Dawn of a New Age (7 page)

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Authors: Rick Bentsen

BOOK: Dawn of a New Age
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And good luck,
she thought.




Duterius Prime

Outside the Capitol Building


K’Alan fought back the tears as the fighter landed near the rubble that used to be the Capitol Building.  There was no time to let the worry about K’Itea get to him.  He had a job to do.  Readying himself for the task at hand, he pulled his energy bow off its charger and attached it to his belt.  He clipped a couple extra power cells and growled impatiently as he waited for the engines to cycle down and the hatch to open.

“Maybe she wasn’t here, Kal,” Mario looked over at him.

“She was here.  This would be the only place she’d be during a planet-wide emergency.”

“Can you still sense her?”

K’Alan closed his eyes and focused on the bond he shared with K’Itea.  “Barely,” he said after a moment.  He hopped out of the fighter.  “We’ve got to hurry.  I don’t know how long she can hold out.”

“We’ll make it, Kal,” Mario said softly.  “We’ll make it.”




SLS White Knight



Captain Ker’sal smiled as she walked into the medbay.  When she had visited medbay earlier, it had been just her and Jewel, but now there was a bustle of activity, as a full complement of doctors and nurses prepared for the influx of casualties.

“What can I do for you, Captain?” a nurse asked as she hurried by.

“I was just checking on the ready status of medbay.”

“We’re just about ready,” Jewel appeared out of nowhere.  “This is probably the best crew I could have hoped for.  The only reason it took so long to get ready was that some of the equipment hadn’t been unpacked yet.”

“Kath reports that the first shuttle of casualties just launched from the planet.  That gives you about fifteen minutes before they get on board.”

“Understood.  We’ll be ready.”




Duterius Prime

The Capitol Building


K’Alan and Mario moved along a ruined corridor towards the command center of the Capitol Building.

“Do you know where you’re going, Kal?” Mario asked, grunting as he nearly tripped over a pile of rubble.

“Nope.  But I figure that this is the best place for us to look.”

“I hope that this room is better than the others we’ve already been through.”

“I know what you mean, Mario,” K’Alan looked back at his friend.

So far they’d been through about fifteen rooms, but they hadn’t found any survivors.  Still, K’Alan clung to the belief that Kit was still alive.  He could still feel the bond he had with her.  As long as he continued to feel that bond, he knew he would move mountains to find her.

They carefully entered the command center.  K’Alan almost tripped over a body right as they entered the room.  The body, that of an elder Duterian male, groaned, and K’Alan knelt down next to him.  Although it had been many years since he had seen the old man, he recognized him immediately, even though the old man’s face was a mask of blood.

“J’Anai?  J’Anai Sirrus?”

“K’Alan, my boy?” J’Anai asked weakly.  “Is that really you?”

“Yes, old friend, it’s me.  Mario, call for a shuttle.  We’ve got a survivor here.”

“Do not waste your energy on saving me, K’Alan,” J’Anai rasped.  “I don’t think I’d survive the journey back to your ship.  The council….” J’Anai broke off into a fit of coughing.

“Take it easy, J’Anai.  Try to conserve your energy,” K’Alan soothed.  “Do you know where Kit and the Council of Elders are?”

“In the bunker located through the door behind the throne.  Now go.  Save them.  Leave me to die.”  Still serving the Duterian people with his last breath, J’Anai Sirrus was no more.

“You’re not giving up that easy, J’Anai.  You always taught Kit and I never to give up.  Don’t give up on me now.”  K’Alan tried in vain to start the old man’s heart.  Mario put his hand on his friend’s shoulder and shook his head.

“K’Alan, he’s gone,” Mario whispered.  “There’s nothing you can do for him.  We have to go look for Kit.”

“You’re right, Mario,” K’Alan said, slowly getting to his feet.  “It’s just that J’Anai was so good to Kit and me.”

“I know.  J’Anai was a good man.  But Kit has to be your priority, Kal.  She needs you.”

The two men slowly made their way to the throne room.  Mario looked around, making sure the area was secure while K’Alan looked for the door to the bunker that J’Anai had mentioned.

“K’Alan?” a woman’s voice called from the shadows near the throne.  A young woman came from the shadows and ran to hug K’Alan.

“S’Era?  It’s good to see you!”

