Crooked G's (7 page)

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Authors: S. K. Collins

BOOK: Crooked G's
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They found their way onto his king-sized bed as they passionately kissed. His warm mouth kissed lightly on her neck while his hands explored her endless curves. She was captivated by his touch and wanted him even more. He then cupped her soft breasts together and sucked her swollen nipples simultaneously. She arched her back as a sharp tingle traveled down her spine. He grabbed a condom from on top of the nightstand and quickly rolled it over his large mass. He circled his dick around her glazed lips several times and then entered her slowly.

She gasped as his thickness rippled in and out of her tight walls. Shakita dug her nails into Eric's hard muscles as he gave her more than she could handle. He was by far the best lover she ever had, and didn't know how a man could make her feel so damn good. Eric's dick was a diamond, and any woman in the world would want it to be their best friend. Every inch of his flawless stone graciously drilled out her insides. Her body soon fell into an enhanced state of ecstasy that released a sexual eruption, over and over again.


fter several hours of window shopping, and trying on outfits and dresses she couldn't afford, Latrice decided to call Shakita back. Shakita's phone continued to ring and then went to voicemail again. Latrice still didn't think anything of it, and went to her favorite restaurant, Tara Thai, to have a late lunch. Before Latrice had left the mall, she'd decided to buy one particular item, a pair of Oakley sunglasses. She thought she needed a pair of hot sunglasses, so she could look trendier, and wanted to be taken more seriously by Clarity. The success of Bangspot Records was highly riding on having Clarity sign to the label. Without Clarity, Latrice didn't know if she had enough time to secure another artist by Bay's release. Latrice needed her to get on board badly.

Latrice had a little over an hour left before she needed to be at the club. She decided to go back home to freshen up before the show. She had been trying on clothes all day and wanted to take a quick shower. When she got out of the shower, she touched up her hair, put on a red Bebe side-cutout mini dress, then picked out a pair of black pumps to match. She sprayed herself with her sweet-smelling Lancôme Miracle perfume, then looked in the mirror and hoped for a miracle tonight. Latrice put in her small, white-gold diamond hoop earrings and was now looking like she had money in the bank.

Latrice got down to the club at seven-thirty p.m., and noticed that there was already a long line that had formed outside the club. She had figured this would happen since Clarity was such a hot artist. She parked in the parking garage across the street from the Fantasy Lounge and walked over to the club. Latrice patiently stood in line, and waited for her turn to get in the club, as the line continued to wrap around the corner. At seven forty-five the doors opened and everyone started to pour in rapidly. Latrice's stomach knotted up as she anticipated the beginning of an interesting night.

The bartenders were busy serving up drinks to the rowdy crowd that waited for the first act to come on stage. A few minutes later the lights got low indicating that the show was about to start. Right before the first act made it to the stage, someone tapped Latrice on her shoulder. She turned around and saw that it was a guy that she had never seen.

“How are you doing tonight?” the tall, dark-skinned guy asked.

She smiled. “I'm doing good.”

“I bought you a drink,” he said as he held out a Long Island Iced Tea.

Latrice was confused. “You bought me a drink? But I don't even know you. I'm sorry, but I can't accept that.”

“Why not?”

“I don't know you. You could have put some date rape drug in there, for all I know.”

He raised the glass up to his mouth and took a big gulp from it. “Well, if it affects you, then it'll affect me.” He smiled and held the drink out to her again.

Latrice liked his smile and charm but still couldn't take the drink from him. She didn't know him well enough.

“I'm sorry, but I still can't take the drink from you.”

“Do you still think I put something in it?”

“Maybe, but even if I watched you get it from the bar, I still wouldn't drink it. I decided not to drink tonight. Now if you want me to pay you for the drink, I can do that, so you won't feel some type of way about it.”

“No, it's okay. I wouldn't want it to go to waste. I'll just drink it myself,” he said as he took a sip of the drink with the straw this time.

Latrice found him very attractive and didn't want him to think she was a stuck-up bitch. She decided to talk to him. “So what's your name?”

“Teyron. What's yours?”


“It's nice to meet you, Latrice.” Teyron extended his hand for her to shake it.

