Dare to be Mine (19 page)

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Authors: Kim Allison

BOOK: Dare to be Mine
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"You cannot leave," he said

Her heart soared at the possibility of
her wish coming true, but Elyssa feared to get her hopes up, knowing that
Daniel was probably just attempting to be kind. "But of course I
must," she said halfheartedly.

"Darling, I refuse to let you leave
If nothing else, for my own selfish reasons.
find the thought of you leaving here completely unacceptable."

Dropping to his knees, Daniel
dramatically implored, his hand reaching out to grab her skirts, a rakish grin
gracing his handsome face. "Please say you'll stay, Lady Fredrickson. I
need you."

His smile was contagious and Elyssa fell
into Daniel's arms with an elation only a woman desperately in love could
understand. They fell back together against the cold, hard ground, but neither
one noticed or cared, for the heat emanating from within was enough to quell
any chill from the winter cold. Daniel rolled Elyssa beneath him, stealing her
lips in a feverish kiss. He plundered the sweetness within, leaving not one
spot unclaimed.

His hands fairly trembled as Daniel
loosened her hair, digging his fingers into its dark lushness. Her fingers were
likewise greedy, and Daniel's breath drew in sharply at the feel of her hand on
his bare chest as she invaded his shirt.

"I assume this means you accept my
invitation to remain here indefinitely, darling?" Daniel questioned,
loving the feel of her supple body pressed so intimately against his own.

"How can I deny you anything?"
Pressing a warm kiss against the crook of his neck, her breathing quickened and
Elyssa sweetly confessed, "I love you."

Hesitantly, Daniel softly replied,
"I know you do." He felt like the veriest of bastards, misleading her
so. Hated like hell that she’d just added herself to the lengthy list of
females that had ever declared their undying love for him. Despised the fact
that he'd voiced the same reply he had given to each and every one of them.

Daniel had always found it a source of
amusement in the past that women so easily declared a love for him when he'd
always felt so undeserving of it. In truth, he always dreaded hearing those
words, for they invariably tended to precede suffocating hopes and desires of
clinging women that Daniel was not wont to fulfill.

Elyssa was too exceptional to fall for
the likes of him and Daniel knew he would have to soon find a way to set things
right, to cut her loose. For now though he neglected to tell Elyssa what she
deserved to know. Hell, even if he didn't tell her about the change in Percy's
will, the solicitors would be following up with Elyssa in the near future.

Daniel hated the faint sense of
insecurity he was feeling with Elyssa, for he was once again falling prey to
his own methods. He had always been able to turn on and off the charm, it was a
gift. But no matter the intimate words spoken to Elyssa to get what he wanted,
no matter the provocative touches he so expertly plied her with, Daniel was
more and more in danger of falling hopelessly and eternally beneath Elyssa's
spell, and it was that notion that he feared the most.

Daniel helped Elyssa up and she laughed
in lightheartedness as she twirled around with her arms open wide, her lovely
face upturned toward the sky. The sight of her playfulness cheered Daniel a bit
and he asked Elyssa what she was doing. Replying that she was ecstatic she'd
not be forced to leave Greystone, Daniel's expression sobered and his heart
mockingly ached for her sweet naivete. How long until she found out the truth,
and would she hate him then? Or would he draw her further into his world with
the despicable ploy to regain what was rightfully his until she no longer

His sullen thoughts were interrupted a
moment later by Elyssa's playful behest to come find her, and he saw the edge
of her gown just before she hid behind the obscurity of a huge tree a good ways
across the grounds. Within seconds, Daniel was upon her, pressing her back
against the hard tree, the scalding tenacity of his kiss leaving Elyssa

"I want you," his warm voice
hissed in her ear, urgently, wildly.
"Right here.
Right now."

