Dance Away, Danger (8 page)

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Authors: Alexa Bourne

BOOK: Dance Away, Danger
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“When is your birthday?” he asked as he helped her remove the delicate replica from the box.

“December third.” She tugged at the wrapping still attached to the base. “It kind of stinks, being so close to Christmas, but....” She bent down and looked on the bottom of the replica. Her fingers skimmed over his hand and sent a jolt of lust straight through him. “There’s something stuck on the bottom.”

Matt lifted the castle higher. Attached with a lone piece of tape were a key and a tiny piece of paper.

He smiled. Jason came through for him. Again. “Go ahead and pull them off,” he said.

Her nail scraped along the bottom a few times before he heard the crinkling of the tape. “Got them.”

Gently he set the palace on the far side of the desk.

Tessa unfolded the small square of paper. “It’s part of an address.”

“Yeah.” He sighed, taking in Jason’s scrawled letters and numbers. “Mine.”

“So Jason knew what he was getting into.”

“And he figured you could turn to me for help if something happened to him.” He’d counted on Matt to remember his debt. Regardless of the fact Jason knew he wanted a simple life with responsibility only for himself, her brother had sucked him back in.

Yet, how could Matt really be angry? He’d owed Jason. And Tessa, although not nearly as much trouble as Matt had expected, clearly couldn’t handle the situation on her own. For both of them, he wanted to come through. Unfortunately, with each step they took, the harder the plan became.

Matt took the key from her and turned it over in his palm. “Did Jason have a lock box somewhere?”

“I’m not sure.”

A woman’s high-pitched voice invaded the studio.

Tessa’s eyes widened. “It’s Alice,” she whispered.

They’d spent too much time there. Crap.

She remained still, as if her slightest movement would give away her presence.

Didn’t matter. In seconds, whoever had come in would be on the dance floor and see them both standing in the office. He stuffed the key into his pants pocket.

A male voice responded to the woman. Tessa gripped Matt’s arm with surprising strength. “Oh my God! Dave’s with her!”






Dave couldn’t be there. Tessa and Matt hadn’t figured out the clue yet. They needed a chance to get away.

Dave Walgren smiled as he stepped onto the dance floor and headed toward them. He wore his wrinkled, dark blue uniform. “Tessa! Thank God you’re all right!”

She would not be afraid. She’d be Matt’s backup. They had to bluff long enough to get free.

“What’re you doing here, Dave?” Her voice held a hard edge she’d never reserved for her one-time friend. How guilty was he in whatever Jason had tried to uncover?

Dave stopped. “How can you ask with everything that’s going on?”

She resisted the urge to seek guidance from Matt.

“Yeah, I’m surprised you’re even at work today.” Alice flipped her hair over one shoulder and peeled her leather coat off. “If it was my brother missing, I certainly wouldn’t be.”

She talked too much and said nothing. But Tessa didn’t want her stuck in the middle of the situation with Dave. “Alice, would you excuse us?”

The woman pursed her lips.

Please, Alice. Not today.

Dave laid on his blond, blue-eyed boy-next-door charm. “Please. The three of us have some things to discuss.”

“Of course.” Alice smiled and turned away.

Dave’s gaze followed her around the corner to the front lobby. Seconds later, the chords of an easy listening ballad floated through the air. As soon as they were alone, his sharp features turned to stone.

“You two need to come out of there.” He settled his hand on the weapon at his waist.

“What did Jason have on you that made you go after your own partner?” Matt asked.

“Matt!” She smacked his arm. Was he trying to get them in more trouble?

“You said it yourself, Tess. If those other two cops are involved in Jason’s disappearance then it’s a pretty safe bet he is, too.”

“I only know my partner was involved in some shady business and my friend was kidnapped.”

“I wasn’t kidnapped.” And like hell she still considered him a friend. Was he really guilty, as Matt suggested?

“Rylan has you confused.”


“I can help you.” Dave waved her toward him. “Grab whatever it is your brother sent you and come over to me. Then we’ll wait together for backup to take Rylan into custody.”

How the hell did he know about the package? “No. Why don’t you explain how you, Pete, and Gerry plan to get away with any of your shenanigans,” she spat

Matt grasped her hand.

She swallowed the rest of her wound-up emotions. He was right to stop her tirade. Using logic would prevent a disaster.

The aroma of fresh-brewed coffee filled Tessa’s nostrils. In a little over a half hour, ladies would begin arriving for dance class. Around the corner, Alice went about her business, humming out of tune and apparently oblivious to the dangerous situation less than six yards away.

Tessa almost felt sorry for her.

“What makes you think her brother gave her anything?” Matt asked.

Dave pointed in Alice’s direction. “Her friend told me her brother sent her a package.”

Nosy weasel.

