Davin's Quest (7 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General, #Human-Alien Encounters

BOOK: Davin's Quest
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“We have several cities, settlements and facilities all over this globe. I’m in the largest engineering facility.”

“Because you’re the Chief Engineer, right? Harry told me about that.”

“Yes. I’m working on the crystal deposits here and will be for many years to come, so I don’t know if my path will ever cross your brother’s, but I’d like to meet him someday.”




“I think he’d like that too. He has a hard time sometimes, being half-Alvian. I know the city life is hard on him, but Papa Caleb is there, so he’s not completely alone.”

They talked for a bit longer and she promised to call him back in a few days. After that, they set a time each week when she would call him. Eventually their calls became more frequent. Davin admitted to being lonely and she did too. With Harry spending most of his time in the alien city, she was missing her brother sorely. Davin helped her as much as she thought she helped him during the lonely times and they talked frequently, long into the night when they both should have been sleeping.

Through all this, she managed to keep the crystal’s communication properties secret from everyone in the family except Harry, of course, but he wasn’t telling. She normally wasn’t a secretive girl, but she hugged her growing friendship with the Chief Engineer close to her heart. It was private and she wasn’t ready to share her burgeoning feelings for the man who talked her to sleep each night.


“I really enjoy talking to you, Davin. You’re as sensible as Harry, and you don’t treat me like a child.”

She was wrapped up in bed, snuggling into her blankets against the chill mountain air. As she did almost every night, she called Davin, knowing that he was alone in his quarters, relaxing, his workday having drawn to a close as well. She cherished these moments when they could talk.

They talked about all sorts of things. He told her about spaceflight and the wonders of his people’s homeworld, now gone, and he told her stories from their ancient past. She told him the things her mother had taught her about the old world and the way things used to be. Sometimes they talked about their daily routines or funny things that had happened to them that day, but always, they talked.

She felt she knew him perhaps better than she knew anyone, including Harry, who now spent so much time away from home, she felt a little estranged from him. Davin had filled a place in her heart that had been emptied by Harry’s embrace of his mother’s culture, and though she loved Harry dearly and always would, she found there was room in her heart for Davin as well.

“Are you trying to tell me your esteemed brother treats you like a child? I refuse to believe it.” Davin’s voice was pleasant, warm and entirely yummy, she thought, especially when he was engaging in teasing banter with her.

“Well, you should,” she protested. “He’s been here for two days and he refuses to answer any of my questions seriously.”

“What sorts of questions have you been asking him?”

She hesitated. “Well, I heard something perhaps I shouldn’t have heard and I wanted to know more.

From his expression, Harry knows what it means, but he won’t tell me. He keeps teasing me so much, I’m ready to punch him.”

Davin’s chuckle warmed her as she snuggled further into her bed. “What is this thing you perhaps shouldn’t have heard? Maybe I can clear it up for you.”

“It’s a term. I heard Papa Mick say something about something called a resonance mate, and then he saw me and got all quiet. I think they were talking about me and I want to know what it means.”




Davin’s sigh filled her ears. “They probably were talking about you, Callie, and I’m sorry you had to hear it, but I will tell you, if you wish. It has to do with an ancient tradition of my culture and the way my people used to join with their mates. While I was at your ranch I passed on the information to your parents and we discovered that they were true mates, much to my surprise. I didn’t realize our traditions could apply to humans as well, but then I realized that you all have at least some Alvian DNA, so perhaps it is that side of your nature that allows the tests to work.”

“Tests?” She was more confused by his words than enlightened, but she was willing to let him explain.

“In ancient times, when my people still had strong emotions, males would seek their life mates by the use of three tests. If a pair succeeded with all three tests, they were proven as true mates and they joined forevermore.”

“Like marriage,” Callie thought out loud.

“Yes, but there is no way true mates can divorce. There is no recorded history of any true pairing ever
to divorce. This joining is permanent. Resonance mates are each others’ perfect matches. Theirs is a bond that is completely unbreakable and soul-deep. Or at least, that’s what the ancient texts all say.”

“So when you were here my parents took these tests and passed?”

“Yes. To my amazement, your mother and her mates are all truly bonded in the ancient way of my people. I’ve done a lot of research on the matter since returning here and I’ve found only rare instances in my culture’s past where more than two people were mated together.”

