Darkened (10 page)

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Authors: S. L. Gavyn

BOOK: Darkened
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I rolled my eyes then headed for my car.


Sarah Thompson lived in Brookhaven just north of Atlanta. She met us at the door and invited us inside. It was apparent she had been crying. I hope she didn’t start any of that while I was talking with her.

“Can I get you anything,” she asked after I had introduced us
, and we were seated in her living room.

“No thank you, Mrs. Thompson. I’m here to ask you a few questions about Amber. You told me you were
unable to go with her Sunday. Is that correct?” I asked.

“Yes. I feel horrible about it. I can’t help but think that if I went
, she would still be alive,” she answered.

“And, why couldn’t you meet with her Sunday?”

“I was busy...with...stuff.”

“Stuff? What stuff would that be?”


I shot Jared a look and he took over her brain.


The response was instantaneous. One minute she was stammering while trying to find a response
, the next she was sitting there slack jawed with a blank expression.

“You went to the club with Amber and met someone there. What did he look like?” Jared asked.

“He had a scar on his face. He was still good looking even with being damaged. He said he was new to town, and that Amber reminded him of someone he knew.”

“Did you leave the club with him?”

“No, he told me that I couldn’t make it to the club because I was busy then him and Amber left together.”

“What vehicle did they leave in?” I asked.

“Her car.”


I nodded to Jared and he released his hold.

“Well thank you for your time, Mrs. Thompson. I am sorry for the loss of your friend.”

“Thank you,” she said then showed us to the door.

We left and went back to HQ.


Amber’s car wasn’t found at the hotel or her house so I put an APB out on it. If I’m really luck
y, the killer will be found driving it. By the time I finished, it was late afternoon. I was just dialing the phone when Jared walked in.

“We need to leave soon to get ready for the show,” he said.

“I’m just about ready,” I told him.

“Hello, Angel,” Craven answered

“Hey, Crave
n. I just faxed you a picture. Would you pass it around to your associates for me? It’s the Fallen I’m looking for.”

“Of course, Angel. I am disappointed that you didn’t bring the picture by the shop yourself. It’s not nearly as much fun this way.”

“I’ll come by to hang out soon. But, I really need to find this guy. He is seriously bad news. Not only that but he seems to have a particular interest in me. He brought me flowers the same day he abducted Amber Lambert.”

“What is it about you that attracts the bad boys? I know I have been asking myself that question for the last six months.”

“Maybe it’s my stunning personality.”

“Mmm. I do like your utter discord with everyone. But I do not think that is why I want you so badly.”

Jared’s eyes narrowed then he pointed to his watch.

“Alright, Craven. I’ve got to run. Please hit up your guys and pass on the picture.”

“Did you draw this picture, Angel? It’s quite good. Perhaps you could draw me sometime.”

“You help me catch his guy and you have a deal.”

“Well then, I will do my absolute best.”

“That’s all I can ask.”


After I hung up
, I turned to Jared to let him know I was ready. His eyes were narrowed and his nostrils were flared. It seems he didn’t like mine and Craven’s conversation. Oh well.




We stopped at my apartment on the way to Jared’s so that I could grab some more clothes for my trip to the club. I had seriously thought of just wearing my jeans and t-shirt, but decided I would try to fit in, and most women don’t wear jeans and t-shirts when clubbing.


I unlocked the door, walked in, and went into my bedroom. Once again ignoring Jared. I started for my closet then stopped as I noticed something on my dresser. Closer, I saw that the necklace my mother had left me was laid out. It looked very similar to Jared’s only the symbol was different. Had someone been in my apartment going through my stuff? They had to have been. I never bring that necklace out, but here it was just sitting there. Jael must have went through my stuff. I opened my jewelry box and started to look through it when I heard the door open to my room. I turned to find Jared walking in.


I quickly placed the necklace in my pocket and continued going through my jewelry. I’m not sure why, but I don’t want Jared knowing about the necklace. It was none of his business if my mother knew an Angel. Nothing else seemed missing or out of place so I started going through my drawers.

“Looking for something?” Jared asked.

“Making sure nothing is missing. Apparently, I had an unexpected visit while I was gone.”

He quickly came to my side
, and started looking around.

“How do you know?”

“My jewelry has been gone through. Some of it was laid out on the dresser. I don’t see anything missing though.”

He opened the top of my jewelry box
, and started to look inside when I shut it.

“I said nothing was missing. There’s no need for you to go through it.”

“What was laid out?”

“I told you a piece of jewelry. Nothing of significance.”

