Deadly Desperados

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Authors: Lily Harper Hart

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Deadly Desperados


Hardy Brothers Security
Book Fifteen



Lily Harper Hart

Text copyright © 2015 Lily Harper Hart


“You can’t get out of bed until you tell me what I want to hear.”

Ally Hardy pushed her petal pink lips out into an adorable pout as she rested her head on her boyfriend Jake Harrison’s chest.

For his part, Jake was generally unflappable. He was used to Ally’s machinations and he knew exactly what she was looking for this morning. Since it was February – and cold – he had no interest in getting out of bed, so he decided playing her game would be more fun.

“Angel, you’re naked,” Jake said, patting her bare rear end for emphasis. “Not only are you naked, but you’re pressed up against me and I can see the snow falling on the other side of the window. Why would I possibly want to get out of this bed?”

Ally wrinkled her nose, tilting her head and letting her brown waves tumble over her shoulders. “You’re not playing the game right,” she insisted. “You’re supposed to tell me what I want to hear so you don’t have to undergo the strenuous torture I have in mind for you. You’re not supposed to want to stay in bed with me.”

Jake fought the mad urge to laugh as he studied Ally’s beautiful face. He couldn’t get enough of her. If someone told him a year before he would fall head-over-heels for his boss’s younger sister, he would’ve laughed for a few minutes, and then given that person a wide berth because they were clearly crazy. Somehow love erased all of that – including worries about his past and doubts about his future.

“Ally, it’s like two degrees outside,” Jake said, changing tactics. “You’re naked and offering to torture me with sex games. How is this even up for debate? Torture me, Angel.”

Ally sighed, frustrated. “Aren’t you going to tell me what I want to hear?”

“Will that make you torture me?”

“Maybe.” Ally’s brown eyes flashed with mischief. She didn’t want Jake to leave their bed any more than he wanted to go. Work was calling, but it was a slow week and James Hardy, Ally’s oldest brother, wouldn’t give him crap if he was late. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. Once James figured out why Jake was late – and the dirty things he was doing with Ally – then the eldest Hardy brother would have something snide to say. If past comments were any indication, James would go on and on about puking … or beating him up … or firing him. None of the threats ever came to fruition.

While James Hardy loved his baby sister and wanted to protect and rule her with an iron fist, he wanted her happy more than anything else. Jake still marveled at the fact that Ally managed to find happiness with him. He’d never been more content in his entire life, and the one thing he would protect beyond all else was Ally’s heart. That didn’t mean he didn’t like to torture her as much as she enjoyed torturing him.

“Fine, Ally,” Jake said, resigned. “I think you could totally win
America’s Next Top Model
if you tried out for the show.”

Jake had no idea what
America’s Next Top Model
was other than the show Ally talked about while watching television some nights. She mocked the models, she rolled her eyes when Tyra Banks made up new words, and she laughed like a crazy loon when one of the models cried because she was forced to get a haircut.

In his heart, Jake knew Ally didn’t really care about the television show. She had no inclination to be a model. She just liked it when Jake told her she was pretty. Ally’s ego needed very little goosing, but Jake was happy to do it when she wanted adoration.

“Thank you,” Ally said, rubbing her nose against Jake’s stubbled chin. She was always playful in the morning. While Jake’s favorite time of the day was when he cuddled up next to her at night, the sound of her steady breathing lulling him to sleep, he enjoyed her morning banter, too.

“Now you need to torture me,” Jake instructed. “I’ve earned it.”

Ally grinned, her bare face brightening. “Oh, I’m going to torture you. I’m going to … .” Ally moved her hand from Jake’s flat abdomen, teasing him with her fingers as she walked them around his sensitive inner thighs.

Jake sucked in a breath, enjoying her touch and trying hard not to shift his hips and force the situation before she was ready to take it to the next level. This was her game. He wanted her to win it for both of them. “Angel, you’re about to drive me crazy,” Jake admitted, gritting his teeth. “I … ugh … Ally!”

