Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales (9 page)

BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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The crowd started to quiet down and their eyes followed movement coming towards them. Ashland looked to where they were staring and saw a tall figure making its way over. The lights above the runway blinded her for a moment and then standing below her was her knight. Charlie. His signature grin was spread across his face. His dimples nearly made her knees buckle.

Charlie looked up at her with his hands behind his back. The phone calls he had made earlier in the day had finally lead him here. Seeing her again was like a balm to his frazzled nerves. She was adorable in formfitting skinny jeans, a long shapeless sweater that hung off one shoulder, a colorful scarf around her neck, and cute bare feet. Her hair was pulled back into a schoolgirl ponytail. Her bangs were down with wispy tendrils on either side.

“I missed you this morning.” Charlie said quietly.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to leave so abruptly. I had to leave before midnight to return the jewelry I was wearing.” Ashland whispered, completely aware that the room at large was listening to their conversation.

“Well, I had to find you. You left something behind in your rush. And I wanted to give it to you.” Charlie said as he brought the sparkling blue shoe around to show her.

“Is that the only reason you had to find me?” Ashland asked softly.

“Well, it might seem a little soon, but I also wanted to ask what you were doing the rest of your life?” Charlie asked his face completely serious.

“S-Spending it with you?” Ashland posed it as a question. Her voice was wobbly with tears.

“If you’ll have me?” Charlie responded honestly, holding out the shoe for her.

“Abso-freakin’-lutely!” She blurted out as she slid her foot into the shoe.

Before he knew what hit him, Ashland launched herself into Charlie’s strong arms. His reflexes were quick and he caught her perfectly. The crowd burst into applause around them. Startling them, considering they had forgotten they weren’t alone. Her stepmonster and evil stepsisters stormed out of the building in an angry huff.

Cisco grinned knowingly. The hint of a sparkle twinkled in his eye.
I’m the best fucking fairy godmother ever!






With the help of Charlie and his lawyer, a few short months later, Ashland found out that her father’s magazine, La-La Land, was actually willed to her. Her stepmother was only supposed to take over until Ashland was legally old enough to run the company. The penthouse apartment was also hers as well. Ester was only allotted one million dollars for the one year, she and Ashland’s father were married, before his death. And since she had already ran through that money long ago, she really had no rights over anything. Which was why she used her domineering nature to manipulate Ashland into believing she owned nothing.

So with no other recourse, she and her daughters moved to one of the outer boroughs of New York and her stepsisters’ careers quickly became fledgling once they didn’t have the company to back them. Including the fact that the industry was fed up with their diva behavior. Eventually, they were reduced to modeling in catalogs.

Ashland quickly took back her cherished childhood home and rebuilt her father’s magazine. Restoring its class and stellar reputation. She and Charlie married a year later. Combining both their empires. She didn’t have much time for her favorite hobby anymore, but every now and again when the urge hit her, she had the perfect model at home and in her bed. With Charlie’s praise and learning the ropes of running a company, Ashland no longer needed to hide behind the camera lens. And she realized that though her life wasn’t perfect, she had found her own little slice of happily ever after.












Rocco Bennett stepped out the front door of his lavish loft apartment building. The light of the full moon illuminated the sidewalk as he took off down his street towards the park, on his nightly jog. As he ran along the concrete path, he came towards a stunning, tall and slender brunette as she walked to her car parked along the street. Her arms were filled with bags as she fumbled with her car keys. She clumsily dropped them and they fell down off the curb and under her car. Roc quickly ran over to assist the gorgeous woman.

“I’ve got it.” Roc said as his white smile spread across his handsome, dark mahogany face.

“Oh, thank you.” The woman replied sweetly.

Roc got down on his hands and knees to search for her keys. Unable to see, he pulled his phone out of his shorts’ pocket and turned on its flashlight. Finding the keys, he grabbed them and then hopped back up onto his feet. Roc handed the young woman the keys, letting his fingers linger on her soft skin.

“I really appreciate the help. That was so sweet of you.” The brunette looked up at him from under her eyelashes. “I’m Denise,” she said adjusting her bags to shake his hand.

“I’m Roc. Here let me help you with those bags.” He suggested gallantly.

Roc took her heavy bags as she opened her car door. After she was done transferring the bags from his arms to her backseat, Denise boldly asked for Roc’s cellphone. Once he handed it to her, she then proceeded to add her name and number to his contacts. When she was finished, Roc said his goodbyes and grinned arrogantly as he started back down the street.

He had only made it a few feet when he saw a cute, plump blonde struggling with a jack to lift her car to fix a flat tire. She glanced up as she heard Roc coming towards her. She smiled brightly, hopeful.

