Cruel Boundaries (3 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

Tags: #The Boundaries 2

BOOK: Cruel Boundaries
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Chapter Eight



I yank my shirt over my head. I’m so angry I could kill him! How dare he tell me what to do?

As I wiggle out of my shorts, the music gets turned even louder and it feels as if the beat is vibrating the floor. I won’t be able to close an eye with all the noise and going out there is not worth being humiliated again.

I stop undressing when I realize it’s not anger I’m feeling. It feels as if I just lost more than a fight.

I frown and draw my bottom lip in between my teeth. Surely I’m not jealous of that skank! She can fuck Noah’s brains out for all I care.

No, that can certainly not be it! I don’t even like Noah. Making up my mind that what I’m feeling must indeed be anger, I unhook my bra and let it fall to the floor.

Noah and his army of skanks can all go to hell!

I turn around to grab my tank from the bed, when I see Brad standing with his back against the door. When the hell did he come in! How long has he been standing there? It’s beyond creepy! What kind of friends does Noah have? What kind of person just lets themselves into someone’s room and stands like a creeper, watching them undress?

“What the fuck, man!” I grab the tank and quickly yank it on as Brad stalks toward me. I can’t believe this shit! I’m half naked! “This is my room! You can’t just come in!” I keep shrieking with anger. “Get out!” I point to the door just in case he forgot where the way out is.

Brad doesn’t stop and his body slams hard into mine. Shock shudders through me and for the first time I feel a glimmer of fear. What the hell is going on?!

Before I can put up any kind of fight, one of his arms goes around my back, clamping me to him. His other hand clamps over my nose and mouth, blocking off my air. He presses back, forcing me to bend, and his grip is so hard I can’t move or breathe. I struggle to get in air, and grab at his hand to try and pry it away from my face. It only causes his fingers to dig in. It hurts and I try to scream but all that comes out is a muffled whimper.

Brad’s eyes are hard on mine when he leans closer until we’re eye to eye. His eyes are dark with hatred and anger, I’ve never seen anything like it before. Fear and panic ignite in my heart and I try to fight harder to free myself from his grip.

His arm tightens around me until the pain is almost unbearable, and he growls in a low, deadly tone, “Listen up, Bitch, cause I will only say this once. Noah is my friend and I’d do anything for him. I’d kill for him.” He pauses, giving his dark words time to really sink into my stunned mind and then he hisses, “I’ll fucking kill you and I’ll drop your body in acid until there’s nothing but a bad smell left of you. Don’t push me. Leave Noah alone or I’ll end you!”

He lets go of me so suddenly, I fall backwards and land with a hard thud on the floor. I hic-up with the impact I hit the floor with, and bite at my numb bottom lip to try and keep the tears back. Confusion and fear take turns to overwhelm me as I watch Brad storm out of the room.

It takes another few seconds in which it feels like time has slowed down, to prolong the horror of the moment. Then it sinks in, and the whole terrible episode lands like a ton of bricks in the pit of my stomach.

A sob shudders through me and I quickly draw my legs to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs.

Brad just threatened me! He said he’d kill me and I believe him. His cold eyes made dark promises I never want to see come to light.

I sit in stunned horror for a few more seconds before I get up and run to lock the door. I run to my dresser where I left my bag and quickly take out my phone. I bring up Daddy’s number and press dial. While I listen to the ringtone another sob escapes my lips and when Daddy answers, I break down.

“Daddy!” I whimper and sag down to the floor again. The words are on the tip of my tongue to tell him what Brad just did, but then they freeze in my throat.

“Angel? What’s wrong?” I hear the worry in his voice and I try to control the sobs. If I run to Daddy, Noah will just use it against me. He’ll remind me that I can’t fight my own battles! “Amy!” Daddy snaps me out of my deep thoughts.

“I … I…” my mind races, looking for any excuse and then I mumble, feeling bruised and scared, “I want to come home. I miss you.”

“You gave me a heart attack!” I hear Daddy take a deep breath and then he says in a much calmer voice, “you have to do this, Angel. You need to focus on your studies and make a life for yourself. I’ll always be there, but you need to do this for yourself. You’ll always be my angel and I love you. Your mom loves you. You need to give yourself this opportunity to get to know the world. I protect you too much and that will stop you from growing into the amazing woman you’re meant to be. ”

I nod and swallow down my sobs. Daddy is right! I need to fight this on my own. It’s time for me to grow up. “Okay, Daddy,” I whisper. “I just miss you and Momma so much. I love you both!” I say quickly before my voice cracks with tears.

“You’ll always be our angel. We love you, Amy,” Daddy assures me again.

“I’m gonna go sleep,” I say lamely, feeling a little lost.

When I drop the phone on my dresser, fresh tears overwhelm me. I feel alone in my fear.

I feel alone and scared.

I make sure the door is locked and crawl under the comforting covers. I pull them over my head and sob into my pillow.

Brad’s words keep playing over and over in my mind, like a broken record.

I don’t doubt that he was serious. I’ll just have to make sure I stay out of his and Noah’s way as much as possible. I’ll always lock my door and maybe I should bring a knife to bed tomorrow night, just in case.


