Darkened (4 page)

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Authors: S. L. Gavyn

BOOK: Darkened
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I arrived at Temmy’s house at seven thirty
the following Saturday evening. We were supposed to get ready at her house before going to the club. Which basically translated into her wanting to make sure I dressed to her standards. I could have wrapped duct tape around my private areas and she would have thoroughly approved. Jeans and a t-shirt, however, did not foot the bill.

“I picked out the perfect outfit for you,” she said once I was inside.

“I brought my own, thank you.” I held up the bag I carried.

She eyed me speculatively. “Show me.”

I had actually went shopping and bought this outfit myself. Of course I know Temmy well enough to know what she would approve of, and what she wouldn’t. So I kept that in mind when I picked these clothes out, but I also bought something that I would approve of.


I pulled out the black tank top that would cover everything but the sides were actually lace. I figured it would be comfortable, cool and sexy all at the same time. Temmy was obviously impressed because her brows were raised. Then I pulled the black leather skirt out and her eyes got wide. Yep, she was definitely impressed. The difference between my leather skirt and one she would have picked out for me is that I can actually bend over in mine without mooning everybody behind me.


Pair the outfit with the knee high black leather boots with a three inch heel and I would be looking like your typical club girl. Which was a good look if you were actually going to a club.

“I don’t know what
to say, Avy, other than,” She pretended to wipe her eyes. “My little girl is growing up. I was totally expecting jeans to come out of that bag.”

“I know you better than to think I could get away with that.”

She smiled at me then looked back at the outfit.

“Wow, Ray is going be totally after you in that outfit,” she said.


Guilt spread across her face and she bit her lip.

“Spill,” I said.

“Well, you know me and Kevin got back together. We were talking the other day
, and I mentioned needing to set you up with someone so he offered to introduce you to his friend Ray. They are supposed to meet us at nine, and we’re going to the club together. You’ll like him Avy. He’s a cop too.”

My anger management instructor suggested counting backward from ten in situations like this. When I got to zero I was still pissed.

“You told me we were going to the club together. You guilt tripped me into this outing and now I find you’re setting me up on a blind date? That’s it. I’m not going.”

I turned toward the door.

“Avery Gwyn Tywella. You will get your ass back here. We are going to this club and two good looking guys are going with us and you will enjoy yourself Gods damn it!”

“Don’t you go pulling the ‘three names’ card on me. You should have told me about this ahead of time.”

“I didn’t tell you ahead of time because I knew you would make up some excuse to cancel.”

She knew me too well.

“Then you should have kept it just the two of us. We would have more fun without them. I don’t even like Kevin. He thinks he’s the Gods’ gift to womankind. And, if I know anything about men, it’s that most assholes tend to stick together, which means his friend has an eighty-five percent chance of being just as much of an asshole as he is.”

“Then you will ignore him and flirt with every other man at the club. I don’t see what the big deal is. You owe me. How many times have you canceled on
me at the last minute for work? Do you ever stop to consider what I have to do then?”

“I know what you do. You call up one of your numerous other friends and go out with them.”

“Not always. There have been times that I have stayed home alone because you canceled on me. You promised me you would go out with me tonight. I will not try to force you to get with Ray, but you will at least put forth an effort to have fun.”

I sighed. I really didn’t want to have to deal with some jerk all night long
, but knew she would hold it over me for a really long time if I bailed.

“Alright. Let’s do this. But
, do not hold it against me if I tell your boyfriend’s friend to fuck off.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything else. You never know though he might be one of the fifteen percent that aren’t assholes.”

I just looked at her with one brow raised.

“Okay. I’m going to take a quick shower. You had better be here when I get out.”

I nodded and she headed off for the bathroom.

I really had been looking forward to going out tonight. My case had come to a standstill and I was hoping I might find out something at the club. Plus, it had been a really long time since I had went out
, and I was ready to blow off some steam. I just wished I didn’t have some loser thinking I was fair game to hit on because I was supposed to be his date for the evening.


Then, as if in answer to my problem, Temmy’s phone rang. Since she was in the shower, I answered it.

“Hello, Temmy’s house. Th
is is Avery.”

“Avery, how have you been
? It’s been so long since I saw you last,” Saundra said.

“Hey Saundra. I’ve been good. How about you?”

“I was doing great until tonight. The bastard I was supposed to go out with went and caught the flu and canceled on me. Can you believe that? Anyway, I was hoping you had room for one more at the club tonight.”

Cha-ching! It really was the answer to my problem. I mean
, as a good, caring person I couldn’t turn her down in her time of need. The fact that I knew Saundra would take the asshole off my shoulders had nothing to do with it.

“Sure Saundra. Come on over. Temmy’s in the shower right now. We’re not supposed to leave until nine.”

“Great. I’m just about ready so I should be over there in a half hour.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”

As I hung up, I couldn’t help congratulating myself. Who needs to give tributes to gain the Gods’ favor? They were definitely on my side tonight. At the very least, Saundra would not be interested in Ray and then I would have another woman to talk to while I ignored him. At best, she would throw herself at him and he would act like a typical male and they would be making out by the time we reached the club. Unfortunately, that would mean I’ll be stuck in the back seat with them but it only takes ten minutes to drive to the club from here. I’ll just have to take one for the team. My team.


When Temmy got out of the bathroom, I was dressed and applying my makeup in the spare bedroom. I tried to use the most solemn face I could manage.

“Saundra called. She was stood up by her date so she’s going out with us.”

