Crazy From the Heat (16 page)

Read Crazy From the Heat Online

Authors: Mercy Celeste

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: Crazy From the Heat
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it something I said?”

sat still. He angled his head back to take a sip from his glass and to meet
Paul’s gaze. He didn’t look away after setting the glass down. Paul remembered
the day before in the classroom. The will power the man displayed during
orgasm. That’s the look he saw now. One that exuded power and control. Paul
shivered at the kiss of a breeze on his neck.

was how you were looking at me. You took my breath away.” Grey smiled, the
charming professor smile he saw every day, but with a touch of bad boy in his
eyes. “I wasn’t that attractive to the other boys back then. When I said I was
a nerd I meant it. Glasses, braces, a bad haircut, skinny little kid who could
climb to the rafters to leave my art. I didn’t grow out of that stage until
college. And then I was…I was different then.”

ran his fingertips along Paul’s thighs, then over his hip, stopping when he
found the piercing and, with a smile that said talking was over, he twisted the
metal. Paul crawled forward until his body sat flush to Grey’s fully clothed

changed everything,” he agreed, arching his spine to get closer. “I want to
feel you inside me,” he whispered, afraid to say the words out loud.

dark settled over the city as the silence and tension lengthened between them. Grey
simply fingered his nipple as if he’d said nothing. The light from the kitchen
spilled out onto the balcony, but left them sitting in dark while the lights
came on in buildings around them. His skin burned from wanting Grey’s hands on

he said finally, aware that he’d been the one to break first. “Grey.”

will I be able to look you in the eye on Tuesday after I’ve fucked you? I’ll
have to go back to pretending this didn’t happen, but there you’ll be, sitting
with a class full of seventeen year olds, looking at home amongst them. How
will I react? As if we didn’t just spend the last three days getting to know
each other in every way possible? I’ll have technically fucked a student in my
class. One who is supposed to seventeen years old.”

the words tumbling from Grey’s mouth, his hands moved over Paul’s skin sending
shock waves through his body. His nipple burned from the attention Grey
continued to give it. Every tug and twist going straight to his dick.

want to fuck you so goddamned badly.”

assignment is nearly over. I might not be there after the holiday.” Paul held
onto the arms of the chair to keep his balance, the slats in the seat biting
into his knees. “Fuck me. Here on the balcony.” A siren wailed in the heavy
night air. Blue lights bounced off the buildings and over Grey’s face before
disappearing down the street.

are in the bedroom.” Grey moved beneath him, the hand not torturing Paul’s
nipple slipped between them to undo the closure on his jeans. Paul reached into
the pocket of the robe, and retrieved the items he’d grabbed on a trip to the
bathroom during the last movie and pressed them into Grey’s hand. “You came
locked and loaded didn’t you?”

leaned over until he was close enough to see Grey’s eyes in the near dark. “I
learned to always have a plan when I was barely old enough to walk. I plan to
spend the rest of this weekend naked and sweaty with you. I don’t care what
happens on Tuesday. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”

your shades, Spicoli.” Grey tore the condom open and handed it to Paul. He
slicked his hand with the lube and pulled Paul tight to him. Both hands slid
under his robe and around his waist. One pressed him between his shoulders, the
other explored the area between his legs that was currently spread wide and
eager for him. Paul drew in a breath at the first breach of his puckered hole.

me Spicoli again. It makes me hot. I’ll think about the hot professor bending
the bad kid over his knee all during class on Tuesday.” He arched into the hand
that invaded his body. “Just like that, Grey,” he moaned against Grey’s mouth.
He stroked the condom down Grey’s length and, with a practiced tilt of his
hips, he added the tip of Grey’s dick to the probing finger. It was Grey’s turn
to moan. “Don’t…I want both. Use your finger to stretch me wide, while you fuck
me. Oh, please, Grey. Fuck me like the bad student I am. I deserve to be

caught his bottom lip between his teeth to keep from crying out at the sudden,
almost violent thrust of Grey’s hips, his dick sliding in deep. All of the air
expelled from Paul’s lungs as he got exactly what he wanted. When he could
breathe again he opened his eyes to find Grey watching him. His gaze intense,
focused, deadly and Paul shivered.

careful what you ask for, Spicoli. Just be very careful.”

Paul could reply he felt the chair fall out from beneath his legs as Grey stood
up. He held him impaled, and somehow managed to make it into the kitchen before
Paul’s weight brought them to the floor. The cold tile beneath his back should
have knocked some sense into his head. It didn’t. Paul pulled his legs back as
far as he could and dragged Grey to him. He held Grey’s face in his hands, and
arched into the heat filling him.

always careful, Professor.”

groaned and slid his hands under Paul’s hips to hold him captive. Paul cried
out at the first thrust. Hard and achingly unforgiving. This was what he
wanted. Hard and fast on the floor. He wrapped his arms around Grey’s shoulders
and held on.

Grey whispered against his neck, his voice sounded almost broken. “I can’t hold
back. I’m going to burst if I—"

Grey. Fuck me hard. I can handle it. Please.” He knew he begged. He just wanted
to feel this man; he wanted to feel everything this man could give him. Because
as much as wished it weren’t true, he’d probably never see him again after this
weekend. And he wanted to remember this for as long as he could. “Fuck me hard,
Professor. Make me come.”

words seemed to do unleash something in Grey. His control slipped and Paul
cried out at the first punishing thrust turned into something primal. He
growled and wrapped his legs around Grey’s back holding him, taking him. He
swallowed Grey’s grunts. He added his own. The floor became slick with their
sweat. And Paul burst apart. Sparks exploded in his head.