Roc took in her plump body and quickly turned up his nose. He kept his eyes straight ahead, callously ignoring the woman. She still didn’t give up hope that he’d stop to assist her and as he came closer, she spoke.

“Excuse me? Do you think you could help me really quick?” She asked sweetly.

“Sorry.” Roc responded as he kept going.

“Wow, really? Are you sure about that?” She asked again, almost as a warning.

Roc continued on, not giving the woman a second thought and picked up his pace. He missed the low growl that emanated from the woman’s throat as her eyes morphed into the gold color of an animal.
You will finally learn Rocco Bennett…






Bo was walking through the dark library parking lot to her car when a massive arm, like a steel band wrapped around her body and yanked her off her feet. The other hand quickly clamped down over her mouth before the scream that was trapped in her throat, could signal her distress. Her legs kicked wildly, but her efforts were futile against the strength of her attacker.

An incredibly deep and gravelly, baritone voice whispered in her ear. “If you don’t stop fighting, I’ll be forced to knock you out.” Her attacker growled.

All Bo could think about was the well-known warning to never let an attacker get you in a car because once he gets you there, you’re dead. So his words only made her fight harder. A few seconds later the hand over her mouth moved and a raw scream ripped from her throat, but it didn’t last long. The hand came back over her lips and nose, but this time holding a sweet smelling cloth over her face.
Her heart nearly exploded in panic as her world went black.






Roc sighed heavily, he didn’t want to knock out the beautiful voluptuous Latina, but it was a means to an end.
I have no choice.
He lifted her effortlessly and placed her limp body in the back of his SUV. He quickly tied her wrists and ankles together, and placed duct tape across her plump, shapely lips. He didn’t want the normally quiet librarian to wake up and cry for help or escape.

Roc desperately needed the plan he’d devised to work. If not, his dark secret would eventually consume him. Every month, at the time of the full moon, he’d lose consciousness only to wake up in the morning naked and covered in blood. He had no idea what or who he had killed, but he knew it wouldn’t be long before he’d be caught if he was killing humans. He didn’t want to believe that he was a monster. A werewolf. In fact, he even refused to say the word out loud.

He had searched around for years trying to find anyone that could help him. Which was when he stumbled across GenLabs, several months ago. A laboratory that focused on the study of genetics. Doctor Miguel Cabrera was a brilliant genetics scientist that Roc knew could help him find the key to end his curse. Though the man refused to see Roc, always saying that he didn’t have time to see patients, and to go see a regular physician.

So with no other choice, Roc decided to force the man’s hand. By kidnapping and holding his daughter, Bonita Cabrera hostage until he could find the cure. Roc had been watching her and her father for months. The thirty-year-old still lived with her father in San Francisco and though she was smart enough to have been a doctor like her father. Bo chose to live her life with her nose in a book and as the head librarian of the city’s public library.

All of Roc’s researching and staking out the two had led him to this moment. He knew Miguel doted on his daughter and would do anything for her. Roc was depending on it. So after he was finished securing the woman, he took out his phone and snapped a picture of her bound and unconscious body as leverage.

He closed the back door and jumped in the driver’s seat. He drove up the dark winding road to his sprawling home deep in the Northern California Mountains. Roc had amassed a fortune from the internet company he started and had become an arrogant socialite. Though, a late night jog five years ago was when everything changed.

Roc had went out for a jog that evening, like he always did. Whenever he needed to think, a hard run would always help. Plus, it kept him in shape and he was nothing, if not meticulous about his physical appearance.

The run had started out like normal, outside of his renovated loft apartment. He had made his way to one of the parks he liked to run through, after stopping to help a damsel in distress. As he ran, he felt like someone was watching him. Before he knew what was happening, someone or some
had attacked him. In the few seconds that the attack took place, Roc was unable to make out what it was. All he knew was that he was left for dead in the middle of the park.

He had been taken to the hospital and made a full recovery. Although, he was left with three claw marks marring his handsome face. It wasn’t until a month later that the first blackout happened, and happened every month thereafter. When he realized what was going on, he sold his cherished loft apartment and bought a home in the mountains. Roc became a virtual hermit, conducting his business from within his fortress. The guilt, shame, and fear of hurting someone kept him away from the human population for the last five years.

Roc pulled up to the gate of his home and punched in the code. He parked alongside his front door and went to the back of his vehicle. He lifted Bo into his arms and carried her into his home, towards the east wing of his massive estate. He carried her limp body to the room he had prepared for her. The windows were barred so she couldn’t escape. Roc laid her on the huge king size bed, unbound her wrists and ankles, and pulled the tape from her mouth.

He looked down at her peaceful form and knew he’d have a battle on his hands when she woke up. But first things first, he had an unscheduled meeting with her father. So leaving her on the bed, Roc backed out of the room and closed the door. He locked and barred it to insure that she was going nowhere.






