Deadly Desperados (6 page)

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Authors: Lily Harper Hart

BOOK: Deadly Desperados
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Jake woke the next morning to someone banging on the cabin door. He shifted to his side, glancing at the window to find it was still dark. He hopped out of bed, grabbing his boxer shorts from the floor and sliding into them as he moved to the door. Ben waited on the other side.

“I’m sorry to wake you so early,” Ben said, hopping from one foot to the other. “It’s just … the police are down on the eastern ridge of the property. They found a body on the other side of our fence.”

Jake’s mind was still muddled from sleep. “I don’t understand. If the body was found on the other side of the fence that means it wasn’t found on your property. Do you know who it is?”

“No,” Ben said, shaking his head. “They sent a deputy to get me. They want me to go down there and look things over. I figured you’d want to go with me.”

“I do,” Jake said, dragging his hand through his hair as he tried to collect himself. “I need to throw some clothes on and make sure Ally knows where I’m going. Go and wake James up. He’s going to want to go, too. Just … be careful to knock. They have a tendency to sleep naked and James’ sense of humor regarding other people seeing his wife naked isn’t much to write home about.”

Ben offered his nephew a half-hearted chuckle. “I don’t blame him. I … are you sure you want me to wake him up?”

“He’s going to want to see the scene,” Jake answered. “He’s a visual guy. He’ll be fine. Give me ten minutes to get dressed. I’ll meet you out front then.”

Ben nodded curtly and left the cabin. Jake closed the door, shifting to find Ally sitting up in bed with the sheet clutched to her chest.

“What’s going on?”

“Uncle Ben says the police just woke him up,” Jake explained, moving toward Ally. “They found a body next to his fence on the eastern side of the property. He doesn’t know who it is, but he wants me to go with him.”

“Okay … .” Ally was still confused from heavy slumber. “Give me a second to get dressed.”

“No, I want you to stay here in bed, Angel,” Jake said, leaning over so he could kiss her forehead. “You can get another hour of sleep. I’ll be back in time to take you to breakfast up at the main house.”

“I can go with you,” Ally offered.

“I would feel better if you stayed here and didn’t see the dead body at the crack of dawn,” Jake countered. “Stay here. Stay warm. I’ll see you in a little bit.” Jake kissed her forehead again once she settled back against the pillows. “I like the idea of you being naked and waiting for me.”

“Okay.” Ally stifled a yawn. “I … .” She was already drifting off.

“I love you, Angel,” Jake whispered, kissing her cheek. “Sleep well.”


Mandy okay with you leaving her at the cabin?” Jake asked James as they made their way toward the flashing police lights thirty minutes later. The sun was crossing the horizon, so it wasn’t hard to navigate the field as they picked their way across it. Ben was in the lead, his face grim as he focused on the assembled police officers.

“I’m not even sure if she knows I’m gone,” James said. “I’m not joking when I say she sleeps hard. She’s like a rock … only softer. I left a note on the pillow in case she wakes up and forgets what I told her.”

Jake nodded. “Ally offered to come with us, but she was already asleep before I found my pants.”

James made a face.

“You need to get over it, man,” Jake said. “I don’t sleep in my pants when I’m in bed with your sister.”

“I just don’t want to hear about it,” James said. He studied Ben’s slouched back as they walked. “Your uncle seems … worried.”

“That’s because he knows everyone in the area,” Jake replied. “If the body belongs to a local, there’s a good chance it’s one of his friends. Heck, there’s a good chance it’s one of the farmhands.”

“I didn’t think of that,” James said, rubbing his stubbled chin. “What do you think this means?”

“I think it means we’re going to be doing some research this afternoon,” Jake replied. “This can’t be a coincidence.”

“Yeah, I’ve pretty much given up on coincidences ever since my wife started getting stalked at every turn,” James agreed. “Still, we don’t want to get ahead of ourselves. This might be an accident.”

“I don’t think the police would’ve woken Uncle Ben up for an accident.”

“I … crap,” James muttered. “I wasn’t as worried about this when it was threatening notes and general mischief. That could always be bored teens. Murder is something else entirely.”

“I know.”

“We need to make sure we know where the women are at all times,” James said. “They’re probably not targets, but … .”

“I know,” Jake said. “We’ll figure it out. We should be able to keep them busy with tasks or riding horses. We’ll make sure they’re not alone.”

