Read Dangerous Beauty: Part One: Destiny Online

Authors: Michelle Hardin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Multicultural, #New Adult & College, #Multicultural & Interracial

Dangerous Beauty: Part One: Destiny (12 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Beauty: Part One: Destiny
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One Long Ass Day, Part 2: Girl Fight

Dante felt Carter tense next to him and he looked at her with concern, rubbing her shoulder.

Carter relaxed and gave him a small smile as she turned her attention to cutting off slices of her apple. She decided she wouldn’t even acknowledge the fact that Tessa was there. Kyle could deal with the crazy stalker bitch himself.

Tessa yawned loud and stretched again. She didn’t even care when her shirt rose up revealing a red thong. Carter rolled her eyes and made a face of disgust.

“Morning, baby,” Tessa said as she sauntered over to Kyle. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek over and over again until he pushed her back. “What?” she asked looking at him confused, and then she looked toward the dining table. “Oh wow, I didn’t know you had…” She paused when she saw Carter. “What the fuck is she doing here?”

Lucca, Dante, and Mickey’s mouth’s dropped open and Carter continued to look down at her apple.

Lucca shook his head in disbelief. “She did not just say that shit,” he said.

Carter smiled a little despite her irritation with Tessa.

“I think she did,” Dante said.

Mickey snorted. “Who the fuck does she think she is?” he asked glaring in Kyle and Tessa’s direction.

Kyle took a handkerchief from his pants pocket and wiped his face where she kissed him then tossed it in the trash, disgusted that she had just touched him and put her lips on him after he’d just showered. “Don’t ask me what the fuck anyone is doing in my house, Tessa. It’s none of your damn business. Go get some clothes on so you can go. She’s welcome here, you aren’t,” Kyle said coldly, turning his attention back to his task of making the sandwich he hoped would make Carter love him again.

He’d really fucked up this time, but he hadn’t meant to. He hated Tessa just as much as Carter did. He was just too drunk last night to remember that little fact. He had been drinking a little too much lately, and purposely avoiding Carter and Nathan because his dumbass little brother was right. He was jealous. Jealous was actually an understatement. He hated the fact that Nathan had Carter, because he wanted her, and he was sure he always had. It took a year for him to figure it out and he felt so stupid for missing all of the chances he had to show her that he loved her, and now it was too late. She was in love with another man, his best friend none the less.

Kyle had definitely been in a bad place the last three weeks. He couldn’t look at Nathan and Carter without feeling pain in his chest. He nearly collapsed when he found out who her father was. It was all too much, and last night was the big mistake. Carter was the only woman that had ever been in Kyle’s house until now. He’s been so mad at Carter, he wanted her to feel just a little of his pain, and last night his drunk ass made it happen. When he woke up this morning and saw that Tessa was in his bed he immediately felt like shit. He then promised himself that he wouldn’t avoid his best friend and the only woman in the world he cared for anymore. Carter was too important to him, and he knew she still cared for him. Especially when she greeted him like she did today, like nothing had changed, like she still cared about him, like she loved him. Kyle couldn’t lose that…or
. He needed her too much.

Kyle felt a boney hand hit him in the arm and he looked up from his task at Tessa standing next to him seething. “Why the hell are you still standing here?” Kyle asked confused. Had he missed something?

“I said why the fuck do you want me to leave? Is it because of that bitch?” Tessa yelled pointing at Carter. The girl had lost her mind. Her face was crimson, her breathing was labored and she look like she was about to explode.

“Are you out of your fucking mind? I said go get your shit and get the fuck out!” he snapped getting frustrated that she was still standing in his kitchen.

“What the hell is going on down here?” a deep voice said from the stairs. Everyone looked over to the stairs to see Nathan stepping down the last two steps and walking into the kitchen.

“Who thefuck are you?” Tessa asked looking at Nathan with her hands on her hips.

Nathan walked right passed her to the bowl of fruit and grabbed an apple. He sat up on the island a little distance away from Tessa and Kyle, bit into his apple, and chewed.

“Who the fuck are you?” he repeated in deep low tone. He wasn’t asking her who she was, he didn’t care. He was just echoing her question like the true crazy person he is.

Kyle hit the counter with his fist and Tessa flinched. “Don’t worry about who the hell is in my house! Get the fuck out, Tessa.”