“Are you sure? It could mean nothing to you and something to him. Why else would he lay it out? Show me the piece.”

“No. I’m going to get some clothes then we can leave.”


I started to walk toward the closet
, and he grabbed my arm.

“Show me the piece of jewelry.”

I looked at his hand on my arm then looked him in the eyes.

“Remove your hand from my arm before I remove it for you.”

“Why won’t you show it to me?”

“Because it is none of your business. Now let go.”

He released me and I continued to the closet.


I pulled out the first outfit that would be appropriate for a night at the club then looked for another one. After all, I would be stuck there tomorrow night too if I don’t find this guy and kill him before then, and I don’t want to have to return to my apartment until I do. I grabbed my black boots and was ready to go.


“Let’s roll,” I told Jared.

He just looked at me for a mom
ent. I’m sure he was decided whether or not to press the issue of the jewelry. I really hope he just lets it go. I don’t feel like explaining things to him. Especially when I don’t know enough to explain them.


After a moment, he turned toward the door and we left. I locked the door and started to leave, but Jared stayed. He pulled a pocket knife out and stabbed it into his forefinger until it bled. Then he put his finger to the top of the door frame and made a symbol with his blood. It glowed for a moment then became absorbed into the wood of the frame until you could still see the symbol, but it looked like it was a part of the wood grain instead of something written on it.

“That will keep out anyone you do not want in your apartment.”

“How long will it last?”

“It will always be there. Unless I remove it.”

“Would it keep you out if I didn’t want you in?”

He just smiled and started for the elevator. I’ll take that as a no.


Two hours later we arrived at the club. Jared parked his Porsche in the employee parking lot
, and we went in through the back door. The security guard inside the door nodded to Jared as we passed then winked at me. It was the same guard that had let us into VIP last Saturday, and he was guarding the door leading behind the stage the last time I was here. I nodded back to him. He hadn’t pissed me off yet so I had no beef with him.

“Jared. I need to talk with you before the show,” a guy in a business suit said as he approached.

“Not now, Greg. I’ve got to get Avery in VIP,” Jared said then turned to the Guard we just passed. “Ryan, I need you to guard her this evening. She’s not to leave VIP until I specify.”

Ryan looked from Jared to me. I rolled my eyes
, and he smiled.

“Sure thing, boss. Would you like me to keep her company too?”

“Not if you like your teeth in your mouth.”

I was standing slightly behind Jared so he didn’t see me roll my eyes again. Ryan smiled again.

“No problem. She’s not really my type anyways,” Ryan said.

I put my hand to my
chest and opened my mouth in mock insult. He winked at me again. Jared had turned to the suit.

“Avery, this is Greg, the club’s manager, and Ryan, head of security for the club. Greg, I’ll talk to you as soon as I’m done. Give me fifteen? Ryan, with me.”

“Alright,” Greg said before nodding to me.

I didn’t bother to mention I had already spoken to Greg on the phone yesterday. He probably didn’t care what woman his Jared brought in this week


We continued to the door leading into the club with Ryan in tow. Only once we got into the main club area, I headed for the bar. Temmy is supposed to work tonight, but she doesn’t start until nine when the club actually starts getting busy. Jared followed me to the bar. I showed the bartender a poster I had printed up of both Amber and the sketch of her killer, and asked if he recognized either of them. He said no so I told him to keep a copy out so that everyone could see it. I walked from there to the front entrance, but before I could reach it, Jared intervened and took the posters from my hand.

“I’ll have an employee put them up throughout the club.”

“I can do it now.”

“No, I’ve got to talk to Greg before the show
, and I want to make sure you’re in VIP before I go.”

“What does it matter Jared. Ryan will be with me.”

I winked at Ryan as he smiled.

“Ryan, have someone tape these up then meet us in VIP,” Jared said then held them out.


He took the pictures and headed toward a woman standing by the front door. Jared grabbed my hand
, and started for the VIP section. I pulled my hand out of his but kept walking. Once I was seated, I looked around.

“What am I supposed to do for the next three hours?”

He smiled. “Fantasize about me?”

“Trust me. Any fantasies about you always end the same way. With me standing over your dead body.”

He put his hand to his heart. “You wound me, Caru.”

“You piss me off, Jared.”

He scooted in the booth next to me. “I’ve heard that hate is just love in disguise.”

“Whoever said that is an imbecile.”

“Really?” He leaned closer. “I think you are angrier with yourself for having feelings for a Fallen than you are with me.”

“I’ve already told you. Being
Fallen has nothing to do with why I don’t want you.”

“Then why. What did I do?”