“What? You didn’t tell her it was a double date?” She said with her hands on her hips.

“I didn’t know it was a double date. You said we were going to the club and the guys just happened to be accompanying us,” I replied innocently.

“You know that’s bullshit. I can’t believe you invited that hussy to come with us. She’ll be all over Ray by the time he crosses the threshold.”

“If that’s the case, then he just isn’t the man for me.”

Again I tried for solemn and Temmy saw right through it. Her eyes narrowed.

“You set this up
, didn’t you? What did you do, call her as soon as I got in the shower and beg her to come?”

I put my hand to my chest and opened my mouth and eyes
wide. “Why Temmy. I am appalled that you would think so little of me. She called in her time of need and as her friend I could...”

“Cut the bullshit. I know you don’t give a damn about Saundra’s needs. You saw an opportunity and you took it. Well, there is
nothing I can do about it now, but you mark my words, Avy. If a good looking man starts flirting with you at the club, you
flirt back. Understand?”

“Yes, mother.”

“And, you better dance with them. And, would it be asking too much for you to kiss the guy?”

“I think you’re taking this a little far. I’l
l agree to so much as dancing, but that’s where I draw the line.”

“I guess I’ll take it then.”

“Good. Now go finish getting ready. I’ll not be seen in the company of some raggedy ho.”

“Too late. You already invited Saundra.”

I laughed so hard I had to reapply my liner.


Half an hour or so later we were fully ready. Saundra had already gotten here, and she looked exactly like I expected. Remember the duct tape outfit I mentioned? Hers was fishnet though. She was wearing a black pushup bra and a black lace thong. What? Fishnet is see through. In her defense, there was a two inch strip of leather running vertically down the middle of the front and back of the six inch long skirt. I guess it would be considered indecent if it didn’t cover her who-ha. I couldn’t see how she was standing in the six inch heals she wore. My feet were already starting to hurt in the three inch ones I wore. She had blonde hair with bright red streaks in it this month and more makeup than any one woman should wear. All together she looked more like she should be walking the streets than heading to a club. But, hey, to each their own.


Just as I expected, the moment the men arrived and Ray was introduced, she was rubbing up against him and he was all for it. Plan accomplished. Now, if I can make it to the club without throwing up, I would be alright. I decided to fix myself a drink for the road. Alcohol tends to make things more tolerable, and I had a feeling I was going to need it. After I downed my shot of tequila, we loaded up in Temmy’s Honda Accord and headed for the club. I tried to keep my eyes out the window so that I didn’t see what was going on beside me in the backseat. The noises were enough to let me know I didn’t want to see the rest.


When we parked ten minutes later, I practically jumped out. That car just wasn’t big enough to have those two going at it next to me. Hell, a bus wouldn’t be big enough. We walked up to the line and waited our turn to pay the fee and get in. Of course Temmy knew everybody that worked here, and had to take the time to shoot the breeze with them. Finally, we were inside. I made a B line to the bar and order two more shots and a margarita. The first one hadn’t done anything, and I felt like I needed to take a shower after the ride here. I did the shots at the bar, and took my margarita to a table. It took about three times as much alcohol as a typical Human to get me drunk so I had a long way to go if I wanted to get the images from the car out of my head. I did not want to have to deal with them on the ride home. I figure if I start now, by the time we go home I’ll be fine with them having sex next to me in the car. On second thought, maybe I should not get shitfaced and just take a cab home. Soon after I sat down, Temmy and Kevin joined me with their drinks. Well, there goes my designated driver. Guess I’ll be taking that cab after all.

“Aren’t they great?” Temmy asked me.

I had been so hung up on the awful ride here I hadn’t even noticed that the same band was playing. The lead singer belted out some words that I really couldn’t make out over the guitars playing, but his voice sounded nice just the same. It was deep and sultry. Then he looked up from the crowd straight at me. He had spiked black hair. I don’t know if it was a dye job or his natural color since his brows were the same shade. I couldn’t really tell what color eyes he had because the lights that shone on him were multiple colors and he was all the way across the club from me, but it was obvious he had black liner on which normally I would think is totally not appealing, but on him, it seemed to work. Of course he wore the typical black attire of all hard rockers. It was relatively simple though. Black t-shirt, black leather pants, black boots with a black belt that had metal studs and a chain that ran around to what I would assume is his wallet.


He continued to look at me as I analyzed his wardrobe. When the song finished he said into the microphone, “This is a new song I wrote the other night for you.” He pointed his finger, and I almost looked behind me to see if there was someone there because it looked like he was pointing it straight at me. The song was a little slower than the previous one, but would by no means be considered a slow song. Instead it started slow then picked up pace until you could practically head-bang to it then it slowed back down as he sang the lyrics. It was really good and I couldn’t help but smile. I know he wasn’t actually pointing toward me, but the song was good just the same. The band played a few more songs before Saundra and Ray finally returned. They were probably in the bathroom if their car session was any indication of what was to come.


We watched the show for a few while I had finished my second margarita. I was about to ask Temmy if she wanted to come with me to get a new one when a server arrived with a fresh one and sat it down in front of me. I looked up at her confused.

“This is from the guy over there,” she said as she pointed behind her.

He was about four tables away, sitting with two other guys. I raised the glass in thanks and he raised his back before I took a small sip. As I placed it in front of me, I saw that Jared wasn’t looking this way anymore. Thank the Gods. He had been watching me pretty much nonstop since I got here. Now, it looked like he was watching the guy who had bought me a drink, then he looked my way again.

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