Dark Tales 1 (3 page)

Read Dark Tales 1 Online

Authors: Viola Masters

Tags: #Adult, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #erotic Romance, #shapeshifter

BOOK: Dark Tales 1
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“Oh damn. I thought I imagined that.”

“You handled them very well. I would enjoy it if you wanted to get used to them in this shape.” He raised his eyebrows.

“I am not getting out of here.”

“No. The gods sent you to us, and we will keep you.”

There was no escape. She was going to be a sex toy for men out of her weirdest fantasies. May as well start now.

She knelt in front of him, examining the twin cocks that sprang side by side. She touched them and watched them swell.

She caressed the left and then the right before she wrapped her mouth around them in turn.

The abrasive texture of his other skin was not shared with his members. They were long, slick and throbbed in her hand as she sucked at the salty tips. The boat bobbed as she lapped at him, letting one of the cocks slip free and leave a slick trail on her cheek.

His voice was low. “Into the water. Now.”

She looked up, and his human features were being stamped with the shark’s.

She looked at the box and removed the necklace, taking it out and holding it in her clenched fist.

Davis casually lifted the box and held it over the edge before he dropped it in the water.

He smiled. “No clues.”

She didn’t know what he meant until he lifted her carefully and eased her over the edge and into the water. He revved the engine and jumped out as the boat took off.

Emmy took a deep breath and put the necklace on, feeling a solid click as she managed the latch.

Davis grinned, showing his sharp teeth, and he sank beneath the waves, grabbing her ankle and pulling her down.

She fought hard to hold her breath, but he shook her body and the air escaped. When she pulled in water at long last, he grinned at her, wrapped his arms around her and carried her down beyond the light.

She touched the swell of her belly beneath the sleeping gown and hoped that her body could stand the increasing pressure.

Shadowy figures joined their travels as Davis took her through cities of coral, pools of glowing light that popped up out of nowhere, and when the water grew absolutely black, the anglerfish shifter appeared to take over the lead.

Davis held her close, and their group moved as one in the darkest portion of the ocean. A change in the energy of the group indicated that they were close to wherever they were going.

Emmy relaxed and let them carry her through the sea, not convinced that this wasn’t a hallucination that was going on for a ridiculously long degree.

She had snapped, and her mind had locked her in this dream. She had no way of knowing how to get free or if the way out was in giving in.

The bodies around her came in close as they entered a cavern, lit by the anglerfish ahead of them. She felt limbs against hers, but the shadows around her were absolute. Davis’s rough skin gave him away, but it could have been anyone next to her.

Their progress slowed until they could only move through one at a time, and the light that streamed from above made Emmy smile.

She reached up, and to her stunned surprise, her hand broke the surface of the water.

She still had water in her lungs and tried to speak, but nothing came out but gurgles. Davis lifted her head above the water and propelled her to the stone bank.

He shifted, stood and held her with her head down, draining her lungs before he removed the necklace.

The moment the necklace was off, she began to cough and throw up water.

The men were leaving the water, one at a time, taking on legs where fins had been. The octopus was the first to approach her, and he smiled. “Welcome to your new home, Emmy.”

Davis made the introductions. “Emmy, this is Triton. Eldest son of Poseidon.”

She didn’t know how to greet him. Wasn’t sure whether to bow or curtsey in her sodden nightgown.

He took the difficulty out of her hands by lifting her up and kissing her, threading his hand through her wet hair and holding her as he tasted her deeply.

His tongue thrust into her mouth and coaxed her into playing with him. When she was leaning up and pressing against him, he pulled back and released her, passing her to the next man over.

Again, Davis made the introductions before she was kissed senseless. Coreon was the anglerfish. His sharp tongue remained in his human form, and he ran his hands over her back, cupping her ass to pull her against him.

She shivered and held onto him until she was pried away and Leson then Arguon and Weson took her mouth.

When they had all greeted her, Triton looked at her belly. “Is it true?”

