Criminal Minds (47 page)

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Authors: Jeff Mariotte

BOOK: Criminal Minds
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Gravano, Sammy
Greenaway, Elle
Gregory, Julie J.
Gregory, Mark
Griffon, Ambrose
Gritz, Bo
Grossman, Georg
Guay, Rebecca Garde
Guilfoyle, Mary
Gull, Albert
Haarman, Fritz
Hagerman, Amber
Hainline, Leigh
Hall, Andrea
Hallett, Sandy
Hallock, Carmen
Hancock, John
Hand of Death
Hansen, Robert
Harris, Bill
Harris, Emily
Harris, Eric
Harris, Kevin
Hartnell, Bryan
Harvey (dog)
Hastie, Angie
Hastie, Charlie
Hastie, Edith
Hastie, Tommy
Hayes, Clara
Hazelwood, Roy
Healy, Lynda Ann
Hearst, Patty
Hedge, Marine
Heidnik, Gary
Heidnik, Terry
Heirens, William George (Lipstick Killer)
“Helter Skelter”
Hernandez Levya, Fernando
Hickock, Dick
Hicks, Steven
Hill, Bob
Hill, Darlene
Hill, Irene
Hinckley, JoAnn
Hinckley, John, Jr.
Hinckley, John, Sr.
Hinckley, Scott
Hinds, Cynthia
Hinman, Gary
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hodel, Steve
Hogan, Mary
Holland, Katherine
Homolka. Karla
Homolka, Tammy
Hoover, J. Edgar
Horiuchi, Lon
Horton, James
Hotchner, Aaron
Hotchner, Haley
Hotchner, Jack
House of Prayer
Howell, Vernon Wayne.
Koresh, David ( Vernon Wayne Howell)
Hulbert, Sara Nicole
Humphreys, Dick
Husin, Azahari
In Cold Blood
Intervallo, Peter
“investigative tease”
Iris (
Taxi Driver
Iseli, Lee
Ivins, Dr. Bruce Edward
Jackson, Arthur
Jack the Ripper
Jacobs, Katie
Jamelske, Dorothy
Jamelske, John
James, Fob
Jareau, J.J.
Jarvis, Bill
Jenkins, Riley
Jensen, Betty Lou
Jessup, Georgia
Jewell, Richard
Jones, Genene
Jones, James Warren “Jim”
Juárez, Mexico
Juvenile Offender Act of 1978
Kaczynski, David
Kaczynski, Theodore “Ted” John (Unabomber)
Kallinger, Anna
Kallinger, Joey
Kallinger, Joseph
Kallinger, Michael
Kallinger, Stephen
Kane, Megan
Karzai, Hamid
Keenan, Rosemary
Kelcher, Chloe
Keller, Elissa
Kelly, Alice
Kelly, Mary Jane
Kemper, Clarnell
Kemper, Edmund (Coed Killer)
Kemper, Edmund Emil
Kendall, Elizabeth
Kennedy, Stephen P.
Kevorkian, Jack
Kimes, Kenneth
Kimes, Kenny
Kimes, Sante
Klaas, Marc
Klaas, Polly Hannah
Klebold, Dylan
Koo, Aiko
Koresh, David (Vernon Wayne Howell)
Koster, Brent
Kozenczak, Joe
Kray, Reginald
Kray, Ronald
Krenwinkel, Patricia
Kuklinski, Florian
Kuklinski, Richard ( Iceman)
Kuklinski, Stanley
LaBianca, Leno
LaBianca, Rosemary
Lake, Leonard
Lamp, Leah
Lauria, Donna
Leahy, Patrick
Ledford, Lynette
Lee, William
Lennon, John
Leyva, Fernando Hernandez
Lindsay, Sandra
List, Frederick
List, Helen
List, John
List, John, Jr.
List, Patricia
Liu, Alice
Long, Bobby Joe
long-distance serial killers
Lopez, Pedro Alonzo (Monster of the Andes)
Lords of Chaos
Louis XI, King of France
Low Track
Lucas, Anderson
Lucas, Andrew
Lucas, Henry Lee (One-Eyed Drifter)
Lucas, Opal
Lucas, Viola Dison Wall
Luchessa, Anita
Lupo, Sal
Mad Butcher of Kingsbury Run
Maddox, Kathleen
Mageau, Michael
Magnotti, Pete
Mahaffey, Leslie
Malcolm, Samantha
Mallory, Richard
Malvar, Marie
Malvo, Lee Boyd (Beltway Sniper)
Mama Mia’s Pizzeria (Erie, Pennsylvania)
Manson, Charles
Martin, James
Mason, Leafie
mass offenders, defined
Matthews, John
McCrary, Gregg
McDonald, J. M.
McDonald Triad
McEnaney, Jason
McKenzie, Jim
McVeigh, Timothy
McVitie, Jack “the Hat”
Mecacci, Tony “Basola”
Meinhof, Ulrike
Meirhofer, David
Melcher, Terry
Mendenhall, Bruce (I-40 Killer)
Menendez, Erik
Menendez, Jose
Menendez, Kitty
Menendez, Lyle
Meredith, Daniel
Mertz, Greg
Metesky, George (Mad Bomber; F.P.)
Millican, Lisa
Mills, Opal
Miroth, David
Miroth, Evelyn
Miroth, Jason
modus operandi (MO)
Montana Freemen
Moore, Ruben
Moore, Tyria “Ty”
Moose, Charles
Morgan, Derek
Morris, Jill
Moskowitz, Stacy
Muhammad, John Allen (Beltway Sniper)
Mullany, Patrick J.
Muller, Joe
Mullin, Herbert
Mullin, Joan
Munchausen syndrome
Murman, George
Murphy, Kyle
Murray, Jack
Muslim Brotherhood
Mutiliated Cutter, The
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
National Academy
National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC)
Neelley, Alvin
Neer, Billy
Neer, Cole
Ness, Eliot
Ng, Charles
Nichol, Eve
