Crooked G's (10 page)

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Authors: S. K. Collins

BOOK: Crooked G's
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While thinking about Clarity, Latrice remembered that she still had Teyron's demo. Hopefully, Teyron's music was what she needed to get her mind off of Clarity for a minute, and on to other potential artists. Latrice grabbed his CD out of her purse and put it into her portable DVD player. She plugged in some headphones and lay back in her bed so she could get comfortable. The first song came on and Latrice was struck by the sound of the beat. She turned the volume up a little louder so she could really hear the music. She looked on the back of the CD case to see if
there were any song titles. She was pleased to see that there were so she could familiarize herself with the music. There were a total of five songs and the first track was entitled “Krispy Klean.” Latrice thought that Teyron was some ordinary singer, but when Teyron started to sing on, she was blown away by his sound.

As Teyron sang, Latrice thought he sounded like a cross between Raheem DeVaughn and Trey Songz, yet still having his own unique style. Latrice closely listened to the lyrics and understood he was talking about how he'd gotten into an argument with his girlfriend. She thought about leaving him. He thought his girl was so damn sexy in her fuck'em dress that he didn't want her to leave. He wanted to use sex to save his relationship. He wanted them to start over fresh. “Krispy Klean” made Latrice feel good to be the sexy woman that she was. She had a full closet of fuck'em dresses and loved putting each one of them on when the time was right. Latrice could relate oh so well to this make-up sex song.

The next track was so good it started to make Latrice feel the heat between her legs. Each spot that Teyron said he touched on his girlfriend was the same places that made Latrice weak. Her nipples started to harden, imagining that Teyron was touching her body. Latrice was so much into the hook that she closed her eyes and found her hand lost in her boy shorts. She was so turned on by Teyron's aggressive lyrics that she began to be aggressive with herself. Latrice licked her lips as the song faded out and waited for the next one to start. Latrice found his confidence a turn-on, which caused her to become wetter and wetter as she fingered herself forcefully. Latrice was so into herself that she jumped up when the CD abruptly stopped playing. She couldn't believe that she'd gotten so caught up in his music that it had led
her to masturbate. This was a first for her and she was convinced something had to be special about Teyron and his music. Teyron was going to be a rare commodity in the music business, and Latrice was going to make sure that she signed him as soon as she could.

With three hot artists in the game, Bangspot would be moving units like no other label had been able to do in months. Latrice could see the big picture clearly and immediately saw dollar signs in her eyes. She liked his demo so much that she started the CD over so she could hear it again. This time, she was going to try not to play with herself again. Now knowing what she knew about Teyron, she now had two reasons to be looking forward to his call.


hakita's last client threw a large amount of money on the bed to show his great generosity for her pleasurable service. He left out the door grinning, as Shakita lay wrapped up in the sheets waving and blowing kisses, giving him a sweet farewell. She indeed left a long-lasting impression on him that would force his return. Once the door shut, she rested her head on a pillow, and eyeballed the pile of money, wondering what her total in tips added up to for the night. Her 8 pm start time had came and went. It was well past four in the morning and Shakita had finished with her sixth and final client of the night. She'd had two two-hour sessions and four one-hour sessions and was totally worn out.

Shakita pussy was so sore that she thought she might need to pack herself with ice. It'd been a long time since she'd had more than five clients in one day, and she'd forgotten how painful the aftermath was. She already had taken six showers and was too tired to take another one, but she had to get the dried-up sweat from the last client off of her body. Shakita gathered up all her tips to see how well she'd done. She counted and was completely satisfied with the amount she held in her hand. In one night she'd racked up $3,200 in tips, which didn't include the percentage she would get from each service that the clients paid for.

She had no idea what that percentage would be. She'd never made tips like this. She was looking to cash a pretty fat check.
Shakita reflected on her first night of work and smiled thinking about all the nice gentlemen that filled up her pockets. Some of them got more than their money's worth by asking for strange requests that Shakita didn't mind fulfilling. The customers knew exactly how far they were allowed to go.

Out of all the men she had been with tonight, the one who'd struck a chord with her the most was Danny. Danny was attractive, well dressed, and intelligent. He knew how to please her in the most sensual way. He wasn't too rough or too gentle and knew how to use his hands. He was the only one that night who was able to find her “spot” and keep “it” there. All the other men came to please themselves and ignored any desires that she may have wanted. Shakita thought that she might have been feeling Danny so much, for the fact he was her first of the night. He helped ease her into the groove. However, she still felt tense with her second and third client. She concluded that Danny was different.

Danny reminded her of Eric in so many ways that she felt they were both somehow related. They were the same complexion, about the same height and build, and looked to be close in age. They even had similar mannerisms that could imply that they knew each other well. Whenever the time was right, Shakita would later ask Eric if he were related to Danny. For now she was going to merely enjoy the thoughts of them both. She was almost on her way to the bathroom when the phone that was hanging on the living room wall rang.

She wasn't expecting anyone to call her but decided to answer it anyway thinking it may be housekeeping.


“I was calling to see if you were done for the night?” Eric asked inquisitively.

Shakita was relieved it was him. “Yeah. I got finished not too long ago.”

“What are you doing now?”

“I was just about to get in the shower when you called.”

“Okay. Get in the shower and then come up and see me. I'll be out on the balcony.”

“How am I gonna do that? I don't have a silver card to get to your floor.”

“When you get in the elevator. Insert your card and immediately press sixteen thirty-eight pound. The elevator will bring you up. I'll see you in a few.”

After her shower, she got dressed and left out the room and motioned toward the elevator. When she was on the elevator she inserted her card and quickly pressed 1638#.
“Special request,”
the voice prompter said as the elevator began to lift up.

