Dark Justice (Croft Family Mob Series Book 1)

BOOK: Dark Justice (Croft Family Mob Series Book 1)
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By Morgan Kelley













Copyright © 2016 Morgan Kelley LLC

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Content Advisory:
This book is intended for mature audiences and contains graphic violence, explicit sexual activity and disturbing imagery


Copyright 2016 cover by Celestia Abraham





Other works by Morgan Kelley:


Standalone Thrillers


The Junction 


Serial Sins   


The Blood Betrayal


FBI Romance Series


The Killing Times (Book 1)


Sacred Burial Grounds (Book 2)


True Love Lost (Book 3)


Deep Dark Mire (Book 4)


Fire Burns Hot (Book 5)


Darkness of Truth (Book 6)


Devil Hath Come (Book 7)


Consumed by Wrath (Book 8)


Redemption is Here (Book 9)


Dead Shall Speak (Book 10)


Pledging to Die (Book 11)


Slay Bells Ring (Book 12)


Past will Haunt (Book 13)


Choices will Destroy (Book 14)


Blood shall Run (Book 15)




Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Series


Celestia is Falling (1)


Vegas is Dying (2)


Christmas is Killing (3)


Love is Bleeding (4)


Heaven is Weeping (5)


Hell is Burning (6)


Justice is Dead (7)



Littlemoon Investigations


Blood Red Rage (Book 1)


Lost & Broken (Book 2)


Unthinkable Games (Book 3)


Truth is Found (Book 4)


Haven of Nightmares (Book 5)




The Carter Chronicles Trilogy


Sinner Repent (1)


Sinner Realized (2)


Sinner Reborn (3)





Oracle/The Phoenix Files


Oracle Rising (book 1)



The Harcourte Vampyre Society series


Dangerous Revelations (1)


Dangerous Choices (2)


Dangerous Misery (3)


Dangerous Retaliation (4)



Behind Closed Doors Anthology


Illegal Fantasies ~ Behind Closed Doors (1)


Romance Under Arrest~ Behind Closed Doors (2)


Holiday Reinforcements ~ Behind Closed Doors (3)


         ~~~~       About the Author    ~~~~

Morgan Kelley lives in the beautiful Pocono Mountains with her husband and two children. After attending college at Penn State University and studying Criminal Justice, Morgan knew her only true passion in life would be murder and books.  She put them both together and began her career as a writer.  Other than books and writing, you can find Morgan hanging out in her garden and digging in the dirt.


Her other works include: The Junction, Serial Sins, The Blood Betrayal, The Killing Times (1), Sacred Burial Grounds (2), True Love Lost (3), Deep Dark Mire (4), Fire Burns Hot (5), Darkness of Truth (6), Devil Hath Come (7), Consumed by Wrath (8), Redemption is Here (9), Dead Shall Speak (10), Pledging to Die (11), Slay Bells Ring (12), Past will Haunt (13), Choices will Destroy (14), Blood shall Run (15), Blood Red Rage (1) Lost & Broken (2), Unthinkable Games (3), Truth is Found (4), Haven of Nightmares (5), Celestia is Falling (1), Vegas is Dying (2), Christmas is Killing (3), Love is Bleeding (4), Heaven is Weeping (5), Hell is Burning (6), Justice is Dead (7), Dark Justice (1), Dangerous Revelations (1), Dangerous Choices (2), Dangerous Misery (3), Dangerous Retaliation (4), Sinner Repent (1), Sinner Realized (2), Sinner Reborn (3), Oracle Rising (1), Illegal Fantasies (Anthology 1), Romance Under Arrest (Anthology 2), and Holiday Reinforcements (Anthology 3)


Please feel free to visit Morgan at her website: www.morgankelley.com, email her
[email protected]
, or visit her blog at


















Spin off series of ‘The Croft & Croft romance adventures’.


Celestia is Falling

Vegas is Dying

Christmas is Killing

Love is Bleeding

Heaven is Weeping

Hell is burning

Justice is Dead



Dark Justice

Letter to the reader


I’m a little sad that I’ve had to pen this letter in the front of one of my books. I always tell everyone that I have the most amazing fans who are loving, supportive, and truly open to all kinds of relationships. (For the most part, that’s still very true!)

Well, in the final book of the Croft series, I was given a 1 star review—not for the writing, the storyline, or the editing, but because someone was offended by the gay couple Steele and Dante. I was chastised in the review because I had put gay sex in a book.


NOW, to address that, there was NO SEX between them in that book—none that was described. This person blew it out of proportion, forcing me to put a message on Amazon explaining that to my readers. There were some scenes where they held hands, a kiss, and one when they went into a bedroom and closed the door. From the review, it made the book sound like something it wasn’t. There weren’t pages and pages of man on man orgy.

There just weren’t. I wish I could take credit for that, but I can’t. 

Now you’re probably wondering why I’m writing this letter here. Well, here it is. Dante and Steele are integral to this series. They aren’t just token characters that I keep around for my wicked amusement. I have them to show one thing.

Love is love.

As a writer, I don’t put M/M sex scenes in my books, simply because I don’t think I write them very well. What do I know about two sexy men in bed together? This person was offended by their relationship, and even though she stated she loved my books, I had ruined it for her. I don’t get that for so many reasons, but mostly because Steele and Dante weren’t thrown into the series in the final book. They’ve been part of the series since book three—
and a couple
. They shouldn’t have come as this huge surprise. I wanted the readers to get accustomed to them, make them family, and watch them grow.

Hey! I get it. Not everyone is comfortable with gay people. I don’t write gay romances, so I get it when a reader is shocked that a gay couple turns up in a book having sex. Sadly, that wasn’t the case in my book.
There was NO gay sex
. Her response was a blatant homophobic reaction and one I won’t rationalize.

Dante and Steele are here to stay.

It would be the equivalent of me getting rid of Callen because it offends people that he’s Ethan’s half-brother.

It’s just not happening.

So, to make sure no one is shocked, horrified, or upset going forward—this series will NOT have gay sex in it, but it will have Steele and Dante getting married one day. It will have kissing, and it will have a relationship worthy of love.

I write happy ever afters.

That’s my job.

I can’t, in good conscious, in this day and age, exclude anyone. We are all worthy of love.


So, if I’ve offended any of you, it wasn’t my intent. For the person so irate that I’d given two men a relationship in one of my books, I won’t apologize for it. I will say I am sorry that your heart is closed to love.

I hope you find an author better suited your tastes.

For the rest of you…


Let the ride continue. Let’s get our Croft on.


I promise you won’t regret it.


Much love, Mayhem, and Murder,


































Greyson Croft, here’s the first day of the rest of your life…


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