Cruel Boundaries (7 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

Tags: #The Boundaries 2

BOOK: Cruel Boundaries
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Chapter Twenty-Six



Since the incident last night, Noah’s been avoiding me. I know it has something to do with my back. I haven’t had the guts to look at it myself, and judging by Noah’s reaction I don’t want to. The pain is enough reminder that I’ve been hurt, I don’t need a picture to go with it.

I like Noah, and I’d rather spend time with him than to try and socialize with the rest of the family.

When I hear the door open I turn to see Noah coming out onto the deck. He’s dressed in a pair of jeans and a black shirt. He looks good.

I feel a nervous fluttering in my stomach when his eyes just skim over me. “I’m going to the fair,” he says to Uncle Justin.

“What time will you be back,” Aunt Riza asks.

Noah just shrugs. “I’ll see you when I see you.”

He takes the steps down to the beach and then walks in the direction of the town.

He didn’t even bother to ask if I’d like to go with. Upset, I get up and stomp down the stairs. He could have at least asked me! I walk to the water’s edge and stare ahead of me, not really seeing anything.


It’s while staring at the ocean that I make up my mind to go to the fair, even if it’s by myself. Just sitting around here will drive me nuts.

I go up to my room and grab the first dress I see. The material hangs loose on me and the dress reaches to just above my knees. I grab a pair of boots and yank the brush through my hair.

When I step outside, everyone looks at me. “I’m going to the fair,” I mumble, and start toward the steps.

“Alone?” my mom asks. “You don’t want us to come with you? Will you be okay to go by yourself?”

I tuck some hair behind my ear. “I’ll be fine. I’ll find Noah.”

I’m a little surprised and a lot relieved when they let me go. I get that they worry, but I just need some time.

Thumping music and hordes of people greet me. Everyone seems happy, either supporting one of the many stalls, or taking part in some sort of activity.

The music gets louder and then I see the live band. Some couples are dancing and I stare a while at them before my eyes start to wander again. I spot a beer garden and make my way there. I might not be old enough to drink, but I want to see if Noah is there.

The beer garden is packed with people already well on their way to being drunk. I find an opening at the bar and when the bartender looks at me, I order a coke.

I take a huge sip of the sugary drink, letting it fizz down my throat.

I let my eyes go over all the people, searching for Noah, and then I spot him. He’s standing with a crowd, laughing and a girl is hanging from his arm. She’s standing so close to him, she can be considered one of his body parts.

I start to walk in their direction. The girl takes hold of Noah’s face and pulls him down, offering her mouth to him.

I stop in the middle of the beer garden, not sure why I’m feeling jealous. I watch Noah’s head starting to lower to hers and suddenly that blinding headache is back, stabbing at my skull.

Someone bumps into me and I drop my coke to the floor, letting it splash at my feet. I grab my head as a memory of Noah assaults me.

It’s dark as I watch Noah walk towards me, naked.

I can see him clearly, but nothing else. My heart starts to race and I’m not sure why.

A heavy arm falls around me and the stench of beer wafts over me.

I try to pull away when a deep voice slurs near my ear, “Aww … come on, baby, don’t be like that.”

I shove as hard as I can at the man and hiss, “Let go!”

“Am I not good enough for the likes of you?” he growls, pulling me closer to him.

The pounding in my head gets worse and it’s making it hard to fight the man off.

“Let go,” someone hisses, and when I look up I’m relieved to see it’s Noah. He takes hold of my arm and pulls me toward him, and I’m so glad to see him. “She’s with me!” he snaps at the man and I don’t even look behind me to see if the man leaves. My eyes are on Noah and remembering the memory of him being naked makes me flush red.

“I’m just…” I point behind me, feeling flustered. “I’m gonna go. This was a bad idea.”

I turn and walk away as fast as I can, but Noah catches up and says, “He didn’t hurt you, did he?  Cause I’ll kick his ass!”

