Read Deadly Chase Online

Authors: Wendy Davy

Tags: #FIC042040 - FICTION / Christian / Romance

Deadly Chase (14 page)

BOOK: Deadly Chase
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Chase crossed the room and sank onto the sofa.

Sierra followed, kneeling before him. The cool tile hurt her knees, but she welcomed the distraction. “Chase?”

He slipped his fingers inside the envelope and withdrew a small round object.

Sierra’s heart nearly stopped—she immediately recognized the smooth rock. “It’s Kevin’s worry stone.”

“No.” Chase’s voice was barely audible. “It’s Amber’s.” He held the memento in his palm, curling shaking fingers around it until his knuckles cracked.

“We knew he had it, but why did he leave it for you?”

“That’s a question I’d like an answer to.” Chase checked the envelope, lifted out a piece of paper and read it. Anguish skittered across his face, and he squeezed his eyes shut as he let out a low, guttural groan. His nostrils flared as he drew in several deep, uneven breaths.

When he finally looked at Sierra, his dangerous gaze spiked her fear. “Chase, you’re scaring me.”

Moments passed before Chase turned the note.

Sierra read the words. Her vision narrowed. All she could see were the bold strokes of Kevin’s lettering:
Amber used her last breath to speak your name, Detective Price. It was a waste of energy if you ask me. Nevertheless, I imagine Sierra will do the same as I take her life. Think you can stop me? Come and get me. Seattle. Three days.

The admission of guilt stunned Sierra—not that she’d had much doubt Kevin was responsible for Amber’s death, but this was proof positive. Nausea rose. She was going to be sick. She covered her mouth and scrambled to her feet, praying she’d make it to the bathroom in time.



Chase swallowed the bile rising in his throat, but it refused to budge. Had Amber really said his name as she died? Or, had Eason made it up to pour salt on raw wounds. Either way, Chase now had written proof—the evidence he’d been waiting so long for. But, the relief he’d expected evaded him. With Sierra’s life still in the balance, this was far from over.

When Sierra emerged from the bathroom, she looked deathly pale.

Chase stood. “Are you all right?”

As if she didn’t hear him, she picked up her satchel and then returned to the bathroom. Moments later, the shower started.

Chase hoped the steaming hot water would revive her, and instill some color back into her cheeks. He didn’t like how fragile she looked, or how vulnerable. Eason’s note had knocked the fight right out of her.

He sank onto the sofa. Over the years, he’d come across many criminals, but none he’d come so close to hating. Battling the natural desire to act on his emotions, he closed his eyes and prayed.

Lord, You tell us to pray for our enemies. You tell us not to hate. Look what Eason’s done. He’s taken Amber’s life. He’s threatening Sierra’s. How can I not despise him and wish him to the deepest, darkest recesses of the earth?

Chase waited, taking in slow, steady breaths. The rushing in his ears calmed, and each sound in the room became clear; a wind gust pressed against the sliding glass door, a clock ticked, the shower continued to run.

I know You have an answer, please tell me.
He’d never come so close to the edge of losing control, and he couldn’t afford to now; not when Sierra needed him so desperately. He had a responsibility to her and to his family. Battling thoughts of violence toward Eason, Chase clutched the sofa’s pillows and kept his eyes closed.

Obey Me.

The words, spoken so softly into his heart, caused Chase to open his eyes and sit upright. As if a shroud had been lifted, he saw clearly for the first time since reading Eason’s note. Had he not just asked Sierra to obey him out of concern and love? He’d only wanted to protect her. What if God’s motivations were the same?

Lord, I turned my back on you, thank You for not doing the same to me. Forgive me, Father. Help me not to allow hatred to blind my reasoning. Help me restore my faith and follow You.

God’s love spread over Chase, filling him with a sense of peace and understanding. God loved him, and no one and nothing would ever change that fact. Encouraged, he stood, still grasping Eason’s note, and read it again.

“Do I think I can stop you, Eason?” Chase carefully folded the note and placed it inside his black bag. “You just wait and see.”

The bathroom door swung open, and steam rushed out along with Sierra. Although her cheeks had ripened into a pink tinge, her eyes were red and swollen. She avoided his gaze, as if she didn’t want him to notice she’d been crying.