“But there were some,” Callie prompted him. She knew her parents’ arrangement was different than the way it would have been in the old world. Her mother had been honest with her about that once she’d been old enough to understand, but she also knew that every one of the O’Hara men loved her mother truly and deeply. They belonged together.

“Under extraordinary circumstances there were a few notations in the ancient records of unions of three or more resonance mates and they all were happy, true unions, but they were a rarity.”

“What sort of extraordinary circumstances?”

He sighed before continuing. He sounded tired, she thought. “In one case, there was a crashed interplanetary shuttle that landed several families on a small moon with no way to communicate their location. They weren’t found for many, many years. In that time, the children had formed true bonds and there were several multi-partner joinings. There was an overabundance of males in relation to females, so somehow more than one male managed to resonate with each female. The phenomenon was studied once this group was rescued, but each of the joinings was true and legitimate, and lasted the rest of their lives.”

“Well, isn’t that like what happened here on Earth? There are so few women left, maybe God or nature or whatever made allowances for the lack of women.”

“That’s something I’ve been tossing around in my mind as well but I don’t know how to prove the theory. It’s not my area of expertise, after all.” He chuckled and she relaxed a bit. This was, by far, one of the more interesting conversations they’d ever had.

“So what are the tests? Are they hard?”




“Not especially hard, no,” he told her softly. “Actually, you’ve already passed the first one, without even knowing it.”

“What?” She felt a bubble of excitement shoot through her at his sexy, low voice in her ears. His tone had turned rumbley and she felt her skin heat, though she didn’t quite understand her reaction.

He chuckled intimately in her ears. “The first test is called the Hum. When two compatible people touch, a Hum sounds as their energies join and multiply. Every time your mother touched one of her mates, I heard the Hum.”

“But I’ve never heard anything when Mama touches one of my dads.” She was truly confused.

“The sound is outside the range of human hearing but I proved my point to your Uncle Mick. He had equipment that could pick up on the sound energy and he was satisfied it was real.”

“And I passed this test? How? When? And with who?” Her voice was a whisper.

“With me, sweetheart. I touched you last year, right before I left your family’s ranch. Remember when you delivered that meal? That was your parents’ way of letting me test my theory. Our hands brushed and I immediately heard the Hum. Mick was at the computer and he saw the readings too, so your parents know the truth of the matter.” His voice dropped even lower. “We Hum, Callie.”

She couldn’t speak for a long moment, breathing rapidly as something skittered through her insides.

“So that means we’re compatible or something?”

Davin chuckled. “Compatible? Yes. But there are other tests before anything more important can be proven or disproven.”

She gathered her courage. “Would you want me to be your resonance mate?”

“More than anything.” His quick, decisive answer made her blood sing in her veins. “But we have a long way to go before that, Callie. You are young. Too young, according to your parents, and I have to sadly agree.”

“So you’re not saying you’re too old for me—it’s that I’m too young for you? I don’t get it.”

Davin laughed. “In human terms, I’m probably much too old for you, but Alvian lifespans are much longer.”

“Just how old are you, Davin?”

“Over one hundred Earth years, Callie.” He paused while that sunk in. “I spent a long time in stasis on the ship coming here, so I’m actually older than that, but I’ve lived just over 102 years the way you’d count them on Earth. I’m considered quite young for an Alvian.”


Again, he chuckled. “With long lifespans, Alvian children are considered eligible as soon as they finish puberty. After that, chronological age means little among my people, but I know it’s different with
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humans. You’re not finished growing yet, Callie, and I’m the only male you know outside your family.

You should have a chance to mature fully before we go much further.”

“But what if I want to?”

“Want to what? Join with me?” Davin seemed a little shocked by her forwardness, but she was feeling unusually reckless.

“If that means have sex with you, then yes. Harry’s already had sex and as you pointed out, you’re the only man I know that I’m not related to. So what if I want to try it with you? Would you say no?”

“By the Crystal, Callie! I wouldn’t say no, but it also wouldn’t be right. Not yet. Not before you’re old enough.”

“I think I’m old enough to know my own mind, Davin,” she said in a small, daring voice, but he shot her down.

“I don’t.” He sighed heavily. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I don’t mean to hurt you, but this has to be done carefully. My position is not the safest and I need to find a way to give you security if indeed you prove to be my resonance mate.”