“Where to start?” I pretended to think about it. “You’re an arrogant ass who thinks because he’s a rock star he can do anything he wants or have anyone he wants. I admit I led you on the first night and I apologize for that, but you should just let it go because once this case is over I would be fine with never seeing you again.”


He just stared at me for a moment and I thought he was going to back off. Any normal person would have taken that as a “fuck off” and left, but Jared Damascus is not a normal person. Instead, he leaned in and kissed me lightly on the mouth. When I didn’t push him away, he must have taken that as a sign because he came back for more. I was going to tell him to stop, I swear I was, but when I opened my mouth he delved his tongue inside, and there was no stopping for a minute. Then my brain kicked in again, and I pulled back. He kept his eyes closed for a moment before opening them and smiling.


“Leave me. I don’t want to see your face right now,” I said with venom.

“Whatever you wish, Caru.” He quickly leaned forward and gave me a peck before getting up from the table. “I’ll come back when we take a break. Don’t try to leave while I’m on stage. Ryan is a formidable fighter.”

I looked straight ahead and ignored him. He looked at me for a beat then turned and left. I lowered my forehead to the table. What was I doing? I can’t even stand him yet he kisses me, and I’m ready to find an empty room. I will never call Saundra a slut again. No, I take that back. I’ll still call her a slut, but I’ll consider feeling bad about it now.


“You look like you could use it,” Ryan said as he sat a drink down in front of me.

I looked up at the drink. It looked like Ambrosia. I looked at him.

“Do I look so bad that you thought I needed to get drunk?”

He smiled. “Actually
, Jared ordered it for you. I just decided to deliver it.”

“Well thanks,” I said before taking a swig.

He just stood there staring at me as I drank all of my drink. I know getting drunk is the last thing I need to do right now, but I really needed that drink. After a minute with Ryan just staring at me, I shot him a nasty look.

“I’m pretty sure Jared didn’t mean that you had to literally watch me nonstop.”

“I’m just trying to figure it out,” he said as he sat across from me.

Figure what out?

“These aren’t the droids you’re looking for,” I said while waving my hand mystically.

He smiled. “Star wars fan. Didn’t expect that.”

“Why not? I was born within the last century, after all.”

He shrugged. “Maybe that’s why Jared’s so obsessed.”

I rolled my eyes. “I doubt my stunning Star Wars repertoires would cause Jared to become obsessed.”

“Well, something sure has.”


I looked around then leaned in toward him.

“You know what I think. I think it’s because I don’t want him that’s caused him to take interest. I mean, here he is this big rock star used to having every woman he wants, then I go and get drunk and start flirting with him just to sober up and realize what a mistake I had made. I tell him I don’t want him, and actually mean it, and that makes me interesting. You always want what you can’t have. For example, if the doc tells me I can never eat chocolate again, or I will die. The next day I’m going to be sweating balls over a Hershey’s bar.”

He laughed. “The only problem with your theory is that he had me gathering information on you last Sunday. That was the day after you were drunkenly making out with him
, and before you started claiming to not want him.”

“Maybe he wanted information for the cops if I became a stalker.”

“Then why would he add you to the VIP list the same day?”

He did? No wonder the bouncer didn’t give me a hard time yesterday.

“Your guess is as good as mine. Did you tell him I was a HR detective? Maybe he thought it would be in his band’s best interest to cooperate with the cops,” I suggested.

“Now you’re just grasping at straws. Here’s a few of the holes in your theories. First, Jared doesn’t give a fuck about the cops. Second, he never adds anyone to VIP
, especially not some cop. Third, I have been working security for this club since it opened. Never has he had me looking for a woman who had walked into the club for fifteen minutes then left. Never has he had me dig for information on someone to find out, not who they’re in business with, but what their likes and interests are, and never has he followed a woman around like he does you. On the rare occasion he has been with a woman, and I do mean rare, he leaves the club with them and I never hear from them again.”

“Are you saying he kills them?”

He laughed. “You really are a cop, aren’t you? No, I mean he never continues any kind of relationship with them.”

“Then he’s a liar. He told me he didn’t do one night stands.”

Ryan shrugged again. “Maybe he just talks to them. That is none of my business.”

“Yeah, that’s it. I’m sure he takes his groupies off to talk to them.”

“Like I said, not my business. But, I will say this, that man has more pussy thrown at him than the luckiest tomcat on the streets, and only once has he shown any interest at all. That would be you.”

“Funny, I don’t remember throwing pussy at him.”

“You probably just don’t remember because you were too drunk.”

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