“I’ll get my things together.” Her voice sounded hollow, as if she’d accepted her fate lay in the hands of a cold, merciless killer.

Chase took two quick strides to reach her. His head had begun to throb again, and his arm felt as if it was on fire, but his pain was the least of his worries as he took Sierra gently by the shoulders. “I won’t let him hurt you.”

She stilled, and slowly lifted her gaze. “If he does—”

A fierce sense of protectiveness stole through him. “He won’t.”

he does, I don’t want you to blame yourself.”

“You’ll be safe with my parents and Jake, while I find Eason.” He allowed himself to think of no other option.

“Even if I did agree to stay there, it would place your parents at risk.”

“Eason won’t know you’re there.”

“And what are you going to do? Three days is a lot of time for Kevin to come up with something devious. Don’t underestimate him.”

“I don’t plan on it. I’m not waiting three days. We’ll catch tonight’s flight. I’ll get you settled with my parents and ask Jake to come over. With any luck, I’ll get to Eason long before he has a chance to carry out his plans.”

“Are you forgetting your injury? You need time to heal. What if—”

“We’ll never get anything accomplished as long as we sit around thinking of all the things that could go wrong.”

“That’s just it. I don’t want to sit around. I want to help.”

Chase expelled a deep breath and wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her close. Her sweet scent surrounded him, and he nearly lost his senses. “If you really want to help”—resting his forehead against hers, he closed his eyes—”stay alive.”







It had taken the entire flight from Virginia to Washington State for Sierra to absorb the depth of Chase’s emotional plea. The raw desperation in his voice had her believing there was more to his feelings than he wanted to admit. If she did as he asked and stayed out of sight, Kevin could very well be arrested without her involvement, but would Chase be in greater danger if he faced Kevin alone?

Sierra nipped her lower lip as indecision weighed heavily on her shoulders. She didn’t know if she could stay in hiding and hope for the best while Chase risked his life. Every fiber of her being rebelled at the thought. Chase had helped her, and when the time came, she wanted to return the favor.

Instead of giving herself an ulcer from worrying about an uncertain future, Sierra concentrated on the scenery as Chase drove into town. Snow capped the distant Cascade Mountains, and lush trees and rolling hills greeted them as they crossed over a narrow covered bridge.

“Granite Falls. Population 3,200.” Sierra read the welcome sign. “This place looks like it belongs on a postcard.” Mushrooms and mosses covered some areas, and rocks protruded from gurgling streams. White flowering trees decorated the mountainside. “Do you know what kind of trees those are?” She pointed out the window.

“Mountain Ash. They bloom in the spring. In the summer, they grow flame-red fruit that the birds love. In the fall the leaves turn bright orange and purple.” Chase seemed pleased by her interest.

“Sounds majestic. Everything is so beautiful here. Why did you leave?” Sierra cracked open the passenger side window to catch the floral scents.

He eased his full-sized truck around a bend and a few small businesses came into view. “I wanted see what was out there, and to get a feel for big city life.”

“Did you?”

“And then some.”

“Are you glad you moved?”

“Sometimes.” He cast a quick glance at her. “But, this place will always feel like home no matter how long I’ve been gone. I plan to move back soon.”

They passed by an old garage and an ancient general store. The quaint streets looked well-kept, clean and welcoming. “I can’t imagine they’d have many homicides here.”

“They don’t. There hasn’t been a homicide in Granite Falls for several years. Burglary and theft are the most common crimes.”

“Seems tame for a big city detective like you.”

“Tame hasn’t sounded bad in quite some time. I know about everyone on the police force here, so transferring wouldn’t be a problem.”

“Sounds like you’ve thought a lot about it.”

“I have. I’d like to be closer to my folks as they get older. Maybe settle down and start a family.”

The thought of Chase as a husband sent an unexpected longing through her, and the fact he wanted to look out for his parents gave him bonus points. She could fall for a guy like him if she wasn’t careful. Then again, it might already be too late.

“It’s a wonder some lucky woman hasn’t snatched you off the market already.” Sierra bit her tongue. She hadn’t meant to speak her thoughts. She dared peek at Chase. A slight curve rounded his lips, and her face heated ten degrees.

woman?” His gaze darted to her, then back to the road. “You make me sound like a good catch.”