She wanted to argue but she relented after a moment. She didn’t want them to go to sleep mad at each other, so she mentally tabled the discussion for another time.

“So then, what’s the second test?”

He was silent so long she wasn’t sure he was going to answer, but then he relented.

“You’ll find out when it’s time.”

“That is just not fair.” She laughed, knowing he’d already told her far more than Harry would have.

“And don’t tell me I’m too young.”

“But you are, sweetheart.”

He laughed but she grew dejected. “Do you know, I’ve never even been kissed. There’s an old-world saying, ‘sweet sixteen and never been kissed’. Well, that’s me. It’s so depressing.”

He chuckled, which was not the response she’d expected, but his next words made her feel better.

“What if I promise you, right now, that you won’t turn seventeen without being kissed?”

Her breath caught in her throat. “You mean it?”

“I do. I want very much to kiss you, Callie. You’re a beautiful, witty, attractive young woman and I’d truly enjoy the honor of giving you your first kiss.”

She felt a little overwhelmed but she had to keep it light. “Then you’d better get up here and deliver it. I don’t think it can be done over a communication crystal.”


Chapter Four

Rick St. John formed an uneasy truce with Mara 36, working quietly behind the scenes to help the humans penned up beneath the alien city. He couldn’t do much, but he did have Mara’s ear and was able to convince the scientist of the fallacy of some of their more brutal experiments. He spent hours each week above ground with Mara 36, discussing the medical texts they’d recovered from his handheld device along with others he’d never seen before. Mostly he acted as a translator for words and proper names—especially those in Latin—that were not in the Alvian databases or sometimes, even their lexicon. There were many diseases the Alvians had no understanding of, since their own race didn’t have anything similar. Rick realized the Alvians were either disgustingly healthy, or they’d genetically engineered most kinds of disease out of their population so long ago, they no longer had any recollection of them.

He also managed to get a few of the others above ground for short periods of time, including poor old Sadie, who was still coughing, but doing better with periods away from the damp of the cells. Mostly the folks who had the ability to translate foreign languages and some technical expertise were picked for the above-ground forays into the alien complex, to help Mara 36 and those like him figure out the growing collection of human books.

Rick didn’t like cooperating with the aliens, but he felt like he had no choice. Misguided as they were, the Alvians would continue their harmful behavior unless someone tried to coax them in another direction.

That role had fallen to Rick, though he’d never asked for it. Just as he’d never intended to become the unofficial leader of the human prisoners kept locked up beneath the city. But he accepted the responsibility and did his best to improve conditions for as many as he could.

It was a hard life. Rick, like most of his fellows, had been born free. He detested being caged like an animal, but he was making the best of it. For now.

But he would never give up the idea of escape. As soon as he saw his chance—and as soon as he could be sure the people he left behind would come to no harm because of his escape—he’d be gone. He was only biding his time.

A little over one year after his first visit, Davin returned to the O’Hara ranch. He hid his ship in the cave that shielded it so well and walked to the ranch, gratified to see that things hadn’t changed much since he’d been there last. Jane saw him first from the kitchen window, and she came out onto the porch to greet him. It was like a breath of fresh air to see her open happiness as she greeted him. It was like coming home.

She sent one of the younger children out to the office to tell Mick they had a guest and in the time it took for Jane to pour him a glass of fresh milk, the other O’Hara brothers were there, shaking his hand in greeting and asking how he’d been. Davin had never experienced anything like it. He thought this might be what it would feel like to have a family—a loving, caring, feeling family. He had never experienced such a thing and it was more precious to him than pure crystal.

He was disappointed at first to not see Callie among the young faces peering at him from around the ranch, but Jane interpreted his searching looks, covering his hand with hers and smiling softly. “Callie’s
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out riding. She’ll be back shortly. You might want to wait for her near the barn, if you’re eager to see her.”

He was glad to have her mother’s implicit permission to seek out the daughter. Still, he searched her face, turning to seek out Mick and Justin as well.

“We talked this over at some length,” Mick said seriously, “and we don’t think it’s fair to either her or you to keep you so far apart.”

“Even in the old world she would have been dating by now, but that doesn’t mean we have to like it.”

Justin’s grin was a bit self-mocking. “Still, she’s almost seventeen and she’s got a good head on her shoulders.”

“So long as you continue to block most of your feelings from her, we won’t keep you two apart.”