“It could have some highly sensitive information incriminating Jason and you, Rylan.” Dave took a step closer. “So, what’d you get, Tessa?”

“Only my birthday present.”

Another step toward her. “Oh, I don’t buy it. Your brother’s too smart to let a chance like that slip by.”

She glanced at Matt, her mind spinning with a thousand different responses.

“Evidence against you and your cronies,” he answered.

“’Not possible.” Dave shook his head. “Tessa, if you get the package, I’ll show you how it points to your brother and his friend.”

Tension spilled off Matt in waves. “That’s not going to happen.”

His deadly tone rattled her.

Dave’s fingers drummed casually on his gun.

Adrenaline coasted to the balls of her feet. Dave had a gun at his side. Matt had one tucked in the back of his jeans. Someone would not leave the studio under his own power.

“Tessa.” Dave drew his weapon. “Sweetheart, I need you to come here. This man has you tangled up inside. You can’t trust him.”

Matt laid his forearm across her waist. “Don’t you move.”

She wasn’t stupid. She gripped his forearm but whether to push him away or to hold him close, she couldn’t be sure. His strength comforted her. A little.

“You know me.” Dave pressed his palm against his chest. “I’ve watched out for your brother, for you. I need you to trust me.”

“You lost that privilege the minute you turned against Jason. I’m placing my trust in Matt.” For the moment, at least. Surrendering complete trust always ended badly.

His gaze narrowed. “Now.” Something dark and sinister filtered through him and forced a shudder down her spine.

“She’s not going anywhere.” Matt stepped in front of her, his broad shoulders shielding her. “Why don’t you save us the trouble and turn yourself in?”

Tessa peered around him. Dave gripped his weapon. Anger laced the features of her one-time friend.

How could she have been so wrong about him?

“You’re the one behind Jason’s disappearance, and we know you sent those other cops to get Tessa at my house. You’re not taking her.”

To her right, Tessa saw Alice start toward them with a coffee cup.

No. She couldn’t come in there.

But she sauntered across the lobby floor while she blew over the top of her drink.

Dave’s voice held a smile. “Pretty tough talk for a wanted felon.”

Alice stopped in front of the first office. “What?”

Dave slipped right into honorable cop mode. “Ma’am, don’t move. This man is a wanted criminal. We believe he’s involved with Officer Gage’s disappearance. I didn’t tell you before because I didn’t want to scare you.”

Tessa’s feet itched to move. She wanted to protect her innocent co-worker, even if the woman was annoying. “Alice, don’t listen to him. Get out of the building.”

Dave continued, “He kidnapped Tessa and brainwashed her into believing he’s one of the good guys.”

“Really?” Alice stared at Matt.

“No, Alice. Dave’s a dirty cop.”

“You can say whatever you want, Walgren, but we’ve still got the evidence putting the blame on you,” Matt said.

“Evidence?” Alice’s brows drew together.

“And you threatening us proves you’re the guilty one.” He crowded Tessa backward.

What was he doing? Her palms settled on his shoulder blades, drew strength from the muscles. She inched farther into the office because she had no choice.

“I’m the one with the badge. They’ll believe me.”

“Oh my God! Are they right? Are you guilty?” The coffee mug crashed onto the tiles. Liquid splattered across the floor.

Alice stared at him with her eyes wide, mumbling an incoherent plea. She took a step toward the lobby.

Dave aimed his weapon at Alice.

“No, don’t!” Tessa screamed.

Matt reached behind him and pulled the gun from his waistband.

Dave squeezed the trigger.


Chapter Five



Tessa flinched and screamed.

Alice landed flat on her stomach. Branches of red spread out from the center of her white T-shirt.

Matt shoved Tessa to the floor in the office. Glass shattered. Shards rained down on her and scattered across the floor.

She tossed her arms over her head.

Matt covered her with his own body.

His weight crushed the breath from her, but she was protected. More screams tore from her lips.

He pulled away.

She clutched his arm. “No, don’t!”

He yanked free and peered around the outer office wall. More gunfire.

Tessa crawled to get a better view. “We have to help her.”

Alice’s blood drained into tiny rivers of red liquid across the floor. She no longer moved.

“We’ll be too late.” Tessa started forward.

Matt jerked her back. “No!”


“She’s dead. We can’t help her.”

Tessa’s breaths came short. Stilted. She trembled. Right. Alice dead. Their survival was crucial.

Another round of gunfire.

Her blood ran cold.

Matt crouched beside her and whispered in her ear. “When I say go, run for the front door.”

“But it’s locked.”

“Rylan, are you willing to risk Tessa’s life?” Dave hollered from over by the locker room. “Surrender, and I’ll make sure she’s not hurt.”

Like hell they’d surrender. “Go, go!” Matt tugged her roughly to her feet, fired in Dave’s direction, and shoved her toward the door.