She got off the elevator and walked past his office, and through his formal room to get to the balcony. Eric was leaning on the railing as he looked out into the night when Shakita was now only a few feet behind him. He could hear the tap of her heels against the hardwood floor as she walked her way onto the balcony.

Shakita walked over to the right side of him and rubbed his left shoulder.

“How are you?”

“I'm good,” he said, not giving her any eye contact. “I love this city. Besides Honolulu or Las Vegas, there's not too many other places that I'd rather be,” he said, still not looking at her, as he breathed in the city's night air.

Shakita hated living in D.C. and believed it wouldn't be long before she hit the jackpot, and was able to flee the city she'd had so much bad luck in.

He turned around and looked at her. “If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?”

“Shit. The way things been going for me lately, I would sneak over the border and hide out in Mexico.”

“You're so funny to me. For a girl to be so damn pretty, I don't get how you run into so many pitfalls. You have to stop running from your problems and straighten your life out.”

Shakita understood his words but didn't know how to apply them to the situation she was in now. If she could get Bay's money back and enough money for herself, then her life would be straightened out. But until then, she was going to run into the pitfall of death if she didn't get Bay's money by the end of the month. Without Eric's help she might as well go jump in a casket and get it over with. She needed to find a way to persuade Eric to give her some more money than what he was offering.

“I'm trying, Eric. I stayed at work all day. I don't know why I keep getting myself jammed up. I'm not strong like you, but I want to be.” She looked deeply into his eyes. “I need your help. I gotta get that money I need.”

Eric refused to fall into her trap. “Well. You keep coming to work and you'll earn more than enough. Now here's the ten grand I promised you.” Eric reached into the pocket of his dress pants and pulled out a large stack and handed it to her.

Shakita took the money but was disappointed that she couldn't demand more from him. She figured she was losing her touch or that Eric was not buying any of her bullshit anymore. When Eric kissed her on her forehead, she knew right then that he was dismissing her and that she had no more control over him.

Shakita slowly walked away from him with her head slightly down.

“Hey,” Eric called out to her. She turned around to see what he wanted. “Will I see you at work tomorrow?”

Shakita nodded her head yes and gave him a fake smile without saying anything. She started to walk away but didn't know how to get out.

“How do I get down?” she asked with a little attitude.

“The same way. Sixteen thirty-eight pound.”

“Thanks. And thank you for the money.”

Eric nodded his head and Shakita stomped across the hardwood floor until she couldn't be heard anymore.

Eric made sure she was on the elevator and out of listening distance before he busted out laughing. Shakita was mad as hell at him and he thought that shit was the funniest thing in the world. Eric hadn't laughed this hard in so long, he almost forgot what it felt like. Shakita was the only girl who could get Eric to bend over backward. He laughed because he didn't let her get into his feelings. And she was mad she couldn't get it her way this time. He was winning—finally.


nother day had gone by and Latrice still had yet to hear from Shakita. She didn't know what was going on with her, but it wasn't like Shakita to go two days without talking to her. Latrice decided to call her again. Shakita's phone continued to ring until the voicemail came on. This time Latrice left a message:

“Hey you! Remember me? I'm your best friend in case you forgot you had one. I know you're probably laid up with some bama-ass nigga, and that's why you ain't been getting back at me. At least you could call me back and let me know you're still alive. You could be dead for all I know. I ain't heard from you in like a month. Hit me back, I'm bored as hell and I'm trying to go out. Make sure you call me back, hoe. I'm just playing. Love you, girl. But fo'real. Call me back, bitch. Bye.”

Latrice ended her message and waited for Shakita to call. She hadn't heard from Teyron yet either and was waiting for him to call also. She didn't understand for someone to want a record deal so bad to not follow up like they were supposed to. Latrice understood that it took more than being a good artist; you had to be reliable and show persistence, and Teyron was demonstrating neither right now. Latrice hoped he wasn't a lazy singer. She'd seen so much potential in him and believed he could go a long way. Latrice then thought that maybe he didn't want to seem
pressed, so she decided to wait a few more days before she formed her own opinion. Yet, it was in her right mind to think the worst of him. She would be shit out of luck if Teyron wasn't whom she thought: one who sang his songs with so much emotion and pride, and who easily would move on someday to become legendary status. She hoped he was still that man.

•  •  •

Shakita placed her foot up on the toilet seat and was attempting to make the adjustments on her garter belt, when she heard her phone ringing in her purse. She ignored it, thinking it was probably Latrice trying to call her again. She was about to start working and didn't need to deal with her right now. Her phone had stopped ringing and a minute later, it beeped. She stopped fooling with her belt and became curious of who had left her a message. She pulled out her phone and as she suspected, it was a missed call from Latrice. She wanted to know what Latrice had to say, but didn't want to hear shit right now about Bay's money being missing. She still wasn't ready to deal with that and had no idea when she would be.

Shakita had less than ten minutes before she started working and didn't want to become stressed out by her message, so she dropped her phone back in her purse. She started to walk away, but couldn't help to think that maybe she should hear the message anyway. She pulled out her phone again. She waited nervously to hear her only message. Shakita started to ease up when she found out her friend wasn't mad and only wanted to talk to her.
This girl is crazy.
Shakita laughed to herself. “It ain't been a month since I talked to your ass. Quit faking; it's only been like two days,” Shakita said into the phone.

Shakita finished listening to her message and decided to call Latrice back. Latrice didn't know shit about the money missing, and Shakita wanted to replace it fast before she did.

“Well, if it isn't the bald bitch of Christmas Past. Girl-la, where the hell you been?” Latrice asked, happy to finally hear from her friend.

“I've been a little busy lately, but I've been around.”

“Why haven't you called me back?”

“I just told you I was busy. I didn't have time.”

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