Davin couldn’t believe how generous these people were. “May I perform the second test?” His voice was modulated low, barely daring to hope they’d agree. So much was riding on their cooperation. He didn’t want to overstep their boundaries, so he had to move carefully.

“The Kiss, right?” Justin growled as Davin nodded. “Hell.”

“Yes, Davin.” As usual, Jane was his light of hope. “If she wants it, you can Kiss her. But keep in mind, she’s never had a suitor before. I had a long talk with her, and I can feel she’s curious and hopeful. She has all those yearnings young girls have and no outlet for them. It’s kind of sad, really.”

“But don’t take it too far,” Mick cautioned. “She’s inexperienced. It’s up to you to protect her.”

Davin bowed his head. “I am honored by your faith in me, and I give my vow she will come to no harm in my care.”


As Callie rode up, a huge grin broke over her face when she saw Davin, and it lightened his heart to a degree he never would have expected. He was glad her parents remained within the house. As it was, he’d have a hard time explaining how quickly he’d convinced her to Kiss him. They didn’t know of his almost nightly talks with Callie over the communication crystal. As far as they knew, she’d only spoken to him the one time, but he couldn’t hold himself in check. She was near and he wanted—no, he

—to Kiss her.

She jumped from her horse, caring for it before turning to him, and he sensed her shyness. With a determined step he strode toward her, covertly placing a small, tuned crystal on a fencepost where it would be clearly visible to the watchers in the farmhouse.

“I can’t believe you’re here,” Callie whispered as he moved to stand in front of her. His back was to the house, blocking their view, so they couldn’t see her face as they talked, but they could see she was safe nonetheless.

“I can hardly believe it either, sweetheart.” He raised one hand to trail the backs of his fingers over her soft cheek. Her skin was even softer than it looked, a sensual delight to his starved senses. “I’ve wanted to touch you and see you smile. I’ve wanted to hold your hand and spend time with you for so long.”




“Me too,” she breathed as he stepped closer, closing the distance between them.


“I promised you I’d make sure you didn’t turn seventeen without being kissed.” His whispered words made something in her tummy clench with pleasure. She blushed, hoping no one could see, though she knew they weren’t completely hidden by the barn. She pulled back, tugging him toward the barn, but he let her go on without him. “If I go in there with you now, I’ll want to do a lot more than just kiss you, Callie. And you’re not quite ready for what I have in mind yet.”

“But what if I want it too?”

“Oh, sweetheart—” he tucked her hair behind her ear, “—you’re killing me, but I’m trying to do the right thing here. I promised your family I would take this slow.”

“You talked to them about this? About kissing me?” Her face flamed red as his fingers touched her again, so softly.

He nodded. “I had to. I have to do this according to their wishes, Callie. You are too precious to them, and to me, to rush things.”

“I’ve been waiting forever, Davin!”

He chuckled at her youthful impatience. At times he really felt the difference in their ages, but he couldn’t stop his desire for her, no matter what lay between them. They would work through the age difference and in a few years, it wouldn’t really matter. They would both live long, hopefully healthy, Alvian-length lifespans and any age difference would cease to matter beyond their first few decades together.

“Then it would be cruel of me to make you wait any longer.” With an indulgent, yet excited smile he opened his arms and she flew into them. The Hum sounded as his skin touched hers in places.

He moved slowly, savoring the moment of discovery, sliding his cheek over her hair, down her temple, nuzzling her sweet face with his lips and nose. He inhaled her fresh fragrance, stunned by how much her simple, sweet scent turned him on. He kept a small space between their lower bodies, as he’d promised her family he would, but it was just about killing him. He wanted her so badly!

Still, the little taste he would have of her fired his senses as he moved downward, toward his goal. He gave her every opportunity to change her mind, telegraphing his movements as he reached her lips. He moved back momentarily, searching her eyes. He read yearning and hope there, along with a naïve excitement that stirred him so deeply. If it were up to him he would keep her as innocent of fear and fresh as she was now. He would never do anything to destroy that joy in her eyes.

“I’m going to Kiss you now, Callie.”

“Oh, Davin. Hurry up!”

He chuckled, bringing his amusement into their first Kiss as his lips covered hers in a light touch that soon became much more. He’d promised not to take this to the full Embrace, but there was much within the discretion of the Kiss they could enjoy nonetheless. He drew her upper body more closely into his arms as he traced her innocent lips with his tongue.