Davis grinned, and he moved between them to grip the neckline of her sleeping gown. He tore it in half and discarded the pieces.

Apparently, he was the designated stripper.

Her swelling belly was visible with the fabric gone.

Triton smiled and pressed his hand to cover the bump. He closed his eyes and chuckled. “You are doing very well, Emmy. There are two in there.”

She swallowed nervously. “Whose are they?”

He grinned. “We won’t know until you are further along. This home has been crafted for you to keep you in comfort during your pregnancy. As you can’t age while my mother’s necklace is on, you will have to spend your pregnant time here on land.”

She whispered. “Why can’t I remain in the human world?”

“Ah, mistress, we want to continue to enjoy you, even if we have to slow down our attentions.” He grinned. “You are ours, darling.”

She shivered at the intensity in his dark eyes. Hands began to caress her back, ass, arms and breasts. She was urged into the shelter that they had arranged for her. It was an ancient temple styled with a wide bed in the centre. Fruit was piled high in a bowl, a bathing pool was bubbling away, and Davis explained the bathroom arrangement.

When they were all standing near the bed, she was given a light toga that left one breast bare and fell to mid-thigh.

Triton smiled. “You look lovely. I hope you have an uneventful gestation. We have been looking to swell our ranks, but no other woman has managed to survive our attentions.”

She shivered at the memory. “I can’t think of why.”

The group chuckled as one.

Davis knelt and took her exposed nipple between his lips, sucking carefully to keep her from the deadly edges of his teeth.

Leson pressed his lips to her neck, and Triton was watching, his hand wrapped around the thick column of his cock, moving slowly.

As quickly as the clothing had come on, it was a whisper of fabric at her feet while she was held, stroked, fingers slid into her pussy and then worked into her ass. She panted and her cries echoed off the stone around her.

Every sound she made increased their frenzy. She screamed as she came and whimpered as their fingers continued to drive and twist into her.

Triton’s cock was thick and shades darker than the surrounding skin. He moved his brother’s hand aside and pushed into her opening. A whine of sound rippled out of her as she fought to relax around him. When she had managed to keep her body from going into full revolt, he gripped her hips and pulled her up and down on him in a slow rocking motion. He stood with his legs apart and pumped into her with jolting thrusts.

She was breathing easier as her body adjusted to the sheer girth of him, but when she felt someone coming up behind her and spreading something slick on her ass, she tensed.

Triton groaned, and her rear lover pressed into her, moving slowly and deliberately into her ass. The slight abrasion as he moved into her identified her invader as Davis.

She was too full as they jostled inside her stretched-open pussy and ass. She screamed as a wave of pleasure swept through her, and the sound electrified them into a frenzy of action. One withdrew and the other plunged in, rocking her back and forth with hard jolts.

Emmy’s body reacted to the rough handling, and she teetered on the edge for a moment before Triton grunted and held her tight while Davis jackhammered into her ass until he let out a deep groan, pulled out and came against her lower back.

She collapsed against Triton, and the pressure on her clit had her shivering and twitching around him. She groaned softly, and he held her on him with one hand while he walked with her to the bed. To her nervous anticipation, he lay on his back with her over him. Another cock pressed for entrance, and a third pressed against her lips. She tasted salt and smelled musk as he pushed into her. Her eel lover, Leson, held her head as she sucked at him while one of the others used her ass.

Triton remained inside her, thickening again as the friction woke his cock. She blinked as Leson came with a choked sound, spewing cum down her throat. She choked but swallowed while he pulsed against her tongue.

Leson retreated when he was spent, and she felt the hard shove in her ass a moment before her lover shook.

Triton smiled slowly and thrust into her while another took the rear position.

They fucked her leisurely in turns until she collapsed on Triton. She woke in his arms, and he rolled over her and into her, thrusting deep and slow.

He smiled. “I can hardly wait until you are back in the water and I can take all of you at once.”

She shivered. It was a threat as much as a promise.


