Crimson (4 page)

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Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

BOOK: Crimson
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She laughed. “Crimson, you’ve already made it better than it’s ever been. So unless you’re trying to top your own record, you can take me fast and hard. I’m not fragile.”

He growled and the sexy sound made her even wetter.

She felt his teeth latch onto her shoulder and that was all the warning she received. He took her harder and faster, pounding into her until she was pressed against the shower wall. Holly knew she’d have bruises where his hands gripped her hips and she couldn’t have cared less. It felt wonderful, and she never wanted it to end.

She worried he’d find his release before she had another chance to experience that incredible pleasure again, but she worried for nothing. Crimson slid a hand around her waist and delved between her legs, seeking her clit. He stroked her to climax before finding his own release.

As he pulled away, the tell-tale warmth slipping down her thighs brought reality crashing down.
No condom!
Shit. Should she tell him she wasn’t on birth control? Or just wait and see if there was a reason to panic? Crimson didn’t seem like the type of man to be tied down unless he wanted to be, but she didn’t want to take a chance on him wanting her only for the baby she might carry.

Idiot! He’s already said he wants you. Forever.

She turned to face him and caressed his cheek. “Thank you.”

He kissed her hard. “I should be thanking you. This is the first time in my life I’ve felt complete. I won’t rush you, but I want you to seriously consider being my mate.”

“I need time, Crimson. We just met, and things are moving way too fast. I never sleep with someone on the first date, and technically, we haven’t even had a date. As incredible as this was, I think I need a few days to process everything.”

It killed her to say the words, but she knew they were true. Holly had a tendency to get caught up in a man very easily and she always wanted more than they were willing to give. Now she had a man telling he wanted her forever, but he was a complete stranger to her. She didn’t want to push him away, but she worried if she didn’t, then she’d make a decision she might later regret. But if in several days, she still wanted him as much as she did right now, if he still dominated her thoughts and her dreams, then maybe it meant something.

“I’ll give you whatever time you need,” he said, kissing her softly. “Let me stay long enough to have dinner with you, make sure you’re locked up tight for the night, and then I’ll go. And I won’t return until you call and tell me you want me. And if you don’t call…well, at least I’ll know I gave it my best shot.”

“If I’m truly your mate, and I decide I don’t want to be with you, what does that mean for you?”

He looked hesitant to respond.

“Each shifter only has one destined mate,” he said, “but it’s possible to create a life with someone who isn’t destined to be yours. I could still be happy with someone later on, but it would never be the same as this moment here with you. When I close my eyes at night, it will always be your face that I see. And when I open them in the morning, you’ll always be the one I want to have in my arms.”

No pressure.

They got out and dried off, ate a little pizza, then she showed him out. He paused on her doorstep and leaned in to kiss her softly one last time. His callused fingers caressed her cheek; he gave her a wink, and then he disappeared into the night. Holly closed the door, slid the chain into place, and then leaned her forehead against the cool surface.

Crimson packed quite a punch, and she wasn’t sure she could ignore him. She might have sent him away, but there was little doubt in her mind she’d be making a call to him in a few days, asking him to come back.

Ah hell. I forgot to get his damn number again!

Well, she knew where the clubhouse was. If she could get a ride there, she could go see him in person, after she was one hundred percent sure he was what she wanted. She was about to turn off the TV and settle down with her laptop when there was a knock at the door. Thinking Crimson must have forgotten something, she undid the chain and opened the door without checking the peephole first. Biggest mistake of her life.

“Miss me, sugar?” Jeff asked, a smirk on his admittedly handsome face. What the hell had she ever seen in the slime?

“Not even a little.” She tried to slam the door in his face, but he gripped the edge and shoved it open wider, letting himself into her apartment. He shoved back, knocking her down in the process. Holly glowered up at him and tried to get to her feet, but he shoved her back down again.

Dread filled her at the thought of what he might have planned for her.

“Is that any way to treat your long lost boyfriend?”

“I didn’t lose you. I left on purpose. You were an abusive ass and I knew I could do better than you.”