I shake my head, walking faster. “I’m fine.”

Noah grabs hold of my arm, pulling me to a stop. “Hey, you don’t look fine. Talk to me.”

I glance up at him from under my lashes and I can feel my cheeks are on fire. “I just remembered something, and I don’t know…” I suck in a deep breath and then just blurt it out, “did we have sex?”





Chapter Twenty-Seven



I’m not sure I heard right. “Say what?”

“Did we sleep together?” she whispers and her whole face flushes red. I’ve never seen Amy blush and it makes a warmth I’ve never felt around her, spread through my chest.

Then I remember her question and my eyebrows shoot up. “No, why would you ask that?”

She pulls her arm free and starts to walk again, looking a little flustered. I jog after her, catching up fast.

When she notices that I’m not leaving it, she waves her hand lamely in the air. “I had a memory of you being naked, and I…” she trails off, her face a rare crimson sight at the moment.

I actually like this new blushing side of her and I can’t resist teasing her. “So you thought we had sex?” She shoots me a dark scowl, the one I’ve missed seeing, and it makes the warmth in my chest spread through my body. Fuck I missed that look. I want to see it again, so I ask loudly, “So you think I look good naked?”

“Hush, Noah!” she tries to quiet me, grabs my hand and pulls me towards the pier where there are less people. She turns on me, her eyes flaming, and I can’t help but smile. “People will hear!” she snaps at me.

Our eyes lock, mine laughing and her eyes flashing with embarrassment. I take a step closer to her, lift my hands to her face, cupping her cheeks. Time comes to a screeching halt as I lean in.

I watch her breathing speed up, her eyes widen and her lips part. An unfamiliar feeling uncurls in my chest and I lean closer, not sure what I’m doing.

Just as our lips are about to touch she pulls away. She turns her face to the side and bites her bottom lip. For a moment I’m tempted to throw caution to the wind and to just kiss her, but I step back, letting my hands fall to my sides.

“Yeah,” I say, searching for anything to lighten the mood. Just then my stomach growls and I start to turn back to the fair. “I’m hungry, let’s go grab some food.”

As we walk back to where the food stalls are, I try to figure out what the hell was wrong with me, that I’d even want to kiss her.

I kept stealing glances at her face, suddenly not able to pay attention to anything else.

When did things change between us? When did I start seeing her as a woman and no longer my cousin?

I better stop this shit, cause Uncle Garrett will cut off my nuts if I go after Amy.

She grabs my arm and points to a stall. “Can we have ice cream?” She doesn’t wait for my answer and pulls me toward the stand.

“That’s hardly the kind of food I had in mind. Let’s grab a hotdog and then we can come back for dessert.”

She lets go of my arm and walking backwards she keeps her eyes on mine, smiling brightly. “I want my dessert first, then I’ll have a hotdog.”

I pull a face. “You’ve got that the wrong way around, just so you know.”

“Life’s too short to live by rules, Noah. I want ice cream. I’m going to have some.”

She turns to the stall and orders a vanilla cone with strawberry sauce. I join her and order chocolate mint. I pay for us and then follow Amy as she walks from stall to stall. My eyes are glued to her mouth as she licks the ice cream.

“You know,” I say before taking a bite of my cone, “you’re not half bad when you’re being civil.”

She stops walking and looks up at me. She picks nervously at her cone and then blurts, “Was I that bad?”

Was she really that bad? I smile down at her and shake my head. “No, I wouldn’t say you were bad,” I throw my arm around her shoulder and we start to walk again, “more like a pain in the ass.”

She elbows me and tries to hide a smile behind the cone.

This afternoon is actually turning out to be fun. Who would have thought I’d ever have fun with Amy?



Chapter Twenty-Eight



I’m so stuffed! I shouldn’t have had that second ice cream.

The music starts to fade as we walk home. There’s a peaceful silence hanging between us. Smiling couples pass us by as they make their way to the fair for some late night entertainment.