“Not as good as it is to see you, brother.”

“Where’s Kit?” K’Alan asked, a sense of urgency in his voice.

“She’s in the bunker.  She’s in bad shape though.  You’re going to have to hurry.”

“As soon as we get a clear picture of the casualties, I’ll get a shuttle down here,” Mario said.

“S’Era, how many people are down there?”

“Counting me?  Thirty-three,” she said sadly.

“J’Anai is dead. We found him in the control room.”

“He was trying to bring the planetary defenses back online.  He wouldn’t let anyone drag him to the bunker.”

“Take me to Kit, S’Era,” K’Alan said, doing his best to hide his fear and worry from his sister.

“Follow me, brother.”

S’Era led them behind the throne to a steel door.  Mario and K’Alan helped pull the door open.  S’Era took the lead with Mario and K’Alan following behind.

“I forgot how pretty your sister is, Kal,” Mario grinned.

“Stow it, flyboy.  She’s still my sister.”

They followed S’Era down a long gently sloping passageway to a large concrete room.  There was a group of people sitting off to one side and a couple injured people lying around. Kit was lying on her back with her eyes closed.  K’Alan walked over and knelt beside his fallen wife.  He put his hand gently on her face, happy to still feel her warmth.

“Don’t touch her!” an angry voice next to him growled.  He looked up to see a boy no older than ten staring at him.  “I said, don’t touch her.”

“Elam, that’s no way to talk to your father,” S’Era admonished.

K’Alan and Mario looked at each other briefly then K’Alan looked at his sister quizzically, a look of shock registering on his face.

“I’m a father?” he said.

Chapter 3




SLS White Knight

The Bridge


APTAIN, we’re receiving a transmission from Mario Bonetti.  They found a bunch of survivors and are requesting a shuttle,” Kath called from her station.

“Launch a shuttle immediately.  What are their conditions?” Thala asked coolly.

The communications officer listened as Mario relayed the casualty information.  “They have one very severe casualty.  They are requesting immediate triage for her.”

“Who is it?”

“It’s the High Gentlewoman, Captain.  She is unconscious and looks to have lost a lot of blood.  She is as stable as she can be to transport up to the ship, but she will need immediate medical attention.”

“Understood.  Tell them I’ll have Jewel herself take care of her.  If you need me, I’ll be in the medbay.  You have the conn, Kath.”

“Aye, ma’am.”




Duterius Prime

Capitol Building


K’Alan looked up as Mario returned to the shelter and headed over to where he was kneeling by K’Itea.  He closed the scanner he was looking at and put it back on his belt.

“What’s the news, Mario?”

“Kal, they’re sending a shuttle down now.  Captain said that Jewel will treat Kit immediately,” Mario said.

“I’ve got her stabilized enough to move her out of the shelter,” K’Alan grunted, tired from the effort he’d put in to save his wife.  “But she’s in bad shape.  We have to get her up to the White Knight quickly.”

“Understood.  We’ll get her there, buddy.”  Mario clapped him on the shoulder. He helped K’Alan to his feet, giving his friend a shoulder to lean on.

“All right everyone, listen up,” K’Alan shouted.  “A shuttle is on its way to bring us all back up to the White Knight.  I want a nice orderly exodus from this bunker.  The stronger people should help the injured along.  We’ll all make it through this.”

“What about the High Gentlewoman?” a voice called from the back.  “She’s our only hope.”

“Mario and I will personally get her to the shuttle.  Once she reaches the White Knight, she will receive care from the Chief Medtech herself.”

“Why should we trust you to help her?” the same voice called.  “You’re not known to any of us.  We cannot risk the High Gentlewoman to just anyone.”

“He is known to me.  You can trust him,” S’Era stood next to K’Alan and stared down the voice in the back.  “He is my brother.  And he is the husband of the High Gentlewoman. And anyone with him can be trusted too.”

“Thanks, S’Era,” K’Alan said quietly.  “Right now, all I want to do is just save as many of our people as we can.”

“Let’s move on out!” Mario called.




SLS White Knight



K’Alan hobbled into medbay on makeshift crutches ahead of the group of antigrav stretchers and other Duterians.  He hobbled over to an empty chair out of the way and sat down.  He winced as he landed in the chair.