She raced onto the glossy hardwood floor, tripped over Alice’s body, and landed on all fours. Her eyes locked with the corpse’s blank stare.

She froze. Her breath disappeared.
I’m sorry.

“Tessa, move!” Matt grabbed her around the waist, raised his gun, and shot the glass out of the front door.

Tessa flinched as shards fell like rain dropping on a tin roof.

“Get down!” He shoved her through the lower half of the steel doorframe and followed, his touch never leaving her back. “To the truck. Go!”

Matt aimed his weapon inside the studio and fired another two shots then grabbed her arms and dragged her around the corner to the rear parking lot. He shot out a tire on the squad car. Alice’s car, too. When he pointed the weapon at Tessa’s car, a clicking noise was all she heard. And a few choice swear words. They hopped into the truck. He revved the engine and peeled out of the parking space.

Tessa hauled the seatbelt across her chest.

The rear window erupted.

Abandoning the seatbelt, she crouched down in her seat.
Please, please let us get to safety!

Matt pressed the gas pedal to the floor. The truck fishtailed off sheets of ice hiding in snow pockets along the road.

Her heartbeat thumped loudly in her ears as she listened for sounds of pursuit, but no sirens whirred behind them. Matt slowed the truck to a normal speed. “Dammit, sucked in again. I can’t believe I gave up a beach vacation for this.” He clicked on the radio found the late morning news.

He’d sacrificed his vacation plans to take care of her? Crap. She sat up straight and buckled her seatbelt. “I’m sorry. If I had known, I would’ve told you to go. I would’ve managed.”

He gave her a pointed glare, but said nothing.

“Somehow,” she added.

Frigid morning air whipped her hair around her face. She wrestled with the strands, but they had a mind of their own.

She sucked in a deep breath and willed her brain not to venture into those deep, dark recesses that would fray her nerves even more. She was safe for the moment. She had a lot to be thankful for. Danger still followed them, but Tessa was strong enough to face it head-on with clear-cut logic.

“Are you all right? Matt took a quick glance at her.

“No.” She’d never be all right.

Nothing would ever be right again.

She brought her knees to her chest and stared at the floor. Dave had killed Alice in cold blood and then tried to murder them as well. “And I thought last night was rough.”

“Tess.” Matt reached out and covered her hand with his own. Her shoulders relaxed. Could she get him to park the truck, pull her into his capable arms, and whisper he’d take care of everything? Relying on him for everything would be so easy.

“I need you to be strong, okay?”

But she couldn’t. “Alice is dead because of me.”

The previous men in her life would have placated her with soothing denials. Matt said nothing. Yes, she appreciated his honesty, but for once she would’ve liked a tiny fib, just until she processed all the recent events they’d endured. His silence only increased her guilt. “We never should’ve gone there.” She rocked back and forth, the seatbelt cutting into her neck.

“We needed your brother’s package.”

“We could’ve waited until dark, or until the studio closed for lunch.”

“Every minute we wait is another minute your brother’s in danger.”

“But I shouldn’t have let her die.”

“Hey.” He gripped her hand. “You didn’t shoot Alice.”


“No buts. Your safety is what matters and I need you to focus, all right? For both of us.”

He remained an ocean of calm in the midst of her hurricane. “How do you do it, Matt?”

“Do what?”

“You’re not afraid of anything.”

He shifted in his seat. “I’ve been scared more times than I’d like to admit.”

“How do you deal with the fear?”

“Keep moving. Keep doing what you know is right.”

“I don’t have that kind of courage.”

“Courage comes from in here.” He pressed his fingertips above her heart.

His touch zapped through her, spreading light straight to the darkened corners of her soul, along with the kind of warmth meant to supercharge her own strength. Desire flashed across his face, but only for a second. Too soon he yanked his hand away as if she’d burned him. “Having courage doesn’t mean you’re not scared. It means you’re brave enough to do the right thing anyway.”

“Like Jason.”

“Like you.”

She rolled her eyes. “How much courage does it take to scream and throw my arms over my head?”

“You can’t think that way. This kind of experience is completely new to you. To keep doing whatever you have to in order to stay alive like you have been…that takes courage.”

Tessa didn’t necessarily believe him, but if he needed her to hold it together, how could she refuse? He’d saved her life. Again. She owed him.

She folded her arms, dropped her legs to the floor. “What’s our next step?”

“We need to find the locker for the key Jason sent you.” Matt tugged it out of his pocket.

Great. From a terrifying situation to an impossible one. “I don’t have a clue where to start.”

“We’re trying the train station first.” He glanced in the rear view mirror and switched lanes.


“Steps to Silence.”
Matt shoved the key in his pocket again.

She frowned. “The action movie?”

“Yeah. Your brother and I spent hours talking about that movie. There’s a scene where the main character leaves something valuable for his buddy in one of the lockers at the train station.”