Elyssa's breath came in short
the feel of Daniel's fingers grazing her leg as he
boldly yanked a handful of her skirts up above her knees. Her eyes closed in
blissful agony as Daniel continued his assault at the juncture of her thighs.
He felt her warm dampness, knew she was ready for him, and Daniel made quick
work of the buttons on his breeches, piercing her with a thrust so sure and
deep she cried out.

The playfulness had ended swiftly, her
lack of flair at hide-and-seek a rewarding thing after all. She'd not even had
time to catch her breath before her handsome rogue had come to her. His kisses
became hotter and deeper as she rode him, the stark brazenness of their actions
on the lawn in the midst of the morning only serving to further fuel the flames
within. Daniel's fingers tightened about her bottom as he lifted her higher to
meet his expert thrusts. They climaxed all too quickly and Elyssa's eyes were
glazed with passion as Daniel gently slid her down against his body.

Her skirts falling carelessly back into
place, Daniel made quick work of buttoning his breeches, though it was obvious
he craved more. A rakish grin answered Elyssa's upraised eyebrows at the
evidence of his readiness, her shuddering breath proof that she too was anxious
to taste more of his wicked pleasures.

He grazed the back of his hand softly
against Elyssa's flushed cheeks, noting the soft curve of her breasts above her
partially unlaced bodice. She probably didn't even realize his expert fingers
had managed that small feat in the short time it took.

She was looking up so lovingly at him.
So damnably sweet.
Her lips were slightly parted, yet
expectant for more of his kisses, her tongue darting out to moisten them. It
was all too apparent in her emerald eyes. She wanted him to take her again
already. And Daniel knew he could take her anywhere he damn well pleased, be it
out on the front lawns or face down on the dining table in front of the
servants. She was that ripe for the plucking. And he almost hated her for it.

She was letting him use her. Every time
he touched her or held her, each time he laid claim to her lips, Elyssa was welcoming
him innocently and unknowingly. She was entirely too intrigued with her
newfound discovery of sex. And perhaps it was that thought, that she would be
so eager with other men after they were no longer together, that made Daniel so

Consumed with the savage need to possess
her yet again, Daniel wordlessly pulled Elyssa by the hand and led her into the
mansion and up the stairs. Shoving open the door to her bedroom, Daniel's eyes
were piercing, his gaze determined and provocative. Elyssa found herself
mesmerized by his darkness, by his overwhelming ability to make her feel like
she was on the verge of wickedness and heaven simultaneously. She couldn't
imagine the bleakness of life did she ever lose Daniel, yet reality scorned her
a fool for entertaining the thought that her infamous rake would ever have the
slightest desire to remain attached to her forever.

His words were short and demanding, the
fire in his gray eyes turning them a stormy charcoal. "I'll be back in
five minutes. Be ready for me." encouragehi dow

With a swift, hard kiss to her mouth,
Daniel shut the door between them and went downstairs to retrieve her bags. He
knew he was playing with danger, to willingly court Elyssa in his own home, but
he was helpless to stop himself. In truth, he didn't want to stop a fucking
thing where she was concerned.

Elyssa's eyes widened as the door closed
on her, Daniel's words brooking no argument. He had been almost harsh in
ordering her so, yet a thrill of excitement coursed through her veins as Elyssa
pondered the notion of awaiting Daniel in her bedroom to do whatever wicked
delights he might wish of her. He could demand the moon, and she'd somehow give
it to him.

Anxious for the return of her lover,
Elyssa's eager hands tore her clothes off and carelessly tossed them aside. She
quickly got beneath the covers and hoped for Daniel's quick return. Already her
body quivered in anticipation, and Elyssa ignored the fleeting thought that she
was no doubt becoming as any of the other desperate women he'd ever lain with
over the years. And she didn't care.

Daniel picked up the two bags sitting
near the front door. They weren't very heavy at all, considering they contained
everything Elyssa owned. She was definitely not used to an extravagant lifestyle
and clothes, and suddenly it became important that Daniel give her the
frivolous things she deserved, the thought giving him a heady sense of
recklessness. Perhaps it was just a poor attempt to ease his conscience over
his dishonesty, but Daniel nevertheless looked forward to the thrill of buying
Elyssa everything she could ever want.