“What happened to you?” Jewel asked, coming over to him.

“Rockslide.  Snapped my shin in half,” K’Alan winced as she touched his leg.  It’s set for now.  No need to bother with me for the moment.  Take care of the survivors first.  I’ll still be here when they’re all treated.”

“All right.”  She turned away and headed towards the group of stretchers.  “Which one is K’Itea Bryce?”

S’Era walked over to the antigrav stretcher that K’Itea was lying on.  She put her hand on the woman’s shoulder and closed her eyes.

“This is she,” S’Era said quietly.  She draped her arm around Elam.  “The child and I will go to our quarters now.  Please notify us when she wakes up.”

“And you are?” the doctor asked.

“My sister,” K’Alan croaked from where he was sitting.  “And do as she asks, please.  I have no desire to see S’Era angry.”

“Very well, as soon as she wakes, I’ll inform you and the Commander.”

“Thank you, Doctor,” S’Era smiled.  She led Elam out of the medbay.

“Doctor, would it be alright if I sat with her when you finished treating her?” K’Alan asked.

“Of course.  I’ll let you know.  Having her loved ones by her side can only help her recover.”

“Thank you.  I’ll be in my quarters.”




SLS White Knight

K’Alan Bryce’s Quarters


K’Alan winced as he turned on the lights in is quarters.  He sat down at his vidterminal and flicked it on.  He brought up his messages and selected the unread one that K’Itea had sent him earlier that day.

“Decode and display message.  Authorization: Bryce-one-one-oh-seven-gamma.  Password: Braga.”

“Decoding in process,” the computer droned.  “Estimate display in two minutes.”

K’Alan sighed as he waited.  He fidgeted nervously as the computer noiselessly set to its task.  He drummed his fingers on the edge of his desk.  It seemed like it was taking far longer than two minutes to decode the message.  Even though he knew what the message was about, he was impatient to get answers to some of his questions.

“Message decoded,” the computer announced finally.


The screen shimmered and changed to show K’Itea’s face.  He traced her cheek with his finger and had to fight tears, knowing she was lying in the medbay gravely injured.

“K’Alan, if you’re watching this message, then you’re obviously on your way to Duterius Prime.  Good.  I can’t wait to see you.

“But there’s something that you should know before you get here.  Something that neither S’Era nor I have told you until now.

“You have a son.

“His name is Elam Jarron Bryce.  He was born ten months after you were here last, eleven years ago.

“I should have told you years ago.  But I always felt that this was something best told to you in person.  And I didn’t want you to leave the Defense Force because of me.

“I hope you’re not too mad at me, although I’m afraid Elam might be more mad at you than you are at me.  And that’s the worst part.

“K’Alan, I love you.  I never meant for this to be hidden from you for so long.  I hope that you will forgive me.

“I’m sorry, my love.  I will talk to you when you land.  All my love.”

K’Alan shut off the vidterminal and slumped back in his chair, his breath escaping in a huff.  The message hadn’t answered any questions.  Now, he could only wait and get the answers he wanted from K’Itea.

He could only pray that she would awaken.


She was floating in a timeless, spaceless void.  Up was down and down was up.  She had no idea where she was, nor did she really care.  All she knew was that she was cold.  Why had K'Alan not come and saved her?  Was he even still alive?  For that matter, was she even still alive?

All questions pushed themselves out of her head, and she forced herself to stay awake.  She tried hard to keep herself calm, but it was not easy, because, as realization of what had happened set in, she became more and more afraid.  She remembered ordering everyone to the shelter.  She remembered the blast that set the ceiling crumbling, but after that, it was all black.

“K’Alan!” her mind screamed frantically.


It was a sunny day in the middle of the harvest season on Duterius Prime.  Two fifteen year old children ran hand in hand across a dijarin field in the Braga Valley province.  The boy had a picnic basket, and the girl carried a small blanket.  They laughed and ran without any care in the world.

“Kal, I’m so glad we were able to get away today,” the girl said to her companion.  “I’m not sure I could take another day of learning how to become a Gentlewoman.  It’s so boring.”

“I know.  J’Anai has been going nuts with both of our lessons lately.  I don’t think I could take another combat class either.  Tell you what.  For today, let’s forget about all of them.  Let’s just focus on us.”