By the time Jake and James caught up to Ben the deputy in charge of the crime scene was already speaking. “He was shot in the head, Ben. You don’t want to see him.”

“How can you be sure it’s Charlie, though?” Ben asked, his face ashen. “I … if you can’t see his face properly, how can you be sure it’s Charlie?”

“Who is Charlie?” Jake asked, moving to his uncle’s side.

“Charlie Dawkins,” Ben supplied. “He’s my neighbor. He bought the old Randall farm about five years ago. He’s a good guy.”

“And this is his property?” James asked, glancing around. His gaze landed on the body near the fence line. The sheriff’s deputies laid a sheet over it to hide it from prying eyes, but the outline was clear.

“Yes,” Ben said. He quickly introduced James and Jake to the deputy. “This is Sam Taylor. His father is the sheriff.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Jake said, shaking Sam’s hand. “What can you tell us?”

“It looks like someone popped him from behind,” Sam replied. “We can’t find any signs of a struggle, so right now we’re going on the assumption that Charlie either didn’t hear his assailant or didn’t deem him a threat.”

“What does that mean?” Ben asked.

“It means that Charlie might have considered whoever shot him a friend so he wasn’t worried about turning his back,” Jake explained.

“What kind of coward shoots someone in the back?” Ben spat.

“Someone who desperately wants something specific,” James supplied. “The question is: What?”

“Uncle Ben, this developer you mentioned … .”

“Mark Nixon,” Ben said. “His name is Mark Nixon.”

“This Mark Nixon, would he have any reason to go after Charlie?”

“I know he was sniffing around Charlie’s property, too,” Ben answered. “Charlie and I had breakfast at Rosie’s Diner downtown last week. He told me that Nixon was getting more and more belligerent. Charlie didn’t want to sell because he always dreamed of owning his own farm. He was younger than me and he was planning on getting married in a few weeks. Oh, God, what about his fiancée?”

“We’re sending someone to make notification,” Sam said.

“I … are you sure it’s Charlie?” Ben didn’t want to believe it, so he was having trouble absorbing the news.

“We’re sure, Ben,” Sam said. “He had his wallet on him … and he was wearing that gold watch he got from his father. We’re sure it’s him.”

“This is terrible,” Ben muttered, pressing his lips together and turning toward the oncoming dawn.

“We can’t assume this Mark Nixon is guilty without evidence,” James said. “Have you guys been able to collect anything?”

“So far all we know is that his body was discovered out here about an hour ago.”

“How did you discover it?” Jake asked. “It would’ve been dark. No one could see him from the road.”

“We got an anonymous tip,” Sam replied. “We’re running it now, but it appears to have come from that payphone in front of the dollar store on the south side of town. There are no lights or cameras there, so we have no way of knowing who used it.”

“Payphone?” James was stupefied. “I didn’t know those things still existed.”

“This is the country,” Jake explained. “Cell service is a lot spottier out here. It’s not like Detroit. There aren’t a lot of phone booths around, but you’ll definitely see them here a lot more often than you would back home.”

James rubbed the back of his neck as he scanned the area. “Whoever called in the body had to either have done the murder or knows who did it,” he said. “There’s no way someone just randomly stumbled upon a murder victim. Plus, if the guy was wearing a gold watch, that means this wasn’t a robbery gone bad.”

“How long ago did Charlie die?” Jake asked.

“We’ll have to wait for the coroner to give us an exact time, but it looks like he died around ten or so last night.”

“And it’s six now,” Jake said, doing the math. “So he was out here about six hours before you guys discovered him, right?”

Sam nodded.

“How many other neighbors are out here?” James asked. “I don’t understand the geography. We’re standing on Charlie’s land and Ben’s land is on the other side of that fence. How many other people have property in this general vicinity?”

Sam blew out a weary sigh. “Um … that’s a good question. The Ingalls have a farm to our west and the Martins have one to the south. Everything else is state land. That’s all that’s in this immediate area.”

“The Ingalls?” James arched an eyebrow. “Never mention that to Ally and Mandy.”

Jake shook his head. “No doubt. Has anyone talked to either of these families and asked if Mark Nixon is trying to buy their land? Have you talked to them, Uncle Ben?”