As he started up the stairs, Daniel
heard something fall from one of the bags. Looking down on the floor, his eyes
narrowed as Daniel saw a gleaming pistol lying guiltily alone. For an eternal
moment he simply stood there, staring at the weapon in disbelief. He knew of an
instinct it was the gun that had been used to kill his father. It had fallen
from one of Elyssa's bags, but the prospect of her firing a loaded weapon at
anyone was unimaginable. There had to be a logical explanation. And yet there
could be none.

Elyssa had found herself in a loveless
marriage forced upon her by her parents. Daniel himself had seen the way Percy
had treated her. For God's sake, he'd struck her and left a bruise on her face!
Who knew but that she had endured much worse than that? How far could a woman
be pushed before she went over the edge?

His thoughts a jumbled mess, Daniel's
only concern was getting rid of the damning evidence. He stuck it in the top of
his breeches, covering it beneath some clothing in his armoire once he reached
his room. He would get rid of it the following day. He could never hate Elyssa
for what she had done. Indeed, he encouragehi dow would never betray her dark deed to anyone.

Moments later he entered Elyssa's room,
setting her bags off to the side and locking the door behind him. Daniel stared
at Elyssa, marveled at the look of false innocence on her lovely face. Had she
truly been driven to murder?

There had to be an explanation.

He would find out later. There was
always later.

Ignoring his suspicions, Daniel crooked
his finger in summons as he leisurely stalked toward the huge bed. Daniel's
lips curved upward as Elyssa obediently rose to her knees, the silken sheets
falling to display her tempting nakedness.

By the time he reached the bedside,
Daniel's shirt and boots had been removed and flung upon the expensive carpet.
Only his breeches remained on, and those riding low on his hips from the quick work
Daniel was making of the buttons. Elyssa insisted on helping him finish
undressing, and Daniel buried himself deep within her before his breeches ever
hit the floor.

Her every cry spurred him onward in his
quest to conquer her, her hooded eyes a reflection of his own vulnerability
toward their consuming affair. They spent the remainder of the morning making
love, and Elyssa prayed she wasn’t a complete fool for falling so desperately
in love.













The next week was spent in romantic
resplendence, for both Daniel and Elyssa chose to ignore any doubts about the
other where Percy's death was concerned. Their days were spent in quiet
contentment, their nights filled with torrid lovemaking, as if they feared the
end would come all too soon, each night possibly their last together.

Daniel convinced the less than dozen
servants of Greystone the benefits of a tight lip and a blind eye. Their
substantial increase in wages was a motivating factor in their newfound lack of
criticism over the living situation of young Lord Fredrickson and Lady Elyssa.
Any urge to start rumors with a friend or lover working in another household
was immediately quelled, for not only was their pay increase at risk, but the
swift retribution that would be exacted did they falter, by Daniel's own words.

One morning Daniel left for London,
telling Elyssa he had a pressing business engagement in town and wouldn't be
home until late that night. Unbeknownst to Elyssa, he was actually spending the
day at the seamstress' shop, spending a king's ransom on every article of
clothing imaginable for her. The owner, Delilah, fairly burst in elation at her
newfound customer's willingness to spend an exorbitant amount, pleased that he
had come on the recommendation of a satisfied patron, Daniel's best friend,
Blake Edmonton.

Daniel casually sat in all his finery
while endless bolts of material and patterns were shown him. The sight of the
young lord so dark and intent gave cause for fluttering of several hearts, no
matter if they were with their husbands or not. The girls employed in the shop
were obviously in desire of the notorious Lord Fredrickson, and they envied
was the present object of his affections. Their
leering gazes and provocative stances would have at one time landed them flat
on their backs within moments, but for now Daniel had only one female on his
mind, and that was the lovely, enticing Elyssa.

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