Crimson (2 page)

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Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

BOOK: Crimson
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She stepped inside and flicked on the lights. “It’s not much.”

Holly looked around her small apartment, trying to see it through his eyes. Her carpets were well-worn, her furniture sturdy but used. There was always a stale smell in the air, no matter how many candles she’d lit or how much incense she’d burned. At least she could say it was clean. She’d spent the previous day scrubbing the place from top to bottom, like she did every week on her day off.

She turned and found Crimson frowning at her closed door. “What’s wrong?”

“You don’t have enough locks. This deadbolt is a joke, and the lock on the knob? One twist and I could break it and be in your apartment before you had a chance to escape or call 9-1-1.”

“It’s what I can afford. I know it isn’t much, and it’s on the shabby side, but at least I’m not living on the street.”

His head whipped around in her direction, his eyes wide. “You’ve been on the streets?”

“Only for a month or two. I had my car, so I slept there.”

A low growl rumbled from him and she couldn’t hide the shiver that raked her small form. It was an ominous sound and she wondered if he was angry
her or
her. It hadn’t been her fault she’d lost her place, or that she hadn’t had a decent job to save up the first and last month’s rent on something new.

“You shouldn’t stay here,” he said. “This isn’t a safe part of town.”

“It’s the best I can afford, Crimson. We can’t all make money selling drugs, or whatever it is you do.” She placed her hands on her hips and stared him down. “I may not have a high paying job, but at least I have one, and it’s honest work. I didn’t become a whore, or a drug mule, or any other unsavory job that was offered to me in my darkest hour.”

“I didn’t mean to offend you, Holly, but I’m worried about you. I know we just met, but…”

“But what?”

He placed a hand over his chest. “I care what happens to you. I know it doesn’t make sense, and you can scoff and say it’s just hormones, because I can’t lie and say I don’t want you. But it’s something more than that, and you can’t understand it because you’re not a shifter. I knew from the moment I saw you that you were special to me.”

She rolled her eyes. “Is this where you tell me I’m your destined mate and I should let you take care of me for the rest of my life?”

He frowned at her tone.

“Look, I appreciate the ride home, and I’m grateful you were watching over me tonight, but I’m a big girlm and I can take care of myself. I’ve been doing it a long time now. It’s been a while since there was a man in my life, and I’m not sure I want one bossing me around.”

“You’re kicking me out?” he asked incredulously.

She bit her lip. “What was your plan when you brought me home, Crimson? Take me to bed? Throw me over your shoulder and carry me off to your cave?”

“I don’t live in a cave,” he muttered. “And I only intended to see you safely home. You’re the one who brought up sex.”

She felt her cheeks heat. He was right. She’d made that smart remark in the truck about being wet, had waved the red flag in front of the bull, and he’d been nothing but a gentleman so far. She was being a bitch, and she wasn’t entirely certain why, except that he unsettled her. There was something about him that made her feel safe, and wanted, and that was a very dangerous thing to feel…it led to other things, like wanting to be loved and putting her trust in a man again.

“I shouldn’t have said what I did, and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to mislead you, but I have no intention of having sex with you tonight. I have to be committed to someone to go that far, and we just met.” His lips thinned, but he didn’t say anything. “Look, you’ve seen me home, and I’m safe. I think you should go before one of us says something we regret.”

“I only wanted to keep you safe,” he said, reaching for the doorknob. “Will you at least trust me with the keys to your car so I can see what’s wrong with it? I can drop it off here for you after I’m done.”

She hesitated, not sure that she should prolong their time together. Crimson was a temptation, and it had been a really long time since she’d been tempted. Indecision warred within her as she fought against the battered and bruised woman inside who dared to hope that maybe this man would be different from the others, maybe this man would treat her right and be worth any future heartache.

“I guess that would be okay.” She tossed her keys to him. “I need to be at work by three in the afternoon.”

“I’ll have it back to you before then, if I can get it running.” He hesitated, then leaned forward and brushed his lips against her cheek. “Be sure to lock up behind me.”

Her skin tingled from the slight contact and she raised a hand to her cheek as he walked out her door, and possibly out of her life. It felt too final, and suddenly, she wished she could call back her vicious words and ask him to stay.