“It's nice to meet you as well.”

“If you don't mind me asking, why aren't you drinking tonight?”

“I'm meeting with…wait a minute, what type of business are you in?” She didn't know if he might have been there to sign Clarity, too. Latrice had to choose her words carefully.

“I'm a singer.”

Latrice gave out a silent sigh of relief. “What type of singer are you?”

“R and B, baby.”

“That's very interesting. Are you signed to a label?”

“Not yet. But I will be.”

“Are you in a group or are you solo?”

“I'm solo. I used to be in a group, but they didn't have the same focus as I did.”

“And what focus is that?”

“To be number one. I'm gonna be the future of R and B.”

“Have you met with any labels yet?”

“Not yet. But once they hear my demo, they're gonna be all on ya boy.”

“Well, I'm starting a label soon. I would like to hear your demo.”

“You're gonna start a label? Really?”

“Yes. I'm actually here to see Clarity. I'm trying to sign her to my label.”

“Are you serious? I'm tryna to get her to rap on one of my songs.”

“Maybe that could be possible. Have you heard of Killa D and Piff?”

“Hell yeah. Who haven't?”

“Well, they're already signed. You never know, they could be on one of your songs, too.” Latrice could see she had his interest and Teyron thought him meeting her was too good to be true.

“So Teyron. When can I get one of your demos?”

Teyron only had one demo CD with him and he was planning on giving it to Clarity. He really wanted to get Clarity on a track with him, but if he could get a deal and have Clarity as a possible label mate, then he would have a double win. Teyron had to take a chance with Latrice. He reached in his back pocket and handed her his CD.

“Now that's the only copy I have on me. I was gonna give it to Clarity, so I hope you take the music serious.”

“Believe me. I definitely will.” She gave him a small smirk. “If I don't like your music, then I'll still pass it on to Clarity. Even if she does not sign to my label, having me give her your demo would be a better look for you. Ya dig?”

Teyron felt confident he'd made the right choice by giving Latrice his demo, but he needed to ask her one question.

“What is the name of your label?” Latrice could've been blowing
smoke up his ass and he needed to know who he was handing his work over to. Latrice could be a

“Bangspot Records. We're going to be the biggest thing in hip-hop.”

“I'm feeling that name. Do you have a business card?”

“You know I do.” She handed him the card and he studied the information on it.

He liked what he saw and could tell Latrice was the real deal. “So if you like my sound, do you really think you can make me a star?”

“Baby boy, if I like you, then you ain't just gonna be a star; you're goin' shine like a mothafucker. Ya dig? Bangspot is going to take over shit. You can believe that.”

Teyron and Latrice continued to talk about the business as the two rappers performed. Neither group was anything out of the ordinary to boast about, and was only a reminder of how good Clarity really was. The crowd went crazy once Clarity's hype man, Dull, hit the stage.

“What's up, D.C.?” The crowd continued to holler and scream. “I said what the fuck is up, D.C.!” The crowd got even louder. “Tonight! The realest bitch in the world is about to rip this mothafucka up! Are y'all ready?” The crowd continued to scream. “I said, are y'all fuckin' ready?” The crowd got so loud that the whole club felt like it was shaking. “D.C.! Here she is! It's Clarity!”

The instrumental from Jay-Z's song “Can I Live” came on and Clarity hit the stage. Clarity was a sexy, thick redbone with long, curly hair that stopped at the middle of her back. She was rocking a tight, black cotton mini dress that easily flaunted her well-shaped figure. She strutted across the stage wearing some black Gucci frames and black three-inch heels. Latrice had never seen Clarity and didn't
know how pretty she was. There was no doubt that Clarity would be very marketable and that the fellas would be all over her, too. Latrice wanted to sign her even more now.