Her eyes shot open, questioning the sensation but he soon had her relaxing into the feel of his tongue playing over her lips. When she sighed, he slipped within, shocking her yet again. This time, though, she was eager to explore what he could show her, opening her mouth naturally to his exploration. Her tongue tangled with his curiously, sucking lightly as he taught her by example how he liked to be kissed.

His senses were on fire with the taste and feel of her. She was everything he’d imagined and dreamed—and more. She tasted like sunshine and warm honey, unique and special in his otherwise-bleak world. He opened his eyes briefly, turning so he could see what he knew would be happening to the crystal over his shoulder. He had no doubt in his mind now that such pleasure could only be found with one’s true mate.

The crystal shone bright red and swirling orange, enough for him to see with only a quick glance, and he knew her family could see it from the window of the farmhouse where they were no doubt staked out.

Thinking of them watching their first real intimacy put a damper on his libido, but he still couldn’t quite let her go. He eased back, kissing her lightly, drawing away when he wanted nothing more than to kiss her for the rest of their lives.

She clung to him as well. He was as gentle as he possibly could be with her. It was there in her eyes how overwhelmed her senses were at that moment and she swayed in his arms as if drunk on the pleasure they’d found together.

“Wow,” she breathed, leaning heavily against his supportive arms.

“I agree.” Davin’s voice was tender, intimate, in her ear. “You are so beautiful to me, Callie. So perfect and lovely.”

Her long eyelashes swept up so she could smile at him. “I feel that. I feel your emotions and they’re…you’re…so amazing, Davin. Why is it I’ve never felt your emotions like this before?”

He pulled another few millimeters back, working on releasing her entirely, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it yet.

“Mick taught me how to withhold some of my stronger feelings so I wouldn’t unduly influence you. Do you feel unduly influenced?” His teasing smile made her grin.

“No. I just feel…I don’t know…cherished. I like the feeling, Davin. I like it a lot.”

Her honesty made it even harder to set her away, but he must. He’d promised her family he’d take this slow. She was still too young. She had to grow into her womanhood and he wouldn’t take that magical time of childhood away from her, no matter how desperate he became. It was enough to know she existed in the world and was thinking of him. They would talk as they had before and learn more about each other, and when the time came, he would claim her for his own. After that, there would be no going back, for either of them.

“I do cherish you, Callie. I cherish the friendship we’ve built and the future yet to come.” He kissed her forehead, his eyes tightly shut as he finally found the strength to release her. She clung for a moment more but finally stood on her own.

Letting her go was the hardest thing he had ever done.

But he had hope once more. A greater hope than he’d had before and a promise of a future with her as
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his mate. If only he could Embrace her now! But it was not meant to be. Not yet.

He turned toward the house, picking up the crystal and pocketing it where she couldn’t see.

“Did you like your first kiss, Callie?”

An impish smile crossed her beloved face. “Like it? I loved it! Thank you, Davin. You’re truly a man of your word.”

He bowed his head slightly. “I aim to please, but, Callie, it’s I who should thank you for entrusting me with such an important—and pleasurable—task. You’re sweet to kiss, and if your parents weren’t watching, I’d kiss you all day.”

“I wish you could.” Her voice was soft, her words brutally honest with the innocence of youth.

“I do too, Callie, but not today. Someday, when you’re older, I promise, if you still want it, I’ll kiss you for hours.”

She nodded mischievously as she headed for the barn and the small chores awaiting her before she could head into the house. “I’ll hold you to that, Davin.”




Davin returned to his base in what used to be called Brazil and stayed there, working hard on his crystallography for the next year or so. He and Callie talked often via the crystal he’d given her. It was the high point of his existence, talking to her and getting to know her hopes and dreams, hearing about her day.

She had a natural aptitude with the crystal and Davin finally sought out the Council so he could test his theories about humans and the possibility that some of them could have the crystal gift. With their hard-won approval, Davin set out for the northern settlement and a quest he’d put off until Callie turned eighteen. She was of age now, and he couldn’t wait much longer to claim her as his own, but first he needed to meet the rest of her family. Getting them on his side—or at least acquainted with him—before he made his bid for her was all part of his plan. They were a close-knit family and he needed them to accept him.

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