He sneered. “You mean like that dumbass biker who just left?”

So he’d seen Crimson leave her apartment. She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Why had she sent her bear away? If he was still here with her, there was no way Jeff would have managed to enter the apartment. And he definitely wouldn’t have put his hands on her.

“I’ve decided you owe me,” Jeff said. “And I know exactly how you’re going to pay me back for putting a roof over your head and feeding your fat ass while we were together.”

Her stomach roiled at the thought of what he might do to her. She’d never told anyone about the night he’d tied her up and told his friends they could do whatever they wanted to her. Thankfully, they’d laughed and said she was too fat to fuck, so she’d been saved from being raped, but she wouldn’t put it past Jeff to try something like that again. It’s why she’d taken off in the middle of the night while he’d been gone.

“You’re going to be a good girl and do exactly as I say.”

“And if I don’t?”

He pulled a syringe out of his pocket. “Then I’ll put you to sleep until the deed is done.”

What deed?
Oh, God! What is he going to do to me this time?

Holly kicked out at him, catching him in the knee, then scrambled to her feet and ran for the bedroom. She slammed the door and twisted the lock, hoping it would keep him out long enough for help to arrive. Snatching the phone off her nightstand, she dialed 9-1-1 and gave the operator her details.

“Please hurry,” she begged. “He’s trying to break down the door.”

Jeff kicked and punched the door, the wood splintering under the force. She watched a large crack form down the middle and her heart raced in her chest. If only she knew Crimson’s number! She’d call and he could turn around and come save her. She knew Jeff would be no match for the bear shifter.

Another loud
filled the air, and then Jeff was in her room, looming over her with spittle clinging to his cheeks and a rabid look in his eyes. She dove across the bed, trying to keep away from him, but he latched onto her ankle and dragged her back. Holly fought and struggled, trying to get free of him, but she felt the prick of a needle in her hip and then the world started to turn fuzzy. Her heartbeat echoed in her eyes as the world danced around her, and then she slid into oblivion. Her last thought, a cry for Crimson to come and save her.


Chapter Four


Crimson couldn’t decide what made him turn around, but he was almost to the clubhouse when this insistent nagging began.
Go check on Holly,
said a voice in his head. He turned his bike around and headed back to Holly’s apartment. After a moment, he realized he wasn’t alone. Looking to his right, he saw Scorch pull up beside him. He didn’t know what had prompted his brother to join him, but he was grateful for the company. He didn’t like the feeling he had and something told him bad things were happening at Holly’s. He hoped like hell he was wrong and that she was tucked safely into bed for the night.

Their bikes roared into the parking lot and they stopped under a light. The night was still and quiet as they approached Holly’s apartment. The door stood ajar and Crimson’s heart pounded in his chest. He pushed the door open and stepped inside, scenting the air for trouble. Holly’s scent surrounded him, but there was the tang of an unknown male. Crimson’s bear rumbled its displeasure. Scorch joined him and they checked the place out together. The hypodermic needle lying on the carpet beside her bed nearly made him throw up.

“Someone’s taken her,” he said harshly. “I was just here, could have stayed to protect her, and now she’s gone.”

Scorch placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s not your fault, brother. You didn’t know someone would harm her after you left.”

“Even if she didn’t want me in the apartment, I could have watched over her. I’d have seen someone force his way in and I could have done something to save her.” Guilt ate at him and his bear roared in his head, the beast insistently pushing to find their mate.

“Let me get Viper and Reaper over here. They have better sniffers than either of us. If anyone can find your mate, they’ll be the ones to do it.” Scorch gave his shoulder a squeeze then pulled out his phone to make the calls.

Crimson mentally berated himself for leaving her alone. He didn’t know who had her, but from the scent, it was a drunk human. Had someone targeted Holly on purpose, or was she a random victim? He hoped she was taken on purpose, making it easier to track down the asshole responsible. If they had to do it the hard way, through detective work, it would be better if it was someone she knew.