“What do you want me to do?” Ally whispered, dragging her tongue over Jake’s muscle-hardened chest. “Do you want me to … touch it?”

Jake licked his lips, narrowing his eyes as he met Ally’s challenging gaze. “Ally, if you keep this up … .”

Ally cut him off, refusing to let him get a full head of steam. “Do you want something else?” Ally prodded. “Do you maybe want … I don’t know … a little lick?”

“Oh, seriously, Ally,” Jake’s hips bounced off the mattress as Ally darted her tongue in his ear. He was going to make an early-morning spectacle of himself if he wasn’t careful – and not in a good way.

Ally’s fingernails brushed over Jake’s throbbing length, pushing him over the edge. As much as he wanted to let her play the game, he needed to take control so he could ensure they both enjoyed it before he lost his grip on his world-famous tolerance.

Jake grabbed Ally’s shoulders and flipped her over, relishing the way her chocolate eyes widened in surprise. He rolled on top of her, grabbing her wrists and pinning them to the pillow next to her head.

Ally was a beautiful woman no matter what time of day, but there was something so appealing about her when she was dressed down and without makeup. Jake absolutely loved her face. Of course, he loved her hair … her legs … her butt … oh, and he definitely loved her boobs, too.

“I think it’s my turn to torture you,” Jake announced, grinning as Ally tried to buck him off of her.

“You’re ruining my game, Jake,” she snapped. “I’m supposed to be in charge this morning.”

“Yes, well, you weren’t playing the right way and if we’re going to have time for this and breakfast before I have to go to the office, we need to speed things up.”

“You said that we should always take our time and I’m too impatient,” Ally challenged.

Jake leaned over and licked her neck. “Yes, well … I changed my mind this morning, Angel.” He rubbed his pelvis against her, causing her to moan. “I need you really badly right now.”

“Okay,” Ally said, giving in. “I’m going to expect extra foreplay tonight, though.”



do you want hash browns or corned beef hash?” Ally called down the hallway, furrowing her brow when he didn’t immediately answer.

After their morning delight, she showered first while Jake took a phone call from his sister. He didn’t appear particularly perturbed, so she didn’t press him on it. After climbing into comfortable yoga pants and a tank top – she was on vacation this week – she left Jake to get ready to go to the office while she set about making breakfast. She hadn’t heard a peep from him in what felt like forever.

Jake wasn’t known for being noisy. In fact, Ally sometimes forgot he’d even moved in with her because he could spend hours silently paging through a book in a corner without moving. Ally was the exact opposite. When she was in a room, people took notice. That was the way she liked it.

In a weird way, Jake balanced her. He was the first man to make her understand the virtues of quiet contemplation. That didn’t mean she liked going long stretches of time without attention, though.


Jake appeared in the hallway, dressed for work in his regular jeans and button-down shirt. Instead of the smile he’d boasted after making both of their mornings euphoric, he frowned as he moved in her direction.

Ally was instantly on alert. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing to freak out about, Angel,” Jake said, grabbing Ally’s hand to calm her as he tugged her toward the kitchen. “I can’t eat breakfast this morning, though. I need to get to the office and talk to your brother.”

“Is something wrong with your sister?” Ally still hadn’t met anyone from Jake’s family. She knew he was a private person – and he’d told her that his family was aware of her existence and the fact that they’d moved in together – but it still irked her that he refused to introduce her to his mother and sisters.

“My sister is fine,” Jake replied. “She’s buying a new car and asked if a Jeep Caravan was a good model for her.”

“So why are you so … weird?”

“I got a call from my uncle when I was in the bathroom,” Jake replied. “He’s had a bit of trouble and he needed some advice.”

Ally tilted her head to the side, her damp hair swinging. “Is this your uncle who lives in Kansas?”

Jake nodded. “Uncle Ben.”

Ally fought the urge to laugh, finally giving in and offering Jake a small smirk. “Does he like rice?”