“And you think Jason would’ve done the same thing?”

“It’s what I would do.” Matt shrugged. “Plus, we’ve got to start somewhere.”

Relying on an action movie felt like a long shot, but they had no other options at the moment.

Memories of her childhood flashed through her mind when they passed her high school, then the park where she’d spent so many springs and summers playing soccer. Bare trees lined the road. Only a few weeks before, that part of Hanover had offered a vibrant display of golds, browns, and rusts as the trees prepared for the harsh New England winter.

She’d thought of moving from Rhode Island only once, when college applications crossed her high school junior desk. But she loved her hometown, the sense of community in Red Sox Nation, the close friends she’d kept from grade school. In the end, her heart belonged to Hanover, and she remained.

The wheels of her brain kept spinning over every piece of information they had. If she hadn’t believed Dave was involved before, now there she had no doubt. “Matt, in the studio you said Dave had sent Pete and Gerry to get me. But we didn’t know for sure.”

“Not until he admitted it, but I had a hunch. Jason mentioned him specifically. Gerry was on the phone at my house with someone other than the sergeant. Maybe Walgren’s the mastermind behind whatever your brother was investigating.”

Tessa nodded. “Makes sense.”

Morning traffic jams slowed their progress for almost another hour. She fidgeted in her seat as their truck crept along 95 in Providence. Matt spent the time switching radio stations to gather as much news about them as they could. It was a wonder no police cars had picked up their trail yet. No matter where they went, they were sitting ducks. But, if she had to be in trouble with someone other than her brother, Matt was turning out to be a pretty good partner.

In another time, under different circumstances, what kind of date he would be? Sure he was all business and harsh orders, but a lighter, friendlier side had peeked out at her from time to time, a side which made her toes curl. And even when he was angry or stern, he always remained gentle with her. She might not know him well yet, but with each moment, she found it easier to place her trust in him. And that terrified her.

After shoving the heels of her hands into her eyes, she let loose a disgusted sigh.

No words came out of his mouth, but he reached out, rubbed her arm, and rested his palm on her shoulder. Almost immediately she tilted her head to him, needing whatever comfort he could spare. Tears gathered and she wasn’t sure she could keep them at bay anymore. Or if she wanted to. Matt brushed his knuckles along her cheek. Her life had turned upside down and, for the first time, she had no shame in accepting his comfort. Everyone needed help once in a while, right?

But she’d only accept it for a limited time. Once they got to the train station, she had to be ready to support him again. And to think for herself.

On the way, they stopped at a Walmart. Tessa followed Matt through the store, with her nerves once again on high alert. He, of course, wandered casually through the aisles, gathering a first aid kit, some blankets, and other clothes, like they had all the time in the world.

What she wouldn’t give to have his confidence.

“Relax.” He slid his arm around her shoulders and squeezed her close to his hard body. “We still have time before everyone in the state will be searching for us.”

She glared at him. “’You’re not helping.” “We’ll be out and on our way in ten minutes.”

After grabbing a mini-recorder, a disposable camera, and a pre-paid phone, Matt struck up a conversation with one of the electronics representatives.

No matter what they faced, he always had a plan. He kept his cool, allowing logic to guide his choices. And no matter how frightened she was, or hysterical, he always took the moments to calm her with some gentle touch and to reassure her he wouldn’t leave her to fend for herself. Those brief touches made all the difference. Yes, his words spoke of protection and trust, but his actions allowed her to believe in him.

As they walked to the front of the store, she said, “I understand why we’re getting the phone, but what about these other electronics?”

He didn’t even blink. “If we’d had a way to record our run-in with Walgren, we would have evidence against him. If we get close again, we’ll be ready.” After fishing several twenty-dollar bills from his wallet, he stuffed them in her palm. “All right. Take the money and the basket and go through the checkout line.”

She gripped his hand holding the wallet. “Where are you going?”

He caressed her jawline for a moment. “Don’t worry. I’m going to walk over and make sure we’ve still got a clear exit. Then I’ll wait by the door.”

Her hold tightened. “Why can’t we just go together when we get through the line?”

“I don’t want the cashier to remember us together.” He peeled her fingers away. “I promise you’ll see me the whole time. You can do this, Tessa.”

She nodded. “Of course I can.”

With every step Matt took away from her though, another lump lodged in her chest.

“I can do it,” she muttered to herself as she maneuvered into the closest checkout line. With the new communication device, she itched to contact Whit. He’d be worried, and had probably called her several times on her cell, which was still in Matt’s house. Whit would want to hear Dave tried to kill her. Despite Matt’s objections, she knew the sergeant would believe her. The man had been there for her and Jason in every sense of the word for the past dozen years. Besides her brother, he’d been the only man she’d come close to trusting to put her best interests first.

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