Sleep keeps evading me, and long after the music has stopped I get up to go get some water.

When I open my door, the apartment is quiet. I go to the bathroom first. When I come out, I hear moaning, and I freeze in my tracks. It’s coming from the left of me.

I don’t think and turn my head in the direction of the moans. I really didn’t expect to see anything, but Noah’s door is slightly open, and I can see part of his bed, but it’s more than enough space to see what’s happening.

Noah has some girl bent over his bed. My eyes widen when he slams hard into her, and with every slam she lets out a deep throaty moan.

At first I’m stunned, but then my cheeks warm up. I should turn around and run back to my room, but my eyes are glued to Noah’s bare chest, glimmering with sweat. My eyes travel up to his shoulders, where I can see his muscles straining. When my eyes get to his lips, they are curved in a sexy grin, I’ve never seen. My eyes snap up to his and my whole body flushes hot as I find him staring back at me, while he’s having sex with this woman.

Our eyes lock and at the same time something unfurls deep in my tummy.

The woman’s moans come faster until she starts to scream with pleasure. I can’t take my eyes away from Noah to leave and give them privacy. Noah’s lips part and he draws his bottom lip between his teeth, his chin lifts a little and then his eyelashes drops, until the look he’s giving can only be described as pure sex.

I watch him come and it is the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced. 

He pulls out of the woman and leaves her lying on the bed, as he walks toward me. I keep my eyes on his, not ready to see more of his body than I can handle right now.

When he gets to the door, he grabs hold of it and leans toward me. “I hope you enjoyed the show, Princess. Next time I’m charging.”

His words yank me out of the sex-crazed-stupor I fell into. I swing around and with a body that’s on fire, I run back to my room. I’ll never be able to look him in the eyes after that! What the hell got into me?





Chapter Nine



It’s been four days and I’ve only seen glimpses of Amy. The few times I’ve run into her, her eyes would dart nervously around the apartment, before she would mumble something and then speed off.

I’m a bit worried. She’s no longer giving me those dark looks … and well, I miss them. They’ve become a part of my life. The second she ran away from me the night she watched me fucking Sheryl, I knew we took it too far. I should have stopped her from watching me fuck another woman. It sits wrong in my gut, eating away at my conscience.

I’m standing in the kitchen with Brad. He’s meeting me here so we can go visit a client together. We’re each nursing a mug of steaming coffee when I hear Amy unlock the bedroom door. She rushes out, locks it behind her again and starts to rush to the front door without even looking our way.

“Morning, Princess!” I snap. I’m tired of being ignored in my own home. If she’s going to live here, the least she can do is greet me.

Her head snaps up, and there’s no dark scowl, only wide eyes and a pale face. What the hell is going on with her? That can’t be because she saw me having sex, can it? It happened, but it’s over and done with now.

I frown at her and she gives a nervous wave. “Sorry … morning.” The two words come out in a nervous flurry and it makes me frown even more.

She races to the door when Brad says, “Grab your stuff. I’ll get you outside.” He pours the remaining coffee down the drain and stalks out the apartment.

What the hell is with everyone this morning! It’s going to be one of those days. The meeting is going to suck ass, I can just feel it.

I grab my keys and phone and give the apartment a once over. I scowl at Amy’s locked bedroom door. She never locks her door. I know we fight but it’s not like I’ll actually hurt her. The thought that she’s locking the door to keep me out, sours my mood even more. Like I would want to fuck her! Never in a million years!

I walk towards the front door when I hear a shriek. I yank the door open, and as I look out it’s just in time to see Amy fall down the last of the stairs. My heart leaps with shock, and when she lands in a small bundle at the bottom, a cold fear grips hold of my chest.

Brad rushes to her side as I start down the stairs. “Is she okay?” Uncle Garrett will kill me if something happens to her. My heart starts to beat heavily, and relief floods me when Amy sits up with Brad’s help, looking a bit dazed.

“She looks okay,” Brad says, helping Amy to her feet.

Amy yanks away from Brad and runs to the entrance of the apartment block. “Amy!” I yell. Fuck, she just fell down half a flight of stairs! Now is not the time to be a bitch, or embarrassed.

She doesn’t answer me and disappears around the corner, leaving me confused next to Brad.

“What the fuck is up her ass?” I mumble, not expecting an actual answer.

“You don’t think that maybe she’s hung up on you?”

I give Brad an incredulous look. “That’s just fucked up! She’s my cousin.”

Brad shrugs, “Not by blood and she’s always reminding you of that. Listen to what I’m telling you, that girl has the hots for you. Better watch your back or she’ll go all stalker crazy on your ass. She looks like that type.”

I rub a hand over my face in frustration. Could Brad be right? Is that why she watched me with Sheryl? “She hates me,” I mumble half to myself again.

“There’s a real thin line between love and hate.”

I go back up the stairs to lock the door, my mind filled with what Brad said. I’m so used to fighting with her, I wouldn’t know how to be nice to her.


Chapter Ten



My heart is pounding so hard and painfully in my chest I can hear it thumping in my ears.