“You’re cute, Angel, but I don’t have time to play the rice game again,” Jake said. There was no hint of playfulness to his tone, and Ally realized something really was wrong.

“I don’t understand,” she admitted finally. “What’s wrong with your uncle?”

Jake rubbed the back of his neck as he shifted, giving Ally the distinct impression he was deciding how much he should tell her. That realization bothered her more than the fact that she still hadn’t met his family.

“You don’t have to tell me what’s going on,” Ally said, her voice cold as he turned back toward the kitchen. “It’s none of my business.”

Jake sighed as he watched her stalk away from him. He knew every nuance and expression. She was hurt. He hated that. “That’s not what I was doing, Ally,” he said, following her into the kitchen. “I was trying to decide where to start the story.”

“I’ve found the beginning always works best,” Ally replied, her tone clipped.

“I don’t have time for a long story right now, Angel,” Jake said. “I … I have to go out of town for a few days.”

Jake cringed when Ally’s face twisted. He could see her mind working even though she was trying to hide her disappointment.

“Oh,” Ally said, scratching her cheek. “You need to go and visit your uncle?”

“He’s having some trouble on his ranch,” Jake explained. “Someone has been … messing with him.”

“I don’t understand what that means.”

“Some of the horses have gone missing,” Jake volunteered. “One of the fence posts got knocked down and allowed the cows to wander all over his neighbor’s property. Someone has been leaving threatening notes on his front porch.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” Ally said, switching gears. “What does he want you to do?”

“He’s convinced that some land developer who is interested in buying the property is trying to gaslight him,” Jake said. “I’m worried he’s going to cause a scene – or do something stupid and get arrested. He’s threatening to go to this guy’s office and pull a gun on him.”


Jake tugged on his limited patience. “Ally, he’s my favorite uncle,” he said. “You know it’s just been my mother, sisters, and me since my father died. He’s the closest thing I have to father. He always went out of his way to take care of me when I was a kid. I … owe him.”

“Then you should go to him,” Ally suggested, forcing a tight smile. “I know you love him, Jake. He’s your family. When family is in trouble you have to do what you can to take care of them.”

Jake arched a dubious eyebrow. “Really? You’re not going to make a fuss about this?”

“Do I ever make a fuss when you go and visit your family?” Ally asked.
Without me,
she silently added.

“No,” Jake hedged. “It’s just … we don’t generally spend nights apart. In fact, we haven’t spent a single night apart since I moved in. I thought this would upset you.”

“I’m not a child, Jake,” Ally argued. “I understand responsibility and loyalty. Those are two of the reasons I love you. I would never try to keep you from your family.”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it, Angel,” Jake said, his tone softening. “I don’t want to leave you, Ally, but this is something I feel I need to do.”

“Then you should do it,” Ally replied. “I’m not putting on an act, Jake. I understand why you need to go. I’m not going to pretend I’m not going to miss you, but I would never try to stand between you and your family. I hope you know that.”

Jake tugged Ally’s arm and pulled her in for a hug, dropping a soft kiss on her mouth before releasing her. “Thank you for understanding,” he said. “I have to go into the office and talk to James. I’m going to need some time off.

“Then I have to come back here and pack,” he continued. “I’m hoping to catch a plane out of here first thing tomorrow morning, so we’ll still have time for a nice dinner and all the foreplay you want between now and then.”

Ally smirked. “Do I get to be the boss?”

“Aren’t you always?”

Ally’s smile fell. “I wasn’t this morning.”

“Well, fine,” Jake said, giving in. “You can be the boss. I’ll even take you out to Olive Garden and let you stuff your face with all the Seafood Alfredo you can shake a breadstick at before I foreplay your ass off.”

Ally brightened. “That sounds fun.”

“I thought it would.” Jake leaned in and gave her another kiss. “I shouldn’t be gone long. I have a few things to finish up at the office and then the rest of the day is for you.”

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