Deadly Desperados (13 page)

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Authors: Lily Harper Hart

BOOK: Deadly Desperados
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James fought to keep his face straight regarding the “boobs” comment. “I’m not surprised. They were pretty distant with each other last night.”

“I also know he thinks he’s going to get his hands on the Dawkins place,” Fern added. “He was telling anyone who would listen that he was going to buy it.”

Jake leaned forward. “When was this?”

“Breakfast yesterday,” Fern answered. “I remember because I had to come in for a rare morning shift when Shirley got sick.”

“Are you sure?”

Fern nodded.

“Well, I guess that act he put on when we told him Charlie was dead was just as we suspected,” James said. “I knew he was putting on a show.”

“Now we just have to figure out why he’s really here,” Jake said. “We’re missing something.”

“We are,” James agreed. “I hate that feeling.”

“Join the club.”


you happy now that you washed the grits taste out of your mouth without an audience?” Mandy asked, holding the restroom door open so Ally could walk out ahead of her.

“You could’ve warned me,” Ally complained.

“I did.”

“You could’ve done a better job of it,” Ally shot back.

Mandy sighed. “You only had one bite,” she said. “I’m sure you won’t die from it.”

“My tongue tastes like I’ve been licking feet,” Ally countered. “Don’t ever let me eat gross food again.”

“I’ll do my best,” Mandy deadpanned, her eyes traveling to the couple sitting in the far corner of the dining room. The diner was split into two different rooms, with the homier coffee shop area toward the front and the more formal dining room off to the right.

When they first walked into the dining room Mandy and Ally had their heads bent together so they weren’t paying attention to the other guests. If they had been paying attention, they would’ve noticed Mark Nixon sitting in the corner with a comely brunette.

“What are you looking at?” Ally asked. She followed Mandy’s gaze, her mouth dropping open when Mark kissed the woman’s hand. “He has no shame.”

“It’s no wonder his wife is so depressed,” Mandy said, digging into her pocket and retrieving her cell phone.

“What are you doing?”

“I think James and Jake are going to want to see this, and a picture is worth more than words right now,” Mandy said, lining her shot up and snapping it. Mark and his date didn’t even look in their direction. “Come on. I’m starving and I want to get out of here so I can get my gift.”

“What do you think it is?”

“I have no idea, but after all of that manipulation, it had better be good.”


“Ally, do you know where my toothbrush went?” Jake asked, walking into the main cabin a few hours later. He was damp from a shower, only a towel hanging off his narrow hips as he maneuvered into the room. “I … .”

Whatever he was about to say died on his lips when he got a gander at Ally. She sat in the armchair in the middle of the room, reclining so her legs were stretched out in front of her and crossed at the ankles. She was naked – except for the cowboy hat she bought a few days before.

“What are you doing, Angel?” Jake asked, his body already reacting to the sight of her. “I’m not complaining, mind you, but … .” He licked his lips. “I wasn’t sure when you first bought the hat, but I’m a big fan now.”

Ally smiled. “You promised me a Valentine’s Day preview at dinner,” she said, grinning widely. “I’m here to collect, pardner.”

“I see.” Jake dropped the towel from around his waist, revealing his full erection. “What did you have in mind?”

“That’s a nice start,” Ally said, uncrossing her ankles and widening her stance on the chair.

“I see you’re still manipulating me,” Jake said, moving closer. “The problem you have is that I happen to like this kind of manipulation. I’m not your brother – which is probably something that didn’t need clarification for this particular conversation – but I kind of enjoy the cute games you play when this sort of stuff comes up.”

“Speaking of coming up,” Ally said, eyeing his groin area.

“Angel, I think we’re going to play a special game tonight just the two of us,” Jake said, planting his arms on either side of Ally and wedging himself between her knees. “I’m going to be the horse, and you’re going to be the cowgirl of my dreams.”

Ally tilted her hat back so she could see Jake’s face more clearly. “You looked really hot on the horse today.”

“And you looked adorable,” Jake replied, taking a moment to be sincere. “I love seeing you smile like that, Angel.”

“I love seeing you smile, too,” Ally said. “That’s why I’m going to … .”

Jake cried out, surprised when Ally dipped her head lower and sucked his erection into her mouth. She usually gave him more notice when that was coming. Jake moved his hands to Ally’s head to balance himself, inadvertently knocking the hat off. She didn’t even notice, instead swallowing more of him as he tangled his fingers into her hair.

“Oh, Ally.”

Jake’s hips rocked as he clutched Ally’s head, her hands snaking behind him to grab onto his muscled rear end. It didn’t take long, the surprise seduction serving as more foreplay than Jake needed, and he was orgasming into her mouth before he could slow himself.

