocking.

Then Luc touched her, his hands sliding onto her hips. The question dissipated under the slow burn of his fingers as he gripped her gently and turned her back to Deke. Over her shoulder, her gaze collided with Luc’s. With his hold on her, he eased her against him, her back to his chest—his very healthy erection nudging her.

She barely had time to react with hot shock and a blistering curl of desire in her belly before Deke’s fingers tangled in her hair and he dragged her gaze back to his blue eyes, the mesmerizing color of barely washed denim.

“Kimber,” Deke growled. “You’re playing with fire, little girl. Get ready to burn.” His fists tightened. Without further warning, he descended. With one touch of his 25

mouth, he breached and invaded her lips, dazzling her senses as he slid his tongue inside and dominated everything he touched. A languorous sweep, a lingering slide.

She’d expected Deke’s kiss to be harsh, to the point, with no concession to her inexperience. Not so. Hungry and demanding, yes. But good.
So good.
A wild tangle of lips and breaths and hunger.

Kimber had been kissed, but never like this. Never without hesitation or an invitation. Deke didn’t bother with either. Suddenly, he retreated, leaving behind an ache she already couldn’t fight.
Oh, God.
And his taste. Spicy and male. Addicting.

Kimber craved more. In a single kiss, he stripped her defenses, turned her body inside out, stole her control.

His lips brushed hers again, and Kimber opened to him a little more. He sank in, deeper than before. He tasted, teased, withdrew.
She needed more, and Shayla Black Decadent pressed her palms up the solid slabs of his chest, where she felt his heart beating wildly under her palm.

Deke rewarded her with another flirty caress of his lips, which melted over hers into a firm taking, a wild possession. Though she’d been expecting him, the spiced slide of his tongue still blindsided her defenses. Her hands rose from his chest to his hair. She tried to grab the very short strands with her fists and pull him closer, but his hair, like the man himself, was elusive. She craved. She clawed. Barely breathing, dizzy, she reveled as heat curled in her belly. Her nipples tightened.

So good…

A hot palm curled around her arm and slid upward in an unhurried caress. Luc.

She’d almost forgotten… But when he moved closer, the heat of his chest blanketing her back, his hardness still pressed against her backside, he became impossible to ignore.


With a sweep of his hand, he brushed the hair off her neck. The gentle press of his warm mouth and hot breath fell there next, like soft rain on sensitive skin.

Sensations exploded, tingles skittered. She shivered, but Luc continued. Her ferocious response stimulated her senses right in concert with the soft, ragged demands of Deke’s kiss.

Strong hands slid up her ribs. Luc again. Teasing fingers brushed the sides of her breasts. Unexpected sensations bolted straight to her nipples, making them beyond hard. She moaned— right into Deke’s next kiss. He took the sound into his greedy mouth, tilting his head, positioning his lips over hers perfectly and delving deep for a long, lingering stay.

Kimber melted, mewled. She burned, just like Deke warned. As desire swamped her, her blood heated to blistering temperatures. And she ached.
More. More!

Shayla Black Decadent Clutching her hips, Deke arched into her, pressing his impressive erection into her in a move deliciously suggestive of sex. It didn’t soothe her—only inflamed. She moaned.

Bending at the knees, he grabbed her thighs and lifted her off the ground. Kimber barely had time to gasp before he pushed her back into Luc, whose dick now pressed even tighter against her. But he wasn’t done…

Deke tore off her pants and her thong, then spread her legs, holding them wide with his huge hands. Luc helped him by supporting her knees in the crooks of his arms, which held her open to his cousin. Heart pounding so fast she couldn’t hear anything but its frantic beating, Kimber watched as Deke looked at her, all spread out like a living, breathing invitation before him, those dark blue eyes shimmering with scorching heat.

He paused, waited. Stared. Drove her crazy with anticipation and broiling want.



“Keep her open,” he told Luc.

Then he slipped between her spread thighs and notched his denim covered cock right against her wet folds. Intimately. At the contact, her clit jumped, then pulsed greedily. Deke grabbed her hips, taking her from Luc’s grip. He wrapped her legs around his hips and he rocked against her again. Kimber cried out. Masturbation was never this sharp or intense. Decadent. Overwhelming.

Before she could assimilate or think beyond their next touch, Luc’s hands slid from her rib cage to her abdomen, then up. Straight up. He enveloped her breasts in his hot palms. Kimber melted on a long moan. His thumbs and forefingers pinched her gently, but the jolt of desire jumped all the way to her clit. Her nipples sprang to painful tightness at his touch, and he rasped at them with his thumbs.

Shayla Black Decadent It took Kimber a moment to realize that Deke was watching Luc fondle her, his stare nearly black with hunger. A quick glance up, and those burning eyes promised to devour her. Thick need slid through her belly, punching her gut with a sharp spear of arousal.

“It’s got to come off.” He reached for the bottom button of her shirt with one hand.

“Now,” Luc agreed, and together, they set her on the counter. A moment later, Luc grasped the top button and tore into it.

Male hands worked at her little buttons, cursing, exposing her to their devouring gazes so rapidly, she could barely assimilate. She watched, dazed, her skin too tight on her aching body until all the buttons came free of their moorings. As Luc pulled the shirt off one shoulder, Deke peeled it off the other and raised his gaze to hers.


Intense. Ferocious. Determined. A fist of desire clenched in her belly, closing off air, rational thought…

With his hot breath on her neck making her shiver, Deke reached behind her and unclasped her bra in a single pinch of his fingers.
Oh my! Oh, damn.
Stark naked.

This was getting serious.

And overwhelming…felt too wonderful. She couldn’t stop. Not yet. Soon…

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