I can’t believe Brad just shoved me down the stairs! Hot tears run down my cheeks, as I remember his threat from the other night. One minute I’m rushing out of the apartment so I don’t do something to upset Noah, and the next Brad grabs hold of my arm in a painful grip.

“Show some respect when you’re in Noah’s company. You’re testing my patience, Bitch!”

And then he shoved me so hard there was no way I could catch myself.

I was just starting to think that Brad was nothing but a bully with a bunch of empty threats, and now this!

When I’m a safe distance away from the apartment I stop and rest against a wall, so I can catch my breath. My hands and knees are stinging something fierce. I lift my skirt to just above my knees and see that they are scraped raw.

“Nice legs.” Some asshole mouths off as he passes me by. I drop the skirt and flip him off before crossing the street to where a coffee shop is.

I order a coffee and as soon as I have it I go to sit in a corner, away from the window. I don’t want Noah to see me.

I place the cup down and fish a tissue from my bag. I wet it a bit and then lift my skirt again. It stings like a bitch as I wipe both my knees and the palms of my hands.

Only when I’m done cleaning myself as best I can, do I take a sip of coffee. The warm liquid feels like sandpaper in my throat as I choke up.

The adrenaline has worn off, and I’m left in a stunned daze.

He pushed me down the stairs!

The thought is sharp and stabs at my frail nerves.

He hurt me.

Warm tears start down my cheek, and I try to suck in a few shaky breaths.

He’s going to hurt me again. I just know it.


I sit in the coffee shop, the coffee already cold. I don’t know how much time has passed but there’s a milky layer on top of the once warm liquid.

I keep replaying the whole scene in my head, like some sort of torture device. Noah was there. Noah saw me fall.

The thought is bitter and sharp as it strikes – Noah is in on it! He has to be in on it. He saw me fall!

Everything around me fades away until it’s only the thought that Noah has gone from fighting with me to having his friend hurt me.

For an insane moment I actually thought I was infatuated with Noah, after seeing him with that woman. I didn’t want to fight with him anymore. I wanted him to notice me for the woman I am. I was jealous of that woman, having Noah kiss and touch her.

I was so stupid! Just a stupid, stupid girl! Noah hates me and he’s using Brad to show me just how much.

I feel bruised all over, on the inside too. Falling down those stairs squashed the tiny seed of hope I was starting to have that me and Noah could get along.

Someone takes hold of my shoulder and my head snaps up with fright. My heart leaps to my throat, but then I see it’s the girl that works the counter.

“Are you okay?” she asks cautiously.

I stare at her for a second before I nod. “Yeah.”

“It’s just,” she looks at the clock on the wall and then back at me, “you’ve been here for a couple of hours. You didn’t have the coffee, so I was worried.”

I grab hold of my bag and pull the strap over my head and shoulder, letting it rest across my chest. “I’m fine.” I get up without saying anything else and leave.


It’s Sunday and we’re all getting together to celebrate Aunt Riza’s birthday. I didn’t wait for Noah so we could drive together. I asked Sharon to bring me. I know it’s a family affair, but Sharon is family and I really need her support if I’m going to have to be around Noah for so long.

We’re sitting on the strip of beach out front. My eyes are on the wide expanse of blue when Sharon nudges me with her shoulder. “You’ve been so quiet the past week. What’s going on?”

I shake my head. I can’t possibly tell her Noah’s best friend has threatened to kill me and then shoved me down some stairs. It sounds crazy to even me, and it happened to me!

“I’m just feeling emotional with having to leave home. It’s a bigger adjustment than I thought it would be. I wish I could just pack up and come back home.”

Sharon gives me one of her deep looks, that penetrates to the heart of me and she shakes her head. “Since when do we lie to each other?”

So much for getting away without having to tell her! I’m never telling her about Brad, that would just be looking for trouble … and what if he went after her, cause I told her?

“I saw Noah having sex and it was a little disturbing,” I tell her a half-truth, hoping she will be satisfied.

Sharon grabs hold of my arm and shrieks way too loud, “You’re shitting me! Seriously?”

I can only nod and watch as a huge smile splits over Sharon’s face. “Oh my fuck, what did you do? Did he catch you?”

I nod again and then sigh, “I saw it all … well except for his … you know what.”

Sharon laughs out loud and I can’t help but smile. “Did you see Noah lapping up her moist ambrosia?”

The smile drops from my face and a disgusted scowl settles in its place. “What the hell, Sharon?”

“I read it in a book the other day. I laughed so hard, I couldn’t bring myself to finish the book.” A fresh fit of laughter overwhelms her and now that I know where she got it from I laugh with her.

“That must’ve been some book,” I say, looking out over the ocean.

“So, what?” she asks, “are things weird between you now? Are you finally seeing him for the sex-on-legs that he is?”

I can only shake my head at Sharon’s directness. “Things are weird, alright.” I let out a burst of bitter laughter. If only Sharon knew how weird.

She gets up and with a huge smile on her face she says, “Well, then they’re about to get uber-weird for you. Your sex-on-legs is coming this way.”

I almost sprain my neck to look behind me and sure enough Noah is heading my way – and he looks pissed.

“No, Sharon-” before I can beg her to stay she runs off, leaving me to face Noah alone.

This is going to suck!


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