“Sounds good to me!” Kit said.  “I’m hungry!”

The boy laughed as he spread out the blanket and gently laid out the food.  They ate and laughed for hours.  Eventually, the suns set, and the two children found themselves lying on their backs in each other’s arms.

“Someday, I wish I could travel among the stars,” Kit said, as the two watched the stars twinkle in the night sky.

“Someday, Kit, we’ll travel the stars together,” Kal smiled.

“I doubt it,” Kit sighed.  “Once I become a Gentlewoman, all my hopes of getting off of Duterius Prime for any length of time are gone.”

“Have faith, Kit.  I believe.”

“I hope you’re right, Kal.”

The two stayed like that for the entire night.


The Great Hall of Braga Valley was full of light from the large windows over looking the gardens.  The newly ascended Gentlewoman, K’Itea Alana Bilso, sat on the throne with a bored expression on her face.

“Your Excellency, there are two representatives from the Star League Defense Force here to see you,” J’Anai Sirrus said as he entered the main chamber.

“Show them in, J’Anai,” she whispered.

“At once, Excellency,” he bowed and left.

Moments later, he returned leading two men in uniform.  One was wearing a flight helmet, the other, a man wearing the rank insignia of Captain, was not.

“Ensign, I must ask you to remove your flight helmet,” K’Itea said.  “It is a measure of disrespect for the court to hide one’s face in my presence.”

“I’m sorry, Kit,” K’Alan said as he removed his helmet.  “I did not mean to offend.  I did mean to surprise you though.”

“Kal!” she shrieked as she bolted across the room into his arms.  “It’s so good to see you!”

“K’Itea Bilso, may I introduce Captain Thane Starlos, my commanding officer.  He refused to let me take leave unless he came with me.”

“I’ve always wanted to see Duterius Prime,” the captain bowed.  “I’ve head time and again of its endless beauty, and I’ve wanted to see for myself if what I have heard is true.”

“And what do you think, Captain?” K’Itea asked, a light smile playing across her face.

“I think that what certain people have told me about how beautiful this planet is can’t come close to the reality of its beauty,” Starlos smiled.  “It rivals my home planet of Earth as the most beautiful planet I’ve seen.”

“Well, I’m glad you approve,” K’Itea smiled.  “There is a dinner tonight.  I would like you to join us.  As a guest of K’Alan, you will be accorded the utmost respect.”

“I understand that you two are to be married,” Starlos said.  “I wish you both the best.”

“You are, of course, welcome to attend the wedding,” K’Itea smiled.  “A friend of K’Alan’s is a friend of mine.”

“Thank you, good lady.  I am honored.”

“I think I will take the rest of the day off.  J’Anai, see that Captain Starlos is given the best accommodations available.  When they have settled in, I think we four shall go on a picnic.”

“Would the Gentlewoman allow me the honor of a kiss?” K’Alan said formally, trying hard not to grin.

“Would the Ensign like a boot in the butt for being so formal with me?” K’Itea grinned.

K’Alan smiled and took Kit in his arms.  He held her tight and kissed her gently.

“I’ve missed you so much, Kit,” he whispered.

“And I’ve missed you.  Now go get settled.  I want to go on a picnic!”


The Great Hall was decorated with all manners of colors and banners.  Crowds of well wishers lined both sides of the main aisle and smiled as the two officers walked down the aisle in full dress uniform.

“I’ve never been to a Duterian wedding before,” Captain Starlos noted.

“They’re not too much different from an Earth wedding.  Well, there are some minor differences, of course.  But it’s not too different.”

“Fair enough.”

The two officers stood before the priest.  The priest wore long, elegant white robes.  He was very plain, his pale skin almost as white as his robes.

“Which one of you is the intended?” he intoned.

“I have that honor,” K’Alan said boldly.

“Have you proven yourself?” the priest asked.

“I have walked through fire and flood.  I have breathed where no air exists.  Through it all, my love remains.  I have conquered great giants.  I have helped the simple lion.  Through it all, my love remains,” K’Alan recited.  The words came easy to him.

“Then walk where there is light, my child. Take comfort in the one you shall share your life with.  Become one with her.”

“This I would gladly do,” K’Alan bowed.

“I see.  Where is this man’s betrothed?”

“I am here,” K’Itea called from the end of the aisle.

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