Jake’s breathing was ragged as he came down from his high, his hand softly petting Ally’s head as she removed her mouth from him. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” she said with a grin.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Angel,” Jake said, pushing her back on the chair. He knelt in front of her, lifting her thighs so he could rest her legs over his shoulders. He blew out a hot breath on her core, causing her to squirm. “Now I think it’s time you got a gift.”

Ally affectionately tugged on a hank of his hair. “You’re my gift. I don’t need anything else.”

Jake’s heart flipped as raw emotion flowed through him. He would never need anything but her. “You’re still getting something,” Jake growled, kissing her inner thigh and sending a million sensuous sparks through her body. Jake dragged his tongue over her silky skin, forcing her thighs wider when he got to his destination.

He extended his tongue, flicking it out experimentally and causing Ally to moan. Jake gripped her thighs tighter. She was sensitive and he didn’t want her wriggling away from him. He licked her again, flattening his tongue and attacking her with gusto. He sucked her clitoris into his mouth, loving the way she writhed at his ministrations.


She bucked as she orgasmed, Jake holding her against his mouth until he was sure she was done. Then, with little preamble, he kept her legs over his shoulders as he climbed up her body.

He pressed his lips to hers, not giving her a chance to recover before surging inside, her warm core welcoming him.

Ally moaned into his mouth when he gained entry, her hands clasping around his neck as he began to thrust. They couldn’t get enough of each other, and even though their position was one where Ally couldn’t shift, she managed to make her feelings known as she dug her fingernails into his back.

Jake pummeled her with his intensity, loving the ways her eyes rolled back in her head as her second orgasm approached. Nothing in the world would ever make him give this up. It wasn’t just the sex – although that was phenomenal – it was the emotion tied to the sex.

He was going to marry this woman. She was going to be the mother of his children. She was his … forever.

They cried out in unison when their second orgasms hit, Jake tugging Ally closer as he released her thighs so she could be more comfortable. Instead of lowering her legs to the ground, though, Ally wrapped them around his waist and pulled him to her chest.

“I love you, Angel,” Jake whispered.

“You’re the best Valentine’s Day present ever,” Ally murmured.

“Oh, Ally, you haven’t seen anything yet.”


are you doing?” James asked, glancing up from the laptop when he saw Mandy loitering next to the bathroom door. She had a funny expression on her face, and it wasn’t one that hinted at sex. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong,” Mandy said, moving her hands in front of her as she stepped into the room. That’s when James noticed the wrapped gift in her hand.

“Is that your hint that you want your present?” James asked, grinning. “Give me a second. I need to check in with Grady. They found a figure on the camera, but it’s too dark to make out any features. Maverick is trying to clean it up.”


James focused on his task, but he couldn’t help noticing Mandy as she shifted. She kept hopping from one foot to the other. She was nervous. Finally, James snapped the laptop shut and turned to his wife. “You’re worrying me, Mandy. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong,” Mandy replied. “I want to give you your Valentine’s Day gift now.”

“You can have one of your gifts without giving me mine,” James said. “I can wait until tomorrow.”

“I don’t need a gift.”

James cocked a challenging eyebrow.

“I really don’t,” Mandy said, shuffling into the room. “After we went overboard at Christmas, I realized that gifts are nice but not necessary. My best Christmas gift was being able to spend the entire day with you without any interruptions or distractions.”

“I gave you a fifty-thousand-dollar arboretum for Christmas,” James reminded her. “I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m hoping you’re going to love the addition as much as you loved our time together.”

“No, I love the arboretum,” Mandy said, edging closer. “Don’t think I don’t love it.”

“What’s wrong?” James repeated, confused. “I’m starting to get nervous.”

Mandy handed the gift to him. “I didn’t buy you anything for Valentine’s Day.”

“That’s okay,” James said, eyeing the package curiously. “I don’t need anything. Just out of curiosity, though, what is this?”

“I made it.”

“Oh,” James said, understanding dawning. She wasn’t upset. She’d made something artistic for him and she was worried he wouldn’t like it. “Baby, whatever this is, I’m sure I’m going to love it. Let me get your gift.” He moved to get out of the chair, but Mandy stopped him.

“I need you to open that first,” Mandy said. “Whatever you got me is going to be thoughtful and I’m going to love it. I want you to have that first.”

“This is important to you, isn’t it?”

Mandy nodded.

“Okay,” James said, settling back in the chair. “You need to come here first.”


