Daughter of Anat (2 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Daughter of Anat
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“Thanks for that assessment.  Glad you noticed.”  Cas ignored my crass attitude and continued.

“You are capable of defending yourself and possess an innate concentration that the four of us naturally want to protect.  You shouldn’t get mad at this nor fight it.”

I made a stupid little girl noise at his male sort of thinking and did say, “How is that weakening any of you?”  I sounded all

“Because they needed to see that they, including myself, still underestimate their opponents and that we are not all that,” Cas smiled at me from the side with his mouth in a half grin.

“Well, I wouldn’t say that.”  I felt better though I knew full well the implications of what Cas really meant.  I was a woman as he said, not a
.  And that meant all kinds of hurt in their egos.  I felt bad for that.  Just a little.

“So are you saying that we shouldn
’t practice together anymore?” I looked sideways at him where he watched the water.

“No.  We have too.  We need to know how each other
’s moves and reactions to predict each other in a fight.  To work completely as a team and in sync we need cohesiveness.”

I laughed at his words.  “Yeah, cause Calum and Cord are looking for cohesiveness with you.”

Cas laughed with me.  “Touché.  However much we have a hate/like relationship we all know that the factions will never move forward without a plan.  Since you seem to be that plan, we move with it.”

He shifted his weight on the bank and turned his feet into my legs.  He scooted himsel
f until he was basically over me to make his face beside my own.  He had a plan of his own at the moment and it had nothing to do with a faction war.

I won’t pretend I like you near them, but I understand the situation for what it is.  They help you in their way and I accept it with gritted teeth and yes, I know my anger and jealousy show through sometimes wheedling the amount of power we hold.”

I wish the Valkyrie “
hold” wasn’t part of the deal.  How other girls can ever survive it is beyond me.  I’ve held it in for a while now with extreme caution around Cas therefore confirming I am not controlling his emotions towards me.  Actually, it comforted me.
              “It’s only annoying to you now cuz’ it can be used with others.  I know well you liked it too much when we were alone.”  I was feeling frisky myself now that I pictured myself standing above the two of us and could see the scene.  The creek and closeness of Cas was all too inspiring.

’re trying to sway me into forgetting the conversation?” Cas’ voice deepened like it does when his eyes started to swirl.  I knew if I looked over they would be.

I did.

They were.

“Is it working?” I asked slowly
holding his eyes that always kept
spellbound and immobile, not by any magic.

I never did see.  His mouth took over any amount of thinking that could have come next.




Maze still didn
’t have a cell phone and I needed a friend.  So, I went to her.  I wanted to tell her everything.  Somewhere in all of the past months I realized Kassie, my friend back home knew a different world existed outside her court, but unsure in her eyes how to embrace it.  Oh, she knew the gossip, but not one ounce of what would amount to what I really am or my brother.  She would now soon though.

Without Kassie knowing everything, I couldn
’t see her.  I’ve never had girl friends before other than Kassie...and Maze.  Maze may change her mind before too awful long being alone with the kind of boys surrounding us.  Some may consider that flattering and not such a heartache, but to one who has been told she is to “fix it all” with the help of four bull-headed fire breathing males, it was a lonely planet. 

Maze was a light in the darkness.  Turns out, she
’d learned much already so adding a little to it wasn’t too much for her.  She knew every last detail including about Cas.  She ohhed and ahhed in all the right places after she pried it out of me because she wanted to know what could be hotter than Calum Green.  She knew now he wasn’t all Hunter and felt that to be explanation enough for his “beyond hotness” self.  While I agreed entirely with her on all levels, he still didn’t affect me the way Cas did.  On all levels.

Sitting with Maze turned out to be fruitful in more ways than one.  Liz popped her hand in the door jam and said, “What
’s up?” 

It was so uncharacteristic for her compared to her usual demeanor towards me that I furrowed my brow and waited for the refining statement, but it never came.

“I thought I’d say hello.”

Still no ill will. 

“Hey Liz,” I managed to let escape.

She smiled almost shyly and started to leave feeling uncomfortable at my weirdness.  It was her weirdness, not mine.  I wasn
’t acting any different.  Oh well.  Time to bite the bullet because my mind was whirling a whole new set of possibilities. 

“Liz,” I said loud and fast.  She backed up into the room. 


“Um, can you still...see things?”

Liz blushed and nodded.  Oh gods.  Could she see things about me?

“I um...thought maybe you coul
d tell me how things turn out for me.”

Was that too direct?

“I wish.  I can only see in the direct future.  You still have the power over your choices in life no matter how psychic a person might be.  If you change it, it will alter no matter what I tell you.  So seeing what happens tomorrow, may not be if you will it not to be so.”

Crazy frightening, but good to know.
  “So can you see things about me right now?”  She touched my hand, stayed completely expressionless, and let go.  After a long silence, she nodded her head up and down but didn’t tell me.  How much did she know about me now?

I was so ready to know if I
’d survive.  Know that I conquered it all.  Know—who died.  No, I wasn’t ready to know who died.  What if...

“Thank you,”
I stammered.

Her face questioned me.

“For not telling me.  You are right.  If I knew, I wouldn’t know how to deal with that information.”

“You don
’t know how hard it is for people to accept that.”
              “Perhaps they don’t know how hard it is for you to live with knowing.  We are more alike than I thought.”  I paused.  “I will never ask you again.”