“I don’t know them all that well,” Ben answered. “I could make a few calls, though.”

“I have trouble believing anyone would kill someone over not selling their farm in this day and age,” James said. “What we need to do is figure out why this property is so important. I’m not willing to focus on this Nixon guy to the detriment of everyone else until we have more information.”

“It has to be him,” Ben argued. “Who else would it be?”

“Calm down, Uncle Ben,” Jake urged, his voice low and soothing. “James is just thinking this through. You can’t take it personally.”

“No one else has been poking around,” Ben said.

“You mean you haven’t seen anyone else poking around,” James clarified. “That doesn’t mean someone isn’t out there. You said it yourself last night. You own four thousand acres here. Someone could be hiding in plain sight and you wouldn’t necessarily see them.”

“So, what should we do?” Ben asked, raising his hands helplessly.

“You’re going to call those neighbors and do whatever you can for Charlie’s fiancée,” Jake supplied. “James and I are going to gather our women and go into town. We need to get copies of the land deeds so we can look around. We’ll pick up whatever groceries Aunt Mary needs while we’re there, too.”

“I also want to call Grady,” James said. “We need a thorough background check on this Mark Nixon. I’m going to have him dig deep. Whatever is going on here could be tied to him and it could be tied to someone we haven’t even considered yet.”

“It’s him,” Ben snapped.

“You’re probably right,” James conceded. “I’ve learned the hard way not to assume it’s one person when it could easily be another, though. I’ve almost lost my wife every time that happened. We need to approach this calmly and rationally.”

Ben sighed, defeated. “You’re the expert … no matter how young you look.”

Jake and James exchanged amused glances.

“Let’s go and get Ally and Mandy out of bed and feed them,” Jake said. “We’ll stop in at the main house for breakfast and get Aunt Mary’s shopping list. After that, well, we’ll get moving, Uncle Ben. We’ll figure this out.

“I promised you that I would help,” he continued. “I always keep my promises.”


“This feels so … weird,” James said, glancing at the small brick building and shaking his head.

“How so?” Jake arched an eyebrow, waiting patiently outside the land deed office as James absorbed his culture shock.

“It’s like the town that time forgot,” James said, scanning the street. “It literally looks like modern technology passed this place by. I’m starting to feel afraid. This is how every bad horror movie Mandy has ever made me watch starts.”

Jake snorted. “Not everything has to be newfangled and shiny.”

“Newfangled?” James pulled the door open and ushered Jake inside. “Your uncle keeps saying I’m too young, and now you’re using that word in conjunction with me. We’re going into a building that’s as old as dirt looking for land deeds like we’re in an old western. Does anyone else feel a freaky time travel movie coming on?”

Jake rolled his eyes. “Have you ever considered that you and Mandy might be one of the weirdest couples ever?”

“I’m fine with that,” James replied, nonplussed. “I like that my baby is odd. That’s one of the reasons I love her.”

“You guys are so adorable,” Jake gushed, mimicking his aunt.

“You and Ally are, too,” James said, pinching Jake’s cheek. “I love how you’re waiting for marriage to consummate your relationship.”

Jake jerked his face away from James. “This vendetta you have against your sister and I having sex is starting to get old.”

The office, which had been bustling with low chatter, went silent. James and Jake exchanged a look before turning to the woman behind the counter.

“I’m sorry,” Jake said. “That came out louder than I expected.”

The elderly woman in line ahead of James looked him up and down. “What’s your story?”

“I don’t like this guy having sex with my sister.”

The woman didn’t look impressed with James’ fortitude. “He’s handsome. I’ll bet your sister is fine with it.”

“Thanks,” James said, rolling his neck until it cracked. “Don’t say a word about that,” he warned Jake.

“I already forgot what happened,” Jake replied, not bothering to hide his smirk.

After a few moments of waiting – with no movement in the line – James couldn’t take the silence any longer. “You don’t think Ally and Mandy can get in any trouble at the store, do you?”

“As prone as the two of them are to trouble, I don’t think even they could find danger in the general store,” Jake said. “We told them not to leave. They’ll be able to entertain themselves for hours in that place.”


“It’s all clothes, boots, and jewelry.”

James made a face. “How is a general store a clothing store? I thought it was groceries and stuff.”

“It just is here,” Jake replied. “We still have to stop at the grocery store after this.”