This was what he wanted. This was all he ever wanted.




from the sun through the painted windows awakened Grey. The body pressed
against him slept, breathing softly. Soft blond hair tickled Grey’s shoulders.
Fingers curled possessively over his heart. Their time was running out. Paul
had to be on duty that afternoon. The last two days had gone by so fast. Time
to remember why this couldn’t be more than what it was. Tomorrow he would be
back in his class. Paul would be seventeen again. His career couldn’t survive
another scandal.

thinking too loudly.” Paul stretched in his arms without coming fully awake.
Grey could only marvel at that ability. It was no wonder Paul always looked
exhausted, sleeping with one eye open like that.

getting late. You have to leave soon.” Grey combed his fingers through Paul’s
hair, wishing he could turn back the clock to Friday night and start over

is that an 'I don’t want you to leave, Spicoli,' or 'damn will he just take the
hint and grab his shit' question?”

don’t want you to leave, Paul. I want to spend my afternoons just like this,
napping off incredible sex. This has been an almost perfect Labor Day. All
that’s missing are the fireworks.”

With any luck, I can get through tonight without any fireworks.” The alarm on
the nightstand went off. Paul sighed. “Guess that’s the end of my weekend.”

didn’t want to let him go. He followed him into a sitting position and wrapped
around him from behind. He traced the star shaped scar with his tongue and
moved from there to each tattoo before pressing his face into Paul’s neck.

you come back after your shift?”

shift will likely bleed over into the morning, and then I’ll sleep through
class just like usual. Only this time it will be worse because I’ve had real
sleep. I want more. My body is screaming at me now to roll you over and fuck
you, then sleep on you.” He spun on the bed and pushed Grey back into the
pillows. “Maybe tomorrow night. Who knows? After this weekend, maybe this
assignment is over and I can see you in public instead of ordering takeout and

wrapped his arms around Paul and pulled him in for a kiss.

miss you in class. You make the other kids sit up and take interest. But I
would love to not worry about getting fired because I accidentally stopped
lecturing to tell you how much I love you.” He caressed the smooth cheekbones
with his thumbs, wishing the eyes that stared out at him didn’t reflect a man
twice his age. “Because I do love you. Be careful.”

smiled. Taking his hand, he kissed Grey’s fingers and then his palm.

would be one damned interesting class. Because I’d tell you the same. I love
you too.”

dragged out of bed leaving Grey alone in the sunlight to watch as he dressed in
the clothes he’d worn Friday night. After he tamed his hair and brushed his
teeth, Paul strapped on the gun holster and that’s when it all became too real.
Just like before, it was all too real.

Paul stopped tying his shoe to stare at Grey. “Does the gun still bother you?”

shook his head. Maybe. He wasn’t thinking about that night.

foster father was a cop. He was killed in the line of duty a couple of years
ago. He was set to retire the next month.”

were close, I take it?” Paul dragged on his plaid shirt.

kept in touch,” Grey was afraid to say more. Afraid to open up that time in his
life to daylight. “After his divorce, well, it was the closest thing I had to a
real family you know.”

know what it’s like to lose a family. So, yeah. I understand.” Paul didn’t look
at him as he stuffed his wallet in his pocket and searched for his keys. “I’ll
be careful. But I can’t promise that I won’t get hurt. It goes with the job.”

know it does. I’m sorry.” Grey struggled out of the cover and pulled on a pair
of jeans. He wanted as many minutes as he could get and if that meant walking
Paul down to his car then he’d take the risk. “I’m not trying to pressure you
into anything. I’m just—"

Paul did another look around the room and patted his pockets. “Phone. Where’s
my phone?”

in the kitchen on my charger.” Exactly what he was doing. Acclimating to
something new. Trying to compartmentalize this…relationship? Was this a relationship?

yeah, right.” Paul was all business now. Hair pulled back in a ponytail, he
looked more like a punk teenager than anything else. He unplugged his phone
from the wall and winced. “Fuck, three missed calls. I’m in trouble.”

opened his refrigerator and handed out a bottle of the soda he’d picked up the
day before to the frazzled man. Lunch was hours ago.

offer you something to eat, but we cleaned me out.”

steaks on the grill was enough to get me through the night. Vinnie will drag us
someplace in a couple of hours I’m sure. He still eats like a teenager. I don’t
know where he hides it.” Paul opened the bottle and took a swallow. He was
distracted and moving toward the door but stopped and reached out for Grey’s hand.
“You’re coming down with me aren’t you?”

thought I’d walk you to your car, yeah. Is that okay?” Things were turning
awkward between them now that the real world had intruded. What if Paul wasn’t
interested in taking this beyond the bedroom?

like that. I really would. Don’t lock yourself out.” Paul squeezed his hand and
let him go so that Grey could slip on a pair of flip flops and find his keys.

sidewalk was empty for a Monday. The businesses were open but no one seemed to
be around. Just the two of them. Paul’s beat up car was parked in a lot a block
away. Instead of letting Grey follow him down the street he turned to face him.
“I had a great weekend, Prof.”

too, Spicoli.” He caught Paul’s face in his hands and, without caring who was
watching, leaned in to kiss him good-bye.

want to do this again. If I could have this…Maybe something on more of a…long
term…I can’t stop thinking about more than just a weekend, Grey. I’m sorry. If
that’s not something you’re interested in, I’ll understand.” Paul wrapped his
arms around Grey’s shoulders and leaned into the kiss.

whimpered against his lover’s mouth. Because the idea of long term with this
man made him ache.

interested. Seriously interested.”

Paul smiled up at him, his heart shining in his gorgeous brown eyes. “I have to
go now. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

see you in class tomorrow, then.” Grey twined their fingers together and held
on for dear life.

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