Nichols, Mary Ann
Norris, Roy Lewis
Ohta, Derrick
Ohta, Taggart
Ohta, Victor
Ohta, Virginia
Oltmen, Elizabeth
Olympic Games
Ono, Yoko
Orange Socks
Otero, Carmen
Otero, Charlie
Otero, Daniel
Otero, Joseph
Otero, Joseph, Jr.
Otero, Josephine
Otero, Julie
Otherside Lounge (Atlanta, Georgia)
Palestine Liberation Organization
Parent, Steven
Parker, Claudine
People’s Temple
Perez, Fred
Perotta, Vincent
Pesce, Mary Ann
Peterson, Susan
Phelps, M. William
Pickton, David
Pickton, Robert William
Piest, Elizabeth
Piest, Robert
Piggy Palace Good Times Society
Place, Lucille
Place, Susan
Placido, Judy
Polanski, Roman
Polly Klaas Foundation
Powell, Frank
Powell, Frieda “Becky”
Pratt, Mary Lou
Prentiss, Emily
Prince, Cleophus, Jr. (Clairemont Killer)
inception of
McDonald Triad and
predator profiles and
race and
Puente, Dorothea
Rader, Dennis (BTK Killer)
Rader, Kerri
Rahn, Peggy
Ramsey, Burke
Ramsey, John
Ramsey, JonBenét
Ramsey, Patsy
Ranes, Danny
Ranes, Larry
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
Reid, Spencer
Relford, Steve
Renfield syndrome
Reno, Janet
Resendiz, Angel Maturino (Railroad Killer)
Ressler, Robert K.
Rich, Kate
Richardson, Dean
Ridgway, Gary Leon (Green River Killer)
Rifkin, Joel
Rignall, Jeffrey
Risico, Tina Marie
Rivera, Josefina
Rivera, Victor
Roden, George
Roden, Lois
Rodriguez, Veronica
Rohleder, Rich
Rokahr, Elizabeth
Rommel, Erwin
Ross, Josephine
Rossi, David
Rothstein, William
Rowlings, Vincent
Ruby Ridge (Idaho) Standoff
Rudolph, Eric
Rule, Ann
Runnion, Samantha Bree
Ryan, Leo
Ryder, Winona
Sagar, Ronald
Saldana, Theresa
Salinas, Armando
Salinger, J. D.
Sanders, Shirley
San Diego, California (1985-1991
unsolved murders)
Scarver, Christopher J.
Schaefer, Gerard John ( Jerry Shepherd)
Schaeffer, Cindy
Schaeffer, Rebecca
Schall, Cindy
Schindler, Axton
Schrader, Dale
Schultz, Tiffany
Schwebes, Mark
Scorsese, Martin
Scott, Colonel
Seattle Strangler
Seawell, Caroline
Sebring, Jay
Secret Service
semen samples
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
serial killers
killing team characteristics
control aspects of
cooling-off period and
McDonald Triad and
as organized/disorganized
origin of term
photographs taken by
polygraph tests and
sadism and
sexual orientation of
See also Criminal Minds
individual names of serial killers
Shawcross, Arthur John (Genesee River Strangler)
Shepard, Cecelia
Shields, Derek
Shipman, Harold Frederick
Shipman Inquiry
Short, Elizabeth
Siems, Peter
Silence of the Lambs, The
Silverman, Irene
Sirnic, Karen
Sirnic, Norman
Slessman, Richard
Smarts family
Smith, Perry
Smith, Regina
Smythe, Arthur
Spahn’s Movie Ranch
Spears, David
Spence, Gerry
Spivey, Debra
Starkweather, Charles
Steppenwolf, Monk
Stevens, Robert
Stevenson, Andrew
Stevenson, Wendy
Stine, Paul
Stockholm syndrome
Stott, June
stranger murder, advent of
Stride, Elizabeth
“suicide by cop”
Summers, Will
Sunset Strip Murders
Suriani, Valentina
Sutton, Hugh
Sweeney, Francis E.
Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA)
Szyc, John
Tarr, Holly
Tarrance, Jack
Tate, Sharon
Taxi Driver
Taylor, Gary (Royal Oak Sniper; Phantom Sniper)
Teale, Leanne
Teten, Howard D.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The
Texas Rangers
Thacker, Katrina
Thomas, Lisa
Thorpe, Rosalind
“three strikes” laws
Tomei, Father Henri
Tommy Killer
Toole, Ottis
Tortorici, Ralph
Trenchcoat Mafia
Tubbs, Nathan
Tumblety, Francis
Tuohy, WIlliam
Tuomi, Steven
unsub, defined
U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
U.S. Justice Department
U.S. Postal Service
U.S. Secret Service
U.S. Supreme Court
Valenti, Jody
Van Dam, Brenda
Van Dam, Damon
Van Dam, Danielle
Vandiver, Eloise
Vandiver, Leigh Ann
Van Nostrand, Jo Ann
Vian, Shirley
respect for
risk factors and
See also individual names of victims
Victor, Prince Albert
Violante, Robert
Violent Ciminal Apprehension Program (ViCAO)
Vogel, Timothy
Voskerichian, Virginia
Wallace, George
Wallin, David
Wallin, Teresa
Watson, Charles “Tex”
Weaver, Elisheba
Weaver, Rachel
Weaver, Randy
Weaver, Samuel
Weaver, Sara
Weaver, Vicki
Wegerle, Bill

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