Clarity started to spit. “Y'all know fake-bitches be makin' me sick—So when they see me, I don't see 'em in the Benz, 'cause my tints be extra thick—I'm on some killer, I'ma murder shit—I bust my gun, I got 'em —I don't run, I get my nigga Dull to scoop me quick—I'm really 'bout my paper, bitch!—You betta pay me, Poppo/ For that brick—Or I'll send el goupo to come bust ya 'shit—I'm the topic of a lot of shit—Like who's money she's stuffing—Who's she fucking—And who's the bitch she's mean mugging—I'm the shit and I'm loving it—I'm the best bitch in the game—Ain't even playing with the cards I get—So when they deal—And say you gotta play that shit—Just say fuck 'em—Make something from nothing—And get it how you live, youngin'.”

Latrice was blown away by Clarity's lyrics. She thought she could rap better than most guys and thought her delivery was crazy. She hadn't seen a female rapper with her type of intensity and caliber since Lil' Kim. If Clarity was on her label, other rappers in the game would seriously have to step their shit up. Clarity performed for another half hour doing songs that no one had ever heard. The crowd went crazy when Clarity finally left the stage. Latrice couldn't wait to talk to her. The music came back on and everyone started dancing and going back to the bar again to get more drinks.

“Damn. Her performance was something else. Her ass made me wanna try to rap,” Teyron proclaimed.

“Hell yeah. She's the hottest bitch out right now,” Latrice replied.

Without Latrice even noticing, Fantasy came up behind her and tapped her on her shoulder.

“Latrice, right?”

“Hey, Fantasy.”
Latrice looked at Fantasy and saw she still had on the same raggedy clothes that she'd had on earlier. The only thing Fantasy did differently to herself was change her shoes. She replaced her old beat-up Reeboks with some flat dress shoes. Latrice knew that Fantasy looked like a hot ghetto-ass mess, and thought that saying “fuck it” was her style.

“Did you enjoy the show?” Fantasy asked.

“Hell yeah. Clarity is like that, for real.”

“So are you ready to meet her?”

Latrice was so excited that she couldn't even talk. All she could do was nod her head yes. “All right, follow me.”

Latrice looked over at Teyron. “If I don't see you before the club let out, call me in a few days so I can tell you what I think of your demo.” Teyron assured her he would call as he watched her follow Fantasy onto the crowded dance floor.

Fantasy took Latrice to the back of the club. Clarity was waiting for her in a private room. Latrice was getting nervous and didn't know what she was going to say to Clarity when she finally met her. She had a one-shot deal to sign Clarity and didn't want to say anything stupid to fuck up her chances.

I got Killa D and Piff to sign with me. But that was done over the phone. I gotta do this shit face-to-face now,
Latrice said to herself hoping she could get over her anxiety.

Fantasy knocked on Clarity's private room and waited for someone to come to the door. Latrice's heart was beating fast as hell when Dull opened the door. Dull was a tall, brown-skinned cat with a goatee and long dreads. He looked just as intimidating on the stage to Latrice as he did off of it.

“What's up, Fantasy?” Dull said as he pulled the door back to let them both in. Dull licked his lips as he looked at Latrice when she walked past him. She noticed and gave him a wink to get on
his good side. Latrice had a strategy of her own. Whose opinion did Clarity admire more than Dull's? If Dull liked Latrice, that would give Clarity all more of a reason to sign with her. When Latrice got around the corner, Clarity was in her clear view.

Clarity was leaned back in a leather chair in front of a square table smoking a blunt, as she sipped on a cup of peach Cîroc.

“Yo, Clare. This is the girl I was tellin' you about,” Fantasy informed her as they walked over to the table.

Clarity put down her blunt and got up to shake Latrice's hand. “How you doing?”

“I'm doing good now that I finally got the chance to meet you.”

“I don't know about that. The pleasure might be mine.” Clarity gave Latrice a slight grin. “Please have a seat so we can talk.” Clarity pulled out a chair for Latrice to sit in. Fantasy saw it was time to make her exit and let Latrice know she was leaving.

“I'm outta here. You got it from here? You got me later, right?”

“Whatchu mean?”

Fantasy gave her that
“come on now, bitch, you should already know”
look, and waited for Latrice to comprehend.
Damn. I just gave this bitch a hundred dollars. Now she wants more.

Latrice was going to pay her again for the services, since she did set up the meeting, but was only going to compensate her on how well the meeting turned out. “I gotchu,” Latrice replied.

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