Curtains (11 page)

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Authors: Angelica Chase

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Suspense, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Curtains
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All rise
Everyone stood as directed by the bailiff. I had
t braved a glance to my left at the man who had attacked me. The minute I set foot in the courtroom, I felt nothing but terror knowing that the bastard who tried to kill me was mere feet away. I shook violently as I poure
a glass o
water, splashing a majority of it onto the table. My lawyer gave me a reassuring nod as I sat back in my chair and looked behind me. My mother sat close to me, giving me a similar nod, and I turned back to the action in the courtroom, completely oblivious to what was being said. I was, for the first time since my birthday, reliving the night I had almost died. I had
t realized just how much I had masked my fear until today.

my lawyer, Jake, whispered to me when my name was called. I stood quickly, my knees knocking as I approached the stand and was asked to hold up my hand.

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God

I do
I whispered, unable to find my voice.

Please speak up, Ms. Hale
the judge urged.

I do
I said firmly, taking a seat on the stand and refusing to look to my right. I saw his profile as he sat next to his lawyer in his filthy fucking brown suit, but could
t bring myself to look at his face. I closed my eyes tightly as Jake went through the events of the night, detail by detail. I blocked them out, thinking of the man who saved me. I stumbled through my lawye
s questions and drew a blank as I watched the table to my right out of my peripheral vision, completely disabled by fear. By the time his lawyer started his line of questioning, I was terrified. The stench of him filled my nose as the memory gripped me. I fingered my scar absently as I felt the pinch of the knife all over again. I closed my eyes as I recalled the splash my fingers made in my own blood.

Ms. Hale

m sorry could you repeat the question

Is it true that you could
t see the faces of your attackers
the defense asked.

I said weakly, looking at my hands as I twisted them in my lap. I bit the inside of my cheek hard as I tried to keep from crying. I answered as I replayed my own account of that night, refusing to look in his direction. If I did, I would know his face for the rest of my life, regardless if he was incarcerated for the rest of his. I did
t want that memory. Instead
I remembered Rhys.

He knows you love him, honey. If he did
t before he knows now. Do
t you, Rhys

Remembering the medi
s words, my eyes swelled and all I could do was sit silently and nod with an occasiona
loud enough for the record when I was forced to. I could
t breathe. Thoughts of Rhys raced through me as I let my tears fall at his memory, his sincerity. I needed him now. It felt foolish being apart from him. My fucking pride might have ruined my relationship with him, but right now, all I needed was the mere sight of him. It would have been enough. I said a prayer as I wiped at my face furiously, though it was useless.

The details did
t matter. Rhys had saved me in more ways than one. All he was asking of me was what I wanted from him. Our relationship was so simple, yet our lives had made it seem so damn impossible. The only thing standing in our way now wa

Ms. Hale, do you need a minute
the defense attorney asked as I hiccupped on a sob, trying desperately to regain some strength.

I longed for the grey eyes that had captured me and held me hostage. The tears fell heavy as I mourned for my love, no longer afraid of the bastard who had robbed me and left me for dead. Now, I was more afraid of the growing distance between myself and the love of my life. When I looked up into the faces of the courtroom, I saw the eyes I had longed for.


I almost cried out in relief as we kept each othe
s gaze, his eyes telling me everything he could not say. Saltwater slid down my cheeks and I hoped he could see the
I love you, I love you, I love you
in mine. I had to keep my chuckle in when I noticed he was wearing his non-committal sweater. As if he could read my mind, he gave me a reassuring nod and small smile. I gathered all my strength as he watched me and finally let my gaze wander to my right to face my fear. I glared in the direction of my attacker as he cowered in his chair, refusing to meet my eyes. He was olde
maybe in hisearly fiftie
and a true to life scumbag with greasy hair and bad skin, no doubt a junkie or alcoholic. There was nothing terrifying about him. I sat up straight and answered the questions Jake had drilled me on the previous day, more certain than ever that when I left the courtroom today, I could close this chapter of my life.

Ms. Hale, do you need more time

I looked right at my attacker
m fine
I replied, my voice growing in strength with each word spoken. The questions continued as I answered honestly through his cross-examination.

I have no more questions, your honor

The judge looked at me, eyes filled with sympathy
Thank you, Ms. Hale. You may step down

I was sure then the sentence would be fitting to the crime.

It was over.

My mother nodded at me, her tears mirroring mine, as I walked toward my seat. Rhys winked at me and I had to resist the urge to walk over to him and launch myself into his arms.

When court was adjourned, I stood immediately to go to Rhys, but was stopped short by my lawyer. Rhys left the courtroom and all the air left my body. I fought the small crowd and made it through the door, finding Rhys waiting next to the elevator, his gaze on me.

Jake, Violet will call you
my mother interrupted as she watched my reaction to Rhys. Jake nodded, slightly confused as I approached Rhys and we slipped inside the elevator.

ve been trying to give you space, Violet, but I ca
t do it anymore
"I whispere
, trying my hardest to keep my distance. My chest was full as I sifted through my thoughts, carefully trying to convey to her in the best way I knew how that I needed her.

Fucking words.

m not asking for it and I do
t want it

She looked so fucking beautiful wrapped in her black winter coat, her lips painted a perfect shade of pink and long blonde hair cascading down her shoulders. Her swollen eyes locked on mine.

I charged her when we were alone in the elevator and pinned her to the back of it.

Possessive is all I felt in that moment as I looked down at her face, so beautiful, so beyond perfect.

I felt a part of me rip as I asked her my next question, afraid she would see the hardest part of me no longer existed with her this close. I had come undone, and all for her.

I guess my question is
I said, my chest heavy
Do you still
him to love you

Her tears fell as she looked up at me
No, God, no
she answered, her voice shaking. She shook her head back and forth, her tears coming down fast. I wiped them away, searching her eyes, desperate to believe her
I never want you to think I do, Rhys. I love
. I gave you everything when I got back from my trip. I was just so fucking shocked that night. I let it shake me

I cupped her face in my hands as she looked up at me
m sorry I did
t tell you, but I only did it to protect you, Violet. I do
t want to lose you, but I ca
t and wo
t share you with anyone else, ever

You wo
t ever have to. Please believe me. I know I acted like a fool. What
have is all I want. I do
t care about them. I want them out of our lives for good. I need to be with you and Bryce. I do
t care anymore that I was
t enough for him. I only want to be enough for you

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