Holly snapped the locks into place then leaned her forehead against the door.

“I’m an idiot,” she muttered. “A handsome man shows interest in me, doesn’t try to get in my pants, and I kick him out of my apartment.”

Shoving away from the door, she went into the kitchen and grabbed a soda from the fridge. The caffeine would keep her up even longer, but maybe that wasn’t such a horrible thing. What she needed was a little therapy tonight. A friend had recommended that she keep a journal to put her thoughts on paper and quiet the voices in her head that always said she wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, thin enough…but what had started as journaling had quickly turned into something more. Now she wrote stories when she sat down with her laptop. She’d written five so far, not that she’d let anyone read them.

Holly settled on the sofa with her laptop and opened her latest story. It wasn’t long before she was lost in a world of her creation; words flowed through her fingers and onto the screen, one chapter turning into two, then three. By the time she realized her lower back was aching, the clock told her it was way past her bedtime. Holly saved her file, put the computer away, and went to take a quick shower before changing into her favorite oversized tee to sleep in.

She was both anxious for tomorrow and dreading it. Would Crimson return her keys to her in person, or had she seen the last of him? As much as she hated to admit it, she wanted to see him again. If for no other reason than to apologize for her horrible behavior this evening. She’d shoved him away because he was too much of a temptation, but maybe she should have been pulling him closer. If there was one thing she’d learned about shifters, it was that they were loyal to a fault. Maybe she owed it to herself to see if there really was something between them.


Chapter Two


“What the hell is that?” Digger asked. “Is that duct tape on the fender?”

“I think that’s about all that’s holding this death trap together,” Crimson said, wiping his hands on a rag. “I told Holly I’d look it over and see if I could get it running for her, but I think it’s breathed its last. Time of death?”

Digger looked at his watch. “2:15 P.M.”

“Oh shit! Holly said she has to be at work by three today. I sure as hell don’t want her walking that far.”

“This the girl you took home from Laguna’s last night? It’s all Pistol could talk about. Said you snatched her right out from under a wolf’s nose.” Digger grinned. “I’d have loved to have seen that. Bet he was pissed.”

“He was moping in his beer, but he’s been watching her for a damn year and never approached her. Just because Hunter didn’t have the balls to pursue her didn’t mean I was going to sit on the sidelines. Besides, I think she may be the one. I’ve never had a woman peak my bear’s interest like she does.”

Digger shook his head. “And another one goes down.”

“Like finding a mate is a horrible thing? Come on, admit that you want one too. Aren’t you tired of chasing after women? They’re all faceless and nameless in my mind, and I want more than that. Besides, after my fuck up with Ghost’s mate, I think I’m done with the casual sex thing.”

Digger leaned against the wall and shoved his hands in his pockets. “No one blames you for the shit that went down. Not even Ghost. You need to let it go.”

Easier said than done. Crimson would blame himself for a while. If he hadn’t kicked Shelly out without that extra cash, her pimp never would have beaten the hell out of her. No woman deserved that. And then to find out she’d been forced into that life? Yeah, he’d felt like he’d been kicked in the balls. Shelly had actually come up to him last week and thanked him. She’d told him, if he hadn’t kicked her out of the clubhouse that night, then Ghost never would have sought her out and she’d still be stuck in that hell. Whether her words were true or not, it didn’t assuage his guilt.

“I’m going to take a shower then run to pick up Holly. She may kick my ass to the curb when I get there, but at least I can offer to take her to work, since her car is toast.” Crimson tossed the dirty rag on a nearby bench. “Tell Ghost I’ll have this car out of here later. I’m not sure what she wants to do with it.”

Digger nodded. “Go get your woman. This rust bucket will be fine where it is, for now.”

Crimson flashed him a smile then practically ran to his room in the clubhouse, slamming the door shut and stripping out of his greased-stained clothes. It was the fastest shower in the history of showers, and he didn’t have time to shave yet again, but he pulled on a clean tee and jeans, shoved his feet into his boots and dashed out the door. In the parking lot, he made a quick decision to take his bike and then hauled ass to Holly’s place.