Tessa crossed her arms over her chest defiantly, refusing to leave. “I’m not leaving Kyle, and I’m
not leaving so you can fuck that ugly bitch right after you spent the entire night making love to me,” Tessa yelled.

Carter chuckled and all eyes went to her. “Making love?” she muttered shaking her head. “Bullshit,” she said in a sing song tone.

Nathan frowned. “Who the hell is she talking about?” he asked confused.

“Carter,” Lucca replied still glaring at Kyle.

Nathan’s brows shot up in surprise. “Carter? My Carter?” he asked pointing to himself and Lucca who nodded yes while keeping his glare on Kyle. Nathan looked at Carter and saw she was looking down and cutting into an apple with a very sharp knife. He swallowed hard.
Who the hell gave her a weapon?

“Hey baby, are you okay?” he asked, already knowing that she was a ticking time bomb. He got even more afraid for the crazy girl when Carter just nodded her head without making eye contact with him. She kept her attention on what she was doing with that knife and that unnerved Nathan, the last thing they needed to do was hide a body in Hope Beach. Nathan looked back to the girl and narrowed his cold gray eyes on her. “You should probably go. Carter isn’t really someone you want to fuck with. Instead of finding out why the painful way, just go now.” Nathan smirked. “I promise you, Carter only shares a bed with one man in this house, and it ain’t Kyle,” he said as he took another bite of his apple.

Tessa snorted. “Fuck you. You’re lying for him. I’m not going anywhere.” Nathan chuckled and Tessa turned back to Kyle. “You think I’m just going to let you make love to me and treat me like shit while you worship the ground that stupid bitch walks on? You drool over her like every other dumbass that comes in the bar and it’s pathetic.
are pathetic! You actually still want to fuck the whore after I told you that she almost killed me!” she screamed at him.

Kyle gripped the counter hard so that he wouldn’t punch her. “Tessa. Get. The. Fuck. Out,” Kyle said in a low tone.

Tessa slammed her fist on the counter. “No,” she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Fuck you, Kyle! You’re a dumb son of a bitch if you think she’ll actually ever want you the way you want her! I’m so sick of seeing you give her all of the attention you should be giving me. Or looking at her the way you should be looking at me. And she doesn’t even like men.” Tessa let out a deranged laugh. “She comes here and screws your stupid ass and then goes back home and fucks that ugly bitch she lives with! I swear to God Kyle, if you don’t stop seeing her I’ll fucking kill that bitch myself!”

Carter burst into laughter.
No she did not just say what I think she said.
“You’ll do what?” Carter said through a laugh, and then she narrowed her cold hazel eyes on Tessa. “Everyone, pay very close attention because if I snap, you will literally have about five seconds to save her life,” her tone was low and deadly.

Each of the men felt a sharp pang of fear that they would never admit to feeling, not even if you paid them. They could all look at Carter and see that the sweet, energetic, playful Carter was not present with them at the moment. The look in her eyes was all too familiar.

What the stupid chick in the middle of the room was completely unaware of is that she is in a room full of people who live in an entirely different world then she. In this world they handle issues…differently. They could all tell that Carter had tried her best to leave the lifestyle she was raised in behind her and in the past, but looking at her now they could see that the mask she wore to hide Spook Steele’s daughter had completely slid off, hit the floor, and shattered. Carter may not know it yet, but she was going to kill the crazy bitch, and the guys didn’t know if they would be able to stop it from happening. They had all seen this coming, Carter was raised in the same way as they were, and in their lifestyle it wasn’t a good idea to threaten someone’s life unless you knew for sure that you can get the job done.


Carter couldn’t keep her mouth shut anymore, she came to the conclusion in her head that her dad would be proud of her for making it this far. Tessa had crossed the fucking line a long time ago, and it was about time for her to find out how Carter dealt with people who wanted her dead. She decided that even though the bitch just threatened to kill her, she wasn’t going to slice her throat. Instead, Carter decided to just have a little fun and see if Tessa was capable of killing her like she said she would.

Carter narrowed her eyes on Tessa. “You said that you would kill me?” Carter asked pointing to herself, a smile pulling at her lips.

Tessa glared at her and clenched her fist at her sides. “Yes, you stupid bitch. Don’t think I’m afraid of you just because you knocked the wind out of me once. You wouldn’t be so lucky if I came over there now,” she threatened.