Sierra cleared her throat. “Well, you’re…”
Handsome. Reliable. Trusthworthy
. As she thought of ways to describe him, her heart floundered. Chase was the real deal, and he’d shown more than a passing interest in her. The thought of dating him sent excitement coursing through her. But, before she gushed over him like a school girl, she reigned herself in. “So, why haven’t you moved back yet?”

Chase sobered and flexed his hands, the atmosphere inside the cab instantly changed. “Seattle has jurisdiction over my sister’s case.”

The picture-perfect town she’d been admiring dimmed as a cloud passed over the sun, casting shadows across the earth. “So you’ll put your life on hold no matter how long it takes?”

“No matter how long.” He confirmed. “I owe it to Amber.”

Sierra admired his loyalty, and his determination. Apparently, when Chase chose to love someone, he loved with his whole heart. Warmth infused her as she wondered what it would be like to be his—to spend a lifetime being loved by him. Before her fanciful ideas took root, she returned her focus to reality—Kevin stood between her and hopes for any kind of a future.

Sierra nipped her lower lip. “If Kevin is arrested, do you think the evidence will hold?”

Chase slowed the truck and pulled to the roadside. “
Eason is arrested, I will make sure he never sees the light of day again.”

“I hope you’re right.”

Chase propped his elbow on the door, and then scanned their surroundings. “I see Amber everywhere.” He pointed to a ball field encompassing a great deal of land. “Granite Falls High School is on the other side of that field. She was a cheerleader for a few years. Jake and I had graduated by the time she went there, but I remember going back for football games now and then to support her.”

“And to keep the boys away, right?”

A small smile escaped, lightening his features. “On occasion.”

“Do the memories make you feel closer to her?”

Chase smoothed his fingers through his hair. “Sometimes.”

His quiet, reminiscent voice brought tears to Sierra’s eyes. “I’m so sorry, Chase.”

His gaze settled on her. “Me too.”

Sierra swallowed and instinctively raised a hand to her throat. Why had God allowed Amber to pass on, while sparing her? “I don’t understand why things happen the way they do.”

Chase took in a deep breath and shifted back onto the road. “That makes two of us.”

Anxiety crept in as they headed into the countryside. “Are you sure your parents don’t mind me coming?”

“Not at all. It’ll probably be good for Mom to have another woman to talk to. She’s closed herself off for so long.”

“What should I do if she asks me about Kevin?” Sierra didn’t know if she could accurately explain how he’d used his charm and intellect to disguise his true intentions, and how he’d probably done the same with Amber.

“If Mom asks, tell her.”

Sierra shook her head. “You make it sound simple.”

“It can be. Be honest. Be yourself.”

“I don’t want to hurt your mom. What if—”

Chase took her hand. His warmth and strength surrounded her fingers as he laced them with his. “It’s going to be all right, Sierra.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but when his thumb caressed the back of her hand, in a slow, circular pattern, she couldn’t speak. His touch, smooth and considerate, acted like a soothing balm on her battered emotions. She squeezed his hand, thankful he’d seen her need and filled it.

Ten minutes later, he turned into a long graveled drive and braked in front of a white two-story house. Empty flower pots adorned a wraparound porch, and vines crept along banisters. Decaying leaves and debris filled gutters, and a long tree branch poked at a window screen.

“Dad used to keep the place up, but since Amber’s been gone, nothing’s the same.” Chase shut off the engine, taking in the house’s exterior.

It never will be the same again
. Sierra kept the all too familiar thought to herself. Disturbing as it may be, she had a lot in common with Chase’s family. All of their lives had been changed forever by one man. “Did your parents meet Kevin when Amber was dating him?”

“A few times. I think it made things worse later on. Dad thought the guy was good for Amber. Mom did, too.”

“What did you think of him?”

“At the time, I thought he was all right.” A muscle in his jaw twitched and his features took on a haunted look. “Thinking back, there were a few things that should’ve tipped me off.”

“Like what?”

Chase released her hand and smoothed his palms over his jeans. “It wasn’t so much what he said or did, as the look in his eyes when he thought no one was watching. He had a sense of possessiveness about him. It was hard to place at the time.”

BOOK: Deadly Chase
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