Dance Into Destiny (31 page)

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Authors: Sherri L. Lewis

BOOK: Dance Into Destiny
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Reader's Group Guide
Keeva has made decisions about her career and future based on her parents' and society's expectations. How does that affect her ability to perform in school and her pursuit of that career? Shara challenges her to decide on her future based on God's purpose for her life. How can people discover God's purpose for their lives? How are people affected by living without a sense of purpose and destiny?
Shara has a great sense of purpose and an intimate relationship with God, but she has no social life. Mother Hobbs stresses to her the importance of balance in her life. What do you think is responsible for Shara's lack of balance? How can Christians maintain balance in their Christian walk?
Shara often uses the terms relationship with God and intimacy with God. What do these terms mean and how does one develop a relationship and intimacy with God?
Shara often speaks of how her super-religious upbringing affected her ability to have a true relationship with God. She describes “churchianity” as opposed to Christianity and how it makes the power of God of no effect. How do religious rules and church rituals affect our relationship with God? What are some examples of “churchianity” that affect one's relationship with God?
Shara keeps a “vision notebook” of the dreams God has given her. When she meets with Pastor Kendrick about the ideas God has given her, he pulls out a notebook with his written vision for the church. Why is it important to “write the vision down”?
Keeva is attracted to Shara's Christianity because she doesn't act religious and doesn't try to push God down her throat. Shara was concerned that she wasn't doing enough to bring Keeva to Christ. What do you think is the proper way to minister to the unsaved?
How does Shara's father's attitude toward boys in her early years and her experience with her first boyfriend affect her building a relationship with Quinton? Why do you think she was able to overcome her past to develop a relationship with him?
Shara talks about the divorce rate in this country as 50% and attributes it to the fact that many people form relationships based on surface attributes only such as physical appearance and sexual attraction. What are the most important foundations for relationship building? What is the importance of factoring in purpose and destiny when picking a mate? Keeva says she thinks Shara and Quinton are so happy because Shara had a strong relationship with God before meeting him. How can our relationship with God affect our relationship with a potential mate?
Quinton describes his former Pastor's criticism of his “methods” in dealing with youths. In reaching out to minister to young people, do you think Christians compromise when adapting so called “worldly” styles of music and entertainment to reach out to them?
Quinton talks with Pastor Kendrick about proper guidelines for Christian dating. What do you think is appropriate for Christian singles where dating is concerned? Should Christians date? What are guidelines for showing affection? How should Christian singles “keep things safe” as Quinton asked?
Keeva has experiences with Mother Hobbs, Pastor Kendrick and the pastor of the church she visited with Shara saying things to her or about her that they knew without knowing her. How can the active operation of the gifts of the Spirit lead people to salvation and toward knowing and fulfilling the purpose and destiny?
How does Quinton's brother's death affect his work ethic and his relationship with his “boys”? How does unresolved grief affect people's relationships with others?
Urban Books, LLC
78 East Industry Court
Deer Park, NY 11729
Copyright © 2008 Sherri L. Lewis
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-6016-2847-3
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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