Carter’s smile widened. “Hun, what I did to you in that hallway a few weeks ago will be nothing compared to what I’d do to you if you came over here now.”

“Fuck you, Carter,” Tessa spat.

“How?” Carter asked, she cocked her head slightly and looked at Tessa inquisitively.

Tessa frowned confused. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Carter rolled her eyes. “How would you kill me? I’m just curious to know how I would die.” Carter leaned forward in the chair waiting for her response.

The guys continued to watch the exchanged curious to see where it was going.

Tessa snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t give a fuck what you want to know, just know that I’ll fucking do it.” A passionate, hate filled her eyes.

Carter frowned and sat back in her seat. “Wow, you really hate me don’t you? I honestly have no idea what could make you hate me so much, but then again I don’t really care. I just wish to know how you would kill me,” Carter crossed her legs and folded her arms over her chest. “So tell me. Would you poison me? Beat me to death? Suffocate me?” Carter said inquisitively.

Tessa clenched her jaw and her face turned crimson. “Kiss my ass you ugly—”

“Or you could hire someone to do it, if you’re too much of a pussy to do it yourself,” Carter interjected. “But I do advise against that one, some of the best hit men in the world have already tried to kill me and they failed, miserably.” Carter heard Nathan chuckle and she smiled.

“How about I just shoot you in your fucking face?”

Carter’s smile faded and her expression went blank. “Say that again,” Carter said in a light calm tone.

Tessa stepped forward and placed her palms on the Island and narrowed her eyes on Carter. “That face that everyone seems to love so much. I would empty an entire clip in it. That’s how I’d kill you.”

Each of her words were saturated with hate, and Carter believed her. If Tessa had the chance she just might kill her. So naturally, Carter had to give Tessa the chance she could tell she so desperately wanted.

Though Carter was struggling to fight the rage building inside of her, she knew she couldn’t go off just yet. There was something she had to see first. As of this moment she knew she wasn’t going to kill Tessa, she was just going to beat the living shit out of her. But not yet, she needed justification first, so her father wouldn’t turn over in his grave, and she wouldn’t risk feeling that God awful guilt.

Carter stood up abruptly and the men all looked at each other like they were preparing to stop her if she decided to jump over the counter top and beat Tessa to death. Carter raised her hand to stop them from moving in. “I’m not going to kill her, but I’m not making any promises about not beating her ass.” They all seemed to relax, well, all of them except for Nathan and Kyle, the two who knew her too well to completely relax.

“Carter,” Nathan said to get her attention. “What are you going to do?” he asked trying to read her eyes, but they were empty and her face was expressionless. If she was feeling anything at all at the moment she was definitely keeping it hidden very well.

“Don’t worry, baby. I’m just going to give her what she wants,” Carter said turning to walk toward the small desk in the corner of the kitchen. She stopped in front of it and opened the desk drawer.

“Carter, stop!” Kyle said firmly. He knew exactly what she was going for. Nathan looked over at Kyle confused and Kyle motioned for Nathan to look back over at Carter.

Nathan heard clicking noises and he looked over just in time to see her pull out a silver coated Glock 26 from the drawer, and he jumped off the counter. “Carter, what the hell do you think you’re doing? You’re not giving her that gun,” he said walking toward her fully prepared to tackle her ass to the floor and take that damn gun.

Carter put her hand against his chest and he moved it. “Nathan, don’t worry. Tessa and I are just going to play a little game,” Carter said touching Nathan’s face lovingly. “Trust me, honey, please?” she whispered to him and kissed him softly on his lips.

Nathan knew that Carter wasn’t an idiot, but she wouldn’t do anything to actually put her own life in danger, would she? He couldn’t tell right now, all he knew was that if something happened to Carter he would lose his fucking mind and snap that Tessa girl’s neck like a damn tooth pick, and then he’d kill Kyle for bringing her here.

Carter left Nathan and he watched her walk over to the table and pick up the knife that she used for her apple.

“Carter, are you sure about this?” Dante asked.

Lucca reached up and put his hand over Carter’s. Carter tucked the knife back so it wouldn’t cut him. “I know what you’re going to do and you don’t have to. I’ll personally drag the crazy bitch, throw her outside, and be done with it.” Carter gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

BOOK: Dangerous Beauty: Part One: Destiny
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