It felt like forever before Viper and Reaper arrived on scene, but they quickly tracked the unknown male through the apartment, back out to the parking lot, and stopped at a parking space near the street. Crimson wasn’t sure what he’d expected. It wasn’t like the male would have hauled Holly out of here on foot, making it easy for them to capture him. His gut clenched as he thought of the horrors she might be facing at that very moment.

“Now what?” Crimson asked.

Scorch pointed to a camera on the corner of the building. “Now we ask the manager to view the footage.”

The manager was more than helpful when they explained what had happened, and it didn’t take long to find the footage they needed. A male of average height and build carried an unconscious Holly from her apartment to a van near the street. They were able to zoom in on the plates and get a number, but they had no way to track it. Not without involving the police, but if they did that, then Crimson would be limited on the amount of justice he received for the asshole taking his mate.

“So now what?” Crimson asked.

“Now you let me handle things,” Reaper said. “I’ll let you come along for the ride, but when we find this man, you let me handle it and you get your mate to safety.”

“But we can’t track the plates!” Crimson said.

“I can.” Reaper smirked. “Give me an hour tops and I’ll be able to track this asshole, tell you about any property he owns, and possibly even what he ate for breakfast this morning. I know it’s hard to be patient for that long, but try. I’ll get your mate back for you, no matter what it takes. I had someone once and I walked away. Having a mate is precious, and not something to be tossed aside, if you want to fight for yours, then I’m going to make sure you get her back.”


Reaper nodded then mounted his bike. “Meet me at the clubhouse in an hour.”

Crimson had nowhere else to go, so he followed his brothers to the clubhouse to wait on news from Reaper. He wanted a drink so badly, but he held back, not wanting to be drunk when he found his mate—and he was determined he
find her. It chaffed that Reaper wanted the rights to go after the asshole who had taken Holly, but his brother was right. The important thing would be getting Holly to safety, and that was definitely Crimson’s job.

He stared at the clock, watching the minutes tick by, until Reaper walked through the door. His brother had a cold, calculating look in his eyes and it damn near scared Crimson. He’d never seen this side of Reaper. The VP had never been part of their rescue missions and now Crimson wondered if there was a reason for that. He’d heard rumors about his brother and began to wonder if they might be true.

“Are you ready to get your mate?” Reaper asked.

“What’s that?” Crimson asked, nodding toward the bundle under Reaper’s arm.

“Don’t you worry about that.” Reaper gave him a cold smile. “It’s just a little present for one Jeff Farnsworth. That’s the name of the man who took your Holly. It seems they used to date, until she wised up and left his rotten ass. And I do mean rotten. Man is as bad as they come.”

“You know where Holly is?”

“He owns some property outside of town, and rumor has it that he’s known for having some special parties. The kind where the female participants either don’t live to see the sunrise or wish they hadn’t.”

Crimson’s blood ran cold. “And he’s taken Holly to this place?”

“That’s my best guess. And if she isn’t there, then we’ll keep looking.”

“But you’re pretty sure that’s where she is.”

Reaper nodded.

Axel strode through the door. “I’m coming with you.”

“Count me in too,” Scorch said.

“Might need back-up.” Viper grinned. “I can’t very well have all of you run off and get yourselves killed.”

Reaper snorted. “Yeah, like we need your brand of expertise to get out of this one. I don’t think any of us are interested in fucking the enemy.”

Viper flipped him off.

“Come on, assholes,” Crimson said, pushing away from the bar. “I want my mate back.”

“She’s probably not going to be in good enough shape to ride a bike,” Reaper said. “Not if he’s injected her with something. She may still be passed out when we get there. Best to take the truck.”

Crimson nodded and went to get the keys.

Once they were on the road, Crimson pulling up the rear behind his brothers, he felt the tension in him ease a little. They hadn’t found her yet, but Crimson hoped they were on the right track. As the minutes ticked by, he gripped the steering wheel tighter and tighter, until they pulled off onto a dirt road. Reaper pulled off to the side and got off his bike. Crimson stopped the truck and got out.

“Is this it?” he asked.

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