When he knocked on her door, he was almost afraid she wouldn’t answer. Or worse, that she would and then slam the door in his face. He’d come on too strong last night and it had cost him. Maybe he’d made a mistake going into her apartment with her, but he’d been curious as to how far she would take things. He’d let his lust rule his brain, and now, he’d be lucky if the woman he wanted to claim would even speak to him.

Holly opened the door and he had to swallow the knot in his throat. She looked so damn beautiful. Her long, dark hair was tousled, but in an artful way that told him it was done on purpose. She’d put on make-up and it made her green eyes pop even more. She stared up at him, then her eyebrows rose and he realized he was practically drooling on her doorstep and had yet to utter a word.

“I, um…Your car can’t be fixed. There are too many things wrong with it to even give you a list, so I thought I’d swing by and give you a ride to work.”

Her brow wrinkled. “It can’t be fixed at all?”

Crimson shook his head.

“Great.” She blew out a breath. “I should have known my rotten luck would strike again.”

“So…about that ride.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I know I’m your least favorite person right now, but I don’t think you should walk to work.”

She looked down at the strappy heels on her feet. “Do I look like I’d be walking that far?”

“Uh, no. I guess not.” His gaze zeroed in on toes tipped with a pale pink polish and he had to swallow the knot in his throat. Even her damn feet were attractive.

Holly nibbled on her lower lip, drawing his gaze back to her full, kissable lips. Damn, but she was cute and sexy as hell in that body-hugging dress. It should be illegal for her to display those killer curves. Just the thought of having that body pressed against him on his bike was enough to make his cock stir. He willed the erection away before she noticed and hoped like hell he could remain a gentleman while she was dressed like that. He might be a horny bear, but he was determined she would be his mate, and he’d be damned if he’d treat her with anything less than the respect and reverence she deserved.

“I know you’re pissed at me, and while I’m not entirely sure why, I’m guessing I deserve it. I came on kind of strong and I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. But I’d really like to give you a ride to work, if you’ll let me.”

The stiffness in her body seemed to melt away. “Crimson, you didn’t do anything wrong last night. I was a total bitch to you, and I’m sorry. I promised myself, if you came here today that I would treat you better, and here I am still acting like I did last night.”

“You’re not a bitch.” He smiled. “I’ve been around plenty of those, and you’re far from claiming that title.”

“That’s sweet of you to say. If you’re serious about giving me a ride to work, I’ll accept. Once I’m there, I can arrange for a ride home with one of the girls. I’ll have to figure out something though, if my car really is dead. I can’t be without transportation for long or I won’t have a job.”

He leaned his shoulder against the doorframe. “Why don’t you let me get you to and from work for now? Take a few days to work out the car situation, and I’ll keep my ears open for a replacement.”

“I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

“I’m going to be one hundred percent honest, okay? I’m really interested in you, Holly, and getting you to and from work will give me a chance to get to know you better, and hopefully, convince you to go on a date with me. I’ve never really done the whole dating thing, so I can’t promise it will be fantastic, but I will put a lot of thought and effort into it, if you decide to say yes.”

She smiled and her eyes lit up, encouraging him.

“You’re so damn beautiful,” he said, reaching out to stroke his fingers through her hair. He’d bet it would be really soft when she didn’t have a ton of hair product in it. Although, the look she’d accomplished was definitely worth it. She had that just got out of bed look.

“You want to take me on a date?”

He nodded.

“Then why don’t you pick me up at midnight; we can order a pizza and hang out for a while. I’m usually too keyed up to sleep right away.”

“I’d like that.” He gave her a slow smile. “You ready to go to work? Or do you need some more time?”

She smoothed her hands down her dress. “I think I’m ready. I look okay, don’t I?”

“Honey, you look so damn good I’m having a hard time keeping gentlemanly thoughts.”

Holly let out a laugh that sounded like music, making his bear perk right up. He stepped back to give her room and she exited her apartment, locking up before dropping her keys into her purse. Crimson took a chance and grabbed her hand, liking the feel of her smooth, soft skin against his rough palm, and then led her to his bike in the parking lot. Holly stopped, pulling him to a halt.

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