“Well, I gave them my credit card and told them to go nuts,” James said. “I’m guessing they’re going to have a bunch of new clothes by the time we get back there.”

“I’ll pay you back for those,” Jake offered. “This is my family and you’re donating your time to help me. I should be the one bankrolling this shopping excursion.”

James waved him off. “How much money can they possibly spend on clothes in Kansas?”

“I’m taking it you’ve never seen a true pair of country boots.”


these,” Ally said, lifting a pair of purple suede boots up for Mandy’s approval. “I think I would look great in these.”

Mandy nodded, tugging on a pair of blue boots and standing so she could study her reflection in the mirror. “What do you think of these?”

“I think they match your eyes, which means James will love them,” Ally answered. “I’ll bet he asks you to wear just the boots at some point during this trip.”

Mandy smirked. “I’m getting these. I want to put them on with my new skirt and shirt. Are you getting those?”

“Do you think James will care that we’re spending so much on boots?”

“He’s the one who gave us his credit card,” Mandy replied. “Besides … I’m trying not to be so weird about the shopping. He doesn’t like it when I’m constantly looking at price tags. I … maybe I shouldn’t.”

Ally rolled her eyes. “My brother is rich,” she said. “As his wife, you’re entitled to half of everything he has. You two don’t have a prenup. I don’t understand why you get so worked up about this stuff.”

“I know,” Mandy said, twirling in front of the mirror again. She was in love with her new ensemble. “My dad used to slip me extra money for shopping when I was a teenager. My mom never thought it was appropriate to waste money on stuff I didn’t need. Sometimes I swear I can hear her voice in the back of my head when I’m shopping.”

“James wants you to shop,” Ally said. “He told you to shop. I’m getting these boots on his credit card no matter what you do. Do you really want to spend the rest of the week with me having better shoes than you? People will talk.”

Mandy smirked. “How are you feeling today?” she asked. “You were nervous about meeting Jake’s aunt and uncle last night. You seem better after a good night’s sleep.”

“I am better today,” Ally replied. “I don’t know why I tied myself up in knots. I love Jake. He’s a good man. You have to figure that he would only love the best sort of people.”

Mandy pursed her lips to keep from laughing. “I’m sure you’re including yourself in that description.”

Ally hopped up and stood next to Mandy so she could study her outfit. They picked the same things – short floral skirts that flared when they twirled, tank tops with sassy sayings, cowboy hats, and boots – and they looked as if they’d stepped right off the pages of a magazine. “I just don’t want Jake to wake up one day and realize he made a mistake when he decided to be with me.”

Mandy wrapped her arm around Ally’s shoulders. “Jake could never think that, Ally. He loves you as much as you love him.”

“I hope so.” Ally shook herself out of her reverie. “I want one of those lacy bras with the matching panties over there, too.”

Mandy followed Ally’s gaze. She’d been eyeing the lingerie set herself. “I definitely want that set. You can never tell James we got the same thing, though. He’ll be traumatized thinking you’re wearing the same naughty things I am.”

“Only if you agree to stop feeling guilty about buying all of this stuff,” Ally challenged. “I can’t have fun spending James’ money if you don’t join in.”



that took forever,” James said, spreading the map out on the hood of Jake’s rental so they could study it. “Okay, this is your uncle’s property here … and this is Charlie’s property. Tell me what else I’m looking at.”

Jake did as instructed, racking his memory for the proper property lines. “We shouldn’t mark this map up until we get it back to the farm. I’m not completely sure I’m right about this and we need the correct information before we start deconstructing this.”

“I’m not an expert on Kansas property costs, so give me a ballpark on what one of these farms would go for.”

“Twenty million.”

James’ eyebrows flew up. “Excuse me?”

“Give or take,” Jake said, nodding.

“You cannot be serious,” James muttered. “I know the land comes at a premium, but … come on! Does your uncle make a big profit from his crops?”

“Yes. In the grand scheme of things, though, you probably make more money than he does.”

James waited for Jake to expand.

“The cost of living is cheaper out here,” Jake supplied. “The farm is worth a lot of money, but when you factor in the cost of workers, feed, seed … they do okay for this area. They would not be doing well in our area.”

“That’s a little sad,” James said, rubbing his chin. “For all the work they’re doing out here, they should be making bank.”