“Because you’re going to sit on my lap when I open this,” James replied. “You’re a ball of nerves. I’m telling you right now that I’m going to love this. I need you to calm yourself and sit here.” James patted his lap.

Mandy closed the distance between them and rested on the arm of the chair, placing her feet between his legs and watching him expectantly. It wasn’t exactly what James wanted, but he realized she picked that spot so she could watch him without giving him a chance to hide any dislike or disappointment. “Open it.”

James had no idea what was in the package. He knew Mandy was gifted – even if she was still struggling to believe it herself – but whatever this was had her in a panic. James ran his hand over her back to reassure her and then ripped open the package.

The item inside mesmerized him. “What … ?”

“It’s a special board I got,” Mandy explained. “I took some things from our past and kind of decoupaged them into a project. I … it’s stupid. I should have bought you something.”

“Shut your mouth, wife,” James scolded, studying the myriad of things on display. “Where did you get this photo of us when we were kids?”

The photo in question was an old one. The snapshot showed a smiling James. He looked about eighteen years old and he had his arm slung around fourteen-year-old Mandy’s neck. It was a totally innocent photo, and yet it made his heart roll.

“Your mom sent it to me,” Mandy explained. “It’s the only one of just the two of us back then. I know that you didn’t feel anything for me then, but … .”

“Baby, I felt something for you back then,” James clarified. “I can’t say that I loved you because … it’s gross and creepy … but I always cared about you. I love this photo. I like that you paired it with my favorite wedding photo, too.”

Mandy pressed her lips together.

James ran his fingers over the lacquer finish. “What’s this in the center?”

“It’s from the cover of one of my old notebooks,” Mandy replied. “I used to doodle your name on them. You said a few months ago that you wanted them. I … kind of used one for my project.”

James chuckled. He couldn’t help himself. There, her teenage cursive flowery and spotted with little hearts in every direction, was a prophecy that came true. “You doodled ‘Mrs. James Hardy’ when you were fourteen years old,” he said. “It came true, baby.”

“I … do you like it? If you don’t you can tell me. I’ll buy you something. In fact … .” Mandy reached for the gift, planning on taking it away from him and tossing it in the trash out of embarrassment.

James jerked the plaque away from her. “This is mine,” he scolded. “You can’t take it back. You already gave it to me.”

“But it’s stupid.”

“It’s not stupid,” James countered. “Other than your very existence, this is the best thing I’ve ever gotten.”

“Really?” Mandy’s eyes were shiny.

James jerked her down so she was fully on his lap, wrapping his arms around her and settling the plaque on her chest so he could study it in more depth. He pressed a kiss to her cheek, his eyes busy as he glanced around at everything else she’d included on the plaque.

“You really went all out,” he said finally. “You’ve got one of our wedding invitations on here. I see some of the stationary you got when we were on our honeymoon, too. What’s this flower from? I don’t remember ever giving you daisies.”

“You gave me one daisy one time,” Mandy said, her eyes landing on the yellowed flower.


“When I was fourteen I was upset one day and I was crying in your front yard,” Mandy said. “You didn’t know what to do, so you picked a flower from your mom’s garden and gave it to me. I pressed it into a book when I got home that night. Do you want to know why I was crying?”

“I … .”

“I had just found out you were leaving because you joined the military,” Mandy said, not giving him a chance to answer. “You gave me that flower to make me feel better even though you had no idea why I was so upset.”

“And you kept it for twelve years?”

“I thought it was the only thing you would ever give me,” Mandy admitted. “It was my favorite thing ever until you gave me another gift.”

“What gift?” James was floored. He knew Mandy had a crush on him back in the day, but for her to keep something he didn’t even remember giving her was flabbergasting.

“You gave me your love.”

“Oh, baby,” James clutched Mandy closer, gingerly placing the plaque on the table next to his laptop so he could use both arms. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “You’re my best gift ever. Every single day I thank whatever power is up above that you came into my life. I don’t know how I lived before you. I know that I can’t ever live without you, though.”

“Are you sure you like it?”

James sighed. “Mandy, I love it. Now I have to get you a bigger Valentine’s Day gift, though. Mine really sucks in comparison.”

When Mandy finally got up the courage to meet his gaze, she found his dark eyes swimming with tears. “Why are you crying?”

“Because I love you so much it overwhelms me sometimes,” James replied. “What you just gave me is more than a gift, baby. It’s our lives and our promise of forever. Don’t you understand that?”

“I … .”

James shushed her with a kiss, holding her close and rocking her until they were both calmer and more controlled. James finally pulled back and studied her. “Well, since my Valentine’s Day gift is going to be a bust, I think I need to wow you with sex so you forget.”

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