I think her whole body fell into a relaxed Jell-O.  Her smile lifted and just like that, we were talking about boys and clothes like any other girls might.  Maybe it was to stay in the safe zone, but I went with it.

She did tell me; however, in her vision I was eating tacos.




Maze promised to bug her mom about the cell phone issue planning to say she was the only one without a cell phone or car and would be shunned by her friends if she didn’t produce one or the other.  I had the best time ever with her and felt for the first time in my life like I’d made a lifelong friend.  However long, or
, that life may be.

Liam drove me there since Cas was busy with something he said couldn
’t be avoided.  Granite was with him.  He looked...different. His eyes stayed a little glassed over; his skin tinted a bit darker. 

Together, they were like hit men chauffeuring me around.  Only I knew they were the good guys.  They both sat in the front seat packed with weapons and darting eyes at all times.  They conversed like friends, but it was a picketed with the underlying tone of a prepared attack at moment
’s notice.

How humans didn
’t see our otherworldliness was astoundingly odd.

The Hummer was whizzing through the traffic of Gem City and on the outskirts of where the Vampire court was tucked hidden from the regular human world.  To the humans, they saw an exclusive ranch-like entrance to what they assumed was some multi-millionaire that wanted to remain anonymous.  That
’s what they thought of all our courts.  Granted, the humans had no idea that we were everywhere.  It’s just that staying in the upper northern part of the United States faired better than the centuries ago counterparts from overseas.  Their wars were the deadliest and never ended in any survival.  Primitive and brutal.  If you could call our generation more civilized, that would be the description for it compared to our ancestors.  But who cares?

Liam wasn
’t much of a talker so I turned up the music and listened to It’s Just Like Me on the CD.


It’s just like me.

’s just like you.

’s just like me.

’s just like you.


I was out of it lost in my music thinking about the dress and picnic I had planned for Cas.  So when the giant of an SUV I was sandwiched in was being crushed against a tree, I didn’t even scream till the quiet calm of three to five seconds passed by.  Blurred by the dozen or so spins, my head caught up to the storm around me and the lack of noise coming from the driver seat.  I held my head to clear it, and finally saw that Liam wasn’t dead, just out cold. 

When the door opened,
I ignored the emotions coming from an angry man whom I could only see his loafers cutting the slit of the door jam that emitted anger.  I assumed they were mad at the wreck in some way.  Call me stupid for thinking like someone cared.

“Well, well.  Seems Vampire boy didn
’t see the block in the road.  Sorry ‘bout that.  I’m glad he survived.”  Borgon reached out an accursed hand to lift me. I raised my eyes for the first time and saw his oily smile thinking it oozed venom, not warmth.  I found his hand as disgusting as his face but what choice did I have?  I could kick him in the nose as I turned or I could smile back with his same evil plotted grin and show him I’m.Just.Like.Him.

Unfortunately, the later proved to be true in a sad, honest reality.

“You’re coming with me, princess,” he held my hand, but hauled my shirt up a second afterward to see my mark.

“Where to
Lex Luther

He boomed out an obnoxious laugh.  “Superman can
’t save you now.  The biggest argument I’ve had this week is which side of hell I plan to live on.  And that’s from one of your Vamp groupies.”

That stumped me.  Who
’d he talk to? 

’s boy’s letter tells a lot, but I’m betting your Vamp boy lackey is probably a whole different story.  The ruling side or the hot seat?  Hmm!  I’m leaning towards the ruling side since I’m gonna need a bride and your just the evil little spawn who will come with me.”

Oh, no freaking way Lex!  “Yeah, there
’s only one problem with that scenario.”  Letters?  He knew.

“What is that Sugar?”

Sugar?   “You’re gonna beat me there.”  I shoved my #1 into his neck clean through.  Thank goodness for little gifts that come in the form of sharp blades.

We were alike in that I would do anything to stop him. 

I ran like a bird on steroids.  I swear my heels left the pavement at some point.  I screamed for Cas in my head.  If the five mile radius was accurate, and he was home, he’d hear.

I slammed slap into a tr
ee.  No, a rock.  Actually...a Vampire.

Thinking I was saved, I stopped and gathered my breath. 

“Granite.  Thank goodness.  Borgon is back there.”  I was slightly out of breath.

’s okay.  I’m here now.” Granite looked in every direction but at me with weapons drawn. 

Was he worried?  Did he sense things I didn

Without warning, something else slammed into the back of me.  I felt my consciousness start to blink.  Granite caught my arm to steady me and I grabbed hold.  Not sure of what hit me I turned slow still gasping for air and straining to hold my eyes open.  But as I turned, I felt the strongest feelings of any hate I
’d ever felt from another creature like myself or any kind, even human. 

My next closest knife was conveniently out of reach, but a handy stick was laying under my back jabbing into my shoulder blade.  I stabbed right
above the belt of a very fangy Vampire who had me bound more than any other enemy had.  I watched her rare back and even take time to gather her long skirt.  She bent forward dragging green streaked dirty black hair over my face with the intention of either biting me or kissing me.  I was voting for neither.

“I want you dead you little slut.”

What the—

girl Vamp bit back a hiss and flung her body on mine.  I realized my conscious effort to stay awake was alive and kicking with enough “oomph” to see that Granite only stood and watched.  I was floored by the events that just took place.

“Who are you?” I choked out with two hands holding my neck tight.  She was strong.

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