“I’m not going to argue with that.”

“So, let’s say all of these farms are worth twenty million,” James said, turning his attention back to the map. “How can this Mark Nixon guy afford to buy all of them? That means he would have eighty million bucks available to throw at farms.”

“We don’t know for sure that he tried to buy the other two farms,” Jake reminded him.

“No,” James conceded. “I think it’s a good bet, though. Nothing on this map indicates there’s anything of worth about those farms beside the fact that they’re farms. What else could someone want that property for?”

Jake shrugged. “Mineral rights?”


“Maybe someone thinks there’s oil out there,” Jake suggested. “Maybe someone wants all four farms so they can build a mega-farm.”

“Or maybe Charlie’s death has nothing to do with this,” James countered. “I know your uncle is convinced that Mark Nixon is up to something nefarious – and without another suspect I don’t know where to focus – but would someone really kill an innocent man over a farm? There have to be hundreds of farms in Kansas. Why not pick another spot?”

“I don’t know,” Jake said, scratching the back of his neck as he studied the map. “We need Uncle Ben to go over this map with us. We’re stuck otherwise. Did you call Grady?”

“Yeah, my cell service is crap out here, by the way,” James said. “I had to go stand on the corner to get a decent signal. I was practically in the street. Grady is going to run an extensive search. I told him to call the main house if he gets something and can’t get me on the line. I explained about the cell service.”

“What did he say?”

“He laughed and made ‘mooing’ sounds.”

Jake snickered. “That sounds just like him,” he said. “How is everyone back home?”

“They’re fine. Grady likes being in charge of the office and Finn is fine letting him be in charge because he’s taken to watching Emma like she’s about to explode.”

As the youngest Hardy brother, Finn was used to his brothers bossing him around. Since his fiancée Emma got pregnant, though, he was more interested in her than anything else. Fatherhood was starting to press down on him, and he was convinced Emma was going to go into labor when he wasn’t around to help her.

“He’s just excited,” Jake said. “It’s a baby, man. Ally has been buying things for it for months. If it’s a boy, he’s going to have a lot of pretty dresses to wear.”

James laughed as he folded up the map. “Mandy has been buying geeky things. She got
Star Wars
Star Trek
, and

“Of course she did.”

“My parents are going to spoil this kid rotten, too,” James said. “Everyone is going to be looking at a change when we throw a baby into the mix.”

“Do you ever wish you and Mandy decided to have kids?”

“No,” James replied. “Mandy and I want to travel. We can spoil all the nieces and nephews, but we want to be able to take off whenever the mood strikes. You can’t do that with kids.”

“No,” Jake agreed. “Speaking of the women in our life, do you think we should go and get them? They’ve probably worn your credit card out.”

“I doubt they found anything they even liked,” James said. “It’s the country and they’re city girls. I’ll be surprised if they bought more than a few things.”


were saying?” Jake arched an eyebrow ten minutes later, crossing his arms over his chest as he surveyed an excited Mandy and Ally as they left the store.

They both wore completely new outfits – boots included – and they looked like they belonged in a stereotypical western sitcom. Jake could do nothing but shake his head.

“They look ridiculous.”

James watched his wife and sister happily chat as they strolled in their direction. He found the outfits adorable. “What do their shirts say?” He narrowed his eyes and barked out a laugh when he could make out the words. Mandy’s read “Kiss my grits” and Ally’s said “Sometimes sweet, always dangerous” and boasted two pistols. “I guess I was wrong about them finding stuff they liked.”

“Do you know how expensive those boots probably were?”

James shrugged. “I don’t care. Their smiles are worth every penny. Plus, I don’t care what you say, my baby’s legs look amazing in that skirt … and those boots are giving me ideas.”

Jake rolled his eyes. “You guys really are sick.”

“Are you saying you don’t find Ally adorable in that outfit?”

Jake wanted to deny it, but the more he watched Ally in her floral skirt, big hat, and huge smile, the more he couldn’t hide his pleasure. “Fine. She looks adorable. Hey … where are you going?”

“If I didn’t already adore that woman with every fiber of my being I would fall in love with her all over again at this exact moment.” James was already moving across the parking lot. “I’m doing what my wife asked me to do.”

“What did she ask you to do?”

James’ grin was so wide it split his entire face. “I’m going to kiss her grits.”

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