Dark Valley Destiny (63 page)

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: With Lawrence in Arabia,
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-: The Texas Rangers (A Century of Frontier Defense),
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, N. K.:
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Abdullah, Achmed, 308
Action Stories,
297 Adamson, Fanny McClung, 45, 59

Adventure Magazine,
157-158, 161-162, 207, 259, 270, 276; stories rejected, 161, 198, 218, 225 Africa: in stories, 187-188, 217, 334 Agents, 311-312

Agriculture, 66, 116-117, 118, 125, 128, 234, 311

"Aha! Or the Mystery of the Queen's

Necklace," 167 Alamo, 105, 106, 109, 125 "Alleys of Darkness," 232
295, 342-343
Always Comes Evening,
237, 241-242 "Ambition by Moonlight," 220
American Poet,

"Apparition in the Prize Ring, The," 230-

231, 256 Archer, Dennis, 283

stories rejected, 207, 218, 225;

stories sold, 341
Argosy All-Story Weekly,
233 Arkham House, 361 Aryan race, 148-150, 176, 185 Atkinson, William W.
Ramacharaka. Atlantis, 195, 223-224, 265
Atlantis in America,
197-198 Austin, Stephen E., 104, 108


See Post Oaks and Sand Roughs;
"Wandering Years, The."

Bagwell, Texas, 66-68, 69 Baker, Earl, 76, 93, 96, 143, 144, 158, 249, 356

Baker, Vera.
Nichols, Vera Baker. Baker family, 78, 81
Ballad of the White Horse, The,
229 Barbarians, 175, 186, 188, 265, 278,

290, 313.
See also
Conan; Kull. Barlow, Robert H., 361 Basham, James Edward, 180 Baum, Ruth, 246-247 Belit, 16, 240, 267, 275 Bennett, Sylvia, 285-286 "Beyond the Black River," 266, 279-280
Beyond the Khyber Pass,
276 "Black Canaan," 177, 333-334 "Black Colossus," 265, 273 Blacks, 22,87-88,110,176,177
(see also
Slavery); attitudes toward, 109, 126; in stories, 89, 174-175, 176, 188, 218, 219-220, 230-231, 254, 271, 333-334 "Black Stone, The," 260 "Black Stranger, The," 266, 281-282, 362

"Black Vulmea's Vengeance," 282 "Blades of the Brotherhood," 218 Blavatsky, Helena P., 86, 195, 224

Bloch, Robert, 286 "Blood of Belshazzar, The," 259 "Blood of the Gods," 333 "Bloodstained God, The," 266, 362 Bohannon, Aunt Mary, 68-69, 176 Boucher, Anthony, 286 Bowden, Leah, 347, 350 Boxing, 176, 181, 184, 299, 301; Howard's interest in, 76, 93, 161, 172, 186, 200, 201, 210, 215, 227, 248, 249; in poems, 243 Boxing stories, 187, 202, 230-233, 256,

257, 261, 310
Bride of Cuchulain, The,
241 Britain: history, 147, 149-151 (
see also
Celts; Picts); stories about, 151, 187 Bronte, Texas, 59, 60 Brownwood, Texas, 163 Brundage, Margaret, 275-276, 322 Burkett, Texas, 70, 79, 83, 90-93, 94, 96 Burns, Elsie, 70-71, 78, 79, 85, 95 Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 175, 270, 295 Burton, Sir Richard Francis, 308 Butler, LeeRoy, 143, 214 Butler, Mrs. LeeRoy, 49, 214 Buzbee, Sam, 66-67 "By This Axe I Rule!," 225, 271

Cabell, James Branch, 220-222 Callahan County, Texas, 122, 155; history, 124-127, 152
Call of the Sea, The,
223 Carter, Lin, 266, 363-364 Cattle business, 27, 54, 110-113, 116-117, 152

Celts, 151, 159,188, 228-229, 244, 257, 265

Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 149 Chambers, Norris, 55, 75-76, 85, 87-88,

93, 96, 355, 357-358 Chambers, Robert W., 151, 279, 280, 312 Chambers, Solomon Roe, 55, 85-86, 87, 96, 354

Characters, 175,185-186,188,194,218, 271, 312, 332 (
see also
names of characters, e.g. Kull); creation, 162,223, 226, 231-232, 258, 259, 308, 309, 344-345; name origins, 147-148, 224-225, 228, 253, 257-258, 264, 276, 294-295, 308-309 Chesterton, G.K., 229 Children, 56-57
(see also
Howard, H.E., childhood; Howard, R.E., childhood; Schoolboys); development, 54, 56, 83, 158

"Children of the Night, The," 260, 295 Christmas, 71-72, 74, 165, 189 Churches, 7, 66, 72-73, 131.
See also

Churchward, James, 197 Cimmeria, 11, 51, 265 Civil War, 22,25, 38,103,108-109,115, 146

Clark, John D., 15, 344-345, 362, 367 Climate, 69, 128, 155.
See also

Weather. Coe, Charles Francis, 181 Comanches, 23, 101-102, 125-126, 176, 253

Comer, Earl Lee, 133-134, 139 Comics, 12, 364

Conan, 12-13, 16, 148, 240, 267, 269,

289-290, 313 Conan Properties, Incorporated, 364 Conan stories, 15, 151, 185, 223, 224, 262-267, 271-282, 290-295, 333, 361-362; appeal, 15-17, 287, 290, 364-368
Conan the Barbarian,
12, 272, 273
Conan the Conqueror,
11, 266, 282—284,

293, 361, 362, 367 Correspondence, of Howard, 267, 329, 330, 344-345.
See also
entries under correspondents, e.g. Lovecraft, H.P., letters from R.E. Howard; Preece, H., correspondence with. Costigan, Sailor Steve, 231,232,257, 297 Costigan, Steve, 172, 173, 178, 180,186,

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