“I’m here to see Dr. Cabrera.” Roc said to the guard at the front desk of the lab.

“Do you have an appointment or meeting scheduled with Dr. Cabrera?” The bored guard asked, flipping through the day’s paper.

“No, I don’t.” Roc said already wanting to bash the man’s head in, knowing he was about to give him a hard time.

“Then, I’m sorry. Dr. Cabrera isn’t meeting with anyone that doesn’t have an appointment.” The guard said, glancing up from his newspaper.

“You might want to tell him that it’s urgent and in regards to his daughter. She may be in danger.” Roc ground out through clenched teeth.

The guard sighed heavily and put down the newspaper. “Fine. I’ll take you to him.”

Roc followed the guard down the white sterile halls of the lab. The florescent lights overhead bounced off of the white floors, walls, and ceiling nearly giving him a migraine. Especially, considering he only existed in his dark depressing house for the past five years.

Finally, after walking down the endless maze of nondescript halls, the guard stopped in front a door. He opened it and gestured inside.

“Here ya go,” he said before walking away.

Wow. Way to guard the employees. I could be some psycho mass shooter. Or some crazy person that just kidnaped the doctor’s daughter.
Roc shook his head as he watched the guard saunter off. He turned and stepped into the room. An older Hispanic gentlemen with a full head of salt and pepper hair was bent over a microscope.
Put on your game face.

“Dr. Cabrera?” Roc spoke, startling the other man.

Miguel Cabrera looked up to see a massive dark-skinned black man standing in the entrance of his personal office. A quick analysis in the doctor’s head estimated that the man hovering in the doorway was around six-foot-five and about two-hundred and sixty pounds of solid muscle. A genetic masterpiece.
Aside from the three angry scars running down the right side of his face,
Miguel thought.

“Yes, I’m Dr. Cabrera. Can I help you?” Miguel asked. Normally he would have shouted at anyone who would dare disturb him, but looking at the mountain of a man had him rethinking his approach.

“I need your help.” The man’s deep voice vibrated throughout the room as he stepped further inside and shut the door. Miguel instantly got nervous.

“With what exactly?” Miguel asked curiously.

“I…I have a condition and I’ve been searching for a cure. So I figured, who better to talk to than an expert in genetics.” Roc explained.

“I’m sorry, sir. But I just don’t have time to take on anything else at the moment.” Miguel said firmly.

“I was afraid you’d say that.” Roc pulled out his phone and pulled up the pic of a bound and gagged Bo. “I’m not asking you. I’m telling you to help me.” He slid the phone across the doctor’s desk. The phone hit the base of the microscope, stopping. And the doctor looked down at the screen. The instant he saw his daughter, he looked up in horror at the large man towering over him. “She’s safe…for now.” He responded to the fear in the older man’s eyes.

“Where is she?” Miguel burst out, ready to do battle, though he knew he’d lose.

“I think you know that telling you her location would defeat the purpose.” Roc raised an eyebrow. “But she will be staying with me until you can help cure me of this…this curse. Though, the quicker the better for your daughter’s safety.”

“What’s wrong with you?” Miguel asked angrily.

“I know you won’t believe this, but I think it’s best for your daughter if you take me seriously.” Roc prefaced before taking a deep breath and plunging ahead. “Five years ago, I was attacked by something. I was left for dead, but recovered. A month later, on the night of a full moon, I blacked out. When I came to, I was naked and covered in blood. This strange occurrence has happened every month, every full moon since. I have no idea what or who I hurt each time, but I have no intentions of living the rest of my life like this. So we have one month to figure out the cure before it happens again with your daughter in my possession.” Roc finished with a warning.

“So you’re telling me that you think you’ve turned into what? A werewolf?” Miguel asked incredulous.

“That’s exactly what I’m telling you.” Roc placed his hands on Miguel’s desk and leaned forward till they were practically nose to nose. “It’s your choice if you want to think I’m crazy, but what if I’m not? Do you really want your daughter under my care a month from now?”

Miguel swallowed audibly. “No,” he whispered.

“Good.” Roc shoved off of the desk. “And don’t even think about telling the police. Just keep remembering that your daughter will be safe as long as you keep your mouth shut and you help me.” Roc threatened.

“Fine. But so help me God, if you harm a hair on her head, once I cure you, I’ll kill you myself.” Miguel said bravely.

“Agreed.” Roc held out his hand.

Miguel grudgingly took the offered hand and shook it.

“Well, I might as well get started now, if I want my daughter back. Have a seat and I’ll take some of your blood and cotton swab your mouth for DNA to analyze.” Miguel sighed and pulled up his sleeves. Ready to go to work to save his daughter.





BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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