They fed her, clothed her, undressed her and fucked her. She lost track of the days, but she noted that they gentled their attentions when her belly started fighting back against the pressure.

Davis was giving her a back rub on the day that she went into labour. He kissed her quickly and carried her to the pool where they entered and exited her little temple.

In the water, Triton delivered his tentacle son three hours later, and Davis held the little shark man against him with a stunned grin on his face.

Emmy looked at the monsters that she had birthed and felt a profound sense of relief. They were alive, they were healthy, and she was done. Blood drained between her thighs, and she let herself fade away. The dream was over.


She woke up while Leson was wiping her body down, cleaning her from head to toe. Her belly was flat. “How long have I been out?”

Leson smiled. “A year. You were near death, so we petitioned our father to let us keep you. He agreed, but it has taken time for your immortality to take hold.”

She raised her hands and noted the webbing in her hands. “What has happened to me?”

Leson smiled brightly at her. “You have been given the gift of the sea and the land. You can walk both with the same appearance. We can be with you for eternity.”

She looked at him as she took inventory of her body. She felt the same for the most part, but when she searched with her hands, she found her gills, her feet were webbed, and her vision saw everything more clearly.


“You gave Triton a son. You gave our father grandsons. He is delighted with you and will be here in a few years to sample you for himself.” Leson spoke as if there wasn’t anything wrong with that.

She sat up, and her thighs slid together. “Has someone been fucking me?”

Leson smiled. “Of course. We are careful not to overuse you, but we have our needs.”

She nodded and slowly got to her feet. Her skin was a pearly white, and her hair hung down over her breasts. “I think I would like to go for a swim.”

Emmy didn’t know what her plan was, but she suspected that she could get loose when she hit the open water. She simply had to find the open water.

She was nearly to the water’s edge when her men rose up and crossed their arms.

Triton smiled grimly. “Where are you going?”

She could see that he read her intent. “I am just going for a swim.”

“Good. We will all go, and then, you will be shackled in the grotto for a few decades. You are not escaping us, Emmy.”

He extended his hand, and she took it, wrapped in his tentacled embrace as he sank beneath the surface with her pinned to him.

She was surrounded on all sides, and it was when she was shackled in the grotto that her mind slipped away with the thought...
How long is eternity anyway?





Swipe Right




he giggled as he fondled her knee. How lucky had she been to get such a guy with the app? He was witty, charming and had a wicked sense of humour. She was having an amazing time.

“So, Molly, this house has been on the market for two decades. The original owner provided for the maintenance in a trust, but it ran out. The company has been trying to unload it since.”

The huge and majestic mansion got larger until the sprawl took up the entire horizon.

“Why didn’t they give it to a historical society?”

“No one will take it.” Darryl smirked. “Would you like to come inside and look around?”

Molly could feel the innuendo in his invitation, but she didn’t really mind. She was out to have some fun.

When they exited the car, he took her hand and hauled her toward the wide entryway. He used the lockbox and removed the key.

The doors swung wide, and Molly stepped inside.

Darryl whispered to her, “They say that the house hates the sound of angry voices. It raises the ghosts inside.”

She felt a shiver that had nothing to do with the hand sliding inside her shirt and up her back. She stepped away. “You never said it was haunted.”

He smiled. “If you are scared, I can hold your hand... or anything else you want me to grab.”

She rolled her eyes and headed into the house, curious and intent on following the draw that pulled her deeper and deeper into the maze of halls and walls.

Darryl pursued her and pinned her to the wall, kissing at her neck. “Come on, Molly. We have this entire palace to ourselves.”

She chuckled and leaned her head to one side for a moment before pushing him away. “I don’t think that I want to do that kind of a thing in this house. It feels disrespectful.”

He snorted and pulled her closer. “Don’t be a fucking tease.”

She pushed him back and was about to scream at him when a new voice sounded.

“Get away from him, bitch.” A blonde woman who had obviously been crying was standing in the doorway.

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