Instead of walking towards the beach house, Noah walks in the direction of the beach. I follow, trailing slightly behind him. When we reach the sand I stop and slip off my boots. The sand is still warm under my feet as we walk along the shoreline.

The waves pull back just before they touch our feet. I step a bit closer so the next wave can wash over my feet. The water is cool and really nice after the hot day.

I glance at Noah, his face way too serious for my liking. When the next wave comes I kick as much water as I can at him.

As the water sprays over him, he looks shocked, but only for a moment. He tilts his head and glares at me, but the smile around his lips soften the look. “Did you just splash me?”

I nod, struggling to hold back my own smile.

“Oh,” he takes a step towards me and I take one backwards to counter him, “you’re gonna pay for that, Princess!” He lunges at me and before I can turn around, his arm goes around my waist and then my feet leave the ground. He throws me over his shoulder and starts to walk into the water, not caring that his jeans are getting wet.

I cling to the back of his shirt, expecting to be tossed into the water any moment. He surprises me by not throwing me in, but by lowering me against his body.

I grab hold of his shoulders to balance myself. Our eyes meet and all we hear is the ocean. My heartbeat speeds up and just like earlier I start to make excuses for why this can’t happen. I don’t know who I am! How can I start something with him if I can’t even offer him me?

He lowers me all the way, my body sliding against his and our eyes keeping contact. His breath skims over my face as I slide down and then his mouth crashes into mine.

The kiss is not what I expected. It’s hard and greedy, not what I’m feeling at all.

Noah’s hands tighten on my hips, his lips bruising mine. I place my hands against his chest and try to push him back, but he’s too strong.

I try to suck in a breath of air, but all I get is Noah.

A sudden wave of panic washes over me and then it feels like I’m drowning. I can’t suck in any air and it only makes the panic flare hotter through me.



Chapter Twenty-Nine



Amy’s nails dig into my chest and I groan. Fuck, she tastes so good! Feeling her body slide down mine, sent me over the edge. I’ve never kissed anyone like this, and I don’t want to stop.

Amy whimpers and I take that as a good sign, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her tightly to me. A strangled sound cuts through my passion induced haze. Amy pushes hard against me and that’s when I realize, she’s not wild with passion! She’s fighting me.

I pull back and her hand connects hard with my neck, leaving the skin stinging. Her face is etched in fear as she pulls free from me. She makes another strangled sound. Fuck, she can’t breathe! I try to grab for her but she ducks and stumbles through the crashing waves and then she’s running.

I’m not sure what just happened! I run after her as she sprints full out towards the beach house. When we get close I see Uncle Garrett stand up, a worried frown on his face.

“Daddy!” the word is a raw sound, torn from Amy as she runs towards her father. “He’s going to hurt me! Daddy!” her cries are so raw they bring me to a stumbling halt.

I shove my hands through my hair and then lock my hands behind my neck, taking deep breaths.

Amy remembers.

I watch her throw herself at Uncle Garrett. Her whole body jerks with the cries ripping through her. A flash of relief softens the worry from Uncle Garrett’s features.

“Angel,” Uncle Garrett rasps, his voice thick with emotion.

Amy clings to her dad, the same way she was holding onto me yesterday. “He told Brad to wait. I heard it. He said he wanted to be the one to kill me.”

Luckily Uncle Garrett and Dad know about that call, or I’d have some serious explaining to do.

“Do you remember everything,” Aunt Kris asks, tears flowing down her face. “Do you remember us?”

Uncle Garrett picks Amy up and starts to carry her back to the house, when I hear Amy sob, “I remember … but I want to forget.” Her cries are so raw they’re chafing at my skin, crawling in and stabbing at my heart.

Amy remembers it all. The Amy I got to see the past few weeks is gone and I’m left with the old one, the one that hates me … only this time round she has reason to hate me.



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